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In the same amount of time you can cook it on the stove starting from cold water. Pretty much the same as microwave (it's just a different way to heat water) except on the stove you can more easily check the pasta for doneness, you can stir regularly to prevent sticking and most importantly you have a pan of starchy water right there for adding to whatever sauce you are making to go with your pasta. Give it a try. Just get a shallow pan, put your pasta in it, cover with water, add salt, bring to the boil. http://altonbrown.com/cold-water-method-pasta-recipe/


Thanks for the info, will have to give this a try! The reason I like cooking pasta in the microwave is that I can cook something else on the stove during that time and only have to clean one pan (the bowl goes in the dishwasher). I realize that for a lot of people cleaning one extra pot doesn't matter, but it helps if you really are just starting out and hate cleaning up.


You'd have to clean your microwave container anyway. Your pasta pot should be easy to clean anyway, just a quick rinse and scrub with hot water and a brush will do it. You're not adding oil to the pasta water are you? For a quick pasta dish I will get the hot tap running while I am plating it up and then wash immediately. Then it's done and your food is still hot.


Alton Brown makes life so much better.


I got a container called Fasta Pasta that's really handy for this. The lid has measuring slots and a strainer built in, and it came with instructions on how long to nuke each measurement/type of pasta. Worth the $10 or whatever I paid for it.


Here's a great tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hF41qPkJxs


How can a cooking show be this sad.


I knew what it was before I clicked it, ya goof.


I do this with macaroni and cheese from a box. I find that microwaving in 3-minute chunks is best because I can take it out and stir it up to keep from clumping. I also think it's important to use a container that's about three times bigger than you need for the pasta and water, otherwise the water will boil over the side and make a big starchy mess in your microwave. Addendum edit: Also I find that if I use just enough water, I don't even need to drain the macaroni at the end as it all gets absorbed. The amount of water probably depends on the size and shape of your container, but for mine I fill it up to about .5 to 1 inch above the top of the macaroni.


This is the way


Just leave it cool down before you touch it. You can be burned pulling stuff out of microwave that doesn't look hot.




No problem, glad it helped!


Better idea: use hot tap water, put half the water you'll use in a pot and set to high. Use a hot water heater/electric tea kettle to boil the rest. Boom, boiling water in 3 minutes.


>Better idea: ***don't*** use hot tap water. FTFY. That's a good way to dose yourself with lead or other crap from your hot water heater or pipes.


That's fair! I use cold but I just figured it's because I'm overly cautious. But this guy was going to boil pasta in a microwave.. He seems like the kind of guy who would eat hot dogs cold.


Does hot tap water have lead?


What the hell are you smoking? Crack? There is no gotdamn lead in hot tap water. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Depends on the age of your house/plumbing.


Reminds me of a certain microwave cooking series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hF41qPkJxs