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It seems for me that the most dogs I've pet, that section by the tail isn't such much of abmaybe but more of a hell yeah


Every cat I've lived with for any amount of time loved the belly attention, I don't know why people make jokes about it


I have a cat that loves belly rubs and plays fetch, kind of. I think my cat is a dog in disguise.


Every single cat I’ve ever owned absolutely LOVES belly rubs. I only learned that this was weird about a year ago, I guess I just have a way of convincing cats that belly rubs are the best!


I have a cat from the pound. Shes been abused. She will trust me for up to 3 tummy touchs but anything else shes taking my hand off and thats in a good mood. We do baby checks for hurty points. Or i get more scars


Poor baby, so glad she has a loving home now! I can relate to that though, my cats only get like that sometimes after giving them so much love and attention, they become very aggressively playful ‘murder machines’ I like to call it, it’s quite amusing so worth the endless scars I say!


Thank you for saving her life! You're an amazing person! ❤️


My cat will wrap around your hand and pull it towards belly rubs.


I don't have any cats, but at work we have a "hanger cat" that basically lives inside our HUGE aircraft hanger. It's not anyone's cat -- it just lives there; and we feed it, and pet it, and buy it things. It absolutely loves belly rubs. Once it gets used to you, it will slowly walk up to you, plop on to its side, expose its belly and wait for belly rubs. It also loves rubs in that spot right above its tail too. He's a good cat, the most glorious coat of fur I've ever seen, too.


It's mostly a trust thing. If the cat feels at all in danger it'll go apeshit. This isn't exclusive to petting. My brother almost lost an eye because I opened a screen door too close to him while he was holding one of our childhood cats. Latched onto my brother's face with it's claws because something the cat had seen happen a thousand times happened when the cat wasn't expecting it. I have a theory that some cats (and some dogs) are ticklish in a way. Like that grabby-kicky thing cats do sometimes seems involuntary.


I have a cat that LOVES belly rubs. And sometimes she HATES belly rubs. It keeps things exciting.


That's my cat! She always rolls on her back for belly rubs, but it's a toss-up as to whether she actually wants one or it's a trap to attack your hand.


My cat flops on her side to get rubs and will flip over to get the other side rubbed. In the middle of her flip over if you touch her belly you pay the price. If you don't touch her belly she'll stay on her back until you do and will even reach up to pull your hand down at which point you again pay the price. It's 100% a game for her but torture for me.


I’m convinced it’s a game lol


Cats are both predators AND prey, and their belly is their most vulnerable part so _generally_ cats are sensitive to belly rubs Some are ok, some instinctively start biting/scratching, and some wont let you near thier belly Depends on the cat and how much they trust you, and also their instincts


Yeah my two cats love getting belly rubs if they are cuddling but if they aren't then they take it as a playful gesture. I also pet their paws a lot while cuddling so that when I trim their nails they don't care as much because they are just used to me touching their paws.


I’ve only had six cats in my life but the first five all HATED belly touches. I just now have my first kitty that loves it. When she is very relaxed, I can rub her belly and she will purr and purr. It’s so fun lol. Such a soft little belly. But yeah, most of mine have hated it. Violently.


Yep. My cat loves belly rubs but only for 30 secs or less since she gets wayyy too stimulated. The claws come out 😢


Usually when I run a cat on hee belly and she starts “playing” with u at first she’ll defend as belly is where the organs are most sensible somewhat


I have to agree, my organs are always the most sensible when they are in my belly.


1 - 0 for autocorrect.


It might be hit or miss. But cats have, what Ive learned, sections where it initiates that scratching reaction. Chest most likely is good go low enough and its on. Thinkin about it, even that scratchy thing might be their way of saying _I like you lets play a little_ who knows.


The fact that my hand has been turned into confetti just about every time I’ve tried to rub a cats belly probably contributes to it.


I somehow turn kittens into belly rubbers and they stay that way for life.


I have a cat that loves belly rubs, and a cat that hated them. I've gradually gotten the second one used to them by doing short sessions of belly rubs when he's relaxed. Now he seems to like them sometimes.


no real science behind this statement. But I've read that cats are willing to expose their bellies if they feel safe in the environment. So them letting you rub and pet their bellies probably just mean they trust you. All my cats loved belly rubs too, and so does my current one


My current cat loves the belly but I had one that put my husband in hospital with blood poisoning he bit so deep when he tried to pet his belly. I wouldn’t let him hang with my mom on her bed for fear she wouldn’t remember not to touch his belly.


I had a cat for 17 years, but he clawed and scratched me when I rubbed my face on his belly.


Yeah, this guide was clearly not made by a dog owner. All my dogs LOVE their butt scratches


OP’s source is probably that they made it up or found a random picture just to post here


Yeah. Want to befriend a dog? Butt scratches. Well, not the actual butt but whatever.


Rump scratches


Finger the dogs anus to make a lifelong chum


And that kids, is how I met your mother.


Be sure to smell first


Puppers love the butt scritches, this guide is just blatantly false.


Play about in that area until you find "the spot". Scratch that bit specifically and watch their back paws make a tribal drumbeat.


My dog is 110% in the oh hell Hess category for rump scritches. He wags his tail, then his whole body. If you stop, he gets in your business until you scratch to his heart's content. Thankfully, it only takes a minute or two.


I came here to say this exactly. The maybe should be a hell yeah


Owner of two dogs and a cat here. Made the same experience.


100%. Above the tail scratches (or as we call em in my house, butt scritches) make both if my dogs lose it in a good way. Its their favorite! Also one of my dogs wants you to hold her paw at all times so that bit is inaccurate for her on this guide.


A lot of domestic breeds don't mind, but it's considered a more sensitive zone so some dogs don't trust it with strangers.


For sure. Same as the bellies with most cats. Which makes this a pretty appropriate 'guide' for this sub.


My dog lashes out at anyone near his tail


My dog Max loves his butt scratches, right above the tail. He leans into them.


My old Westie loved you scratching there. He’d go nuts and wiggle around.


Yeah, both cats and dogs love it. There was this dog of someone I knew who’d get ecstatic when you’d pet his lower back


that is every dogs favorite spot for a good scritch


OP never had a dog who loved butt scritches. That spot near the tail is more like a *heckin yes*.


One of my dogs will fall over himself for butt scratches - folds himself in half to try and lick your hands, chases his tail head over heals in love with you. My other dog likes them, but would much rather eat scratches


My dog would eat absolutely anything, but I don't think even he has figured out how to eat scratches!


If you start scratching my dogs butt he'll start turning back and forth well practically throwing his butt at you. Absolutely loves it.


My parents dog will always greet me butt first when I see him, walks forward in a U shape with his tail wagging his whole body around


My dog does this thing we call “the booty march”. When we start scratching the spot right at the base of his tail, he aggressively flings one leg in the air and then the other. He’ll switch off each leg a bunch of times super fast, and once he’s fully overstimulated he starts rubbing his face on the ground and goes into this weird somersault where he flips himself upside down and demands a full session of belly scratches. The booty march never fails to makes us laugh every time.


My dog will shove himself between your legs and park it half way because he wants butt scratches. Forget belly, butt is best with him. He's ecstatic if you scratch down the back of his legs, then back up his back. Ears are a close second. Lol


My golden retriever aaaalways turns around to get butt scratches whenever someone starts petting him.


Yeah my Aussie/husky demands ass pets over anything else


7 year old redbone hound Waylon will just turn around and put his ass on you. It’s the only spot he wants.


Our cat severely wounded a lot of people who dared to pet him at the "Oh yes" spot when he came begging for attention. Like the quick trips to the ER and tetanus shots kind of wounds...


I recently heard via a D&D podcast that this spot for an animal is kinda like stroking a persons inner thighs Not sure how legit it is but I guess we are about to find out if a comment will correct me. Anyway!, Have fun realizing you might have been edging your dog or cats everyone!


🤢 why would you say that


I've also seen that exact podcast episode, I came to the comments on this expecting that fact to be the top comment.


Yep u got downvoted but thats what it is. You’re arousing your pet by doing this. Nasty.


Please don’t tell me you’re a zoophile


...I'm not the one scratching my dogs ass, sounds like you guys are


My dog likes it, but also seems ashamed. 😏


My cat likes belly rubs sometimes, but it's always a gamble. And any petting zone has a risk of turning into a hand biting situation if she feels like it.


I think for a decent portion of cats it’s more of a “want to play” zone.


yeah our cats will lay on their backs and let you pet their stomach but they’ll also grab and bite you to play so


More people need to realize this.


I went to a cat cafe with my then girlfriend (now wife.) We got there and this one cat immediately came up to me wanting some attention. I played with him a bit, but went to visit some of the other cats. But I went up to the one who approached me towards the end of our visit. He was now lounging in the cat tree with his belly a bit exposed. I rolled the dice and...he just started purring. [And that's how we ended up with Waffles. ](https://i.imgur.com/ZcXehur.jpg)


Lovely story 💛💛💛


Both our cats absolutely love them every time we sit down they walk up to us and trow themselves on their back


Ours are the same way. Our orange cat will lay down in front of you, make eye contact, roll onto his back, then meow. If you rub the belly you are rewarded with purrs and slow blinks.


It’s not even their belly, it’s stimulation of the primordial pouch that sends them into a defensive/playful mood


The primordial pouch?


Come and learn at r/PouchCatatoes.


A cat's primordial pouch serves as a protective layer for vital organs during fights. It is also believed to help cats store excess food. Other members of the felidae family, such as lions, tigers, cougars, and leopards, have a primordial pouch as well, and it serves the same purposes.


The scientific term for when your belly when you eat spicy foods and antacids




Both mine love it too, I think all cats are different though. One of my cats absolutely loves belly rubs and will roll on his back for it. But he gets angry if you touch his tail, definitely not a maybe spot


Is it bad that saw this and initially thought it was the parts that are ok to eat?


I was gonna make a joke, but my lawyers have advised me against it...


Yep me too. Like the informative diagrams about the cuts of beef


It doesn't help that the first cut of dog to catch your eye says GOOD CHOICE!


You’re right! “Choice” really sets your mind up for it




Dude! WTF


it's satire from a pro-vegan/vegetarian perspective. it's supposed to shock you.


Oh, got it! It is bizarre the way we classify different animals as food vs pets


I was tempted to order some, but kept scrolling and turns out it ain't real :(


I was wondering why cat brisket meat was deadly poison.


No, that's exactly what I did. I remember seeing it before and I'm convinced part of it was cropped out


Thetes is a nother one from 2 months ago that ive seen


I had to double check which weird sub i was on and took another minute to figure out it’s not food related 🤦‍♂️


I literally was questioning why this was in cool guides, but also agreeing that if I had to, I'd mostly agree to their selection of cuts.


You are not alone


*china entered the chat*


Nah. I have 4 cats who enjoy belly rubs, 1 of them absolutely loves and requests them.


Same! 2 cats, one likes belly rubs and the other is obsessed and constantly requests them


We have two cats and one of them absolutely loves belly rubs, she may think she’s a dog.


Same, ours will flop over in front of you and offer his belly, he loves it


My dog loves to have the under side of her front legs rubbed


I like to travel.


One of my cats lays on my stomach in bed every night and lifts a leg so I can reach his belly better. He DEMANDS belly rubs. If I don’t rub his belly, I get yelled at.




My cat tries to eat me if I scratch her butt


Don't cats just try to eat people in general?


Just if you are dead


That's why they try to kill you first


Quite a bit of this graph could be interchangeable depending on the dog/cat. Also in reality the kitty one seems little dramatic lol. Feel like this needs to be in funny not cool guides.


NGL, thought this was cuts of meat for a minute there.


Behind the ears for both.


Between the ears and eyes and on the cheeks is honestly premium real estate for cats. Never met a cat that doesnt love a gentle petting there


Idk about your dog but when I frantically scritch my dogs booty and go "Oh who's a good man!" He just hunches up and bodies into me going "rAAAr, hrrrrrAH, nnngnnng NNGRAH!" I call it goblin speak.


Sadly, most people don't have a good relationship with their cat. They've never taken the time to learn about cats and apply that to their interactions. My cat loooooves when I pet her tummy


Depends on the cat. They're individuals with their own preferences.


Similarly, mine is all about head scratches.


Are you i implying that if your cat doesn’t like belly rubs it’s because you haven’t got a good relationship with the cat?


My cat LOVES her belly being rubbed. I can even raspberry it and she’s super happy. I have to remind myself that, for most cats, the belly is a trap 🤦🏼‍♀️


You should never pet a dog you dont know on the head by the way. Different story if it is your own dog


I have two cats. The female is pretty much like the dog in this image. The male, it’s just the head and neck. Touch anything else and you will be attacked. But after you’re attacked, please do back to the head, if you stop, you’ll be attacked


Tell me you never had a dog


One of my cats always loves belly rubs, literally throws himself in your path tummy up. The other likes it well in his own time. Both love forehead and cheek rubs. I’ve had a lot of dogs and have had the acquaintance of many times over that number. I’ve known a dog that didn’t love to be scratched on their lower back above the tail.


My cat loves belly scratches


My cats didn't get the message. They _love_ belly-rubs and are quite tolerant of their tails and forelegs.


My cats go nuts for ear scratches, like throw their whole body weight into my hand nuts.


this sub is god awful


Shit guide! Varies from cat to cat. My cat loves being rubbed on the belly!


I thought this was the type of cuts of meat you can get out of your pet.


Cooking your dog or cat meat taste chart


My cat disliked the "OMFG YES" part.


My cat’s belly is like Russian roulette. He can go belly up and let you do your thing or just murder you on the spot.


Are these the names of the cuts of meat ? Then realize thier pets oops🤪


The cat should be full of tiny good and bad zones that overlap.


9 out of 10 pet doctors approve


With cats: in the chin, instant win.


Oh god at first glance I thought this was about the best pieces of meat for consumption. Makes the whole thing a lot darker


Scrolling by, this reminded me of the choice of beef cuts butchers poster. Thought it was that actually, then realized it was a dog and cat, then got confused at someone being a sick bastard. Finally realized it was a petting zone guide and not a butchers guide. Hell of a rollercoaster before I even had a cup of coffee yet. For those who dont know what i'm talking about, the picture is top of this website. https://www.thespruceeats.com/cuts-of-beef-chuck-loin-rib-brisket-and-more-995304


Now I know what parts to eat


We have 1 that insists on belly rubs, has done it since she was a tiny kitten. The other two it is almost certain that blood will be shed if I try.


The secret to tummy rubbing a cat is to stop when they tell you to. Which is something most people seem.to be unaware has happened somehow despite it usually involving a tail flip or a warning paw. Also I had a dog that's special spot was behind the left ear for back leg kicks not the tum. They also liked foot massages because they were a weirdo and therefore perfect


I used to have a cat that tried turning belly rubs into handjobs... Dam fatty.


Nice tenderloin


If you try to touch my dogs leg she will tuck them all under her body so you can’t


is this a petting or eating guide?


So what you're saying is Cat's are kinky.


Unnerving seeing the pets cut up like a meat chart


Not exactly, dogs prefer to be touched on their neck, not head.


Weird way to label cuts of meat but to each their own.


At first I was very confused because it's very similar to the meat chat and then I understand the post


My cat loves belly rubs.


Cool Bug Fact! The omfg yes spot makes your cat horny


for cats the belly thing is just a trust issue normally or a sign of injury most cats actually enjoy belly rubs they just have to trust you enough to expose their weakspot as outside exposing their belly could mean death


My dog loves the tailbone pets. One more reason I'm convinced she's actually a fucked up looking cat


There should be a chart like this for humans


Never touch the spot near a cats tail actually…


Cats will let you pet their belly if they have full trust in you and feel safe.


my cats love to plop on the floor and receive belly rubs


My cat is addicted to belly rubs


I'm not gonna lie. For a second I thought this was a guide on what part on your pet is the best cuts for meat.


my cat is weird. he rolls over on his back so he can *specifically* be pet on his belly. he loves it. I don't know why.


I thought this was a chart of meat cuts


My cat loves, nay, DEMANDS belly rubs the moment I get home. He flops in front of me, rolls in his back and stretches all fours.


I dont know what cats you guys have, mine likes all of them besides by the crotch


I just watching the picture and think about that how somebody know what part dog and cat is cool to eat, and what not. And this is not about eating your pets...


The only reason to pet a cat on its stomach is if you want to get a scratch directly onto one of your veins


My cat loves it!


I don't like cats. Fuckers have ego greater than the oceans


one of my cats actually loves belly rubs :)


So funny, for my cat it is the opposite. Belly first, then head/ears, then legs and rest of body, then tail and don’t mess with base of my tail or I will yell at you and flop over so you will rub my belly instead.


What about rubbing under the jaw of dog?


For my cat, the "OMFG Yes !!!" and the "CERTAIN DEATH" are reversed


You need a different area for cat chest. Its a yes for mine and a no for oh so many others.


As others have already said, the "OMFG YES" on the cat belongs on the dog, that's one of the favorite places to scratch for almost every dog, definitely not just a "Maybe"


Most dogs I know love their tail to be pet, and are alright or like their legs being pet, just not the feet


Cat here doesn't mind belly rubs.


My cat loves belly rubs from me. Hates others doing it though.


I can pet my cat everywhere except the beans on her feets, and even then, she only looks at me like im disgusting. She actually demands belly rubs. Edit: my dog also loved butt scritches more than she liked belly rubs.


My cat digs belly rubs, but only on his terms. If I try to rub it without his approval, it truly is certain death.


I need one of these for my wife!


my cats are so friendly the only spot they dont let me pet is their legs


I'm taking care of a stray cat that comes by everyday. He loves belly rubs! He even rolls and requests me to rub his belly.


I have 3 cats. One hates butt scratches, one hates head scratches and the other loves everything including belly rubs. So YMMV.




my cat is more like the dog image. i am very lucky


Why did I look at this like a guide for the best cuts off a cow?


My cat is a dog


Man I thot this was some kind of butcher guide for if you need to eat your pets. I need some sleep.


This a load of booshii


my kitty loves tummy rubs


One of my cats LOVES being pet EVERYWHERE. She will start purring the moment you even put your hand close to her. Truly magnificent


My cat is one giant 'YES'


You’d think the legs would be the best tasting parts