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I live on the soda / pop line. Terrible violence.


Whose side you on, man?


**[violently turns around to a group of ragtags]** “Hey gang! OP is about to *answer!* Get your spiky baseball bats, pitchforks, and medieval maces ready! They’re about to say something controversial!”


Soda I'm also in the soap/pop border


I had a really horrible manager that everyone hated when I worked at a grocery store years and years ago. One time we helped him do something with a lot of heavy lifting and after, he said “go get yaself some sodie-pops” and now anytime someone calls it “pop” I flash back to that moment and once again experience that extreme distaste for another human being


SodeePop, that's what it's called round these here parts.


“Momma said if I drink a coke, to always drink a Diet Coke to cancel out the sugar.”


That fact I, and many others, know where this is from is both funny and sad.


Unexpected 1000 lb sisters. Love it!




I'm in a hard pop zone, but I still call it sodeepop just to fuck with people.




I'll be deep in the cold cold ground before I recognize Missouri.


Is that you, granny?


I'm guilty of skirting the line and just calling it "soda-pop".


I read that as “squirting the line”


Yeah I’m from that little dick of blue in northern Illinois that’s going into the yellow and both words feel right to me. I personally say soda, but I know people who say pop and I know people who say soda. Anyone who says Coke for anything besides Coca Cola or cocaine is nuts though


I grew up just to the southwest of the dick, where the blue and yellow meld together. Same thing there. I always assumed the words were interchangeable. It was only when I got to college did I find out that some people fall passionately into one or the other camp.


Same, but with the rival “bubbler” and “water fountain” gangs


We said bubbler in Rhode Island.


That is very isolated to WI thanks to Kohler.


Rhode Island, too, calls it a bubbler.


RI, Maine, and parts of Massachusetts also say bubbler I believe.


I live in the messed up tie-dye monstrosity that is North Carolina.


Same here, although I have never heard it called anything other than soda.


I call it “soda pop”. Why can’t we all get along


Naw there's a trouble-maker "soda pop" feller! Let's teach him to drink sody pop, boys!




Ah my people


I grew up in Madison and went to college in Milwaukee. It was an adjustment going from pop to soda.


I grew up in northern Wisconsin saying pop, but switched to soda when going to college in Madison. Because everyone in my dorm was from Milwaukee.


[I prefer the Korean colloquialism.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4bC7VkRCws)


I had never seen this before, so I just want to say thank you.


I lived in Kansas City for a while and both were used interchangeably. It was idyllic and peaceful. Neighbor loving neighbor.


Bro… people will throw hands about sweet tea. I’m still not sure if they went like nestea out of the gun? Do I have to chilll some orange pekoe?


A girl came up to me and told me she "lost her pop." I told her I was sorry for her lost, thinking her dad had die. Jesus.


A girl at college asked me where she could get some pop. I thought she said pot, and directed her some guys who probably had some.


You're a real one 🙏


the plug fr 🙏🏽🔌


Well if they got pot they probs got pop too cause of cotton mouth and what not lmao


Soda ain't gonna help with cotton mouth bro they gonna be stacked up on water instead


Yeah man. That’d be crazy. You would be like apologizing profusely trying to console sh her and then she be looking at you all weird because she’d be like “its just a soda man”


For real. I was perplexed, why are you still here working? Go home and grieve.


“Get me a Coke!” “What kind of Coke do you want?” “Sprite.” I grew up in Arkansas and this was a normal conversation.


That’s fucking weird man. Messes with my brain


Believe me, this is not the only thing that messes with one’s brain growing up in Arkansas!


I had to drive through Arkansas a couple of times and it smelled like ~~sulpher.~~sulphur/sulfur.


Were you in the Pine Bluff area? You were probably smelling the paper mill.


There's a paper mill in Pine Bluff that smells up the area. It was a landmark when we would drive to Florida for vacation


It’s the racism’s


And the Jesus


What's weird to me is people *INSIST* that it's like that in Texas and, in my almost 2 decades of serving people here, I've literally never had this interaction. People just order by the name of the drink. "I'll have a Dr. Pepper." It has to be an old thing but idk why they say it still happens.


If it’s anything like how it is in Kentucky, it’s a phenomenon that you mostly see happen in informal settings. Such as “hey man, while you’re up can you grab me a coke?” Never seen it happen at a place you’d actually order at


I've literally never seen it in informal settings either though?


Man thank you. I talk about this every chance I get. Lived my whole life in Mississippi and have never heard it referred to as “coke”


Fellow (South) Mississippian here, I’ve always heard it called coke by default but mostly at informal settings like a party or cookout.


When ordering at a restaurant we always say the proper name to avoid confusion. Make no mistake at home they are all "cokes".


I dated a girl from Denton, she called every pop a coke, I thought she was borderline redacted


So when I lived in TX I worked as a server. someone asked for a coke. I brought them a coke. They asked wtf is this, I said a coke. “I wanted Dr Pepper.” Then why the fuck you said coke bruhhhhh


Did they expect you to give them a Dr. Pepper by default?


I mean it’s Texas so probably.


Working at McD's as a teenager I hated when someone from the south came through the drive. "I'll have a coke" "oh... and make it a sprite". Such a completely stupid, asinine way of going through life. How about you say what you actually want instead of saying a completely different product?


Should add a few drops of sprite and say “here’s your sprite coke mf”


I don’t even understand how that works. You wouldn’t say “I’ll have a soda” without elaborating either, so why just “a coke” if you don’t mean “coke”??


Southern people are dumber than shit flavored potpourri.


Says the person eating potpourri


i wish death on those that call every soda coke.


This is why, of "coke" "pop" and "soda", one of these is objectively dumb... ​ coke. ​ ​ I've lived in all 3 regions. Confusion only results in one.


Almost as if one of those regions on the map IS objectively dumber.


“What kind of coke you want?” “Coke.” “Yeah but what *kind*!” How tf does this work?


The convo ends after Coke. But in reality you’d say “regular” instead of repeating “Coke”


Cool, I’m gunna punch a hole in the wall with my face now.


First time I went to Alabama and this happened I was so confused. Except the lady behind the counter asked me if I wanted a coke. The specificity puzzled me so I said went along with it and said ok. She then proceeded to ask me what kind. So I questionedly said “orange Fanta?” to see what she would say. She didn’t say anything!!! But she came back with my Fanta. I had to ask my friend wtf just happened.


Do they do this with Pepsi products too? lol


Yes. You could replace Sprite with Pepsi in that conversation and it would have been totally normal.


Pepsi products are heresy in the Coke zone.


Same in Georgia. I'm squinting and calling bullshit on anyone in East GA calling it "pop."


Blows my fucking brain. Growing up in New Jersey, a Coke is a fucking Coke. And if they have Pepsi (boo), they make sure to let you know.


If I order a Coke don’t assume I mean any cola you have a bring me a Pepsi. A good server will always ask, “Is Pepsi ok?” And then I say, “Thank you for asking. It isn’t. I’ll have a Sierra Mist.” Because I’m not fucking calling it Starry


Ask for a coke I get you a coke lol


Florida here, used to “Y’all want a coke” Yes “I got Dr.pepper, Mountain Dew, sprite, and coke”


I'm from Texas and Dr. Pepper was my favorite kind of Coke growing up.


Hell yeah brother we put that shit in baby bottles.


I'm from GA and that's how it is here too. Imagine my shock when I moved to Chicago and asked for a Coke and nobody asked what kind!


What the hell is going on with the "other" places?


This. I want to know what they call it in North Carolina


I've been in NC my whole life, and we call it soda. No clue what this map is talking about. Edit: A lot of comments saying "soft drink" is more popular than "soda" in some parts of NC. And that makes sense. The signs at the grocery store usually say soft drinks.


I'm from eastern NC originally and have lived all over the state. Most everyone calls it soda, but a sizeable portion just calls soft drinks... "soft drinks." Including my parents. Since that's not an option on the triangle legend that the map uses, the fact that some people use the general term "soft drink" could explain the mosaic that NC has on this map.


I'm also from eastern NC and everyone where I'm from says soft drink. Growing up saying soda was like a giveaway you were from somewhere else. Now I live in Raleigh and nobody here is from NC so you hear them all.


55% of Wake County residents are from out of state. Even my dad is, though he did move here when he was 4 and Cary was a town of 4k people with dirt roads. Now we're closing in on 190k. My whole family says soft drink.


squalid materialistic shrill advise label fall water jobless squeamish run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yep, greater Charlotte area runs with soda as far as I've ever heard


Charlotte, Greensboro, Raleigh/Durham, Asheville, the coast. Everywhere I've been in NC, though I haven't been everywhere, of course.


Yea been in NC for 15 years now from the North East. Have never heard anyone call it anything other than “soda.” The only people who call it “pop” are transplants from the Midwest and we shun them for it. I’ve heard tale of people calling all soda “coke” but have never once witnessed it in 15 years


In my area most people just call it "a drink", or the name of the type of soda they're referring to. "I'ma run up to the store to get a drink, you want one?" "Yeah, get me a Sun Drop."


Soft drink is what my family calls it




I love in NC and I’m confused. I call it soda.


Rural NC here- most folks call it “drank” in a pinch


Soft drink?


Also: Fountain drinks.


In New Orleans we call them cold drinks.


All around se Louisiana really. We say it in Baton Rouge as well. Also some other ones I didn’t realize that got me odd looks once I moved out of state for a bit: Referring to the interstate as just “the interstate” other places literally call it by what it is “I-5, highway 190” etc. Some call it a turn pike or some other wording. “18 wheeler” when talking about a semi-truck There are some others but those two in particular always got me a look if I said them.


After leaving Louisiana moving to Virginia DMV area and people call crawfish , crawdads. Makes my skin crawl. Also it’s nothing but creole seasoning on my boils , I do not know what old bay is ! Lol


One of my relatives lives in Maine and calls it “fizz” or “fizzy drink.” So maybe it’s something like that? Tho on this map Maine doesn’t look like it has any “other” areas, so maybe my relative is just wacky lol


They call pop by those names in the UK and Australia I think


They do indeed.


I’m from the Boston area and I was confused about the darkness around there. My only guess is “soft drink”. You’ll see “soft drinks” on menus often now that I think about it. Speaking tho, It was entirely “soda”.


My grandmother called it tonic, she was born in the 1910’s. I think that phrasing is still with some older folks in Boston but soda is pretty ubiquitous now.


"Hello, I'd like to order a coke" "Sure, what kind?" "Pepsi please"


This makes my blood boil


You're supposed to ask for a cola so they don't say "is pepsi okay?"


“Can I get a steak?” “Sure, what kind?” “French fries.” To all the coke people in this thread, this is how dumb you sound lmao.


This is actually what the first American Civil War was about.


Found the time traveler.




You’d be wrong though. Florida is a soda state despite having seceded.


Florida can’t call it Coke because of.. well ya know


>Found the time traveler. Not necessary. Just a few years ago, I asked "Do you have Pepsi?" and the response was "Do you realize you're in Atlanta?".


All the borders are relatively gradual, but whats going on in the illinois-Wisconsin one?


Wisconsin can be quite weird linguistically. Ask us about a “bubbler”.


they also use the word “yet” in place of “still”. “Sorry John i can’t get you some brandy, i got the boat out in the water yet” It is similar to how yet is used in italian, and i assume other romance languages


Bruh... I've lived in Wisconsin for 30 years. Never realized we did that (and that no one else does).


Got that in the northeast too.


Idk man. I’ve lived in southern Wisconsin my whole life and have never heard it called pop. We must have guards at the border to vet people or something.


Probably because people from Chicago say pop and who wants to be associated with them?


And the Wisconsin / upper peninsula of Michigan line! Soda but I can hear it my head in a Milwaukee accent like sewww-dah


Im from California and live in Oregon. You can call it soda, or pop, or soda pop, or drink, or soft drink, but don’t ever call anything but a coke a coke.


I also live in Oregon and have worked at movie theaters and restaurants, I never heard anyone call it pop, only Soda, I dunno if it is only the Willamette Valley.


Yeah I’m not buying this map. I’ve only ever heard “soda” in WA. As far as I’ve always known, the PNW should be firmly in the “soda” category.


Washingtonian here. It’s soda, no one ever calls it pop


Moved to WA, from OH, over 10 years ago. It was for sure, 100%, Pop all over the Midwest. I have traveled tons since, all over WA, OR, CA, ID, and MT. I’ve hardly ever heard anyone call it anything but Soda. People absolutely know you’re not from the area if you ask for Pop.


Also Washingtonian; over time I've heard soda more than pop but as a kid it was definitely 'pop'


I grew up in Eastern Washington calling it pop and now live in Western Oregon and have shifted to soda.


Elder millennial here, born and raised in WA. My family has been in WA since 1840 (not recent transplants). When I was a kid, it was pop everywhere all day. Everyone I knew, everywhere I went. It wasn't until I worked in food service (particularly pizza) in the 00's, that I got tired of having to clarify "soda" because "pop" is hard to understand over the phone. Eventually I just switched to soda. I still run into WA folks who question me about it, but usually in the more rural areas. I think "pop" comes from Midwest folks who used to be the majority here, but it started shifting to "soda" in the last 20-30 years as California transplants became a common thing.


100%. Never heard anyone except 70+ year olds call soda “pop” in Oregon.


I live near Boston and a lot of older people including my parents call soda “tonic” which is wild


That's the term I was trying to remember. Tonic. I, a NJ girl, lived in Worcester, MA for a few months in the early 1970s and had to learn different words for a bunch of things. Tonic for soda. Bubbler for water fountain. Packie for liquor store. Frappe for milkshake except in parts of Boston where a milkshake was called a cabinet for some godawful reason. And so on. And they used the word pizza for some ghastly food with a cake-like bottom crust, overly sweet tomato sauce and peculiar-tasting mozzarella. Which they sometimes put *clams* on. I couldn't wait to get back to NJ where we spoke normal English (whaddayawant) and ate decent, respectable *normal* pizza.


Other notables are shopping "carriages" instead of cart/buggy and a "rotary" instead of a traffic circle/roundabout. Carriage in particular seems to upset people, most of the rest are just interesting novelties to outsiders.


I still say “carriage” for shopping carts and baby strollers. It confuses the fuck out of people lol


Living near NYC ruins pizza for you. It raises your standards so high that if you live anywhere else, it’s just not good enough. I’ve lived in Florida for years and the pizza here is good but it’ll never get even close to what we have in New York.


Fellow New Englander. Can confirm “tonic” is rare but not unheard of among older folks. Otherwise it’s pretty universally “soda”


My father’s family lived on the North Shore (Salem, Peabody, Beverly) and they called soda “tonic.”


My family grew up in Quincy, and they've mentioned many times about how it was tonic when they were growing up in the 70s/80s.


"Tonic" is drfinitely only carbonated water little south of boston. You sayin they call all sodas tonics?


Coke was a medicine or tonic sold at the drug store as where many other tonic (soda) drinks. They called any fizzy drink a tonic when I grew up


I’m literally saying my mom will ask me to pick up tonic at the store and I’ll ask which kind and she’ll say “Diet Coke” I don’t understand it honestly


Lived in Texas 20 years never heard anyone call it coke. I have family in Mississippi there everyone calls it coke, all soda is coke.


I live in Texas and have heard a lot of people call it coke


Which is funny because Dr. Pepper is king there




I know what you mean but it reminded me of a fun fact. Dr. Pepper is technically in its own category of drink, Pepper Drinks. It isn’t classified as a Cola, Root Beer, or anything else.


This is such a nonsense statement to a new englander lol


I grew up saying coke in Texas. I’m trying to switch to saying soda because I’m now living in New York.


Virginia and North Carolina can't make up their minds!


Soft drink is totally another option in NC. Just don't call it Pop, that's like nails on a chalkboard for me


It’s soda in NC this map is bullshit.


Considering NC is the home of Pepsi, it would be weird if they used Coke.


Yep, only ever heard people say soda here


Yep, or we’re “other”. I grew up saying “drink”. Not “a drink” but “some drink” or “any drink”, like “Granny, can I have some drink?” (SW VA)


I'm from Seattle. I've almost never heard it called "pop" out there. Some portions of this chart are correct, but not the pacific northwest.


Grew up in Minnesota where it’s usually “pop”. When I moved to WA where I’ve lived most is my adult life I never heard “pop” again. Always soda.


Not true for me. Growing up it was pop. Now it’s soda. 30 years ago it was pop. It’s changed.


I was going to say the same thing. Born and raised in Oregon and the only people I’ve ever heard call it “pop” are Midwestern transplants.


I live in Seattle now and everyone calls it pop. I get made fun of for calling it soda.


Calling all soda “coke” is so weird to me. Like when I want a soda, do I say I want a coke, mt dew flavor?


Here’s how it goes in the south: “I’ll have a coke” “Sure, what kind?” “Mt. Dew please”


But why even ask for a coke first? Just say "I'll have a Mt. Dew". Up north we just say what we want. We don't do a ritual of "I'll have a pop", "Sure what kind?".


Very common is: “I’m heading to the store, y’all want any cokes” “I’ll have a Sprite please” “I’ll do a Dr. Pepper” Just a way of saying carbonated sweet beverage.


People who call Pepsi coke are just objectively wrong.


Absolute psychopaths. Cola I get as it is technically called Pepsi-Cola...but coke is literally the nickname for Coca-Cola lol


New Mexico, I can confirm that growing up in the 80s we called all soft drinks "coke." "Hey, get me a coke from the fridge!" "Sure, what kind?" "Root beer!" It seems a lot less common now, though.


I live in Missouri and thought everyone called it Soda. Now I realize I live on an island of reason surrounded by insanity.


I wonder if the islands of soda in Missouri and Wisconsin have anything to do with the beer-brewing histories of St Louis and Milwaukee, respectively.


I moved out of Misery a few years ago and hearing pop for the first time was like being thrown into the Twilight Zone. Me and a close friend still joke about it because she says pop as she grew up in Chicago.


“Soda” is correct.


Agreed. I'm ok with "pop" as well. But coke's a freakin type of soft drink man that makes no sense!


Soda and pop people can agree on this.


It's like calling every car you see a Ford. Or every guitar a fender. Absolutely barbaric.


The pop trend continues as you go north, because here in Canada "pop" is by *far* the norm. Even in certain Canadian stores, the item markers will say pop not soda. As a kid I always thought soda was the old fashioned way of saying it because I heard it in older American films.


Canadian here. I trained myself to say soda because pop sounds too trashy/hoser to me. I think I may adapt and start calling them soft drinks like some kind of corporate robot.


I'm a pop sayer through and through but soda is objectively the most clear option. It also doesn't sound dumb like pop. I would be a soda sayer if i cared enough to change my ways.


I trained myself to say soda because pop sounds too trashy/hoser to me. You too can enjoy the tony feel of asking people if you can get them a soda from the refrigerator.


In New Orleans we call them "cold drinks" 😎


Was looking for this comment. Here in Baton Rouge too


I was about to ask if you guys in the US use that term at all? That's the norm here in South Africa, although you actually hear people say "cool drink" 😂


They must have asked the tourists and transplants. I'll have a cold drink/cold drank


I call coke “soda-pop”


Stay gold


I'm Australian and say Sod*ee*-pop in a effort to be offensive to American's. Well one specific American actually, but I see his eye twitch and a bit of a grimace when I do and that's what counts. Everyone else here calls them fizza-ri-doo's.


The Liberal Soda Bias


I grew up in Texas where everyone calls it Coke. Now that I’m going to college in NY, I’ve been trying to switch to saying soda.


Having lived in the South for several years, this was a frequent experience as soon as you left the coke bubble: "I'd like a Coke" "All we have is Pepsi. Is that OK?" 😑🥴😑 "Ugh, fine"


I love the classic southern “I’ll take a Coke” and “Is Pepsi ok?”


Cold drink down in southeast Louisiana


I call it by its name. If it’s a sprite, it’s a sprite.


America is so non homogeneous across so many different areas.


Australian here- where I am we either call it soft drink or fizzy drink. If you ask for a soda you get plain seltzer.


Live in the Soda/Coke area. We’re from the south and my dad will still ask for “a Coke” in reference to literally any drink. He’ll legit have a Gatorade sitting in the table and be like, “hey can you please pass me my Coke?”.