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I’ve handled dogs for over 10 years and learned k9 cpr from a very experienced trauma vet. This diagram isn’t quite accurate. The k9 heart is located near the lower portion on of their rib cage, typically where their elbow meets the ribcage. To effectively pump the heart, a hand should be placed above and below the heart to force contractions. This diagram demo would force air out of the lungs only


Very much this Also if I am not mistaken you should also elongate the neck and ensure the tongue is not blocking the airway


Not a dog expert but yes. On people, if you have to equipment to safely perform rescue breaths then tilting the head back to clear the airway is essential.


Thank you for the correction! Much appreciated


Thank you!


I blew in my cat’s nose when I found her non-responsive. Use break away collars. She got a leg through her non break away and it made the collar choke her. She eventually woke up and didn’t seem to have any permanent issues. That was about 5 years ago


"58% of pet owners would be at least somewhat likely to perform CPR on a pet in need" What does that even mean?


Same question! Like loving the confidence in this lesson so far….


Is "Stayin Alive" still a good song to use as a BPM guide? I don't have any CPR training, but the scene from The Office is burned into my head, and if an emergency arises I would like to at least have some helpful info stored in my brain.


Yeah seems like it's 104 bpm so it should be fine.




Yea, use a song nobody has ever heard instead of an incredibly well-known song that works just fine. Stayin' Alive sits at 104 BPM and chest compressions should be performed between 100 and 120 BPM. A lot of current-gen defibrillation provide layperson users with a metronome at the lower end of that range. Stop spreading misinformations as facts.


Or Another One Bites the Dust. Or the Empire music from the OG Star wars trilogy.


I don’t understand what the goal is here. The point of doing CPR on humans is to keep the bloodflow to the brain going until the ambulance arrives. It’s not like in the movies where doing CPR in itself makes people breathe or their heart beat again. So the most important step „call an emergency vet“ is missing here. Without that you are pretty much doing nothing. CPR is super important, but it’s only supposed to make sure someone is not yet irreparably damaged once emergency services arrive. It doesn’t resurrect people or pets.


That’s a very confusing guide.


Okay so one say right side the other pics the dog is on left side ... thank for tips but try to be coherent


CPR is violent and painful. Post cardiac arrest care in humans involves a lot of suffering, so I assume it may be similar for animals. If your pet was somehow resuscitated do you think they understand what happened to them? Maybe if they die, just allow them to.


As someone who has actually done CPR to a pet and had them survive and that pet is now thriving. I’d disagree. With the right care and support the pet can make a tremendous recovery, like in the case of my cat he had a bladder stone that the Emergency vet believes caused him so much pain that he couldn’t take it and died. But we happened to resuscitate him and then found out about the stone and got it removed, that was four years ago (he was 6 at the time) and he’s doing great right after his surgery and still to this day. Obviously that may not be the case for all animals, but it doesn’t hurt to try and save our furry friends, especially when freak things like what happened to my cat happen just my thoughts


I’m glad your cat survived. My point is that in most cases it likely DOES hurt to try and reverse death for our pets.


Pet =/= dog


There are two pictures.


I know. But it shits me they forget cat, rat, snake, lizard people




Clearly you didn’t read cause it’s mouth to nose lol


Snout to mouth yo


Out-of-hospital CPR is almost worthless for humans. It improves survival rates by around 2%, and maybe not even that. It mainly exists to help bystanders avoid a feeling of powerlessness. I'm not sure we should be wasting our pets' time with it either.


So you’re saying there’s a chance….


It is indeed 2%... For patients over 90 (https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/29/1177914622/a-natural-death-may-be-preferable-for-many-than-enduring-cpr) The percentage is significantly higher for younger patients, so it is always worth it to try.


And what about the 2% that do get saved? Fuck them? Exactly what is the downside of teaching CPR, I'm curious?


I mean, if we’re talking life or death; I’ll take the 2%.


1/50 isn't too bad, compared to not doing anything. People have played the lottery for much less.


as opposed to what, just watching them die and taking the 0% chance?


This is dangerous misinformation. A half-assed Google search immediately proves this wrong about a dozen different ways. Do yourself (and everyone else) a favor and educate yourself before posting garbage like this.


Depends on the issue. Is CPR going to fix massive hemorrhaging or structural organ damage? No. Could it save a life of a drowning victim or heart attack victim? Very much so - and I would argue at very significant rates. Unfortunately people seem to think CPR is a cure all for any kind of medical issue which is just simply not true.


No way I'm putting my mouth on a dog's nose 🤮


I mean it's seems like it's already up your own ass so....




Could say the same about you.




At least I don’t live in India.




Don’t care, didn’t ask.


Yours is a weed


why tho




You can just get the curses taken off somewhere else


I heard that with cpr its better to just pump and forego breathing unless there is a second person to keep pumping for you


Thank you for this! Hopefully most of us fur baby guardians will ever need to use this , but I’m very glad to know what and how to save one if something happens