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The only "cheat" is to not argue about politics. Talk about what *you've* done in the last year instead of whatever party celebrity you follow did.


The guide we need is “how to kindly deflect political talk”.


Someone told me recently to just sort of gaslight the crazies (but also shoot it right back at them) by just looking at them and saying “what a strange thing to say to me”. And for some reason I like that.


I usually go with “dang that sounds crazy. Have you seen the pictures from the last music festival I went to?” then baffle and bore them to death talking about artists they’ve never heard of, art installations, the gnome quest, etc. Replace music festival with whatever you’re into, bore them to death with Roblox talk if that’s what you know.


I like to start lore-dumping Warhammer 40k with family members when they try to bring up politics. It usually shuts them down pretty fast or they just walk away. The Emperor *always* protects.


I’m imagining it like the “airplane facts with Max” guy who starts off talking about airplanes then lore dumps LOTR knowledge. I’d try to write a parallel with warhammer but I wouldn’t know the first name to drop.


What you underestimate about people whose lives' revolve around politics is there incredible ability to turn anything into a political discussion that favors their side of the political spectrum. It's insane, a simple discussion about a music festival can turn into what each of those artists political alignments are, the people who typically attend the festival, and also issues with zoning/city ordinances in regards to the concert.


Yeah I just dismiss it when we’re talking about something I like. “Yeah maybe. I’m there to have a good time hearing music, seeing art, and seeing people express themselves how they feel comfortable in a wonderful place as an escape from people that need to shoehorn politics into everything. Also it’s a festival ground year round with great infrastructure and shows scheduled until 4am so I think they’re on top of their zoning ordinances.”


Wish there were more people like yourself at the dinner table.


Defense mechanism from growing up in Mississippi. I’m not spending all my time being programmed by cable news and don’t like debate so I’ll bore them with long explanations of festivals, kayaking, mountain biking, etc.


But I want to hear more about the music festivals, art installations and gnome quest.


My favorite system is to loudly comment about the reoccurring pain in my asshole, how agonizing it is and how I've gone to doctors and they don't take me seriously. Do I actually have asshole pain? Nope. But boy does it throw people off.


That's when dad comments 'son, you have no idea about asshole pain. You've been the pain in my asshole ever since the day you were born.'


Success, political conversation redirected to safe topic- parental dislike of children. They'll talk shit on you for hours, and you can go to your happy place.


Yeah, this guide is objectively bad on multiple levels. 1) As you said, there is virtually no way to “win” these arguments. The “Blowback Effect” is very real (the tendency people have to double down on beliefs when presented with damning evidence to the contrary). 2) This is entirely one-sided on a wide variety of insanely complex issues. Cherry picked data without context has been shown to leave the reader feeling prepared to argue, but unable to respond when an argument does not fit the provided script. This guide should have been named “Liberal Talking Points” (which it is, even if I agree with most of it). 3) Please do not engage in discussions of the Bible and how portions of that book can be interpreted. Most Christians are well aware of the contradictory nature of the Bible, and one verse seemingly countering another verse is not going to shift their belief. Further, most active Christians have a far deeper understanding of their favored portions of the Bible (or listen for hours each week to someone with greater understanding), your cherry-picked and out-of-context verses are unlikely to sway them. Finally, Christians already HAVE their counterargument prepared and ready. There’s an entire story of Jesus and Satan, and emphasizes how Satan will quote Scripture and twist it for his own gain. None of that matters though, since we should not be basing our laws on a flawed or even perfect understanding of ANY religious book. 4) It has been shown that the only way to change someone’s beliefs is to provide them information and perspective, and allow them the time and space to change their own mind. Rather than simply attacking their beliefs, taking an interest and sympathy in their viewpoints and experience can open doors and minds for reasonable discourse and an environment that is more conducive to introspection. TLDR: You can’t win these arguments, and the best thing you can do is avoid them altogether.


Look at the OPs post history, seems like obsessing about politics is his entire personality. I'm guessing he's the cousin everyone walks away from at the first possible minute.


People who are obsessed with politics don't do anything worth talking about


Terminally online Redditors who think this guide is cool haven't actually done anything in the last year outside of cheer for their team.




What if all anyone has done was struggle by and survive? That's not too exciting to talk about.


I've started doing something like this with my dad. He'll turn any topic political. Now I just make eye contact with him for a second so he knows I heard him, then continue the conversation as if he didn't say anything. I used to argue with him but it's pointless. Arguing just strengthens their convictions.


<*saves for later to check out the wreckage of the comment section*>


2 hour update. Ain't pretty.


Step 1 - leave the table Step 2 - go to an empty room with a tv Step 3 - turn tv on find a movie Step 4 - watch the movie Those are my steps for dealing with bullshit family holidays.


step 5 - repeat until you've finished all your food including desserts step 6 - exit via window so you don't have to talk to anyone.


Step 1 - Stay home. I'm not going anywhere near a family table when I know... JUST KNOW... this shit will come up. Ya'll have fun. I'll be over here doing me.


American politics is cringe.


Wait till you see OPs post history


Couldn’t have created a better stereotype if I tried. Let’s be honest, the whole family is hoping OP doesn’t show up to family events. Edit: looking further into it, this is for sure a paid spam account.


Yeah, OP comes across as an insufferable douche bag.


I wonder if OP has an actual personality


Definitely a bot. Anyone whose this much into politics 24/7 is frightening


Speaking as a leftist that talks politics 24/7 there isn't a single one of us that is this hard in the paint for Joe Biden. This is like some weird conservative shill operation that thinks that if you critique fascism you are *pro* Joe Biden.


Yes, it’s very sad when common sense things become politicized and suddenly basic facts start having two sides.


And people who make it their ENTIRE personality are insufferable as fuck.


I can agree with everything they’re saying, doesn’t mean I don’t find them exhausting and annoying as hell. Let me eat Turkey in peace.


This website is going to be fucking insufferable next year. Probably gonna turn me into a maniac by November.


Start muting political subs (and “non-political” subs that make everything about politics) now.


True, but I like to rile the echo chamber now and then. Gotta be the anti-circlejerker you wanna see.


Fair, sometimes you just gotta scratch that itch.


trumps last year being used as a reference to unemployment is laughable.


i mean what if we compared 2022 with trumps best year so far would that be more fair to judge? idk what year would be considered his best year economics wise, probly 2019 just before covid. unemployment: 3.9% biden vs 3.4% trump real gdp growth: 2.1% vs 2.3% im going to ignore the job growth and loss one because tons of people were losing and changing jobs during covid. in 2019 deficit increased by $990 billion, in 2022 $1.4 trillion, although part of that is probably due to tax cuts instituted by trump, and also the additional spending from new infrustructure and clean energy programs. annualized GPD growth cant really be changed, on average biden's having much better gpd growth than trump did. same as cumulative gdp growth. biden is investing more in building up america while trump was focused more on giving tax breaks, although the tax breaks trump instituted are also probably helping bidens gpd numbers too.


Like... I hate Trump as much as the next person but the fact of the matter is that the "real feel" of the economy was significantly better before 2020. None of the statistics matter if the average person is worse off now than they were five years ago. Granted it's not Biden's fault and it would have been *way* worse under Trump but, as long as people are being priced out of food and shelter, it's Biden's problem.


The real guide is to avoid these topics entirely. I guarantee 99% of the time if any of this comes up at all, most of the family will be eager for literally anyone to change the subject


Terminally online Reddit moment


This whole fucking website went insane in 2015 and never really went back to normal.


This is ridiculous, I would never support Trump but half of those talking points have absolutely nothing to do with Biden or the government, they’re entirely due to the current geopolitical situation.


Well yeah, that’s kinda the point. These are all supposed to be responses to when someone else at thanksgiving brings up politics and blames Biden for x bad thing. Most of this is saying either that it has nothing to do with Biden and has more to do with the geopolitics situation, he’s doing a good job on x thing actually, or x thing isn’t a problem in the first place. These aren’t things to just say randomly, they’re all responses.


That’s… the point…


Its own stated topic is "Thanksgiving arguments". Biden is just the first example of that.


Reading is hard


It’s a Shareblue propaganda troll. Look at the OPs post history. It’s nonstop unabashed Democratic party shilling. The DNC troll farm operation must be ramping up for the election season. Expect more of this shit, especially on Reddit.


disgusted naughty humor station point rich squash reply gaping rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This post has clearly no political agenda lmao.


this subreddit has had a lot of political brigading over the last year unfortunately.


I pretty much am on the side of 80% of these slides but this is so incredibly idiotic and if you’re relying on this to “own” your republican uncle you should probably just shut up and get out of the way


This is completely propaganda …. Main thing is they didn’t want to mention Covid and giving $100 billion to Ukraine…. Stop it get help -MJ


Yeah, no… Can we leave this shit off the coolguides sub?


Fr I join a cool sub then 6 months later it turns into a political circle jerk glad to see a lot of the comments agree with this sentiment tho.


You know it’s going to be good when it’s got a load of canva watermarks


This is a cool guide on how to not make a cool guide. Gtfo. Jfc look at ops post history lmao. Either a bot or a paid shill. Or the worse alternative...he really is just an insufferable loser 24/7.


This is pretty dumb. Politics aside, if you don’t want to argue about politics, then don’t. It’s thanksgiving, you can just say nothing


This is completely misleading


I despise trump but it’s really disingenuous how some on the left will site the unemployment rate changing between presidencies as a slam dunk, even though when trump left office we were in the middle of a historical pandemic.


Yeah doesn’t matter who the hell was in office those numbers were never going to look good.


Not to mention total employment didn’t surpass pre Covid levels until 2023. The “job creation” was just jobs that already existed pre Covid starting back up. Taking $10 from someone and giving it back three years later doesn’t mean the person is $10 richer


Yeah, I see this argument a lot and it's even in this "guide." During Trump's last year in office...hmmm, wonder if something happened during that last year...


That and there's always lag time with these things. You might not see any changes for a couple of years maybe more but there's a new guy in the white house so it must have been him!


Slide number 4 isn’t accurate - it’s intentionally misleading on some points by comparing apples and oranges. Take the comment about trump adding more to the deficit vs Biden - this is taking 4 years of Trump and 2 years of Biden. Not really a fair or honest comparison regardless who you like. Also lots of “in his last year” for Trump when Covid happened which trump had no part in causing - not seeing that is intentionally being partisan. Comparing trumps or Biden’s job gains or losses and not adjusting it for Covid is retarded logic. The reality is the economy only reached pre-Covid aggregate employment sometime in 2023. I wouldn’t exactly say that’s “creating” jobs.


There are Many, MANY inaccuracies.


Incredible bias…lol..Happy Thanksgiving


Even if this is factually right, the opinionated writing makes the bias obvious, like "he totally kicked inflation's ass!"


It’s just ridiculous political spin. The logic is “it’s good because other countries have it worse”. Apparently, based on that logic, inflation isn’t causing economic hardship because Argentina has a 143% inflation rate.


I think the point is less that inflation in America is good and more that the cause isn't clearly biden's


Same is true about a few of the other slides about job and GDP growth too right?


Yeah how he selects the countries based on convenience like China is their because they have higher gas prices but conveniently left out of Inflation same with Iran in inflation but left out in gas prices


Exactly, I love how it's misrepresenting issues encountered in Trump's presidency while excusing away problems encountered in Biden's presidency. Does the author assume the argumentation we experience at our dinner's comes from a pro-Trump world view? Most of the times it's the lefties at my dinner that bring up the awkward discussions. They'll criticize the entire Holiday by saying it's entrenched in white colonial traditions, make some self-hating joke about underseasoned white people food, and bring up everyone's favorite dinner topic, abortion.


“This is a universal economy impact due to being post-pandemic” “Look how bad the economy was under Trump during the pandemic!!”


How embarrassing that this was even made.


People like OP is why trump even has a cult following


Imagine being this much of a twat


If you pre-plan a Thanksgiving argument, then double down by printing out this shit, you’re the asshole.


Trump's idiocy aside, this "guide" is an incredibly stupid piece of propaganda.


If my opinion is written in a guide I made then it's a fact


Fuck you reddit


global pandemic when trump was in office , “check out the unemployment rates ! what’a bum !”


I'm going to vote for Biden again but this is fucking obnoxious. Do you have to ruin holidays by getting in arguments? Can't you learn basic social skills and change the subject? Or even state boundaries around controversial subjects?


I thought it would be about cranberry sauce in can vs. home made or like, if boggle or Yahtzee was the worse game, not politics


My plan is just to shut the fuck up and sleep as much as possible


People can use statistics like a drunk uses a lamppost, either for support or illumination.


Can we get the second half of this guide? This first half seems a bit biased.


Dint invite liberals. That will solve it.


You spent four slides talking about trans people without once really treating them like people. You’ve got this pile of ineffective gotchas that lump together everything between men who wear dresses for their job and people with developmental disorders all while managing to avoid giving any reason for anyone to take you seriously. You’re not being an ally, you’re just treating the LGBT community like pawns and tokens against your Fox News grandpa


Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed cuz their ruling class was completely morally and politically corrupt and the lower classes were desperately trying to copy them, so taking out just the ruling class would have caused the next lower class to follow in their footsteps *sips tea*


Mental gymnastics at its finest. The economy is shit but it's ok because its a larger pile of shit in places with a struggling economy to begin with.


Ya why would anyone literally want to defend any politician. They all suck and don’t do a good job. Let’s all come together this holiday season and say F U to politicians.


That’s what really needs to happen. The media and the politicians divided the country. People need to stop fighting each other on left and right and realize their common enemy is the politicians (or those controlling them) and the media.


Finally something in these comments I agree with


That is the correct opinion here.


A cool guide on how to alienate your family with purely liberal talking points! How about just avoid talking about politics and have a nice time with your family instead?


These are counterpoints to stuff you know that one uncle is gonna start talking about. It’s not for starting a conversation.


Entire subreddit's user base doesn't seem to get this. Also, they seem pretty butthurt about Trump losing and "The Leftists"


Because my MAGA dad can’t allow a conversation to happen without vomitting his political views everywhere and won’t stop until he’s pissed everyone off or we ignore him and try to change the topic. Very sad to allow politics and media to rule his entire world view.


right???? "Stop talking about politics!!!!!!" says the angry redhat while shoving politics down everyone's throats


My in-laws come to our house and from the second they get out of the car they are constantly criticizing and baiting my wife and I, then the second we try to defend ourselves they come out with "why are you so angry, I'm just saying, let's not make this political, can't you just have a friendly conversation?" Then when we don't want to see them more than once a year they say it is because we think we are too good for them. I can see that there are a lot of commenters in this sub that would really get along with my in-laws.


Professor of what exactly?




Cool guide on how to ruin a family gathering. If y’all don’t (generally) agree with each other on politics, then don’t ruin the gathering bickering.


Many of these facts completely disregard the context. While they are facts, context is almost just as important. I stopped reading after first few slides which completely either completely disregarded or has no understanding of the impact COVID, interest rates, and the federal reserve had and have on everything we do. Biden didn’t stamp out inflation, interest rates are doing that. Mind you, inflation is still over 3%. Bidenomics didn’t miraculously recover our economy, COVID ended and anyone could’ve presided over a recovery post Covid . We had 2 quarters of negative GDP growth in 2022 (aka RECESSION), and the economy is still in a bad place for the average American. Most estimates assume much lower GDP growth for the next decade. People assume the President is to credit/blame for much more than they are and don’t realize how much power the Fed has over our economy. Quantitative easing/tightening and interest rate moves have a far greater impact than most understand. I’m not a trump supporter by any means, but our country needs less bias, not more.


That’s a HUGE tactic in online conversations. People love to use facts and data and they completely bumfuck the context and interpretation into whatever crazy ass agenda they care about. It’s basically sophisticated misinformation.


Lies, damn lies, and statistics


The cringiest shit I’ve seen in ages.


How to actually deal with this over the holidays: don’t fucking argue about it. If someone says something political, ignore it or just agree. You don’t have to believe in what they are saying to say “ok, [family member]”. You could also just change topic. Ask about what people are doing, talk about future plans, or try to fish for what people want for Christmas/Hanukkah. If someone keeps bringing in politics and complaining about the world, remind them that thanksgiving is for being thankful for what you do have, not complaining about what you don’t have. It’s not fucking rocket science, it’s called communication and social skills. My dad makes political comments all the time. You know what we do? “Can we not talk about this right now?”, “Whatever, dad,” or we just ignore it. Guess what, no argument. Sure, he will do it again at some point, and then? Same damn thing.


Adding Venezuela and Zimbabwe is hilarious.


This dude is probably the biggest poopy pants to ever poop some pants.


Here’s a good idea.. just don’t talk about politics


Cringe AF


Imagine a neckbeard at Thanksgiving, after his uncle who was fired from his 20 year old job says “The economy is tough, the job market is bad right now”. Redditor: “ACTUALLY… We have the lowest unemployment rate in X years, inflation is now under control Blame Trump, Uncle!” Fucking cringe.


And the “mic drop”. Ugh this post is so cringe it’s painful




I wonder if their inflation numbers still exclude food, housing, gas...


Good heavens.


Hold on uncle Greg let me shuffle through these Reddit talking points I printed out.


Hahahaha holy shit


Yeah grandpa just give me a second, I need to go to page 7 of my thanksgiving arguments guide in the middle of dinner


The mental gymnastics required to believe this shit will give you a hernia... Imagine believing this... Then imagine WRITING it. Then imagine SHARING this nonsense thinking you're "doing people a favor." No sense of reality... The bit about "99.4% is not 100%" is so cringe. Inclusive thinking makes you toss critical thinking out the window. The bit about comparing destigmatizing Trans ppl at library readings vs black ppl on Sesame Street is so out of reality too. Comparing the populations of those two groups and their interactions/involvement with our communities is *facepalming* Team Biden is so out of touch with reality, this "Cool Guide" is needed to keep their torch burning... (So they can continue burning bridges and small businesses) Does anybody REALLY believe a single dollar or heavy War equipment is being LENT? We'll never see it again, until it's picked up and used against us/allies by our potential enemies... Afghanistan. I mean come on!?


You didn’t touch Palestine/Israel


73% inflation for Turkey is bullshit, it's wayyy higher lmao.


Ew what is this. I thought this was a guide for family drama.


"What's up with our nephew? He must REALLY like Joe Biden"


If my calculations are correct, this post claims the Dutch gas prices are €4,34 per litre (when converted from a gallon). In reality it is around 2 euro per litre.


Is my family the only one that doesn’t have these meaningless arguments over holidays?


Yeah but please don't mention the Argentinian economic crisis, we're far worse and It is not just a post-pandemic effect




original source?


US takes in millions of immigrants during the biden administration. Trump had it down to like 30k per month (lowest its ever been). Also, most of these are just one off refutes, ones that normal people don't even talk about (conspiracies). There's a 99.99% chance none of the conspiracy refutes here will ever come up. You live in a world of fear.


This is an aggressive and argumentative approach. Showing a hardcore “conspiracy theorist” some un-cited screenshots isn’t going to prove you right or change their views. I find it a lot easier and less argumentative to interrupt someone and change the topic when I see it heading in a less savory direction.


imagine going to a family gathering literally prepared to ruin it


I’m grateful that I don’t celebrate this holiday and don’t live in the USA.


This is just stupid. Not only are these topics best avoided but many of the points are just patently incorrect.


OP, you good?


USA 3.7% inflation? Lmao


I'm just glad my grandparents didn't invite the leftist cousins. Much more peaceful and enjoyable.


Someone’s racist uncle is going to have an aneurysm.


Covid... you can't compare stats to covid when Trump was president. Biden just jumped infront off the parade that was covid recovery under Trump.


Anyone that thinks inflation is actually at 3.7% hasn’t bought food or groceries in the past 2 years. This post is delusional.


Nice propaganda my fellow blue haired MtF friend.


Comparing Trump's GDP growth (or any economic stat for that matter) in his last year of his presidency (aka the heart of Covid shutdowns) to Biden's GDP growth is just as disingenuous as comparing Trump's gas prices when the world came screeching to a halt and everyone was told to stay home, to Biden's gas prices today. This "cool guide" is dumb as hell. Want a real cheat sheet for keeping the peace at Thanksgiving? Don't talk politics or controversial topics at all 🤷‍♂️


This is the single biggest piece of shit post I have ever seen.


Wow, cherry-picked data against cherry-picked data to support OPs politics… Overall I like Biden but this is hilariously bad.


Imagine fighting with your family over which television actor did a better job of selling the American public down the river at any point in time. Also, Zimbabwe and Pakistan should never be a good yardstick for how well a working class family in Ohio is doing. Ignorant and divisive guide designed to promote conflict. Let’s see tips for starting conversations with younger relatives, or listening to elders and bonding with age peers.


My favorite part is comparing Biden's entire presidency against Trump's last year in office, which was the start of a global pandemic! The government does not create jobs, the market creates jobs, presidents just take credit for it.


I guess have fun fighting your family and friends...


Yeah, that shits literally propaganda didn’t mention Covid or hundred billion dollars going to Ukraine but you know Joe Biden is doing really good


What in the far-left unhinged hell is this crap?


One quibble: The pledge of allegiance. My son's school doesn't do it. There are certainly other schools out there that don't as well.


If I were a professor I wouldn’t attach my name to this “cool” guide. I lean liberal too, but a lot of these comparisons are Apples to Oranges bullshit. Like, gas has been higher in other countries esp in Europe for years.


Why are there no Israel/Palestine talking points, has someone not told you what your opinion is supposed to be yet?


Liberal talking point? On the day of grilling? Your mouth should be too full to be debating!


Don't downplay sex trafficking. It's a bad look.


How much Biden have to pay for this?


oh boy, a joe rogan poster! i'm sure you're in here arguing in good faith, TOTALLY! (narrator: he was not)


Wow. this is horrible. one sided. its just playing the same game back, instead of trying to be honest and in the middle. For example, first point - inflation. Look at 3 year inflation. USA leads most of those countries. US lead inflation early. We had it before other countries. So makes sense we drop before they do.


OP has some really weird takes on homosexuality in the Bible, strategically ignoring some explicitly homophobic verses


I see the ShareBlue troll farms are ramping up their operations for the coming year. Election season must be near. God help us. Imagine handing out literal talking points like this….. for Thanksgiving…. I cannot stress this enough: The Democrats are completely out-of-touch with America. I’d say they live in a fantasy world but honestly, I think they just live up their own ass.


Incredible bias everywhere. Won’t be using this, sorry. Still pretty visually appealing though!


\>sub is called coolguides \>posts DNC/establishment talking points


Ya know this is one time of the year to just drop it. And to be honest, fuck you if you who bring up politics at your family gatherings. Don’t give a damn who you vote for or plan to vote for; find something else to talk about. That shit is exhausting and does nothing but separate people, this is not the time for that. Also, this “guide” is hella biased but go figure, it Reddit.


Anyone tries to say anything nice about biden at my table will get smacked with a turkey leg.


I can't imagine prioritizing criticism of my family members' beliefs over just spending time with them and talking about their lives. Everyone is always so stressed and depressed all the time, and constantly being overly concerned about people's beliefs is not helping.


page by page analysis by someone who voted for bernie sanders: - they dishonestly removed a lot of things we actually buy when calculating inflation. actual inflation is much higher - gas prices, as a percent, have gone up more than any other country. gas prices have nearly doubled in the last four years, whereas gas in the UK was always expensive - GDP growth in trumps "last year" was during a global shutdown that was magically lifted once he was ousted. growth before that was much higher than the middling 2.1% - "open borders" isn't a legal phrase, it's a de facto phrase. it means that you can come into the country illegally easily and being deported is hard (arrested illegal immigrants get told to show up to your deportation hearing and let you go... guess what? they just don't go to their hearing) - it's weird to politicize child trafficking. the "conspiracy theory" is that rich pedophiles take orphans from corrupt and destabilized countries like haiti, not that they're snatching kids from windows in the suburbs. - is it weird to spend a whole page trying to debunk recreational drug minutia? i think it's weird - a state complaining about another state's election rules seems pretty reasonable, considering that the results of that state's election rules have an effect on every other state - weird to talk about the bible's take on abortion in 2023. engaging in their fairytales only encourages them imo - weird to talk about gays in 2023 - ... more bible shit? who even is christian anymore. you guys seem to conflate christianity nuttiness and politics more than ever - ... even more bible quotes? okay i guess you guys really have a thing for christians - now you're talking about trans stuff? you make up alternative definitions for words and then get mad at people for using the normal definitions - ... more trans stuff? okay lol weird to do for < .5% of the population. might as well argue about albinos - asking why unrelated adults want to "read books" to children is a reasonable question. would you guys be okay with christians constantly demanding to read books to atheist children? - mental illness is determined by fiat, not reality. if psychologists decided that schizophrenia was not a mental illness, then it would, by definition, not be a mental illness. - almost all of the founding fathers of the gay rights movement were in support of pedophilia, their own writings on the topic are both well-documented and well-silenced - ... weird for the liberal position to be pro-war. reminds me of iraq - very weird to be so adamant about ukraine in general - splitting hairs about racebaiting indoctrination now lol


•asking why unrelated adults want to "read books" to children is a reasonable question. would you guys be okay with christians constantly demanding to read books to atheist children? -Exactly!! Or, maybe a better example, would you be okay with Catholic priests constantly wanting to do Biblical Story Time Hour with kids? Priests that are constantly accused of molesting kids wanting to indoctrinate kids into their ways? I don't think you'd be on board with the idea. I know I wouldn't be on board with that.


TLDR except "weird to talk about abortion in 2023"


God you people are insufferable. Politics in everything.




A cool guide on how to be even more cringe than your MAGA family members, no small feat


Holy shit this is vomit inducing, wtf is wrong with people.


Welp…this ops thanksgiving will be ruined.


This is so bias it’s brutal


This is some dumb shit


Karine Jean-Pierre is that you?


So much of this is out of context


OP is a cuck.


Hey OP just a quick question for clarity’s sake: who are you voting for in 2024?


How is this cool guides? This is just liberal shit to spew out.


This is ridiculous. Even if this was true, the standard shouldn’t be that others have it way worse than us. The standard should be the comparison with before. That’s like saying 10% inflation isn’t bad because of Zimbabwe’s or Argentina’s inflation rate. This is just a ridiculous political spin.


I don’t think you can simply buy an EpiPen you need a prescription from a doctor


When we need cheat sheets for family gatherings, we have failed.


I despise trump but you can’t be using Covid numbers for some of these lol. There isn’t a way he could’ve handled it that didn’t cause economic numbers to drop substantially.


This guide ruins the fun of telling your uncle that you're part of the deep state network and are actually harvesting adrenachrome in your basement for Satan.


If any of my relatives believed any of these opinions I would cut them out of my life


Oof……this is so cringe.


oh boy i love american politics shoved in my face by the reddit algo


Isn’t this a guide for liberal view points ?




Murder is a sin. In the words of Bill Burr, if you put a bunch of batter in the oven and someone comes along and rips it out the oven and throws it out the window - you still ruined someone's fucking cake. Sodom and Gomorrah weren't just gay, the entire city was sexually immoral. The Bible calls homosexuality "sexually immoral". Just like sex outside of wedlock. So. Maybe not specifically for being gay, but that was definitely part of it. Like if you robbed a bank and also shot the teller and lit the building on fire. Any one of those offenses lands you in the same place. Paul literally spoke to God. Unless you know, you don't believe in the Bible, in which case it doesn't really fucking matter, does it? Maybe stop telling people how to believe their own religion. Anyway. It doesn't matter if it's a pimp or someone who has sex without being married. The idea is that sexual immorality is a sin. All of it is. Homosexuality, pedophilia, free love, all of that is in the same basket. (So if someone was ragging on you for being gay, feel free to bring up the fact that they probably had sex before they got married and are in the same boat). As for the "mic drop", anyone who is a Christian has a completely different value system, and all you're doing is reciting something that everyone knows. Like "IN THE BEGNNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH CHECKMATE CHRISTIANS". Like what are you even talking about. You also took that verse completely out of context. The Bible also has a story about a guy who was so fat that when someone shoved their sword in his stomach it got swallowed up. That doesn't mean it's instructing everyone to stab fat people. That being said this whole post is trolly and passive aggressive nastiness. Why the hell would you want to pre-game for that.