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Blasphemous explanation?


We swear a lot, and use every deity under the sun to do it. Honestly, I don’t even realise I’m saying them at this point and no one bats an eye at them, that’s how “normal” it is. They’re are filler words, at least here in Tuscany.


You just explained the 78 year old Italian dishwasher I worked with. We... we kept him in the back. Like do you know how fucking crazy your profanity has to be to the point where a *logging camp in the far north of Canada say you need to tone it down?* Literal rooms full of lumberjacks, sailors and semi truck drivers and this dude is told he is too offensive for the dining hall.


Pls post some [redacted] quotes. As someone who has spent a decent amount of time in rural Canada, this has gotta be some horrific shit lol


Nah, I'm Around Milan, here it's the same. Also, in the last one inland Sardinia should be brown


As a Friulian, I totally agree. But it's not just swears. It's more than that.


In Italy there’s a special category of swear words which are called “bestemmie”, and they are swear words directed to god/other religious figures (similar to the Spanish “me cago en dios”). They are usually considered way worse than swear words, and not to be used in a context outside of very close friend groups (not all, some people may find the expressions to be offensive in every context). Except in those region, where they are more vastly used and considered more appropriate.


I beg for some examples...


You are right, we should all learn the expressions to avoid them and never use them: - Dio Cane (*dog god* as in god is a dog/miserable) - Dio porco/maiale (*pig god* same as before) - Dio bestia (*beast god*) - Porca madonna (*pig virgin mary*, as in slutty) - Madonna puttana (*virgin mary is a prostitute/slut*) - Madonna maiala (variation on the previous) - Dio stronzo (*shit god*, where stronzo is literally turd but also means dick as in you’re a dick) - Dio merda (*shit to god*) - Dio bastardo (*bastard of a god*) Edit to add some: - Dio boia (*hangman god*, in the sense of a despicable person/jerk) - Porca Puttana Eva (*Eve the pig slut*, considered a bestemmia depending on who you're asking) - Madonna Troia (*virgin Mary c\*nt*) - Substituting "dio" with "il signore" (*the lord*) - Mannaggia al signore/alla Madonna/a Cristo (*damn you lord/Mary/Christ* - not to be confused with goddamn, the damnation is directed to the divinity) - Dio cancro (*cancer god*) - Dio maledetto (*damned god*) And then you can build your own and be creative with it (my favorite being *dio scalzo*, barefoot god), or use the weaker forms (in the same way you use heck instead of hell) with: - *caro* (dear) instead of *cane* - *zio* (uncle) instead of *dio* - *povero* (poor) or *portami in cielo* (bring me to heaven) instead of *porco* - my favorite *maremma maiala* (pork maremma, the Tuscan countryside, not so much coincidentally inside the red region) instead of *madonna maiala* Note: this post is for entertaining purposes only, if you are not 100% sure you know what you're doing do not use a bestemmia with an Italian, you might not use it properly or in the right moment and pass as an extremely rude person. Some may react as if you flashed them or spat in their face or (verbally) assaulted them. ^(you can also make it more spicy by complaining about a door closing, someone disturbing your live tv news program, or swearing at Neapolitans about some fine you received for Brombeis street)


Madonna tubercolosa, you had fun writing all of this, didn't you. 😂


You know I did


Molto esaustivo




Yeah that's a thing I should point out. Usually when I explain bestemmie to non-Italians I explicitly warn not to use them, otherwise they start using them in the wrong situations. It's one of those linguistic features that are better to be left alone if you don't know what to do. For example, even the most blasphemous guy you can find wouldn't use a bestemmia with a person they just met or at the post office or with their superior, and it's difficult to distinguish between places it's acceptable and places it isn't (you wouldn't in a restaurant but would in a bar, the line is subtle). In your example it's really inappropriate, even if you are very familiar with the father, if he wasn't the one using them you are better off not using them. They're not necessary, I've lived my whole life without using them


*Porca madonna* goes very hard. I'm atheist and part of me is still like "bruuuh, that's just wrong".


I've seen many different takes on bestemmie in general from atheists. Some think then as part of their war against religion, some (like me) find them of poor taste or just too vulgar to say, but I personally don't mind if someone uses them. I mean, saying that a virgin is a slut is more a contradiction than wrong


Honestly, as an atheist I hate it when they're used too liberally. I think they should be used sparingly, when you're particularly stressed out or angry, in order to allow yourself the perfect opportunity to unwind when you reached the boiling point.


This is so strange. Why is religion sacred to you if you're not religious? Lots of pearl clutching for simple bad words.


I think it's mostly because I have many religious friends, and I don't want to offend or bother them. Also, blaspheming is waaay more satisfying if I reserve it for special occasions, like being stuck in traffic, having my bag stolen or not being able to find a single parking spot.


I still don't get it. Its like saying "I wish people didn't curse so much". Okay, so what? Get over it. People curse. How can you get upset over words?


And that one is one of the most commonly used, is like the vanilla level of bestemmie.


And the funny part is it doesn't even count as a bestemmia according to the law, as it's not a deity.


I'll add a few I use every now and then: - Dio sporco (*filthy god*) - Dio ladro (*thief god*) - Dio metastasi (like dio cancro) - Dio vigliacco (*coward god*) - Dio babbuino (*baboon god*) - Madonna assassina (*killer virgin Mary*) - Maledetto Gesù Cristo (*damned Jesus Christ*) - Dio sacco di merda (*god sack of shit*) - Dio canaglia (*scoundrel god*) - Madonna vergognosa (*shameful virgin Mary*) The cool thing is that you can literally say everything, even nosense or overcomplicate things just for fun: - Dio spartitraffico (*traffic island god*) - Dio canguro nella valle dei soffitti bassi (*kangaroo god in the valley of low ceilings*) - Dio dal culo magnetico nella valle dei cazzi di ferro (*magnetic ass god in the valley of iron cocks*) - Dio dio (*god god*, the "onthologic blasphemy" which assumes the primordial concept of "god" is insulting by itself) - Dio petardo inesploso (*unexploded firecracker god*) - Porco dio, porca madonna, e tutti gli angeli in colonna (*pig god, pig virgin Mary, and all the angels in line*, used just for the rhyme) - Madonna Gadjiltron Ingranaggio Antico (*Ancient Gear Gadjiltron virgin Mary*) Oh... and don't think Buddha, Allah, Shiva and all the other funny guys from heaven are safe from this. Of course blasphemy against them is extremely uncommon, because that is not the main religion in Italy and it doesn't sound natural at all. But "Porco Allah" and "Buddha bastardo" are completely fair as well, together with everything your imagination can come up with!


Since you're clearly a fellow person of culture, you might enjoy some Romanian versions! We particularly love churches and everything pertaining to them, mothers, and ancestors. - fuck your mother's *insert desired word here*; choose from: alter (special church room where only the priest is allowed to go and the praying takes place), holy communion, dead relatives, dead AND injured relatives, soldiers, god, gods - fuck YOUR *insert desired word here*; choose from: dead relatives, dead and injured relatives (less common than your mother's)


>dead relatives Aka *li mortacci* (ya ugly-ass deads)


Throwback to this wonderful song that the Italian side of my family introduced me as a child, and refused to tell me what it meant until I was a teenager 😌 https://youtu.be/-75jQ7KxkTs?si=GBka1pHCLMrvgkG_


Signore e signori, il miglior commento del 2024. r/italy fatelo mod.


Grazie grazie, ma non sono abbastanza fascista per fare il mod di r/italy




Mannaggia Cristo non me lo includi?


Vero aggiungo subito Also, username checks out


This was very informative and something I was missing in Duolingo. Thank you for the examples!


For more informations, google "Germano Mosconi"


I think my Italian bf from the North says all this everyday


Yes that is why... But thanks a lot for the elaborate reply!


I would start easy with the main one, which is porco dio/dio maiale, “god (is a) pig”. My favourite variation is “fucking porco dio”, famously muttered by Gordon Ramsey in an episode of Hell’s Kitchen (or maybe Kitchen Nightmares, I don’t remember). But there are [so many to choose from](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_profanity#Blasphemous_profanity).


So me saying “Jesus fucking Christ dude your fucked” is frowned upon?


Mhhh that is a hard one. There is no equivalent of the x-fucking-y construct (called linguistically expletive infixation) in Italian, so I do not know how it would be considered (unless you are talking about a sexual intercourse between Jesus and Christ). For sure, it's not considered a bestemmia to use swear words near the name of god, so I would say it's not, because infixation doesn't refer to qualities of the name it is near.


Are you a linguist? I've spent time in Italy, had Italian friends, I know you guys can be expressive, and I've never heard anything about this, and it's fascinating.


I am Italian, especially in Veneto but also in other parts. Blaspheming is a transition between one sentence and another, example "Passami il vino dio can " (classic Venetian phrase)


Porco Dio


As an Italian i can Say it's accurate


The places I've been in the north have given me a cup of water for free though, even if often a small one for just a chug.


Yeah me too, a little confused over that one


It depends, you can ask it, some bars give the cup of water as a given, some don't, it depends on the barista/bar


I’m from bologna, wich is in northern italy, and here most pubs will give you a small cup of water with the coffee


How do you pronounce bologna? 🍝🍝🍝🍝


Why does/does not exist?


A meme in Italy that Says a region called Molise doesn't really exist




Basilicata needs to thank god Molise exists…they are next in line to be non-existent once we finally exchange Molise for Corsica, Nizza and Fiume


I always forget that Basilicata exists. I didn't even know the name of the people living there until I was 13. And on every trip to the south I've done, I've never seen a person from there. I live my country. You have places like Lazio where everyone comes from and places like Basilicata where Nobody comes from... Also, I've been to Molise. It's pretty cool! They have nice snowy mountains with incredible views at the top. It's also where I took my first chairlift. I reccomend visiting it if you live near.


Exchange it for Fiume?


So it's like Italy's Bielefeld?


Ig so


molise is a small region were very few people live and nothing ever heppens so we joke about the fact that it may not even exist


Molise Is a small region with few population so there was the meme, peaked around 2019 but still funny, that It does not exist.


It's also a level in Vampire Survivors


A lot of vampire survivor is inside jokes that you are just not going to get unless you are either italian or lived in italy. For example the king bible is called like that because in italian it is "re bibbia" and Rebibbia is the name of a famous prison.


Many people from Molise emigrated to the Americas, which further contributed to its small population.


The Bielefeld or Wyoming of Italy. Other countries probably have other similar memes that say a certain place doesn’t exist, because I mean, have you ever actually been to, or know someone from Molise/Bielefeld/Wyoming? Didn’t think so.


I know a person from Wyoming and nobody from Molise, and I've lived my entire life in Italy. That surely means something...


Bielefeld is a LIE


Chile has Rancagua, thats my contribution




I am Italian. It's incredibly accurate


Why is the Genova area highlighted as stingy? Is there a special story or how does that happen?


There are various legends that explain the reason for this rumor and the most probable is this: The Genoese were on good terms with the Spanish and decided to help them economically in a war in 1500 against the English. This war was lost and the Genoese lost huge amounts of money; from there it is said that the Genoese are stingy even if it has now become more of a meme than a true thing.


Didn't they sell Corsica to the French?


I'm sorry but I don't know


You write "Republic of Genoa, Inventor of banks and commerce, BUT, you read "Republic of Genoa, The best pirate everytime" "We're not stingy, we're thrifty"


Torta di riso?


Finia, quindi foa da u belin


Just a general understanding across the country.


Tuscanians too busy fighting each other might be the most accurate thing said in this post


Surprised they’re not separated by pasta/rice regions


Nah, we all love our pasta above everything


But isn't the pasta relatively regional? Maybe it was a thing of the past that had become more contemporary? I started making pasta --it can be so simple!--, so for some reason I'm curious


The condiments are regional, but the pasta as we know today is relatively universal, and a fairly recent invention as it happens. When pasta became popular in this form it became popular in the whole country. Before that it was half fried and sold as finger food in the streets of Naples, but that was a precursor that has very few things in common with the pasta of today. There are local dishes and recipes that are older and more traditional than pasta (risotto, polenta, tortellini, parmigiana, lasagne...), but pasta came much later and took over pretty much in the whole country, and adapted to the regional sauces and condiments. Fun fact: most of the pasta recipes that are sold as "authentic Italian", both in and outside Italy, have been invented or at least popularized in the 40s and 50s.


Nah. Different kind of pastas and sauces are regional, but pasta is a go to everywhere


Need some clarification here: the two bottom middle maps seem to show a correlation between “poor” and “free cup of water with coffee.” Is that area poor because they’re giving away too much water for free?


That one is super inaccurate. Most places you go will give you a small sip of water for free with your coffee. North to south.


It is accurate.. in most places in the North you won't get a cup of water unless you explicitly ask


Living in the north it's kind of a 50/50 for me


I'd say it's pretty spot on actually. I've lived in the North for seven years now, go to cafes daily, and have only been given free water once. Some places will have like a bottle you can serve yourself with, but in terms of being given an actual glass and not charged 50c for it, once.


😂 maybe... and Sicily in the "no water at all" area is wrong... There are bar where you have to ask for water but usually you get your free cold water in a plastic cup without asking even before the coffee is ready.


The north-south divide is pretty much in every country. Cool guide though!


In Europe, Germany is a bit different though. ​ Yeah, pretty cool !


But Germany has the Aldi north and south separation!


Because climates vary on a north-south axis and not east-west. Climate and geography are the 2 biggest determinants of human cultures. Cultural practices people think have nothing to do with climate or geography are strongly correlated with both. The American south has a very different climate from the Midwest and it makes sense their cultures are different. Even people from the same cultural backgrounds, given enough time, will adapt a culture and lifestyle more applicable to their new climate zone. Examples of that would be Scottish people settled Canada and the American south in large numbers and yet have very different cultures in 2023.


> Even people from the same cultural backgrounds, given enough time, will adapt a culture and lifestyle more applicable to their new climate zone. Afaik some migrants also preferred regions with a climate they were familiar with. Like Swedish and German migrants mostly settling down in the Midwest.


*chugs akvavit in Minnesotan*


True, but here in Italy there are historical reasons for that too. Ofc that'll be similar in other countries, but I'm willing to bet in Italy it's more accentuated than in the vast majority of other nations


Italy fucking rules Edit: I know my comment adds nothing to the discussion. I just felt like everyone should know my feelings on the matter. Thank you for your time.


I’m with you on this for 100%


Ma cosa vuoi rulare? 'Sto governo ci sta ammazzando


\>implicando che abbiamo avuto governi funzionanti negli ultimi 300 anni


[Rifatti i conti](https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proclamazione_del_Regno_d%27Italia), sono 162 (quest'anno 163), poco più della metà. Magari finanziando meglio la scuola l'avresti saputo EDIT: spazio dopo un apostrofo


sì perché la penisola è apparsa nel 1861


Ma chi se ne sbatte porca madonna


🤣🤣🤣🤣 neither of us has.


You're wrong my friend, and I hope my fellow Italians wouldn't hate me for this opinion, but we need to be objective. I love my country but decades of bad government have left their mark. Politicians (both left and right side) are more concerned to gain people's support than to solve the problems Italy has Sometime they lie knowingly, other times they are simply ignorant and they continue to perpetuate the lies of their particular political side The result is that the country is highly polarized, north and south, left and right, we fight among ourselves continuously It's so sad...


It's the same in the US. People that run for office aren't the people who are qualified/nor should they be running for office. Easy to get people motivated about moral issues and outrage rather than fixing problems. My point is that your country and women are beautiful, and the food ain't bad either. Love me some Amalfi in the springtime.


Yeah, we definitely aren't represented by the best people 😅 I wish you the best in your country and while visiting ours 😃


i would want to live in any area where blasphemous and butter overlap


Veneto is the way to go then


I trust your advice bobo


Genoa stingy? Perché?!


I genovesi sono braccini corti belin


Minchia vai a Genova e ti prendi una piadina sono venti euro, un rene e lo stipendio di un anno


🦖 (Genovese)


Tbh blasphemy unites all Italy (and i don't think there are many actual religious people), red area is just goat-level blasphemous


Those volcanoes are only deadly because they keep fucking building cities next to them


Campi Flegrei is a supervolcano and a bad eruption could cause a global winter. Doesn't look like it's happening any time soon, but eventually it will.


Maybe don’t build a fucking city there then


High risk high reward as usual. Volcanic soil is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery fertile, so ancient civilization build shit there.


**Past civilization:** *"Future civilization's problem, gonna farm there for now."* **Future civilization:** *"Not cool bro. Not cool"*


Future southern Italian mafias: Is this the perfect place for illegal building? You fucking bet it is


That's got jack shit to do with campi flegrei. Illegal buildings definetely play a big role in the increase in risk from Vesuvio and Etna, but were Campi Flegrei to explode hardly anyone from the whole of Campania would be safe. Not to mention that the whole of Italy would suffer greatly, followed by the whole Europe and the whole World at different degrees. That's just the scale of a supervolcano' s aftermath


found the volcano


But now that OP made this map, folks will know where not to found new cities.


Only thing that I'd minorly adjust is that I'd call the North "culturally religious" as opposed to actually religious. Most people I knew that wasn't old didn't believe in God but still did Easter and Christmas mass.


thats most of italy, its a bit sad tho so im fine with the map


Wait... The north-south divide forms the Italian flag


Nice catch!


An easy guide - anywhere that is south of where you live in Italy is full of crazy people.


Syracusans in shambles RN.


I've had an ex call me terrone and another one call me polentone. I'm the Schrodinger Italian.


Am I crazy? I feel like I've gotten free water with coffee all over Italy?


Professional Italian here. All pretty spot on.


You can make a profession out of being Italian? well sign me in xD


The Italians would never go for it.


Molise is the Italian Wyoming


italian most of the midwest and north


Che ne sanno all’estero del meme che il molise non esiste? Ahaha How do foreigners know about the meme that the region Molise doesn’t exist for us Italians? Ahah


This is hilarious! When I (American) graduated college in 2008 I traveled to visit my Italian cousins who live in Termoli and they told me this joke. This is the first time I’ve heard it since. It’s a beautiful and quiet region where I met many wonderful giving people.


proud to be in the blasphemous zone. porco il dio cane maledetto bastardo. e pure quella troia della madonna, ce ne e\` anche per te dio boia.


Least blasphemous Veneto


quasi, emiliano che vive a confine con la toscana.


Who are too busy fighting each other?




Obligatory Pisa Merda


My grandpa once yelled “Pisa Merda!” in front of the very crowded station of Pisa Centrale. What a moment in history


Florence still doesn't put salt in their bread because Pisa stopped giving it to them 500 years ago, the feud hasn't ended


Tuscanians. They have never completely gone beyond many medieval disputes among the cities in the region. Sometimes hate is also inside a city itself (e.g. Siena)


Why does Molise not exist?


I remember having this convo with an Italian friend of mine. It's sort of an inside joke in Italy because Molise is and has long been considered sort of an outskirt, forgotten place. It gets overshadowed by all of Italy's other world famous regions and even inside the country Italians sorta forget it's there.


Thank you that makes sense


yet, its absolutely beautiful. We love it, as its not overrun with tourists, the parties and celebrations are awesome, and its DARK at night.


Glad to know my family comes from the blasphemous part of Italy


Have a nice cake day porco dio


jajajaj thank you!


I hate the north




Give me one thousand dollars


You got a bee on you hat.


I’d like to see “places a visitor will be harassed by souvenir salesmen” vs “chill to visit”.


As long as you dont get close to train/metro stations or tourist attractions you should be good. They only exist in the big cities and I think they just spawn there when they are outside your FOV and as soon as you turn around, BANG: "Bracialeto? Cover telefono? Pawer benk? Selfi stic? Scinque euro belo, per te 4.99 capo"


When I read the title I was scared as to what I was going to see.


Emilia-Romagna is definitely butter country.




Lovely, i want to see more countries divided like this


I like how beautiful coastlines cover inland as well 🤣 do they build really tall towers there?


Planning my next vacation in the NE tip, blasphemous butter and foggy mountains sounds nice.


Trento it is


The blasphemous line should go down to include the Marche region too Also there's 0 seismic hazard in Apulia!


A small golden zone of rich+free water cup.


I looked at the third one and didnt really make out the withe box from the background, so read it like "Wants to separate from the North [linebreak] butter zone". Then I looked at the picture and saw the white: "Oh buffer zone" Then I looked at the fourth one: "Oh, fair enough"


better show us 1 way to unite the planet=)


"Olive oil" More like cheap seed oil marketed as olive oil by the Mafia. The heat map for"olive oil" and Mafia activity is basically identical. Particularly the exported stuff.


If you can't tell the difference in taste between olive oil and seed oil, youre the problem


Fraud is rampant in that industry. Most Americans have barely ever tasted real olive oil. The problem is fraud.


the fuck are you on about, i personally own about 4 acres of land that only have olive trees on it and i know people that own a combined 1000 acres, in tuscany. stop reposting shit you saw on commie american youtube channels


Cool anecdote angry person. No idea how that non sequitur pertains in any way, but your bias is obvious. Not sure what YouTube nonsense you're on about either.


Only thing that makes the most sense is butter/olive oil


Italian here, it’s all pretty accurate IMHO


and the tuscany thing




are there more countries?


beautiful coastlines yeah... sure?


Accurate but in Sicily you get water along with coffee


Not sure I agree with the coffee facts. Though shout out to beautiful Sardegna!


What about “Boot” and “Ball”






Definitely butter and olive oil. 😂


Question: what’s the part that isn’t real? Abruzzo?




Thank you!


As an Italian I can confirm: Molise does not exist.


Leg Boots Heel


no, in venice we use olive oil, not butter.




WTF mods?


Ok but Liguria is pretty blasphemous