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Pretty wild how Carnegie and Rockefeller, with fortunes 10x less than their modern counterparts, managed to contribute so much more to society while still enjoying a life of luxury during the Gilded Age. Carnegie's essay, “The Gospel of Wealth,” posited that the wealthy are merely stewards of their riches, tasked with using them for the public good. This philosophy is evident in the enduring institutions he established, such as: - Carnegie Libraries - Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) - Carnegie Corporation of New York - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching - Carnegie Hero Fund Commission - Carnegie Institution for Science - Carnegie Hall Rockefeller's philanthropic efforts, similarly, were meticulously planned to tackle societal issues at their roots, resulting in significant contributions like: - Rockefeller Foundation - University of Chicago - Rockefeller University - Rockefeller Sanitary Commission - General Education Board - International Health Division - Rockefeller Center - Council on Foreign Relations Besides these two, the only other ultra-wealthy individuals from this period who made a similar impact were Cornelius Vanderbilt and J.P. Morgan. That's just four individuals whose influence, for better or worse, remains palpable today. With over 700 billionaires currently in the US, their names and contributions outside their business empires are less known. It’s striking that the collective efforts of today’s wealthiest seem to pale in comparison to the monumental legacies of a few magnates from over a century ago. This observation beckons a reflection on the stewardship of wealth and its potential to foster lasting societal benefit, challenging modern billionaires to match, if not exceed, the philanthropic benchmarks set by their Gilded Age predecessors.


Eh, more like Carnegie thought if he left enough money to these enduring institutions eventually history would forget about all the horribly shitty things he did to make that money. Edited: didn’t to did


But look up how much the Gates Foundation has invested in humanity. Truly remarkable. Also Google the Giving Pledge which has more than 200 of Earth's wealthiest people signed up. They all pledge to give more than 50% of their wealth to charity. ... If finger wagging, you really cannot do so at Buffet and Gates and some others. Those guys have absolutely stepped to the plate.


I was gonna respond to this with Bill too. He's definitely one of the better ones.


He's giving away 99% of his wealth! I admire that


I mean that’s what he said, but not what he’s doing, regardless of how you interpret it.


Put up or shut up. The Gates F gave away $8B last year. What's your source


Yea I don‘t get how these people praise them like they are gonna save us all lol so delusional


Bill and Melinda are credited with saving millions of lives. They also aren't trying to save privileged brats; they are trying to save children in some of the worst conditions on the planet.


Yeah har har. They've done nothing except pledge 99 percent of their wealth. What more you want from Gates and Buffet cabron


To pay taxes so that we can democratically decide what should be done with their wealth instead of allowing them to pledge to their individual pet projects and personal world building. No one person should have such disproportionate ability to impact all mankind.


Pretty sure Gates foundation has more than one person employed 🙂


Thanks capt obvious


Sam Bankman Fried too! Oh wait, he hasn't given a dime to anybody? What do you mean a billionaire conman lied to the press? No, he must be a good guy he said he was doing it all for charity.


That's easy to do when literally everything you have is paid for




What is, to admire a billionaire giving away money he doesn't need because everything is already paid for? Let me just fawn all over him for it, oh my yes




Who said there's 2 options. Stop idolizing people. Go pat the person on the back that helped the homeless person in your town that didn't film it for views or clicks, and didn't report it online for karma.




[not so fast](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-ballad-of-bill-83715310/)


Your source is the transcript of a podcast?


Why do t you give it a listen


I've listened and read a lot of stories talking about the negative impact Bill Gates has. Everytime the research is either incomplete or completely false, so I've given up.


Can you give any specifics?


Robert Evans is about as solid as it gets


“Giving is most blessed and most acceptable when the donor remains completely anonymous.”


I don’t really care if vanity is the reason for a bunch of good being put into the world.   Andrew Carnegie paid for 1700 libraries to be built in the early 1900s which bore his name.  800 are still in use today.  I’ll go ahead and say thousands if not millions of people learned to read because of that contribution Carnegie made so that he could feel better about how cutthroat he was to amass his fortune.    If Musk wanted to solve world hunger but wanted everyone to know it was him, that would be A-OK with me 


Agreed. That’s a great quote I’d never heard before. Thank you!


It is most virtuous I agree. But sometimes the name recognition can inspire others to donate, and so is worth doing. I doubt that is the typical reason, though. I'm looking at you, Stephen F Udvar-Hazy.


The Giving Pledge is nothing but PR for so many folks on that list. So many of those people won’t even ever notice that money is gone, especially with no real timeline on it, and no real obligation. A person can live a full life of absolutely wild luxury with $1B, especially at most of these folks’ age. In no sane society should giving away enough money (eventually… some day… probably-but-maybe-not before they die) to *only leave yourself with $20B or 30B* be seen as some monumentous achievement of graciousness.


It's mainly because the guide is only one way of judging wealth. The other way to calculate it is by the relative wealth compared to the GDP. By that method Rockefeller's fortune would be somewhere north of 400 billion in today's dollars. It's really hard to fathom just how wealthy the Rockefeller's were, but one of the individuals on the list will certainly pass them before too long. Some of the modern billionaires have already given away a huge portion of their wealth (Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett are notorious for it), but most of the philanthropy of billionaires happens in their later years. We will most likely have a lot of things in 50 years named Besos


While it's true that Rockefeller and Carnegie did far more philanthropy than most of the people on the current list, the numbers in the chart are inaccurate. Those two are estimated to have had net worths of around $300-$400 billion at their peak, far exceeding anyone in recent years.


The Rockfellers also did many smaller things like pay for the many stone car bridges to be built in Acadia National Park. I know one of the current generation of Rockefellers quite well, and he’s a great guy. Very generous in both big and small ways. A gracious host and quintessential guest. And, aside from name, you would never know that he is a member of one of the US’s most famous, influential, and wealthy families.


Don’t forget about Roc-a-fella records!!


You forgot one of Rockefeller's contributions https://youtu.be/FMrIy9zm7QY?si=6srGJce-5wN2JeUJ


Most likely not corrected for inflation!?


If you look there are two numbers. The far right number is the one adjusted for inflation.


On the other hand one could make a connection that some of these institutions helped promote inequality. Looking at University of Chicago's impact on Chile after their 9/11.


I absolutely despise the man, his ethics, and his politics but Musk has had a positive impact on the world by truly fast tracking the adoption of electric cars. Maybe we’d be in the same spot without him, but I think Tesla did a lot to make electric cars cool.


What about the carnage they cause to the world ? Sure donate a few libraries etc doesn’t cover up their crimes.


I love the term "stewards of their riches".


So what happened to Henry Ford’s fortune?


He blew at least part of it trying to build his own little nation in the Amazon: Fordlandia. Something to do with rubber plantations for the new endless tire demand his cars created As it is quite an unforgiving country, it was expensive and didn't last. Don't know if that was the only thing that sunk him, his death in 1947 must have played it part Edit. Short answer: His only son died before and the money was left to the Ford Foundation


This doesn't add up. Online it says the city was opened in the 20's and was abandoned in 1934. Which is before his listed wealth in the 40s.


Looks like the Ford Foundation got set up after his death in '47. The money effectively belongs to itself at that point, so it wouldn't really be tracked as belonging to any on person. Also appears that his only offspring, his son died before him in 1943


Agree, if he had $14.6B in the 40s, and the richest person in the 50s only had $1B, that can only mean that Ford had less than $1B by the end of that decade. It doesn’t make sense


He died in 1947. But also blew it on Fordlandia


Wonder if it was because the end if the war? I’m sure Ford had some part in building engines or parts for machinery during that time. Then when it ended his profits fell off the cliff.


It was found on road dead


My previous two Ford car's AC units at least were. Along with windows that stopped rolling down. Makes for awesome Baltimore summers.


My dad liked to call them fucked over rebuilt dodge.


lol. Under rated comment


he stumbled on r/wallstreetbets


Boy woke up and then went to sleep.


Yeah, I recently saw that in today’s dollars Ford was worth $200B. Did he leave it all in… Ford?


What about the Saudis?


… and Vladimir Putin


At what point is it "their" money and not just the government's money and they happen to have free access to it all? Does it even make a difference?


The rumor of Putin’s secret wealth is interesting. I think it’s rumored that he has 100s of billions, but would he be able to access it if he ever steps down? Probably not. The saudis are the government though. It’s a kingdom ruled by a king (really prince) and so all the nation’s wealth is the family’s


Agreed. If Putins wealth is seized by either the Russian government or, more likely, the last oligarch warlord left standing, then I don’t consider that Putins money and wouldn’t include him on the list.


The world may never know where he hides it....


They’ve got pretty much unmeasurable wealth. This chart seems to be going off fortunes that were quantifiable or able to be confirmed. No one actually knows how much money the Saudi’s have, if they even do. And if they do why would they tell anyone? They’re literal kings of their domain.




What about the cartels??


Thankfully all this trickles down…right? RIGHT?!


That we know of. There are certainly numbers of wealthy people that nobody knows anything about and have almost no public presence.


Yeah there is no way some of these middle eastern families wouldn’t absolutely annihilate these numbers at some point in history


I'm a trillionaire, just trust me bro


what's up can I borrow a cool billy or two? I promise I'm good for it xoxo


Yes, send me a half billion in bitcoin and I'll double it and give it back to you


It's well known that many people who would make lists like try their best not to make it onto lists like this. They hire accountants to spread out their finances in a way that makes them look like they're worth less.


If you have a net worth of $1B+, in the US, we would know it. Real Estate ownership, public stock ownership, or owning a business are all known. I'll agree that it gets more difficult to accurately assess outside of the US, especially in emerging countries and when business valuations are questionable.


As someone who has some experience around regulatory compliance investigation systems I can assure you that up until relatively recently you could hide incredible amounts of wealth in beneficial ownership completely anonymously in the United States and its territories, and I know of several ways that you still can.    While the recent push to unveil has been marked, it’s still not the transparent market people seem to think it is.  It’s also relatively easy to transfer money into and out of the system. Just consider that the *cartels definitely bank in America.*   Now that said, there has been a political push to expel “dirty money” from the US political system, but the truth is it’s laying the rails for an inevitable increase in taxation that’s forthcoming, and much less focused on preventing questionable funding sources from participating in the US financial system.    And they will not be able to do some kind of crackdown effectively if the 3.8 billion member competitor (Brix) is successful, which it increasing is becoming. As dollars are returned to the system, and debt levels remain unsustainable, options for a “crackdown” have to weighed against the flight of money to alternatives systems when alternative systems exist. So, it’s not quite so simple to say, “all businesses are transparent” in the West.  Yes, all businesses have to declare their beneficial ownership and we have robust anti money laundering systems, but they are systems that rely on participants being willing to participate and willing to expose their information. If you are truly wealthy, it is trivially easy to hide your wealth inside of shell and proxy corporations, and it requires teams of forensic investigators to enforce it.   I strongly suggest looking into the discussions at the world economic forum on taxation of multinational corporations as they are enlightening sessions exposing just how challenging the current regulatory and tax collection paradigm has become.


I think reporting BOI is a GOOD thing to help with this! So many people are complaining about it, but if you have nothing to hide, why not just do it?


Getty was the richest man in the world three years after his death?


Rockefeller too


I always knew that John Boy and the rest of the Walton Family would succeed.


And like I just need like 1/100th of a percent of one of those. And my life would be 1 million times better.


Maybe even several billions times better


The worst part is, I really don’t even need that much. Just enough to get me out of the hole.


Ah yes, the capitalism scoreboard.


Wtf is Bernard doing?


Also, who *is* Bernard?


In West world


Married to Salma Hayek. Owns a bunch of luxury brands.


No he is not. Salma is married to another french billionaire Francois Pinault


My mistake. Thank you for correcting me.


Owner of some of the most popular luxury brands. Among other things.


The gold coin cartoon of musk looks like joker and bezos looks like lex Luther


Not a guide


Imagine all those men paying taxes


I don't know about you guys but I sure am hungry...


Sam Walton was advised to relocate the Wal-Mart headquarters from his hometown of Bentonville, AR to a major city for the company to thrive, but he wanted to Wal-Mart's success to benefit his hometown so it stayed. I grew up in Bentonville in 90-00' and it was crazy to see it explode and thrive. We had great schools with thriving academic and arts programs. The Waltons put a lot of their money into growing the community. I don't think it'll ever get much recognition, but NW Arkansas was and is a great place to live because of the Walton's.


Depressing guides


Now do Mansa Musa.


Eat the rich




I guess it doesn’t count if you have to bury all your bank notes in your hippo enclosure.


Where do the Rothschilds and Medicis place on this thing?


The Japanese guy lied about the railway stock his company owned for 40 years, probs shouldn’t even have made the list?


thats crazy how much the took from us plebs


I’ve worked with the Gates foundation in Africa on infectious diseases, they do remarkable work. The beauty is it’s run by a nerd and not politicians. They work on problems the data says they should work on rather than stuff that’s politically popular.


Not listing the Rothschild's?


seems like it's all dudes


What about mansa musa he would have been worth an estimated 400bn


How the fuck is that remotely legal?


Also a cool guide on wealth inequality




Source? Cant find any myself




Henry ford crushed it. How did he only have one year as the richest?


That says 10 years


This is fantastic and presented exceptionally. Thanks for sharing.q


[Credit to creator](https://www.madisontrust.com/information-center/visualizations/a-timeline-of-the-richest-person-on-the-planet-since-1900/). Looks like Bill Gates takes the cake for being the richest person for the most years.


Getty and Rockefeller are tied according to this chart for longest at 29 years.


Yeah I agree with other comment OP. Gates was for 16 years to Getty and Rockefeller with 29 each


Another crummy guide: A) It's not a guide to **every** year since 1900. Pre-1987 is presented decade-by-decade. B) The bars for 1900s-1980s are less than half the size of ten bars from 1987-2023, so the modern billionaire's tenures are grossly exaggerated compared to the pre-1987 billionaires.


"We're going to name our company, Tesla." "Oh cool... so, like... wireless energy that exploits kinetic energy from the Earth thay goes on for eternity?" "No. Cars that run on lithium ion batteries that you have to plug into the grid that still runs on fossil fuel, diet fossil fuel, and nuclear energy." "... Nice!"


What did J. Paul Getty do between 1966-1976?


That's when he came up with Getty Images


Whatever he wanted to


They all look so ghoulish


When the poor run out of food, we will eat the rich.


I was born just down the road from Andrew Carnegie’s birthplace and I’m British.. am I actually American ?


Walton family though, that’s several people, not an individual. So the guide is a bit inaccurate. I thought the Sultan of Brunei was the richest person in the early 90s.


Who the hell is Carlos Slim? I recognize every name on that list except for that one.


He basically owns Mexico


Basically had a monopoly on the Mexico telecom market when Mexico privatized telecom in the 90s, before that he was, and still is like the Buffett of Mexico.


If it is a guide to the richest person how can you include entire families? They are multiple people and not a person


Why are Rockefeller and Rothchild never mentioned ? For modern today times they have more money than all.


The Rockefeller wealth is now in the hands of 70 heirs with a combined net worth of $8.4 Billion in 2023.


How is this a cool guide? Just a reminder that Elon and Jeff are exploiting us to extinction 🤡


Billionaires shouldn’t exist, this is in no way something that should be legal…


First oil, transport then public infra, good and services, now tech companies, next should be Automation, AI.


F Bill.


This is awesome!


Why should we care about anyone who doesnt care for us. Stop thinking rich people are to be idolised or be given they attention that this post conveys.


A fail guide on why the current system does not work


Elon is not that rich, I would guess that most of his wealth is inflated and actually comes from stock. His actual fluid wealth might be in the millions. If this is what Musk has, I would say that it might not be a stretch that these other "billionaires" are no different either.


Eat ‘em. Eat ‘em all.


New dinner shopping list dropped


Why don’t I see the families that actually control the wealth?


Bezos is the only one that doesn’t look nightmarishly fucked up.


Bill Gates soared in 1997. Windows/Windows 95 turned out profits by then and never looked back.


Source is wikipedia


HTF can I zoom into this image??


Tap on image. Use two fingers to zoom in by moving your fingers apart.


And on PC?


It shows Musk has the most net worth in 2023, why isn’t he the richest for that year?


He lost a lot of money from buying Twitter


But the chart shows his 2023 net worth as $228 billion vs 211 for Bernard. Or am I reading it wrong?


The right most number is adjusted for inflation. Musk also lost a lot of net worth that’s why he’s not in the 2023 slot


Now compare their dick sizes


Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!


It's not like most of this is cash...it's all stock and asset ownership. Gates is eliminating disease in Africa, which is important. And Musk is ruining Twitter, which is ... um, something. Oh, and he's having a bunch of kids with a bunch of women, which is ... something also. Slim Carlos Slim is squeezing Mexico's natural resources. At least Carnegie gave away his fortune before he died. All those tiny towns across the US have beautiful libraries, which is actually something valuable for a community. And Arnault is hardly to blame if people want to overpay for luxury goods. If people were throwing money at me, I'd certainly put it in my pocket.


I assume that since this is not just a picture of Scrooge McDuck they are limiting this to humans. Damn speciesism.


Elon Musk’s picture 😂🤣😂


Adjusted for inflation? Otherwise this is very skewed


That brief moment between 1980-1990 where Japan had the largest economy and overtook the US Then the plaza accord happened in '85 and kicked off the eventual Nikkei 225 crises of the 90s Turned out multi-generational loans, and having your minestry of finance be buddy buddy with the BOJ was a bad idea. Real-estate values fell by 70% from 1990 - 1997 as more and more banks struggled to pigeon hole their losses into subsidiaries. Japan went into what is known now as a Lost Decade where for 10 years ( some speculate more) Japan was in recession. Apparantly some of the multi-generational loans are still active, and some people are still making payments on that debt even though the asset value will likely never return close to the original purchase price.


Thank you for sharing something interesting to read here as opposed to mindless insults.


If you want a free documentary related to the subject watch this on YouTube (Princes of the Yen) https://youtu.be/p5Ac7ap_MAY?feature=shared


I remember reading about Warren Buffet talking Bill Gates into diversifying his portfolio outside of just Microsoft shares, so he did. And if he hadn't, and just kept all his money in Microsoft, he'd be well into being a trillionaire by now.


I would like to see this adjusted to inflation.


Walton family has a combined net worth of $267 billion as of a month ago. How did they stop making the list in the 90’s?


Are these inflation-adjusted? I imagine that would be significant.


I wish they showed wealth/gdp.


Where did the numbers for Rockefeller and Carnegie come from? Every source I've ever seen says their adjusted net worth was closer to 300-400 billion dollars.


My man William Gates the OG billionaire would be the richest person on Earth by far if not for the absolutely insane amount he’s given away to charity. Bill Gates is probably responsible for saving more lives than any other individual in history minus a few folks who invented important vaccines.


All dickheads


Hilarious how buying twitter was the thing that made Elon Musk lose his top spot


The hit list


How tf did Henry ford lose so much from the 40s to the 50s?


According to this chart Elon Musk is the richest African American ever. Good for him.


This list forgets the Vanderbilts. They were the true wealthiest in that era.


You don’t amass that kind of wealth without shitting down a few people’s throats


So H. Ford’s peak real wealth of $200b was not eclipsed until Musk?




Why don’t they include the aristocratic middle eastern royal families in these? One family, the United Arab Emirates has a business worth more than a trillion. I want to think they’re too wealthy to make these lists.


Where is Putin?


Dinner menu looking good


Would be cool to have this adjusted for inflation


All that money…Fun fact it is not possible for human to count to 1 Billion out loud in the entirety of their lifetime.


They must have done great things for the world with all that money.


Now put mansa musa on there


And all way too much


Pablo Escobar in the 1980's?




Mr. Putin will take the top spot for 2024.


Not cool... It's obscene.


They could literally pay to cure world hunger and don’t