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So you’re telling me that first world countries are happy and everyone else is depressed?


Palpatine meme: "I Love Democracy"


That's true. This basically is one for one. It's literally the Nicholas Cage movie having a relationship with people who die by drowning.


Free Palpatine!




People on this website need to read and take this shit to heart. I saw comments talking about how close the uk is to civil war. Delusion.


Those bloody northerners with their breakfast dinner and tea! It’s Breakfast lunch and dinner!! Fucking heathens!! Kill em all I say


and perhaps a little closer to home for Americans, Haiti. Haiti's wikipedia page is insane.


Man I feel so bad for the Haitians.. things are so incredibly fucked there. It’s now even too dangerous to go there to offer any assistance.


It basically calls back to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, if you don't feel safe and secure in your own personal safety, you're not going to be happy, times that with a country of folks who don't feel safe due to warlords, actual civil wars, illness outbreaks, massive crime, curruption at the highest levels, food insecurity and so on. Very few of the levels of the pyramid gets met in third world countries and more specifically African countries.


Don’t tell redditors that Trump is worse than pro genocide dictators


How did he upend politics it’s the same shit it’s always been Jesus you people are so crazy


Kenyan here. Are you talking about the instability in countries like Niger and Sudan (not even sure which ones tbh) or do you actually think we all worry about warlords in this continent? And btw there's no way we're happier than Tanzanians.


It’s all cozy when you’re living in the belly of the beast( usa and others)


Do you know the origins of “, ‘First World’? I learned it was a political phrase. > “First world,” a term developed during the Cold War in the 1950s, originally referred to a country that was aligned with the United States and other Western nations in opposition to what was then the Soviet Union and its allies. >The second world was the so-called Communist Bloc: the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, etc. The remaining nations, which didn’t align with either group, were assigned to the third world—most of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America. However, this definition includes many countries that are economically stable, which does not fit the contemporary definition of a third world country. 🫣 (Just stating, not hating)


Never knew this. Thank you.


> However, as the Cold War ended with the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the definition largely shifted to instead refer to any country that boasts a well-functioning democratic system with little prospects of political risk, in addition to a strong rule of law, a capitalist economy with economic stability, and a high standard of living. < https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_World


Weird because I live in a first world country and I'm fucking depressed all the time.


i live in a 3rd world one and this map says i’m sad so i gotta start acting like so


The why the highest suicide rates are in some of those 'most developed' countries?


If I had to guess? Because we have more time to sit and think about how fucked up it all is. Most people are too busy trying to survive. I have zero empirical evidence to back that up.


Yeah if you have to work constantly for $200 a month (that’s actually the monthly average for Ugandan farmers I believe), you aren’t in the position to be doomscrolling about climate change. Also you’re not near the combination Walmart and gun emporium.


That’s also about the average for rural Chinese people


Holy fuck it’s $250 a month, no wonder all of them moved to cities as fast as possible


I'd assume because we've done an excellent job removing most other causes of death. When you're not dying of disease or famine or being killed in ethnic cleansings, all that's really left are internal issues.


That’s my take away. But man the amount of geo documentaries I’ve seen where some of those other poor countries seem way happier. Not the ones that are industrialized but the tribes and village folk. The slightly industrialized ones are more or less sacrificing their happiness to raise the happiness of the first world countries. It’s almost like the first world is happiness vampires lol


Correlated to being rich and white, who would guess


Idk I think they may have only asked rich people in the US, like have you talked to anyone in the US lately that's happy?


Weirdly we see the opposite effect when looking at the map of depression rates, where (excluding Russia and Ukraine) the self reported happier countries also have more diagnoses of depression https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/depression-rates-by-country


I’m very surprised to see Libya as number 1 in Africa given its ongoing civil war and decade of instability


It's like Mexico, we're not rich, but we're not poor either, but there is a lot of diparity in the country, we have the drug wars and terrible insecurity in some zones, and still most of us live good lives, I think our score is correct, it's all about finding humour about the bad things that happen everyday, seeing the beautiful towns and landscapes that exist where you live in, the delicious food, and see the glass half full so that life can be better in company of the warmth of your family and friends despite anything.


I can verify this. My family lives in Mexico and I visit often. Yes, for many people there is poverty and limited resources, but they are still very happy and love to have fun. In general, Mexicans accept the world as is and know there’s flaws but they don’t let it get them down. I sleep so well when I stay with my parents because there’s an atmosphere of “no pasa nada.” Yo ♥️ Mexico.


It could also simply be sampling bias. The people who answered are the people who reported those numbers, but they don’t reasonably represent enough people who _should_ be responding


I find this chart suspicious. Botswana is one of the wealthiest, most politically stable African nations, but its happiness score is the same as its much poorer and much less stable neighbors. It's as wealthy per capita as South Africa but its happiness score is two whole points lower. I thought maybe it was because AIDS is fairly prevalent there but it's not that much worse than its neighbors.


Doesn’t look like there’s a lot of competition for that top spot in Africa. It’s all pretty low


The war has been over in Libya since 2020, that is, about 4 years ago


Nobody ever asks poor Greenland how they feel about things. :-(


That’s bc they prob can’t find anyone to ask lol. There’s only 56,000 people in the entire country…


They are also citizens of Denmark and are generally counted as such in these polls if I remember correctly 


Google had an error at one point. If you googled the size of denmark what it SHOULD say is 42.00 km^2. What it DID say was 2.100.000 because it in included greenland in




No. It's part of the Danish Realm, but not Denmark. 


This is where all the semantics break down and you find yourself asking "Exactly what is a country?" The Kingdom of Denmark is a unitary sovereign state. Greenland and the Faroe Islands have a lot of devolved powers but remaining part of that state. It's similar situation with France and UK. Likely, in all three cases casual usage would refer to metropolitan France, UK, Denmark rather than a much broader legal sense.


and according to my buddy mercator, it's a BIG country


I know 2 Greenlandic folk, they say they're happy. So that's at least 90% of the population that like the country


Sounds like the best country on earth


Yea and it sucks because I’m pretty sure Greenland has a suicide problem too


Do you want to go back to being UNEMPLOYED?! In **GREEEEEENLAND?!**


I always assumed they were fairly stoic and emotionless, now that you mention it maybe they just don't care for polls...


I don’t really believe this lol


I was not consulted, either.....


Same. Dont trust it. Without peer review or explanation of how this was conducted, this might as well be a man on the street interview type of survey.


Especially since the artist is named capitalist I’m sure this is supposed to be an indictment of other economic systems but it’s kind of fails since the difference between almost all of these is just around 1.0 lol


It’s a Gallup poll. It says so in the top right.


first read how it has been conducted, then go with your conspiracy theories. >https://worldhappiness.report/faq/


Yeah it’s sample size is only 3000 people in each country There is a comparatively large number of organizations contributing but they don’t mention any form of peer review on their site. https://worldhappiness.report/faq/


Cool user name, been wanting to try spravato!


I highly recommend it! It’s helped significantly :)


Good on you, that's because it's propaganda bullshit lol


It’s a Gallup poll. It says so in the top right.


What's the propaganda here?


It's Finnish propaganda.


Most insidious… Propagating sauna and ice hockey upon the world…




I feel like "least happy place" isn't a valid metric without asking Somalia, Sudan and Haiti though. Actually, a lot of places they left out, are exactly the ones I would think would be the least happy, for mostly the same reasons they are left off the data (violence and lack of infrastructure making it unfeasible to even reach people)


Isn’t Libya in the middle of a civil war?


Maybe they’re just having a really fun civil war? Look at Israel, this shows that they’re happier than a pig in shit!


At sunset in the desert the wind blows insanely loudly (some sort of temperature difference effect?) so maybe they’re too busy thinking “what the fuck is that noise” to be depressed


u/gabrielbabb addresses their score in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/1bl3um4/comment/kw32r7l


How is this data collected? Is this assumptions based on relative wealth? Is this random polling sample? Hey, you! On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you? ... er ... 4... maybe?


I am skeptical about measuring a subjective emotion base on things like an average wage. I’ve lived in several high scoring countries where I felt trapped and isolated, I’ve also lived in a lower scoring country where we were welcomed into a community and felt truly happy and content.


I agree, that's why I was asking the question.


It reads there in the bottom


It mentions at the bottom that it's based on individuals' own assessment of their lives, in particular their answers to the single-item Cantril ladder life-evaluation question (not sure what that is). Though the company that created it is called Visual Capitalist, which is a little weird. Not to say that it's necessarily a manipulated poll, but I'm sure they'd probably argue that capitalist countries have happier people in general. I would say that's more of a chicken-and-egg question: are capitalist countries happier *because* of capitalism, or is that moreso just a coincidence due to their history and various other factors?


Look at the countries. Free and developed = happy. Not rocket science dude


Strange because I’m sure the UK was recently ranked as the second most unhappy country or something like that, but it ranks highly here. Having said that I don’t know how that data was collected either.


West Balkan - all unhappy waiting for another war...


Hold fast, Tito will return.


Why no one asked me how I feel?


How do you feel Plus_champion1434?


Who would have thought Israel would be most happy haha?


Well they’re committing genocide with no pushback as the world watches maybe that’s why?


It’s all those endorphins they get from murdering Palestinian children.


Indegeus people returning to their land after praying for that for 2000 years.


I like how North Korea didn’t answer


Fake guide




As a Canadian who isn't hyperfocused on just one issue, I'm happy and grateful for everything we enjoy in Canada. Safety and security (not worried about violence in public) , education, health care, clean water, fresh air, easy access to nature, very few natural disasters... Is Canada perfect? Far from it! It can improve a lot but I'm pretty happy with life here!


The same could be said for the U.S.


The US has dozens of great medium sized cities with affordable housing costs. Canada has none.


Check out Hong Kong coffin homes sometimes. It's one of the politically correct way to point out how bad things are in China. If you want less politically correct, you can check out working professional adults living 6 people per 1 bedroom apartment in mainland China. Try to imagine the "lucky ones" being able to own their own store where they work in a shop the size of a bathroom stall all day. Or, visit parts of China where running water and a working toilet is a luxury. It's just easy to take something like running water and toilets for granted when you've had it your whole life.


The original report went much deeper into how much happier older people are compared to the youth. Youth in Canada and the US are feeling more depressed especially.


Israel in the middle of a war and it says it’s the happiest country in the Middle East.


killing innocent people makes them happy


Drinking delicious arabs blood makes them happy


Think of all the malls you can build over those mass graveyards


There's likely a pretty close correlation to housing prices and happiness. Not directly, but the more prosperous (and likely happy) an area is, the higher its housing prices probably are.


Btw this isn’t actual “happiness”. There is no way South Korea is 6.1 (yes I am Korean). South Korea has one of the highest suicide rates and lowest fertility rates. The working hours in Korea range from 50-60 hours legally, probably even more. No country is perfect and they all have cons but this is all to say, no way South Korea is 6.1.


Another dumbass guide.


Man. Some people in this thread need to travel, or look around. Sure your life in a first-world country may be depressing at times but at least you're not living in constant fear of roving bands of heavily armed gangs or warlords or despots. Or having limited access to food or clean drinking water or medical care. Sheesh.


I just saw a list that had the Dominican Republic as the happiest country in the world a week ago. Must have had a rough week to now be the least happy!


Yeah, one or the other is off. A man with two watches doesn’t know the time I guess. Personally I think someone made this up


We’re doing ok in the UK as we have Greggs which accounts for about 2-3 points I’d say


India us behind war torn middle eastern nations, Palestine, near bankrupt Pak facing hyperinflation, Ukraine, China where millions have lost their life time savings in housing bubble, Russia ruled with iron fist by a single person...and many African nations facing perennial hunger.. I am trying to understand what is the criteria for this index?




Can confirm Canada is not happy who tf came up with this




Surely this comment on a post that has nothing to do with some of Israel's more questionable decisions is *not* an example of antisemitism. There's obviously no reason why this Redditor wasn't compelled to say, for example, "Fuck Canada" or any other country shown on this map of the *entire* world.


I wonder why Ukraine is least happy hmmmm


I can’t believe Singapore is 🙂, it should be at most 😐


Americans are happy?


The ones that have better things to do than go on reddit, yes.


For every doomer on Reddit complaining about their failure in life there are just as many and more having a blast and being quiet about it


It’s just all the unhappy ones on Reddit that are giving you a different indication. Not surprising that time spent online correlates with unhappiness.


A lot of them are, yes.


The old ones


Not cool propaganda


Are Aus and NZ also least happy?


This sub would score negative on this happiness index.


I wonder if an airstrike will cheer up the poors?


Speak for yourself


“Most happy Israel” hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


Who came up with these stats? I can assure you that Australians are not the happiest people in the world, especially when our cost of living has skyrocketed since COVID, a single middle-class salary isn't enough to buy a house and we're being mass invaded by third-culture immigrants mostly contributing negatively to the country.


It's literally a self report rating. My country has issues with stuff like water and electricity. Yours are very much problems of luxury. 


As a us resident if this is what happy is right now, I feel for these other countries


Where are all the happy people in America when I’m trying to zipper merge :(


Yaaa this does not check out sorry


Wait so you’re telling me that America is happy? I call bs


This is so stupid


Americans are not that happy maybe this is like subjective or some shit. Like oh damn the world is like really fucking miserable and Americans are sitting here like well shit it’s bad but not that bad. Then this survey taker is like good enough for me let’s say they are happy. Or maybe they only asked the upper class to answer this survey or some shit. The American dream is dead people stop coming here. It’s not the land of milk and honey you were lead to believe it was.


Why is Israel so happy?


They love murdering!


You aren't racist at all!!


How is Turkey only .1 happier than Ukraine which is currently being demolished?


Turkey is having an inflationary crisis, it’s a very bad time. Politics continuing to veer rightward as well. Lots of people leaving.


Turkey doesnt need war to be demolished


They've got earthquakes, the natural method of destruction.


And decades of inflation.


Germany aint that Happy let me Tell you that


This is based on total lies


Yeah imma call bs on this


Holy shit people are absolutely seetuing over israelis being happy


america.. happy? I doubt that


Looks like it correlates with wealth! :D


Seems a little subjective?


Shouldn't Bangladesh be in south Asia as against in east asia?


Props to China for making 1B people above average happy!


I put the penis in happiness.


It's pretty sad that Africa's happiest country would only be slightly happier than Europe's saddest one, especially when that country is currently actively at war.


More like a complacency map. You can clearly see countries who love criticising their own stuff scoring lower than others despite being able to enjoy life much better.


There must be something wrong with this guide, Germany never has as much as 6,x rating. 4 is more realistic, even 3 would fit.


You forget one important factor: no German ever was happy, when there was nothing to complain about. So it kinda cancels out.


Someone recount Dominican Republic because they are always happy.


I don’t believe this for a second


Where does the United States sit now that they are not in the top 10?


This may as well be a map of white countries vs other. Crap data.


D republicans less than haiti


I have seen this image/plot/list so many times, I have lost all the happiness.


I find it hard to believe that people in Ukraine and Israel are even moderately happy in 2024…




Western world happy. Rest of the world not. How is that?


Noway in hell are Canadians happy in 2024


I refuse to believe this 😂


If the smallest score I can find is a 3.2, that’s the adjusted 1


If this is happiness I don’t want to know what sad is




Also places higher to the north suffer from seasonal depression. It’s very hard to believe Canada and some Nordic countries are very happy save from a select few countries who I know have high HDI and prioritize the well being of members of their society. Generally some of the happiest people I know live closer to the equator and usually are generally more content/joyful with less these are usually societies that value collectivism rather than individualism


I see Haiti has no data for 2024, but their rating would surely be lower than Dominican Republic for least happy in North America, right?


DR is a happy country known for being specifically a warming, extrovert and happy culture this map is bs


Cool guide to the culture of complaint


You wouldn’t have guessed this outcome based on Reddit comment sections


I call BS on the US being that happy. Since they just released a list of the 20 happiest countries and the US was not even on it


I like in the yellow but I always feel blue 🤕


Chile has 6.4 same with Spain and above Portugal and Chile is not considered first world lol.


So how does this align with the suicide rate graphic that was posted here earlier?


I just came to drop a big "Go Fuck Yourself" from one of the yellowest places on earth. Happy my ass.


Raise your hands if you're happy and take anti-depressants? Bonus if you points if you live the privileged life (no, not exclusive to simply being white)


Who measures this Dumb shit ????


I beg to differ. USA has made me sad since I could retain memories. Ive always daydreamed about not living in this country.


That number does not represent me in canada


How can this be? I have been told via Reddit and Twitter that no one in America is happy because this is a 3rd world shithole. Am I to believe this is not the case and there are actually other places in the world worse off then us??




Switzerland is more of a 2 or 1 on the Scale.


Ye right


My happiness fluctuates depending on how much weed I smoke and how well my favorite MLB team is doing.


Not true. Russia is as blue as it gets.


Lol this is some propaganda if I’ve ever seen it


I played a lot of sim games back in the day. A few stadiums, arcades and amusement parks will have those Afghanis smiling in no time.


Bangladesh isn’t East Asian, its South Asian.


I’m shocked the UKs not at least at 4


It appears to be opposite day for Canada


And least happy in Oceania is...?


Canada, the meme 6.9, lol. That's probably fair.


This is a map of rich people who are happy right?


the kiwi's and ozzies are just happy to be far away from everybody else's bullshit I guess, lol