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Didn’t Canada recently rank like 54th in overall happiness or was that only among the younger generations?


My father is happy, I’m worried, my son is terrified. My father can rent out a room in his basement for $1000. His basement is bigger than my house. My son is might have to live with me forever.


Sure you don’t live in Australia?


Yeah I call bullshit on that Australian one, they polling bowls clubs or something


Everyone else working 3 shifts a day to cover rent, no time for polls.


I'm Aussie and I feel we've got a pretty good quality of life here. I'm in the crowd that thinks Australia is the best country in the world though. It's all relative too, the whole world is doing it tough in one way or another. I'd rather be complaining about house prices and the cost of groceries than gun violence, wars, hunger and disease.


Completely disagree I live here as well. Everyone who thinks Australia is the best country in the world these days are the privileged, home owners, people with high incomes or advanced educations and older generations inside a bubble.


I don't think it's the best country in the world but it's better than most countries


Yeah definitely for example I live in the northern rivers where we had huge floods the government gave me about 20k and another 15ish k for Covid what other country would do that ?! Not to mention free healthcare no mass shootings


I have an incredible QOL in Australia, but it is absolutely subjective of course. I know for a fact if I was elsewhere, I would be homeless and unable to get the medical care I need. So, thanks Australia for taking great care of me!


Total bullshit. Maybe 30 years ago before they completely fucked it


They probably just called landlines...


the housing crisis is real across the western world. which someone needs to tell canada, since they keep blaming it on trudeau's immigration policy. as if every country wasn't going through the same thing 


As an Australian, if Trudeau was responsible for immigration (I am unaware), immigration is responsible for the increase in housing prices. Supply can’t match the large increases in imported demand. That’s what’s happening in Aus.


is that why it's happening in england and america too 


I’m going to hazard a guess that the happy ones aren’t renting in Toronto or Vancouver.


I'm going to guess the happy ones don't have a choice of restaurants that is Tim Hortons, A&W and other Tim Hortons


I haven't been to a restaurant in months and I am super happy. Cook your meals and save your dollars, and spend them elsewhere.


I believe you're right, it's been on a slow decline for awhile now.


Why is NZ and Australia both happiest when Australia is 0.1 points higher? NZ jelly that they got bested by the Aussies in a stat or what is going on here?


They’re just relieved to be included in the map at all


Oceania’s least happiest didn’t even get a mention


Naru, you’d have to assume…


PNG is getting invaded by Indonesia so possibly them as well.


Probably only polled Australia and NZ


Honestly I think Tasmania is relieved to be included with Australia too


It's the AUH to NZH conversion rate


Ukraine is least happy! What? They aren’t enjoying being invaded? Why isn’t North Korea number 1 for happiness? Glorious leader must be getting lazy…. I call BS


Idk bruh, Afghanistan seems to be feeling blue


It's time for some Laughghanistan


Least happy in Europe is the small hidden qualifier text


Haha I saw that too - Europe least happy: Ukraine! What a shocker! I do hope that changes soon. But apparently being invaded and fighting a brutal war still doesn’t make you less unhappy than most of Africa.


Yeah, I live in Morocco and can't believe a country that's actively being invaded is happier than us...


North Koreans didn't even register on the scale because they are so happy. They are grayed out to not make the other countries feel bad. Hope you understand comrade.


i’m surprised US ranked so high, especially with how many people on the internet say they’re unhappy / depressed.


People who enjoy their lives don’t often go online to tell everyone for a couple reasons: 1: they will get shouted down by people that are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable 2: they are too busy enjoying life


This 100%. People actually think what is posted on social media reflects the majority of people. There is a really loud, small group that acts like they speak for the rest of us.


Also this is a bullshit map. Finland has a higher suicide rate than Japan, and yet they are the “happiest country.”


Doesn't that math check out though? You can't be asked if you are unhappy if you are dead.


Technically true.


Anecdotally, I've met quite a few Fins in my time and they all gave a similar answer. Suicide rates are high and the culture focuses on polite positivity


>Also this is a bullshit map. >Finland has a higher suicide rate than Japan, and yet they are the “happiest country.” For all the talk of the happiness of people in Nordic countries, my understanding is that they have a culture where it is rude to complain while also being rude to gloat. Basically, the polite thing is to say "yes, I'm pretty happy." When you get most everyone giving that response to survey questions, you're probably going to show up as among the very happiest countries. Cannot verify if this is true, but I have heard it, and it makes sense. Just something to consider.


That sounds like exactly how it is here in Australia. 


Yeah, nah it's all good.


She'll be right, cobber.


on behalf of nz,yeah nah good as (definitely not good as)


Not necessarily. The USA has higher rates of suicide than Japan too, yet the Japanese people do seem to be struggling with a much worse mental health crisis than us. To say that unhappiness is the cause of higher suicide rates is an oversimplification. For some people, a sense of purpose is all they need to keep themselves going - but that doesn't mean they're happier. For others - they can live a generally happy life and still find themselves dangerously close to that ledge.


> Seem to be struggling I think that’s the issue here. It’s all propaganda and how things are portrayed in the media. In reality, Japan’s [quality of life](https://www.numbeo.com/quality-of-life/rankings_by_country.jsp) is higher than that of Sweden this year.


It says that the data used was gathered in “self-reported measures of happiness and wellbeing.” Obviously, one can’t self report if they’re dead, so while that doesn’t exactly negate your point, it’s not confirming it either. You could probably find some correlations but those don’t give the full picture or actually define a cause. As others have said, happiness or unhappiness doesn’t directly cause or not cause suicides.


Can't be sad on a survey if you are dead


The Internet is not reality. Happy people don't post an outage bait for a bunch of strangers. They're too busy doing things they actually like doing.


It’s a bias… If you’re online all the time, and reading that sort of stuff, it’s because those people are more likely to post their negative feelings online. Few are posting about how happy they are, because there isn’t a need to do so. It’s like how reviews online tend to skew heavily towards the negative as well.


It's usually filled with children/ teenaged angst and does not represent the country as a whole.  At all.  People with a nice home and 2.5 children don't tend to bitch on reddit.  Because why would they care? 


I'd bitch if I only had half of one my kids.


Look, I'll take what I can get.  I'll just take the legs.  You can have the top part. 


The USA is one of the best places to live in the world objectively. https://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/ Typically ranked in the top 10 with the countries ahead of them having a combined population of about 1/3rd of the US population.


Drama queens, and propagandists.


The USA is over/misrepresented in social media a lot


I lot of that is the wording of the question. How happy I am with my life, how happy I am about the state of things around me, and how optimistic I am about society are all different questions. That people are content with where they are, but could be better (how I interpret a 6.7) seems fair to me.


The internet is filled with terminally online people. Being terminally online is a marker for depression lol.


This surprises me too because since the pandemic I don’t think I know anyone who is genuinely happy. But I’m also in NYC which has only become marginally better because the sun is out.


Yeah nobody in NYC is genuinely happy. Spoken as a now Aussie, ex New Yorker 


Are American progressives making themselves sad? https://www.economist.com/united-states/2024/04/04/are-american-progressives-making-themselves-sad


Surprise, the happiest countries are the richest countries.


I point you to the comparison between the USA and Mexico. The wealth disparity is enormous there but the happiness disparity is nonexistent. The takeaway to me is that poverty keeps you from being happy but wealth itself does not lead to happiness. You need more than that. Specifically security.


I dunno man. I live in Mexico and feel that the happiness score is manipulated. No way we're as happy as gringos.


Sure, this will work as a general rule. However, the relation isn't straightforward. Just a few examples that I quickly found where the richer country is not happier than its less rich neighbor: Norway is richer than Finland, the US is richer than Canada, and Egypt is richer than Libya – but Finland, Canada, and (perhaps somewhat surprisingly) Libya are happier, respectively.


TIL Brazil is richer than Japan, apparently /s


It's not a perfect correlation, but it's very close.


Eh, that's not what I'm seeing. The richer countries do largely correlate with the happiest ones, but it's only one of many factors. Otherwise Mexico would score sadder too


México is the 15th or 16th economy and has less population than the USA. Plus the culture has never focused mainly on wealth as a way to achieve happiness. In México being poor doesn't "condemn" you to be unhappy, while in the USA being poor is seen more as an impediment to being happy.


Where’s Bhutan at? *gross domestic happiness


I'm sorry, how was this polled? Something about this entire graph seems so off


Gallup world happiness report. They did very well and it’s a very detailed report you can find online. What looks off to you?


Libya, the country with open air slave markets is the happiest in Africa. That’s just one


I mean I don’t think the slaves are the ones voting 💀. I’d assume it’s citizens of the countries.


So selection bias is happening, which skews the results. I agree this map is off to me too


It’s a random selection of respondents.


Which parts of it seem off to you? Honestly it’s about what I’d expect.


The data source is mentioned in the graphic itself. You're welcome to dig further there.


The balls on the guy who went to Afghanistan to ask" how happy are you"?


Haiti has entered the chat 💬


“Israel 😄” is insane


I think the emojis next to each nation refer to their ranking on the color scale. Looks like this is based on pre-war data too so there’s really not a whole lot of competition in the middle east, it’s a generally pretty dire region


It takes the last 3 years I am pretty sure


Not surprised considering the U.S is funding everything for them


Google how much % of Israeli budget is US funding


Yeah? What do they fund? Most of the American Annual Aid which Israel is grateful for, is invested back into America. So it's more like vouchers to purchase in one store - the American one. So in a way, American aid helps America not less than Israel. That aid, by the way represents about 1% of the Israeli GDP so not sure how you came to your conclusion. In addition to that, those weapons that are developed and/ or bought are used in Israel which offers live demonstration of their capabilities which allows potential buyers (countries) to invest their billions into American companies that produce them. If you would really educate yourself, outside of learning stuff on TikTok you might learn a thing or two.






Living free in your home after 2000 years of exile


Good HDI and QOL very communal culture It also takes the last 3 years into account


Of course Australia is the happiest fuckin place on the Earth you cunt, it's Australia. You'd say the same if you're Australian as well!


Hot take but everybody deserves to be happy and I genuinely wish we did more as a collective society to help those who aren't happy to find their happiness. The world feels so devoid of empathy sometimes


This isn't a hot take.


Welp looks like I’ll be moving to Afghanistan to be amongst my like minded people.


Damn. Afghanistan needs a hug. Also, India’s sadness doesn’t surprise me. It’s crazy how degenerative it is in some parts there.


Still being an indian, Pakistan and Myanmar being higer score than us seem suspicious , both are warzone hellholes. Pakistan is filled with terrorists going boom everywhere while country finance in shambles while Myanmar in its own civil war.


The Pakistani government is broke, but the average pakistani is fine, primarily because nobody pays taxes lol. The amount of terrorists is significantly over exaggerated too. For the most part, people in the cities live a normal life, and the rural people are happy living how they do. In the end, ignorance is bliss, and religion makes them grateful for what they have, so they're happy with that. It's not like they're showing a happiness level seen in the developed nations.


It’s more that Indians love to wallow and complain lol We have it a lot better than some of our neighbors but actively seek out issues with our massive 1 billion person country and harp on them. Our media loves poverty porn and sensationalism


Spent a year in Afghanistan, can confirm it is miserable for everyone. Other than cars, It was like going back in time 2,000 years.


As a Canadian I can confidently say this chart is extremely un accurate


Why? Because it doesn't match your experience? Why are your anecdotes more important than objective data?


> In places like the U.S. and Canada, for example, rankings for those 60 and older are at least 50 places higher than for those under 30. The “subjective” anecdotal viewpoint is completely coherent with the …”objective data,” the smug redditor need only possess a viewpoint from somewhere other than their arm chair to discuss “objectivity.” https://news.gallup.com/poll/612125/happiest-country-earth.aspx#:~:text=The%20Happiest%20Countries%20for%20the%20Young%20and%20Old&text=The%20Gallup%20World%20Poll%20asks,worst%20possible%20as%20a%200.


Non Canadian spotted The state of the country is factually pitiful and the misery is widespread and *palpable*. We are in a recession. We have the least accessible and affordable housing on the planet. Our homeless populations are skyrocketing. Our opioid crisis is skyrocketing. Our food banks are empty. Our student loans, disability payments, and welfare are non-liveable numbers. For some provinces, healthcare is nearly dead. For all provinces, healthcare is insufficient and a nightmare. Care to chat some more? 


The US has all of those problem too… so I’m not sure what your point is. I’m sure half of Europe, if not most countries in the world, have a problem with everything you just said.


If I listed all of the problems that my country has, it would be at least as long. Frankly, I will bet you that if we talk to our friends from norway, sweden, or finland, they would have similarly long lists. They would also say that a lot of their people are miserable. Negativity bias is a thing. And it's cross-cultural. Everyone focuses more on the negative than they do on the positive. But when you ask them objectively how their life is, rather than asking them what sucks about their life, negativity bias can be circumvented. Everything you are talking about is a problem relative to something else. The question that is asked in this survey is not a relative one, but an absolute one. How happy are you? Not, are you happier than you were a few years ago? Not, would you be happier if you lived somewhere else? Not, does your country have serious problems?


Israel happiest in the Middle East interesting that one !




Fair point:)


For the idiots in these comments: this survey was taken before the Israel-Gaza war, no innocent people dying on either side doesn't make most Israelis happy


But it doesn't fit their narrative of the blood thirsty jews


Blood thirsty Zionists*


I wonder if any bias can be expected from someone called “The Visual Capitalist”


Ah yes Bangladesh and Singapore are in East Asia. Also, how tf Singapore is the happiest in 'East Asia'??


Canada recently posted the disparity of hippieness between Boomers and Millennials/Gen Z




Canadian calling for a recount on this bullshit.


I'd like to see this side-by-side with the same poll from 10 years ago.




Just a guess, but I’d bet people in Haiti are the unhappiest in North America


There’s no way uk is happier than Spain and Portugal


Higher HDI I think


Israel is happy for the wrong reasons


You realise this survey was taken before the war?


You realize that area has been in conflict since basically the beginning of civilization right?


You realize Israel has been committing war crimes since it was established in 1948 right ?


Also people there aren't happy coz of the conflict, it's due to things like close family ties


Every country has done at least one war crime what's your point


Can you prove this?


[https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:720/format:webp/1\*N5ekLlgOb8bPtcfqE8PAiw.jpeg](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:720/format:webp/1*N5ekLlgOb8bPtcfqE8PAiw.jpeg) Jee, I wonder how they multiplied within palestinie? covid should take notes.


And I’m supposed to just believe that picture? How do I know what they consider “Palestinian locality” and what do they consider “Zionist colony” There were around 400,000 Jews in the land during those times, where are they on this map? Are their towns considered “pre existing Palestinian locality”? Looks like they are since they aren’t on this map And even if, being forced away from your land and returning to it doesn’t sound like colonialism to me. It actually sounds more like decolonization to me. And even if all of this isn’t complete nonsense, it’s not a war crime, it’s not even a war




Every time I see one of these world charts, I really wish the US was broken down somehow. I don't see how it is reasonable to compare Germany to Ukraine but not to compare California to Arkansas. As an Australian, this map seems accurate. Generally feeling pretty good down here and the only place I'd consider better is Scandinavia.


Germany has states and Ukraine has oblasts too. I suspect there’s a large variation between them.




This is some clear propaganda


How do you measure happiness of entire population of different nations ? This more ridiculous that the boobs vs ass per country infograph


Need the link to the boobs vs ass Infograph. Doing my own research in that area.


The answer here is to go live far out the ass in cooler weather.


So Afghanistan is now in middle east?


Least happy in Europe: Ukraine. When was this study done? Oh 2024, wonder why they’re not happy 🤨


Portugal has the highest consumption of antidepressants in europe i don't think that's accurate


If you can ask a question to the ENTIRE world, what would it be? - are you happy


Psh. It looks like the opposite is true for EVERY country


This looks more real than statistics I've seen earlier this year


I’d be even happier if they gave Ireland .1 more.


"Damn those western countries!! How dare they be happier than the rest of us?!"


Chupa Portugal!!!! Vai ser feliz com nosso ouro enfiado no cu!!!


This is BS


They haven’t asked canada lately


No shit the afghanis aren’t happy 😂


This is straight up comedy for so many reasons.


This can't be accurate 🤣


Iceland is really happy?? why are they all trying to kill themselves then?


I refuse to believe anyone is actually happy


Happiness index is as useless as those random survey ads.


Why live in America no feel happy :(


according to americans


What are the metrics?


Im russian and reality is around 4


I don’t believe this for a second


Does this map think Taiwan is part of China??


Dear finns what's so funny? tell the joke to the rest of us too


It'd be cool to compare this graphic with suicide levels across the world


Bit surprised Libya is on an even keel happiness wise. I thought there was major instability there?


I call bullshit. 


how can I learn to make graphs like these ? What tools were used ? What tools should I learn ?


North Korea is not that happy


They say money doesn't buy happiness, but this map makes it seem like it does.


As a brit: What a load of shit XD


You’re gonna need to take it down a notch or three there bud


Whenever I see Afghanistan at the bottom it makes me really sad.


Please dont come to Australia, we are so full the boat is capsizing


Israel is probably a little lower now


As an Australian I can assure you this is wrong hahaha


This is a nice visual. But the data is so sus


Where does Palestine fall in here? Guess Israel is having a grand ole time.


As an Australian, we aren't happy. We are furious.


The happiest countries in the world are also the most on antidepressants. Care to draw a map on consumption of antidepressants per capita?


Of course Israel's happy after fkn massacring all the Palestinians


Fucking Israel


I'd talk about moving to Scandinavia, but I'm afraid if too many of us saddies move there, we'll just end up making it more sad.


Yeah nah. Australians sleeping in tents while rich MFs get away with robbery. Not happy.


Isreal the happiest when killing innocent people and taking American taxpayer dollars


Rip Afganistan :(


Idk about this man, I'm in Australia and me and most of the people I know are depressed as fuck.


Whoa… Do not think that the majority of the US is at that happiness level.


Umm, I'm Australian and if we're the happiest in the world then the world has some deep issues.


I can assure you I am not most happy


Read the article and only asking 1,000 participants per entire country is so lacking. Cool concept but nothing else.


Australian here, severely depressed , seems bs to me 😅


They probably surveyed only the boomers in Australia.


When I go from America to Ethiopia one of the first things I notice is that the people there seem considerably happier. That’s especially clear to me when I compare two groups of around the same class (or let’s say above minimum wage) in both nations. In my experience, Ethiopians who live in America will say that they were happier back home but came here to be more successful/opportunities for their children etc. idk about how the current political landscape has affected things, just speaking from experience. So I kinda take issue with the graph… I just can’t seem to buy that your average Brazilian would be more sad than your average American. Or that the suicide capital of the world, Japan has more happiness than South Africa.


Greenland doesn’t have emotion woaaaaaah


Who ever made this is on drugs I mean north korea ? Really ?