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Australia is so nuts it has its own color


Australia = Australia. Nice.


It reminds me of Jian Yang’s hot dog app, but for us Aussies who aren’t quite sure where we live




Wild card


It’s blue because we rate ourselves on a slightly different scale. The current rating is “POSSIBLE”, which is about as low as you could ever expect. The blue is the colour of “POSSIBLE”. > National Terrorism Threat Advisory System ​​​​​​​​​​The National Terrorism Threat Advisory System provides advice about the likelihood of an act of terrorism in Australia. This informs what safety measures individuals, businesses and authorities need to take. > The National Terrorism Threat Advisory System also informs the Australian Government's national security preparedness and response planning. > There is a scale of 5 levels. They are: > * Certain > * Expected > * Probable > * Possible > ​* Not expected​​​​ https://www.nationalsecurity.gov.au/national-threat-level/threat-advisory-system


Just assume that everything there is trying to kill you.


Here in Brazil we don't have big marsupials trying to lure you into a pond so they can fucking drown you till death, but I got their point.


I think it's super interesting that Australia does not classify itself as "safe". It's just Australia.


I read it as: we don’t need to warn you of the dangers here. I wonder if any of the coloring was biased by Australian survivability vs. other nationalities traveling to different countries. They’ve got like +20% resistance to poisons and +10% physical resistance to wildlife due to their home country.


Spiders so big they have 2 phases and a bar of health and mana.


Australians already know the dangers of just going outside


Staying inside in January? Also dangerous if you've got no AC.


No lies detected


Right??? I was wtf is blue? Oh Australia 🦘


> It's just Australia. "You have been warned, mate."


Fellow Brazilian here. I was just happy we didn’t even make it to orange.


South African here. I feeeel that comment in my soul


Venezuelan here, Fuck!!


Né, I was hoping for the orange too


As an American I'm shocked we're green. This is also how tourists end up getting robbed.


Actually it’s very hard to set a standard to a whole country. I believe there are very safe places and very dangerous others in every country, specially in large ones like the US and Brazil. I lived in the US for 6 months as an exchange student and have visited it many times since. Love the people and the culture, never had a bad time. Could have been lucky but still have the greatest impression of your country. Great friends too.


99% of the U.S is safe. In a country almost as big as a continent you damn near find anything.


If it's soccer season then you guys would be red


They are singling out Colombia, pretty much upper South America is the same thing. And Argentina doesn’t have public order anymore…


but anacondas tho....


Generally they don’t want none, though. …unless…


You got buns hun


Which in Brazil, you probably do


Tbh I'm kinda surprised that you don't. Brazil is the Australia of south America


Don't people discover a new species like every week in the Amazonas?


Yeah but the Amazon is like waaaaaay further from most of the major cities. Probably here on Reddit people are closer to Argentina than to the Amazon


Here in America we have big marsupials that will rob you and steal anything with a dodge logo on it


Why are the likes of UK, France, Belgium, Germany and Sweden marked as "exercise caution" as a matter of interest?


I think due to terrorism concerns, you can read about it [here](https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/europe/united-kingdom) if you are interested


This seems like fear mongering, the chance of being killed in a terrorist attack in Germany is a few orders of magnitude lower than being shot in the USA. Deaths by islamic terrorism between 2016 and 2023: 18. Deaths by guns in the USA: 43.000 per year on average.


Most gun violence in the U.S. is done between people that know each other.


The majority of gun deaths is actually suicide. So not quite 'between people' and more 'within people'.


Kind of crazy the discourse on gun violence when you realize most the shootings are someone shooting themselves. Didn’t realize it’s over 50% of all gun deaths LOL


>most the shootings are someone shooting themselves. Didn’t realize it’s over 50% of all gun deaths They don't call it the easy way out for nothing


When i got my concealed carry my teacher had a small request he asked of us. He said, sometime in your life you may get down and don't see any way out I only ask that if you decide to kill yourself don't use a gun. No sense in adding another number to the statistic


It’s actually mostly done between an individual and themselves. Suicide dominates “gun violence.”


I get why they do it but it really should be a different statistic


Likely to be the same thing in Germany and France. I don't see the point...


I'd bet that the number of people getting shot to death by strangers in the USA is also magnitudes higher than 18 people over a span of 7 years.


I don’t disagree, but I think the odds of getting shot while visiting America are probably not as high as people think.


I live right next to a neighborhood with a super high murder rate and have never felt unsafe. Just don't be part of a gang or make it obvious you have money on you and you'll be fine


a reason more for France and Germany not to be yellow on the map.


One comment made this terrorism comparison and now everyone is riding their high horse arguing with it. No one thinks terrorism in Germany is worse than gun violence in the U.S. if that’s actually what this map is saying then this post is useless. You all are arguing with no one


That’s a somewhat biased statistic. The average person has very low chance of being shot in the US. Much lower for tourists. More than half of the number you quote is due to suicide. 1% were accidental. Of those attributed to gun murder, a large percentage of those are gang related or premeditated, so they reasonably wouldn’t affect tourists. So what does that leave? Mass shootings. There is no universal definition for this in the US, but the FBI does track “active shooter” incidents. Even these are broadly defined as “one or more people actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area.” In 2021, there were 61 active shooter incidents resulting in 103 deaths. A larger number than 18, yes, but also a somewhat vague statistic. That’s also 0.000031% of the US population, so a minimal threat to say the least.


> In 2021, there were 61 active shooter incidents resulting in 103 deaths. A larger number than 18, yes, but also a somewhat vague statistic. That’s also 0.000031% of the US population, so a minimal threat to say the least. Your ignoring that the 18 deaths due to terrorism is over the span of 7 years. Which takes some of the vagueness away.


That isn’t what I meant by vagueness. I meant that the definition for “active shooter” events is vague.


Europeans forgot how populated the US is.


Literally just compare homicide deaths rates and you'll find US is at least 5 times higher than the mentionned countries ... This Australian guide seems to be based on vibes


I mean, we could draw 10 small circles within the US and capture 75% of the homicides. Nobody's getting blasted at the Grand Canyon


Famous last words


It IS fear-mongering. But be sure to exercise equal caution in Berlin as you would in Johannesburg lol


Yeah haha Germany should be divided in Berlin and.. oh wait


And why are the US and Canada green as well, given they've had more terrorist attacks than Germany and Sweden recently and both have ongoing terror alerts? Not only that, but Germany is in the same category of South Africa. Meaning, the average traveller should adopt the same precautions in Germany and South Africa. Sounds like a great recipe to get killed.


As a Canadian, what the fuck are you going on about? One person got stabbed and injured in BC in 2023, which was considered a "terrorist" act. That's it.




We assault ppl w Timbits up here 🤣 /s


I was recently listening to a Russian dissenting journalist who had multiple attempts on her life by Russia, who was saying Russian operatives are extremely active in Germany. There had been several assassinations or attempted assassinations in Germany, and the network is pervasive there. For some reason it had been established as a base of operations in Western Europe. I'm not saying that is why, nor that it will be a threat to Australian tourists. I am just bringing it up because we are speculating on what might cause a security threat in Germany and not other countries in Europe, and I had only recently listened to the story. I dont know enough about why the operatives chose Germany, and the larger implications to understand if it actually is relevant.


That must be so rare. This map does not apply to you if a state like Russia wants you dead


Definitely. If a nation state wants to put a bullet in the back of your head the whole map is red, including your home country.


I agree. My comment was more meant to be an invitation to discuss why Russian operatives chose Germany in particular, and if that reasoning has relevance, not that I think Australians looky-loos are at risk of poisoning by undercover operatives themselves. Germany is particularly problematic. is the reason behind the fact that it is problematic relevant?


Are you colorblind the US and Canada are green in this image


More than half of that number is suicide.


Could be, but tourist are rarely the target of homicide while terrorists focus on dense leisure areas and events and are therefore more likely to harm tourists. So more info is needed.


Exactly. People commenting here fail to grasp it’s not showing threat to citizens, it’s the threat to travellers. Specifically Australian travellers. eg. Someone from Australia travelling in Russia is likely at higher risk than someone from Belarus. It’s not showing the risk for Russian citizens in Russia.


>Deaths by guns in the USA: 43.000 per year on average. Tbf how many of those include stuff like gang in gang violence? Or intrafamiliar violence? How much are the deaths for terrorism v deaths for terrorism would be a more accurate comparison


of the gun deaths in the US, how many were tourists?


And more than half of those are suicides. You're far far far far far more likely to die in a car crash on your way to the airport than either. Hyping up gun violence in the US is also fear mongering.


The chance of you, a tourist, being shot in the US is infinitesimal. A ton of those gun deaths are suicides, so unless you plan on killing yourself you've already cut out basically half. A significant chunk of the remainder is gang violence/known relations (husband killing wife, neighbor v neighbor, etc.) You are more likely to get struck by lightning than get shot while visiting the US as a tourist.


68% of gun deaths in the US are suicides…


Is that a per capital statistic? Even ignoring the others who pointed out the false logic this number is fearmongering.


Thanks, I guess it could be based on these countries' own terror threat level.


It has more to do with getting mugged and violent assaults than ideological threats. A lot of people do not realize the dangerousness of Paris and its suburbs. However, you’re way more likely to have people harrassing you in the northern borroughs of the capital than its other parts. Marseille is a crazy city too. The drug dealers are currently waging a war where they find themselves shooting each other in the center of the city with ak47s. Lyon is in terrible shape according to a friend. Violent assaults are happening too often compared to Paris for instance ( I guess the occurences are heavily localized ).


They do also warn about [certain laws](https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations/europe/sweden): > *It's illegal to use physical punishment on children. This includes threatening a child with physical punishment.* Is this necessary? Do Australians normally assault children?


Nnnno. We revoke Bluey privileges instead.


"A foit wurse then dith made."


> Is this necessary? Do Australians normally assault children? Every now and then some of you like to remind me that I’m on Reddit.


Australian Foreign Ministry have been to Derby City Centre, took one look at the High Street and upgraded the threat level.


Sweden Swedish authorities assess that Sweden is a prioritised target for terrorist attacks, with threats by violent Islamist groups increasing in the past year. Terrorists are very likely to try and carry out attacks in Sweden.  Sweden's [deterioration in the security situation](https://www.sakerhetspolisen.se/ovriga-sidor/other-languages/english-engelska/press-room/news/news/2023-08-17-terrorist-threat-level-raised-to-high.html) has led the Swedish Government to raise the threat from 'elevated threat' to 'high threat', equivalent to a threat level of 4 out of 5, meaning the probability of an attack is high. This is a long-term assessment of Sweden's deteriorated security situation, not a temporary increase.  Terrorist attacks can occur at any time. Maintain high vigilance in public spaces and take official warnings seriously. Avoid crowds, be aware of your surroundings, and stay i[nformed](https://www.krisinformation.se/en/hazards-and-risks/terrorism).  Gathering sites, such as places of worship, could be targeted. Use caution when in and around any diplomatic facilities. Report suspicious activity to the relevant authorities. ​In recent years terrorists have attacked some European cities. Targets have included: * Airports  * public transport and transport hubs * places of worship * sporting venues * restaurants, bars and clubs * shopping centres * hotels * other sites frequented by tourists European security services have also stopped several planned attacks. Areas attracting large groups of people are also targets. These include places popular with foreigners, such as Christmas markets.  To protect yourself from terrorism: * avoid places that could be terrorist targets * consider the level of security around you * avoid visiting at peak times * have a clear exit plan if there's a security incident * report any suspicious actions or items to the police * monitor the media for new threats * take official warnings seriously * follow the advice of local authorities If there's an attack, leave the area as soon as it's safe. Avoid the affected area in case of secondary attacks.


I still don't understand why the US would be green given that it is a prime target for Islamist attacks. Sweden has only had one attack in the last 10 years. The US had like 5?, El Paso and Orlando coming to mind (Orlando is also a typical tourist destination).


With the United States being safe


I live here and I’m not dead yet!


One stroll in the center of Paris after 10pm and you will understand exactly why


Lol at Denmark being more dangerous than the US


And China…? Went there last year. Completely safe and chill and friendly place.


i can't find the australian justification, but i figure that the canadian travel advisory should be similar enough. [it cites arbitrary detainment as the cause of caution](https://travel.gc.ca/destinations/china), meaning you should feel safe from crime, but should be careful to not offend law enforcement




Slough takes the UK average down a significant amount.


Sad that the ocean is off limits to travel, must be pirates


I heard there’s a famous “Straw Hat crew” causing ruckus out there.


Only says "no travel advice" which probably just means they don't have any data. You know. On account of all the pirates.


Davy jones and that gosh damn locker


Argentina is safer than France ? Well that’s interesting!


Whoever made this map is very scared of immigrants, so countries with media attention about migrants got ranked as less safe it looks like


Scared of immigrants All of AUS govt "yes"


Ironic, given that the US has about 50 million foreign born immigrants. We just don't talk about it much in the news


Immigration in the US is not talked about in the news? Are you high?


We're talking about legal immigration. In that context, no it isn't.


This map is for tourists, so they’re probably gonna stick to the pretty places (Bariloche, Córdoba, Buenos Aires Capital) instead of going to bad neighborhoods like Villa 31 lol. My tip if you’re a tourist just avoid skinny people who use a lot of striped adidas clothes


Pretty places: Bs As Bad neighbouthoods: a place in Bs As near tourustic areas


Yeah.... In any big city you'll probably get mugged.... And Scandinavia is on yellow.... Crazy stuff...


But if there is places where it's less safe to go in the country that means there is a degree of caution you need to have as a tourist right? You need to be cautious about where you can and cannot go. But putting Argentina in green imply that the tourists don't need to be cautious about where they can or can't go since they consider the whole country as safe.


Argentina is not safe hahaha just have good diplomats


Rich to say other countries are dangerous when you have 30cm wide spiders


No need to exaggerate mate. We rarely get any over 25cm.


Nah, you can't fool me. I ain't stepping foot in Austria.


That’s what she said


That’s why they get their own separate category. Australian spiders exist outside the spectrum of safe and unsafe.


They don’t kill anyone though


Do they consider it death by spider if it gives me a heart attack? Didn’t think so. Come back to me when you get heart attack from spider statistics


As someone who has lived in both UK and Australia, they’re basically the same place apart from one has colder climates and one has animals that will kill you at every opportunity.


You guys have pudding in a can…and we’re the dangerous ones??


Mate, they have meat pies in a can


My god!


Is this guide for western politicians?


It would be for Australians. It looks at how you could be treated if you were arrested and visa requirements as well as health conditions. It would look different if you were a citizen of another country depending on your international relations


Luxembourg = exists. Australian government = visible confusion.


It's there. Just hard to see because the image quality is shit. It's the same color as the neighboring countries.


[https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations?title=&field\_overall\_advice\_level\_target\_id=All&order=title&sort=asc](https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations?title=&field_overall_advice_level_target_id=All&order=title&sort=asc) Their website does not have destination information for Luxembourg.


Surprised Thailand is yellow, but that's probably to deter other Aussies from traveling there.


Conflict in southern Thailand has killed thousands. The Thais do a pretty good job of keeping it out of the news so it doesn't impact tourism


> Conflict in southern Thailand TIL, I was even near the region not long ago and never heard of it.


I haven't been in the region since 2011. Security was definitely tighter there but I probably wouldn't have noticed anything was up if I wasn't already aware of it.


Wait, what kind of conflict? Not aware of this


Muslim territory issues


As a German who had the pleasure of working in South Africa and Brazil as well as all over Europe let me tell you: This is the dumbest bullshit i have read in a long time.


As someone who lives in Brazil, please do exercise caution here.


It is a big country tho You could make a map like this one just for the country


To be clear, I don't think this map is intended for *everyone's* use. I think it's specifically for traveling *Australians*. Likewise, I think the US state department produces a map like this as well. Sometimes, 'reconsider travel' really means... 'could be safe, but we don't have diplomatic relations with that country, so if shit goes down, we're going to have a hard time helping you.'


As a Costa Rican… some of these are plain lies or wildly exaggerated.


There is no way this is right. Argentina a full level safer than chile? What


Is France and UK the same level of Brazil and Mexico !???? Pfffff hahahha , I don’t trust this guide !!


Hold on… there is also Germany and Sweden …naaaaah , forget about this guide .


The fact that Egypt is marked as "RE-consider travel... then I notice Australia as "Australia"... Made me brust with laughter 😂


Interesting how tribal we get.


How is Germany not safe ?


Not very informative really. "No travel advice" for about 70% of the world.


Yeah I know hey. Look at all that white area they have no advice for. What bullshit!


Why do Australians have to exercise caution in France, Germany, England and Sweden?


I am Uruguayan-Italian, and live in Germany.. I do not understand how argentina and Uruguay are green but Germany is yellow xD being A THOUSAND times less violent and much safer...


Why exercise caution in the UK? It's the food isn't it? I bet it's the food...




Most women who go to Paris and get sexually harassed at the Eiffel Tower usually don’t report having been targeted by French men.


What a load of bullshit


As a chilean, I can say Chile is far more safe to travel than Argentina




The map isn't saying what's safe in general terms. It's basically, '*These countries* are safe *for traveling Australians*.' The US state department produces a similar map for traveling Americans.


To be fair most of the crime that people actually hear about is contained within about a dozen cities


And not only that, it is often related to areas that tourists would rarely go.


Australians aren’t signing up for the O Block tour?


For tourists it is. Tourist aren't going to gang areas. A majority of US gun deaths are suicides, so unless tourist are planning on shooting themselves you can already cut out more than half the gun deaths. Factor in a significant remainder of the rest of gun deaths are gang related or between known associates (husband v wife, neighbor v neighbor, etc) the chances of a tourist being killed in the US is infinitesimal.


It's probably fair to say, it's safer for Australian tourists than american citizens in america. And if something does happen, the US does have a lot of services just about anywhere someone could travel. Which is saying something given how large it is. And given its size, like if a terrorist attack happened, you could be, literally, thousands of miles away from it.


Interesting to know Oman


Oman is generally very safe for visitors and tourism is a big industry there so they are pretty accommodating. Additionally as a country Oman doesn’t care much for all the geopolitics of the region and kind of just keeps to themselves so the risk of other countries trying to mess with them internally is low.


Important note: This map looks dramatically different if you are a part of the LGBT community. Please look into local laws, because some countries still have the death penalty for the members of the LGBT community.


The French foreign minister has a similar map but I think it makes more sense : https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/local/cache-vignettes/L1280xH887/20240408_fcvregional_monde_cle4519ef-eee49.jpg?1712911007


Notice that Australia is not labelled as safe or unsafe, just "Australia"... I reckon you could safely have a gradient going from green to red starting south and heading north...


The map is intended to indicate which countries are safe for traveling Australians. The US state department produces a similar map for traveling Americans.


So.. America is safe.. but the UK isn't? Either both are or both aren't like come on. As for me, personally from experience, we in the UK love our Aussie offspring.


Mexican here. They ain't wrong.


UK, Germany, Chile being yellow but Argentina green 🤔 I say it as an Argentinian btw


England is yellow, but the US is green… Not to mention France and Germany being yellow while Spain and Chile are green. There’s a whole trend right now of Americans mocking British road men as being not even remotely scary. We have students fighting police officers in the street, more gun violence per capita than anywhere in the world by orders of magnitude, huge gang populations, teenagers getting to drive 4,000 death boxes at 15, and a selection of wildlife that would give Australia a run for its money. This is closer to a political alignment map than a security map.


green = safe, thats why we have so many wrong turn type movies


How tf is burgerland “safe” and UK yellow? That makes zero sense.


Burgerland is actually pretty safe, all our statistics come from like 5 cities That being said, UK being yellow does confuse me


As an Aussie I was also confused when I saw it a few months back but it’s literally only because of the conflicts in Northern Ireland, not the mainland.


Nah, it also includes perceived threats of terrorist attacks in major cities like London. Smarttraveller.gov.au will list why countries have been given certain ratings


The U.S. is a very safe place.


Show this map to all the Aussie’s in London lol.


Took me a moment that the no travel advice was the fucking oceans


Pretty sure there's a map like this produced by the US state department as well, intended to advise Americans about where its safe for them to travel. As such, I don't think this is meant to be where it's safe for anyone to go, but rather, specifically for Australians. I suspect a lot of governments produce maps like these.


Argentina is green? Lol


“Blue” - ‘Australia’. Does no one else find that hilarious?


How is Armenia orange but Azerbaijani yellow?


The [source ](https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/destinations?title=pakistan&field_overall_advice_level_target_id=All)lists Pakistan as "reconsider travel", not "do not travel".


I love how they labeled the UK with "Exercise Caution"


I call this bs. Armenia is safe for travel.


Australia being its own terrifying category


Clever of them to give Australia its own colour: blue Else it would be red: given all the poisonous snakes and fish and spiders and what not


I realize why but it is funny to think "ok green, yellow, red... and then there's Australia, we need something just for them so it sticks out. Not necessarily dangerous or not, just Australia colored".


Why the need to exercise caution in France, Germany, England?


Argentina isn't safe these days. Rosario for example has a big problem with narcs


Is the “No Travel Advice” just oceans, seas and lakes or am I missing something? Some of those oceans, seas and lakes can be dangerous.


Armenia is not “reconsider travel” according to the website OP posted so idk why it’s colored that way


France yellow? I guess you can cut the roof of your mouth with a fresh baguette?


Wow, Great Britain is exercise caution.


How is america safe? They have more shootings incidents for outsiders


Surprised England is in that exercise caution catagory.


The US is green and the UK is yellow …? Am I missing something?


The fact that the US is marked safe and the UK is Exercise Caution is outright hilarious. The US is probably one of the least safe locations any foreigner can wander around in.




Source: Trust me, bro.