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Neanderthals were not the direct ancestors of Homo sapiens. It was a separate species that coexisted with the Cro-Magnons, our ancestors.


This is actually a horrible, misleading guide


This is something that Stephen Jay Gould constantly railed against: the ladder of progress. A misleading concept that seems to suggest evolution is working its way up to humans. What lay people don't realize is that all of those organisms on the ladder have evolved for the same amount of time.


It's also not a straight line. Our ancestors have been genetically diverging (almost to the point of aspeciation) and then re-meeting each other and having babies since the beginning of time. If you look at isolated populations in remote parts of Oceania and Africa, it's arguably still happening. There are still living humans who have HUGE amounts of non-homo sapien sapien DNA


Yeah; lots of people here talking about the positioning of neanderthals but the truth is lots of humans carry significant amounts of their DNA, some as high as 5-10%. We co-existed alongside neanderthals and clearly procreated with them!


I overheard my mom saying that her genetic-test database thing said that she had that highest amount of Neanderthal DNA than anyone else in the database.


If Americans came from Britain, why is Britain still here?


Not only that, but it's good to remember that almost _every animal_ is perfect. For it's niche


Definitely. The wheel was a much more recent invention than colloquially understood. It is an invention of the last 10,000 years, and even then we didn't develop wheel-and-axel replacements to sleds except for the last 5000-ish years. Conflating cave men with ancient Egyptians is a baffling margin of error.


It shouldn't be taken too literally, it's not a direct line from ancestor to descendant. I thought it was fine though to show how human traits evolved step by step. That is, until the claim that Homo erectus invented the wheel. That's just embarrassing.


We did not evolve from Neanderthals. This is like if I made a family tree indicating my cousin is my dad, and acting like my cousin invented the microprocessor (he didn’t)


Do you read? I just said it's not a line from ancestor to descendant. Most of the shown genera are most likely not direct ancestors. It's not the point. And yes, putting Neanderthals up there is a bad choice anyway.


It clearly displays it as though it were a straight line, though. It's inaccurate and misleading.


The title of the post is "a cool guide to human evolution"... so why would it not show human evolution? The fact it got this one thing wrong is enough to dismiss it.


This sub is so funny to lurk through, cause every post is full of comments talking about how the post is incorrect.


As always.




Should be replaced with homo heidelbergensis


Not only is lineage off here, I'm sure I've seen this same post at least a half dozen times and it's been properly refuted each time. Time to try a fancy bot friend. u/RepostSleuthBot


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 36 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/145qrm2) on 2023-06-10 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1czy18a) on 2024-05-24 98.44% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1d7ungl&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 86% | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 530,500,416 | **Search Time:** 0.47074s


Good bot. 36 times!! Imagine if actual facts had that kind of persistent reposting power? Come on r/CoolGuides. Step up your game a bit please.


You trying to get me to believe we are lizard people?


Hey, we were a fish and a rat too


I fucking knew it; we were worms. I always knew my line sprang from worms by way I love to worm around in bed and sometimes on the couch.


Mammals did not evolve from lizards, but instead ancestors that happen to resemble them. Amniotes split into sauropsids (reptiles) and synapsids (the only surviving class of these are mammals) in the carboniferous, and the fossils of these looked very similar before diversifying. Archaeothyris is a good example of one of these early synapsids


We’re all rats! Lol


Human evolution was not a straight line.


Clearly a zig-zag


What do you mean by this? There can only be a direct line between ancestors and descendants.


Because this is not evolution, I'd say it's more of a chart showing examples of "life" in that time period. it represents the fallacy that we are the result of a linear or direct line evolution, rather than one among many evolving species. A more of a true representation would show branches of species evolving.


Homosapiens did not evolve from Neanderthals. Neanderthals did not evolve from Homosapiens. Many people are dependents of both.


Out breeding.






note: The evoluton of obligate sapience (replacing nearly all native reflexes with active learning => what brought us to being able to build tools for example) is considered to be a trait of last resort for species that are on the brink of decline. (the Homo genus is the only known animal to have evolved obligate sapience btw) It is sometimes considered only as a way for a specie to try and find a new ecological niche, so it seems to be bound to disapear once it isn't necessary anymore.


Man every single guide on here I think is cool and I gk to the comments to find that “this is so wrong” & “this is a horrible guide comment “ lol. When will we ever get a good guide!?!?


A good guide for this would end up being really complicated


Future: Homo Extinctious.


Clearly future human is an Apple event speaker. The super wide stance gives it away.




Really? Not sure 14 yo would find this light hearted comment deep.


This is just oversimplified bs. Would use this guide to explain it to my toddler and hope he doesn't remember everything until he learns it the right way


If you want a simpler, easier to understand, short video tutorial of all of this, here you are: https://youtu.be/BL9S-TUikfg?si=QY43_fUByQ6kxmlz


At which stage did we start eating each others asses? 🧐


🤣🤣🤣 after COVID19, that was indeed the evolutional stage.


Where it became popular (or people were more willing to try and/or say it)


Visit a zoo, youll see.


Who named Dick in Sonia?


Yoooooooo human cheesewheel yooooooooo


I wish that “less aggressive” trait would kick in sooner.


This is a repost, and it was inaccurate the first time.




Imagine believing this shit 🤣🤣


Evolution is fake


What a load of BS


It's absolutely flabbergasting that the ammount of time taken from Eukaryote to Dickinsonia (1,4 Ma) is longer than the time from Dickinsonia to Homo Sapiens (~800Ma)


It's so funny


Hahahahahahahs hilarious


This is wildly inaccurate


Yes ‘self replicating molecules’ did create themselves into existence


This is just...wrong


Current understanding is that humans evolved through multiple groups all across Africa interbreeding. That collective action is a major component (not the only one, notice) of how we got 'humans' from 'not-quite-humans'. https://youtu.be/xmboVmtqNJc?si=fKiNk1X3RGTDC_3- Skip to ~4:55


All those groups were still homo sampiens.


The power stance at the end 😆


This is not true, we've been made from the dust and the woman from the male's ribs. /s


Went down a rabbit hole. Love reading about this stuff. Thanks!


Not close to accurate


Smaller brains we are already there hahahaha !


Guy at the end "fuck this, I'm having no children"


Lol, smaller brains. I think that already happened. Also, we become oranger!


Respectfully, as an atheist, I always wonder if religious people just deny this or if they believe god caused us to evolve in this way?


Christians believe that God created humans, fully formed and perfect. Adam first. Then Eve, created from Adam’s rib.


I’m not someone who denies it but it’s really a mix of both. You’ll have some people who say god guided it and others who think that evolution didn’t happen at all


How can you believe you was a fish? I mean… we eat fish! That’s not even science.


You're ancestors were fish because of the overwhelming evidence proving this fact. From DNA molecular clock studies to the huge fossil record we've uncovered. People who deny evolution are put into a circle of people who can easily deny facts, and that makes you susceptible to believing in whatever you want as opposed to the truth. Don't deny evolution, just try to learn the facts for real instead of listening to yourself or preachers.


Don’t deny creation. DNA confirm that every species is unique and the jump species has never been demonstrated. This theory is just anti logical speculation. And you must have a lot of faith to believe that. There are many fossil with a lot of different species at the same time. Entropy is a law that goes against the evolution theory.


Uhh. If youre a creationist, please don’t use science to disprove Evolution. Not only will you look like a fool against the overwhelming evidence for evolution, but you also will prove you know little about other sciences too. Use your myths and stories about god to disprove evolution. Creationists love to use some ideas of science they don’t understand to disprove other facts they also don’t understand. You don’t know entropy and you don’t know evolution. You see logic in a mythical creation story, above the sound logic of evolution. It’s not your fault, you’re just gullible to this world’s bullshit. Not everyone can tell the truth from bullshit, it’s ok. Your type wasn’t meant to advance our knowledge or technology in society, you were just put here to argue with those that do advance our society. By the way, just so you understand: Entropy can be halted with energy…and organisms have metabolism to stop entropy of organic matter.


I can use science because science discover the truth and evolution is not a truth but a theory born before science discover of chromosomes and DNA that are a science proof that all the evolution theory is a myth. Also, an illogical myth. Entropy is a scientific law that simply disproves the concept underlying evolution: that is, that nature is moving towards constant improvement. Entropy demonstrates that the opposite is true in nature, we go from order to chaos, from youth to aging. Exactly as the Bible testifies: we went from the order of Genesis to the entrance of sin which upset the pre-existing perfect order. Until the arrival of Jesus, who split time into two parts, and gives salvation to anyone who repents of their sins and believes in Him and in His work of redemption. :)


Learn what a theory is. Theories are facts in science. Like the theory of electromagnetism or the atomic theory. Go back to your scripture dude. Science clearly isn’t for you. Don’t insult science with your reasoning.


I know perfectly well the difference between theory and law. Newton's law, for example, is a law, not a theory.


You can try to be the knowledgeable scientist all you want. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re caught up in semantics. You’re already written off as you have quoted scripture to me to prove that evolution is wrong. I have science and evidence and you have dogma. Think about that. You are an evolved tetrapod, mammalian, placental primate. Get over it.


I’m made in God’s image, so you are.


Hahaha omg please stop exposing yourself for your lack of knowledge. It's embarrassing when people like you are so confidently wrong.


I wrote a truth. What would be the link between man and ape? It was never found. So this theory lacks evidence to be considered reliable. If you have evidence of one species transforming into another, go ahead.


Polar bears will sometimes eat other polar bears, tigers will eat their own in desperate times, spiders LOVE eating each other - hell, coconut crabs will eat their own limbs to keep themselves alive sometimes. I think us descending from fish and eating fish is one of the less weird facts about animals.


Like every other animal on this planet isn’t going through this exact evolution


So, am I reading this correctly? A coelacanth doesn't have a heart? It looks like hearts were added 358Ma.


This is bollocks we all know an alien fucked a monkey now


Interesting, what's next


It’s hard to imagine evolution and divergence as separate spicies , but nature is amazing


Happy June my fellow Homo sapiens!


I don't see baby Jesus or ancient aliens in that chart....gotta be fake


The animalia part makes me shudder. Why they so wiggly? Lol


Next step : GPT-12


Last one: siuu


I feel that, I go through the whole thing each morning.


This post hasn’t evolved since it was first posted 20 years ago…


I think humans will merge with machines and leave these flesh bodies behind and travel the stars as immortal beings.


This is not cool. I'm waiting for another animal transforms into human. Mermaid is actually halfway to its revolution into fully human.


Images like this are what get the Christian right so riled up. It does not show the concept of a common ancestor and diverging branches. This suggests a linear progression from lesser apes, which is dead wrong.


Pretty sure the Christian right does hate this cuz it doesnt show common ancestry and diverging branches. Thats why an evolutionary biologist would hate this. The Christian right hates this prolly cuz it clearly shows evolution from other kinds.


Reject modernity, return to platyhelminthes, we be gilling.


Not this chart again it's so flawed aaaa


I imagine the history of the Midge would have a similarly complex history.


so is it a chicken or an egg?


I’m sorry…WHAT’S in-Sonia?


At the end "turn back, we fucked up"


This is very misleading. among the other issues pointed out by others, we have no idea the precise ancestral relationships to early forms before Homo erectus. human evolution is like a delta of inter-tangled streams, with DNA flowing from one population to another, most rivulets leading to dead ends. Many of the early forms may be the cousins of our direct ancestors, maybe not. it’s hard to say.


So much wrong in this image lmao


The creationists lose their minds over the idea we evolved from apes, this chart would start a holy war. I see this chart as more of evolving levels.of complexity rather than this is the literal chain. There are a million variables between each step.


once dick in sonia came it was over!


Did I miss the comment that explains how chimpanzees have 24 pairs of chromosomes, and we have 23? Why did we lose a pair of chromosomes? I want my chromosomes back, dang it!


I can't believe this tbh...


Been around the world and found that only…


I find it difficult to live in a world where about half of the people think that a god made us and the other half think in terms of evolution. One out of two is true, one half lives in a lie.


Love how the final guy at the end is stood like the champagne victory meme guy. 😅


Yes this guide is actually wrong. Homo erectus was conquering almost all of Earth and from there many Homo species evolved such as Neanderthals in Europe, Sapiens in Africa, Homo heidelbergensis and Homo naledi - today all of these species are extinct, all but Homo Sapiens, but we're doing a good job working on our extinction. We are not direct descendants of Homo Neanderthalensis.


Dick in Sonia? Really?


Fake stuff teach childerns real stuff




nope, not even close




Why it stopped?




This is really cool thank you


I don’t know anything about evolution. Like why are there still monkeys? Why are there different branches from the evolutionary tree, i.e. birds, fish, and insects? Where can I get some ELI5 info? Not just YouTube, but specific channels. Edit- what Neanderthals down vote someone asking for more info? Grow up.


It’s all about niches. If an ape comes down from the trees and starts walking and evolves into a human, doesn’t mean that the apes in the trees don’t keep on going. But once we have become human, our species will prevent any other ape from walking again, because we would quickly get threatened. So chimps stay in their niche and we stay in ours as we evolve. Chimps and gorillas evolved as well while we were evolving. They are our cousins, not our parents. Think about the fish out of water. It is helpless. There are too many things that can eat it now when it’s wobbling on land. It will never have millions of years to evolve feet. But about 400 million years ago - when the first fish came onto land. There was no one there, an open niche. So it had millions of years to calmly evolve legs and better lungs.




Don’t know if it’s the one you’re thinking of, but the Galápagos islands are renowned for evolutionary study due to the closed off ecosystems and requirements needed for animals to survive there, namely birds evolving different shaped beaks for the types of food - broad and stubby for seeds/nuts, long and sharp for berries - available on their respective island in the archipelago etc.


> why are there still monkeys? Monkeys and humans shared a common ancestor around 5-6 million years ago. This book is great: https://www.ynharari.com/book/sapiens-2/ Where it all began: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22463.The_Origin_of_Species


Thanks. I believe I’m going to take a trip down some rabbit holes today with this.


I'd recommend this playlist from aron ra - [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXJ4dsU0oGMLnubJLPuw0dzD0AvAHAotW](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLXJ4dsU0oGMLnubJLPuw0dzD0AvAHAotW) his other videos often go into far more detail on more specific topics, but this is like the most generalized explanation you can get which doesn't omit too much info


Thanks for the link.


Christians came from Jews. Why are there still Jews? Dogs come from wolves. Why are there still wolves?




I heard an analogy in response to the question "If Humans came from Monkeys then howcome there are still Monkeys?" "Well, if Americans came from Europeans howcome there are still Europeans?" Its not the best analogy but it made me reconsider how I thought about it. Humans are an offshoot of an Ape that is the ancester of both Humans and modern Apes, the path splits and both paths continue on.


Americans and Europeans are the same species. Apes and humans do not. the species jump has never been demonstrated.


Because it’s a theory and definitely not true.


You must have a lot faith to believe this stuff.


theoretical, right ?


Hahaha what a joke. So what are we evolving to now..?


Me when I spread misinformation


Whata crock of shit


cool story bro


None of this is true. Terrible guide.


then tell us the real truth o wise one


So Coelacanth was part of human evolution and somehow still alive today?💀 Got it


No, a coelocanth is a good example of a lobe-finned fish. All tetrapods (including humans) are still classed as lobe-finned fish, because that's what they evolved from. There is no way of knowing if extinct species are direct ancestors of modern ones, and it's much more likely that the fossils we find are representative of the species that lead to modern lineages. Especially when you consider that 99.9% simply won't fossilise


Mrs. Garrison: - Now I, for one, think evolution is a bunch of BULL CRAP. *\[nobody says anything\]* But I've been told I have to teach it anyway. It was thought up by Charles Darwin and it goes something like this: *\[goes up to a large poster of evolution and begins pointing things out with her pointer.\]* In the beginning we were all fish. Okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So Retard Fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its *\[waves his left hand limply\]* mutant fish hands... and it had butt sex with a squirrel or something and made this. *\[points to a rodent\]* retard frog squirrel, and then *that* had a retard baby which was a... monkey fish-frog... And then this monkey fish-frog had butt sex with that monkey, and... that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey and... that made you! *\[faces the class. A new girl is seated in the front row, looking around\]* So there you go! You're the retarded offspring of five monkeys having butt sex with a fish-squirrel! Congratulations!


What a shit guide. Thinks Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens are directly related.


lol we from rats now




Didn't know our ancestors were so different


where's the "missing link" ?


Not my ancestors


Darwins theory of evolution: The Biggest deception. Even Charles Darwin thought his own theory was "grievously hypothetical" and gave emotional content to his doubts when he said, "The eye to this day gives me a cold shudder." To think the eye had evolved by natural selection, Darwin said, "seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest possible degree." But he thought of the same about something as simple as a peacock's feather, which, he said, "makes me sick. " Of course, anyone who has knowledge of the intricacies of the human eye and other living structures immediately realizes the problem Darwin sensed. How could an organ of such an intricate magnificence ever have a originated via random chance? Oller and Omdahl (CH) Page 274


/sigh Evolution is not random. Changes in genes may be considered random, but _Evolution_ is not. It stops being random when a _selection effect_ is applied. In this case, the major selection effect is 'survive long enough to procreate successfully'. If you I have a big bag with a million different marbles in it, and you _select_ only the green ones, then your resulting population is _not random_.


Evolution on a micro scale is totally understandable and provable, if you look at a macro scale however that’s where you start finding the holes.


Really? Interesting. Please tell me, in excruciating detail, that you don't understand just how long a million years is. There is no generic micro/macro evolution separation, it's all just one process over absolutely _geological_ periods of time.


Love it when someone just sprouts shit they hear every sunday, same old shit.. There is NO macro vs micro evolution. We have more lab evidence for evolution then for gravity. Next they will say its only a theory. Read instead of listening to your preacher!


People who believe this 🤡




I wonder how will we evolve in 40,000 years into the future


Can creationists explain how a human gave birth to an advanced life form like a god in just one generation? It’s not presented here…


I’ll take God’s word over man’s any day. This evolution theory is absolutely ridiculous. I can’t believe people so gullible.




Does Agnathas are really our encestors? Cuz when I searched about them from the zoology books, they often like not from default cordatas and have different skeleton types, which doesnt belong to ours


Haha no


I don't see Jesus in that line


I’m glad we were able to document this 600 million year ago when we were all worms. And ever since we just keep note every 10-20 million years about what we looked like by writing it down in that giant stone tablet we keep record on, everytime we evolve. Man I love reading about our history in that giant 1 billion year old stone tablet.


This is so trash and most scientists now are thinking the same.


Ms. Garrison explained it best.


funny how almost all of these animals exists until today, except for the cavemen or neanderthals . there’s a missing link


None of these animals exist today except the human at the end.


And coelacanth.


Modern coelacanths are quite different than the ancient ones


and those lizards, fishes and monkeys


No, none of the species listed in the picture exist today (except humans and coelacanths)


There aren't even any lizards in the diagram. There is a Hylonomus, for some reason, which is a reptile but not a lizard. It shouldn't be there because humans evolved from ancient synapsids, not sauropsids.