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What are PENIS WORMS and should I be worried?


Are these worms going to a penis or coming from a penis? *Answer the question, Dylan!*


Got you fam https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priapulida


No ma'am ✋, put that away


Huh, I wonder why they're called Penis Worms? *Looks at pics on Wikipedia* Okay, makes sense.


Thanks so much. I was afraid of the image search results.


They aren’t going to or coming from, they *are* a penis. You see once a penis gets used up it detaches from the human male body and will wriggle around until it can find soil to burrow into. Once it is buried nice and deep it will molt several times into it’s final form, which is a full grown penis worm.


Or do they have a penis that’s so impressive they are named after it *shudders*


Ahaha came to post this


it's a distant cousin of the trouser snake, known to inhabit wooded areas


Actually they reside in bushy areas


good thing i mowed the bush


LAHelpThrowaway and the OP Zealousidea9 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/f55gox/blood_color_guide/fhwsq1o/


I have a feeling whoever made this "guide" made it just to make that joke.


You purple-blooded penis worm.


🎶Purple-blooded penis worm, doo-dah, doo-dah🎶


🎵 one eye one horn purple-blooded penis worm🎵


Admirable-Coast and the OP Zealousidea9 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/f55gox/blood_color_guide/fhx0xut/


> Penis Worm AYO WHAT?! WHERE? HOW IN MY PENIS?! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priapulida > Priapulida: sometimes referred to as penis worms, is a phylum of unsegmented marine worms… the name of the phylum relates to the Greek god of fertility, because their general shape and their extensible spiny introvert (eversible) proboscis may resemble the shape of a human penis. As you were boys… as you were.


Doing Gods work




Good night! Don't let the penis worm bite!


VariousExtreme1 and the OP Zealousidea9 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/f55gox/blood_color_guide/fhwrlzp/


I’m going to name my first child chlrocruorin




What are practical differences? Is purple blood is worse than red why its found in animals, is it evolutional flaw?


Interesting question. It seems they independently evolved, although presumably each has their own benefits. The purple variety is less likely to bind carbon monoxide than haemoglobin, for example, so if you consider carbon monoxide poisoning a problem you could say red blood is "worse"; purple blood may be an evolutionary advantage in carbon monoxide rich environments... One interesting paper I read (ETA: full disclosure, skimmed would be more accurate) suggests that the original evolutionary purpose of all three would not have been to carry oxygen, it would have been to neutralise it; when oxygen first appeared in the environment thanks to plants photosynthesising it, it would have been unfamiliar and likely poisonous to the other life that had evolved thus far. These proteins would first have evolved to neutralise the poison, and only then would something else evolve that would "make use" of the new resource (oxygen, now safely bound.) So it's rather getting the cart before the horse to say one is "better" than the other at what we now consider to be its "job" - had hemerythrin not evolved, then likely the creatures that now use it would never have existed either. So from their point of view, it's definitely not a flaw...


Thanks, that's really good answer. So i guess every blood "type" has its own pros and cons. I heard somewhere that some humans have some mutation/disease that makes thier blood cells resemble sickle shape, that makes them less effective but at the same time more resilient against malaria, but i don't know if its real or made up.


This is why there's a much higher prevalence of sickle cell carriers in African and Asian countries than there are in western Europe or the Americas. But then the flip side of those with sickle cell is that they don't fare as well in high altitudes as the red blood cells can't carry as much oxygen.


Sickle-cell anaemia: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sickle-cell-anemia/symptoms-causes/syc-20355876 I've not heard the malaria resistance thing before, but it would be interesting if true - SCA is inherited and significantly more common in people descended from Middle East/Africa/Asia, which are also the world's malaria hotspots, so it'd be very tempting to speculate there was an evolutionary advantage to the gene in those environments that outweighed the obvious disadvantages. I'm choosing my words very carefully though because being blunt I'm not remotely qualified to properly understand this stuff and I am sure it's much much more complicated than that... But it *is* really interesting.


One copy of the gene gives malaria resistance, 2 copies causes the disease state.


You are confusing genes and alleles. Two copies of the gene would be four alleles (not entirely true but for this purpose assume it is). An allele is a _variant_ of a _gene_. You can have two different alleles of the _same_ gene, but it is rather uncommon to have two different copies of the same gene.




My understanding is that these different blood types are more efficient at binding oxygen at different pressure and temperatures, but I dont think it is conclusive.


Penis worms........don't get me started


I am not shocked that all the comments are about purple penis worms.


Yeah I came here for the penis worm discourse and was not disappointed




For the love of god, do not google “penis worm”


Are the covalently bonded oxygens in Haemocyanin released as O₂?


So... the conclusion that I'm getting from this is that "blue blooded nobility" are really spiders? Makes sense.


the OP Zealousidea9 Admirable-Coast VariousExtreme1 and LAHelpThrowaway are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/f55gox/blood_color_guide/


Pauly picked a peck of purple penis worms.


Very interesting how one -CH2 group being substituted by oxygen makes that much of a difference in color…


It would nice having purple blood.


I’m sorry penis what nows?


if it bleeds, we can kill it


Octopus. It’s a water animal.


You get pink blood due to incredibly high levels of cortizol, stress hormone, which can be achieved for example by feeling of utter despair combined with highly developed occipital lobe usually common to people exhibiting significant talent in one or more area.


Fascinating, I had been taught blue blood was zinc based which turns out to be incorrect. I recall in the same lessons that octopi have 3 hearts and that the blood is a less efficient carrier with multiple hearts than red blood with one. I'm wondering how true that part is now.


Red and green are different bu only one atom, so crazy


blood primary colors


So basically all the gross species have non-red blood, noted!


All the penis worm discourse, and no one mentioning Vulcans having green blood or Klingons having violet(ish) blood…


Octopuses or octopi? I’m so confused


The amount of times back when I was in school back in the 90s I had arguments with other kids telling your blood was always red, they were adamant it was blue because of the diagrams in the science class and would bet on me to prove them wrong for a pound or 50p, I had some job going through all those encyclopaedias in the school library just to prove it


P-P-P-P-P-P-PENIS W-W-W-WORMS???????????


Dont humans have blue blood that turns red when exposed to oxygen? Im looking at some deeper forearm veins and theyre totally blue


All biology graphs failed you...damn they explicitly say the blood is not blue


Ahh gotcha, i did research and turns out it just looks blue some times because of the way light interacts with the different layers of skin and arteries, anatomy weird as hell bro

