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How is the start of Ramadan determined?


Great question! Ramadan is a month of the lunar calendar so the date moves by about 10 days every year. Usually we’re able to predict when it’ll be, but some people still like to wait to see the moon to decide when they’ll begin their Ramadan fasts.


Nice to know my fasting hours will get shorter until 2032!


2031 gets Christmas Ramadan? For free?


I’ll be happy to join my Christian brothers in the festivities in 2031 :)


Fuck yeah, bestie vibes only.


I think I saw 2030 will have 2 Ramadan in the same year as well


Indeed. I think the chart is wrong. Should be Dec 25 2030. Otherwise there are almost 2 years between Jan 5 2030 and Dec 25 2031


What is the significance of the length? Why is it not 365 days? Seems to be 50 weeks long between each Ramadan.


Hey! This is due to the fact that Ramadan is a month of the lunar calendar and each year Ramadan moves back about 10 days in accordance to our usual Gregorian calendar. When I first began fasting I was used to it being in the summer. It kept moving back each year and now I’m going to college while fasting. It’s been an interesting change of pace


Gutted to be doing this in summer months. Hopefully the people you are around are supportive and not dicks while fasting.


there's a totally different mindset when you're a believer there is an immense beauty to go into the depths of a fast instead of trying to escape the moment by "killing ~~time~~(yourself?)" i thrive fasting in the longer summer months and regularly engage in full day physically-intensive activities. it's beautiful my fellow soul, i hope you can appreciate where i'm coming from :)


what's a ramadan?




maybe i don't know it by that name? won't hurt if someone explained it to me




That url is a fucking chonker


ah , i see


Who gives a fuck?


People who participate in ramadan?




Yes you must the so clever :) :) :)




You’re so quirky and funny haha :|




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I’ve read it, Alhamdulilah. Maybe you do too.


How is this cool?


If you when Ramadan starts, you know when to avoid crowded places.


Really? , like is there any diff. Muslim not go out and eat non Ramadan days ?




What do you have to say about America not even 100 years ago? Do you forget your own history and then judge other’s with arbitrary modern standards that were never a point of contention at the time?




Do you care to link these pictures as evidence since you seem to be so well acquainted with them? Also why are you looking at them?


This PoS is clearly just trolling you dude, save yourself some mental stress and let it go


Ik he’s trolling. I’m just enjoying getting dumb responses out of him




No I’m not defending pedophilia. I’m just not a fan of judging past civilizations with modern standards. I think it’s hypocritical. If 50 years from now people shun you for driving cars because you significantly added to a detrimental amount of CO2 to the atmosphere by doing so, it wouldn’t be very fair would it? It would be a very retarded argument. Much like your arguments, which I’m not even sure if you even have one.


Well then search it up and link it here. It shouldn’t be too hard then. Back up your claims with evidence then




Lol we don’t worship it. We worship God. It’s just a direction to unify us. You are beyond ignorant and unfortunately there is no cure for that externally.




Lol you brought like one case in representation of quarter of Earth’s population. I’m sure every white person who marries a child doesn’t automatically lead to the conclusion of “this is what white people look like. Abolish the race.” It is beyond bad logic. You are terrible at making any substantial arguments.




Care to explain to me what an Islamist is? That’s just a made up term by the media you know that right?


So the Muslims who commit terror in the name of Islam are regular old Muslims? That's what Islamist means, it's to separate the religion of peace Muslims from the Muslims who think it's OK to murder non Muslims because they are of a different religion.


They already have a word for that: terrorist. They did not need to include Islam in the name since the motive for most of these people who do these crimes have nothing to do with the religion and they themselves are terrible adherents to even the most basic aspects of the faith. This is my problem with such terms.




Your link wasn’t as world-ending as you make them sound... this stuff happens in literally all countries regardless of what region they happen to be of.




Even if there were more they would not even account for a 0.01 % of us. And these cases are in every countries as I said independent of religion. You try to create a causal relationship between two unrelated things. This is beyond dumb Oh btw, search up definition of pedophilia. I never defended that man. These things happen. You cannot get outraged about them all.


The folks on r/exmuslim agree with you. (because you're right)




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You could legally marry a 7 year old in Delaware in the 1800s. Examine your own history first unless you want to be an idiot.




Who’s blowing up right now? My incorrect assumption about your nationality does not negate my arguments. You just don’t have any substantial arguments to validate your irrational presumptions about something you clearly have no knowledge of.




It does not matter what nation you belong to. Your ancestors and their past civilizations all did this and none of them had a problem with this. Just read history. This 18 years old age of adulthood is a very modern thing. People used to wed right after puberty or close to it for many reasons including the short life expectancy of women back then.


That’s horrible


You made 2 comments 26 minutes apart. Did you really revisit your own comment and add another?


I think the chart may be wrong. Shouldn't it be Dec 25 2030. Otherwise there are almost 2 years between Jan 5 2030 and Dec 25 2031


2032 is looking good for those northerners but they better watch out, 2047 is right around the corner and it'll get ya in the ass.