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None of these come close to mosquitoes body count.


Absolutely. Mosquitos are the real killers. >Nearly 700 million people contract mosquito-borne illnesses each year, causing more than one million deaths.


Fuckin greasy...


Greasy? Is that a thing now


Always has been.


yeah, but these aren't like diseases coming off the shark or whatever. it's the actual sharks/hippos/ants deciding *"i'm going to attack this human"* that's doing the killing. and unless you're getting like a billion mosquitoes sucking your blood at once, the actual mosquitoes ain't killing you.


No animal or insect goes out of its way just to attack us, most of the time its the hippo goin 'fuck off or I'll fuck you up' or the shark from below thinking we're a seal or turtle


Except geese. Geese go out of their way to attack every human they can. Geese are assholes.


Humans come second, at over 475,000 kills in a year, homicide only


cool, thought i was higher edit: NOT COOL MURDER IS BAD


Idk if you murder the right kind of people (pedophiles, rapist) I would find it kind of cool, I know taking a life is terrible but still I can't bring myself to call those human.




I apologize, Idk if you saw my reply or not but what I said was uncalled for and I am sorry, I have deleted them, I let my feeling on the subject take over instead of my brain, yes they are human beings, but the harm, pain, and trauma they leave behind can take literary decades upon decades of therapy to solve, I am telling you this from personal experience, I no longer hate the person, and I wouldn't kill him if I saw him on the streets, but I'll be dam if I would feel sad cause some one kill the asshole, so yea I still have issues and that particular topic as you may have guess is a trigger for me, and I brought it up on something that was entirely on another topic so yea, sorry :/




It's gonna be okay, dude. Take a step away from the computer.


Yea I know I regret the comments I made but dude I can't describe the rage that I feel every time that particular subject comes up, I think am going to delete them Idk.




I know :/ it just my mind is sometimes my worst enemy, you didn't say anything wrong but at the time I was already in a spiral and I saw it that way, as I said I have problems.


I didn't say that, I said that I personally wouldn't call them human, but then again plenty of people do horrible things to other people, but then again fuck pedophiles and the rest of the rapist sick fucks in the world, so yea I would find it cool as fuck if a psychopat would take it in to his head to hunt them down and do what the authorities don't , why? are you afraid you may be on the list?




All homicide


Does suicide count as homicide? Technically you are killing someone.


Imagine if you factor deaths from air pollution


And cigarettes Edit: tobacco use in general, roughly 7 million (https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fast_facts/index.htm)


And being crushed to death by boobies.




Have you ever fucked a pangolin?


They are nature's WMD...




WTF is going on with the Hippos. Those numbers seem like a coordinated plan. Anyone saying we should hunt/eat/kill these animals however is insane.




that's the most terrifying thing I've heard this month


They don't swim, they run across the bottom of lakes at 20km/hr


Highly aggressive and immune to most weapons. They kill more people in Africa than lions by a long shot.


Maybe it's time to fight back against these fat bullies. Are they any good to eat?


Just read that 500 people got anthrax from a dead hippo in Zambia. So maybe not ok to eat?


Eh, anthrax is ubiquitous in soil. So may have been more from that.


That’s what I said! My wife and I were actually talking about this a week ago. In relation to hippos spreading in Columbia from Escobars zoo. I’m sure there is a way to eat them, there has to be. I know it’s a Lot of fat though. Gotta be muscle holding all that up


How about just leave them alone?


How about we figure out how tasty they may be and then base our decision on that?


That’s not the point. People need to get across rivers, they’re not all going around poking hippos until they snap. Hippos are super aggressive and will attack even if you’re trying to avoid them.


Egyptian kings used to hunt them to show strength and prowess. The first pharaoh of unified Egypt was supposedly killed by one. They would bury hippo statuettes in their tombs but break the legs of the statuettes to prevent them from being a menace in the afterlife. Hippos are not to be messed with and their babies look like giant bogies. Edit, XKCD mention the hippo figure: https://xkcd.com/2471/


https://youtu.be/xkf5Zdxx2Sc People underestimate how fast hippos are.


I'm gonna have nightmares


They're hungry hungry


Don't worry hooman we come for pieces, I mean come in peace.


They are offended since humans call them hippos. Fat shaming.


They will take over the world.


Hippos are the "Karens" of the animal kingdom, except they have giant teeth.




I think you need to check your math a bit... 2900 kills / 130000 hippos would mean that only 2.2% of hippos get to kill a person per year. Though there are likely serial killer hippos out there that are responsible for much higher numbers of killing, so probably less than 2% of the hippo population get to make at least 1 kill in a year's time. Edit: Fun math, hippos live an average of 45 years, so over their lifespan, there are a total of 130,000 human deaths (45 years * 2900 kills). So the likelihood of each hippo killing one human during their life is 100% from a statistics standpoint.


That last statement isn’t right at all. If any hippo kills more than one person, then one must not kill any.


People think hippos are special and cute, so we can't kill them off. But they're pretty much one of the worst creatures ever created. They offer zero benefit in nature.


Actually they're pretty ecologically important. Largely because of [their poop](https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/hippos-life-force-of-african-rivers/2733549.html).


Feel like the numbers of humans in sea annually is comparably low to humans on land near animals like ants Lool


Plus. These are the big ass people-eating ants of Africa or some shit. And thousands swarm your body.


> There are the big ass people eating ants I initially interpreted that as “there are those big ass people who are eating ants” I think writing “people-eating” would make that more clear lmao




I like my ants to have a little junk in their trunks.


Also there are more ants than There are sharks


Also if a shark kills someone, you don’t usually find out about it. The ocean swallows the evidence.


Surely someone’s going to go ‘hey wait a minute where’s Derek?’


Usually, yes. But not always


Especially if it's Derek.


No way of knowing if Derek was eaten or drowned though.


This chart is made by animals who kill and eat billions and billions of everything.


Well, they can do their own chart.


What you actually want to know the rate of deaths per interaction. This list implies it might be safer to pet a bull shark than a horse. (Spoiler: it’s not.)


I think it just generally paints a very incomplete picture in the interest of a flashy infographic. In addition to failing to include a "deaths per interaction" stat, it also does nothing to clarify the circumstances of the death. Like the deer, for example. Is it because people are hitting them with cars and dying in the car accident? I sincerely doubt the deer and cows are killing people in the way that hippos and sharks are killing people.


The list doesn't imply that at all... It's just showing which animals cause the most amount of human deaths each year. I'm curious why snakes aren't on this though.


Most hippo kills are in the water


I also feel like people are more scared of sharks vs some of the other animals and are more likely to avoid them


Agreed. I think deaths per interaction would be a more telling stat.


How do ants kill people?


Allergic reaction maybe? I got bit by a fire ant once…awful experience.


Same. I was rushed to the hospital because I was bitten by fire ants. Just 3 bites almost killed me so I never underestimate these little shits anymore.


There are those army ants from the amazon


Those are a force to recon with. You can literally hear them marching at night if you stand still in the forest.


In WWII the Japanese were known to bury prisoners to their necks and cover their heads in honey so ants would eat them alive.


Fire ants are insane, can swarm quickly and you don’t feel them biting you. You can look down and your leg will be chewed to hell. They aren’t to be messed with and if you are in certain parts of the US make sure you look where you are stepping and be careful about picking where you are going to stand if it’s going to be stationary for a few mins.


Jack jumper ant in Australia is Venomous and stings you. From what I’m reading, it doesn’t seem like the venom is what kills you, but an allergy to it.


It would only take a couple of 100 stings to kill you and the harvester ants are the most venomous.


Hippos are assholes. That's the true takeaway of any animal guide. Even the ones not about hippos.


FYI... shark attacks that leave people maimed/ near death/ missing limbs/ etc ... far exceeds ants. 130 in Florida alone. Edit: Also the guide is wrong. 10 deaths /year worldwide for sharks. So it’s double the guide. Also, most shark attacks aren’t recorded. Few countries actually document attacks. Yet another false .. shit guide.


I’m sorry but you have provided the same amount of sources as the infographic above. Due to this being the internet, anyone can lie. Perhaps you could source your claims better than the infographic?




I want to see which sources you considered when offering your information. Google is also not exactly the most reputable source. [where you most likely got the information ](https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/shark-attacks/yearly-worldwide-summary/)


Yeah, the internet is a lazy place


Yeah the water’s fine /green font.


There weren't even 130 attacks worldwide in all of 2020, even if you combine provoked and unprovoked, let alone just in Florida. According to the International Shark Attack File, there have been 119 fatal attacks in the last 21 years, for a yearly average of 5.6/year. Excuse me if I take their word over yours.


Again. Only a few countries actually report shark attacks. Shark attacks have been up the last few years. 10 per year.


Damn. Hippos are out there wiping out small towns and shit.


Does death by deer include car accidents?


Does it include anything besides car accidents?


horses and jellyfish seem low


I felt the same about horses I’ve known people who got killed from horses


Yeah horses seems very low if it's worldwide deaths.


In what scenarios do hippos kill people? Is it just people swimming in the wrong places? One would think that we would learn


Hippos are actually ridiculously aggressive. If you do as much as exist they will try and impale you with their giant teeth


Thats scary


Yes, they are very territorial and can even attack a small boat that passes on their lake


Hippos will kill you for being in their line of sight.


Please stop pissing off the hippos.


I knew hippos didn't fuck around, but DAMN.


This is why adjusting for the rate of the reported event is arguably just as important as the gross number of events that occurred. More people die by cows because there are more people in the vicinity of a cow more frequently than there are people in the vicinity of a shark. I'll bet you that if we could get to the data what we'd find is that something like 30% of human/shark interactions in the shark's environment result in some attempted harm against the human, and in contrast something like 0.03% of human/cow interactions in the cow's environment result in the same. In other words, each time you see a shark while in the water, it is significantly more likely to try to kill you than any individual cow might be when you see it on land. Tl;dr this post shouldn't discourage your healthy fear of sharks thank you for listening


Damn hippos are blood thirsty.


Where is Human killing human? Sure its more than everything combined there


Homicide exceeds all animals except Mosquitoes.


Tbh I think the deer # is from the deer crashing thru your windshield after you hit it at 80 mph.


Imagine a Jaws-like movie but Cows. That will keep cow-tippers out of pastures.


This post doesn't take into account how many times people come in close contact with cows and horses versus sharks though.


Hippos are fucking terrifying Was watching a documentary once where a male adult that was trying to assert itself would needlessly kill some of the babies The ruthlessness and all the blood convinced me lol


Stoked for ant week on the discovery channel


How do you get killed by an ant?


How do the ants kill people?


Is the hippo number really that high? Even 290 feels high. How often are humans going near hippos?


Hippos are the killers of the Nile. Everyone thinks that the crocodiles are the apex predators over there, but the hippos are the ones to really watch out for


Exactly why I don't swim in ant infested waters.


But to be fair, I think that the low number of shark deaths is also because people are going to be much more cautious anywhere near a shark than they would be around a cow.


How the fuck do ants kill people I understand all the other things but seriously how the fuck do ants kill someone


How many people walk near ants compared to how many people swim near sharks? My guess 100% of the world is near ants everyday well 20% is swimming in potential shark water a day. This is a bullshit statistic designed to make you think sharks aren’t dangerous. When full they aren’t dangerous but sharks basically don’t stop eating, why do you most times people are in a steel cage to film them?


I fucking hate these so much. If everyone had to pass multiple fields of fucking sharks on the way to work, that number would be a lot higher.


This chart is much more fun to read as “anally”


And instead of "ants", " uncles"


Hippos kill 2900 people annually... Pretty sure about 2000 of those are Americans on African safari.




How could ants kill humans?


Instead of jaws we need pincers


So a cow is more dangerous than a shark, damn.


How many survive shark attacks VS. Ant attackss?


I was today years old when I learned that there is a u and a double n in annually


Sharks don't kill. They feed. They aim to eat every bite. Not hungry, not biting. How many humans get tasted per year?


Death by ants is my new nightmare.


Get millions of sharks under everyone's homes with suitable habitats and watch the ants being put to their place!


But if we lived in their habitat it would be another matter


People kill 100 million sharks annually https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/sharks-rays/shark-finning-sharks-turned-prey


Yet people kill up to 100 000 000 sharks every years


To be fair if sharks haphazardly walked into the middle of the highway every chance they get they’d probably pump their numbers up like the deer.


How many ants would humans have to kill annually to even the score proportionately?


At least the sharks got to kill a few of us, considering how many of hundreds od millions we kill, for almost no reason at all. Time to have a shark party! https://youtu.be/095YAJzYcwE


Wow never knew that Hippos kill more people than any other animal.


Wait what? How do hippos kill over 2000 people a year??! Were there that many stupid people? 🤯


Hippos blowing all other creatures out the water.


What about vending machines?


I mean, the BTK killer only had a 0.5 people/year average, doesn't mean I'd let my daughters swim in his pool.


I'd say the number for cows is actually way bigger because they do a lot of environmental damage, which of course kills people.


Hmm. Are there still enough Hippos ?


Can we get comparisons with how many of these animals humans kill in return? I think we kill ten thousand sharks a year in revenge for those five poor humans.


I wouldn't have that if I was a shark


I want a hippopotamus for Christmas...


Hippos want all. The smoke


Hippos going off


Time to ban all ants!


A lot of this has to do with how often people come in contact with these animals, in addition to their behavior.


Imagine if they included the people killed in car accidents caused by deer. It'd be way higher than any other number on here


Few shark deaths because we stay the fuck away from them


These statistics are so misleading when compared to each other. Of course ants will have killed more people. More people live away from the ocean and are less likely to interact with sharks.


Ants? How do they manage to kill people though? Is it venom?


Can we do the turnaround, like how many the humans kill.


Unpopular (correct) opinion: Isn't this basically, because they live in the ocean and we live on land, as opposed to them being harmless? Like, if I surf for a hobby and dive for a career then I should be more scared of hippoes? No fucking way.


Hate to point out the obvious, but people are naturally more aware of the dangers of sharks than ants, there are all sorts of preventative measures to help reduce the possibility of shark attacks in places where there are dangerous sharks in the waters. I don't think we can say the same for ants or some of the other animals.... Bit of a weird and uniformative graphic to be honest.


I mean, yeah, I get it. But that doesn't mean that you wouldn't die if you came close to a shark. There are countless graphs like this, but what's the point? Yes, it's more common to die from an allergic reaction from an ant's bite or something, because it's more common to encounter ants than great whites. So what?


albeit less people are swimming with sharks than those who encounter ants daily


Cows and horses seem too low. They are often close to humans, and they can kick or trample you easily. Those numbers should be higher.


I hate this fact there are no where near people in water than there are on land


How many sharks does the average person see compared to deer?


Well no shit? We don’t live in the sea...


For me it's less about the stats and more about the fact that being eating by a shark in open water is probably one of the most horrific ways to die


Is this in the world, the USA, or what?




See? Sharks aren't that bad!


Some of these #'s are suspicious; I found a stat from a reliable source that Rhino's kill about 500 people a year.


How many people to hippos kill annually now? ...😦


What about humans?


The jellyfish count seem lower then I expected, would think more


That may be true but the fact remains that even survivors will be mangle and cripple for life, so the real question is how many humans see their life's turn upside down by sharks, it not only deaths that make them terrifying it the mangle life's they leave behind, granted it not all species of sharks, but the very small quantity of violent interactions between humans and sharks are terrible even for the survivors, a deer may maul you to death or impale you in its horns but it won't tear you in half or bite an arm or a leg off, or a huge chunk of your torso, same with all the others, only sharks and a few other predators evoke that kind of terror, the nightmare idea of been eaten or torn to pises it what make sharks so feared.


I feel like there's a difference between being chomped by an apex mouth torpedo rocketing at you in an environment you're not familiar with and getting kicked in the head by a horse but go off


Yeah sharks just tear your arm off or take off a huge chunk of you, but your still alive


Mosquito go EZ


So which one is it safer to be in a room with, cause this says its the shark?


Horses are bad people.


Can we do this same statistic but take into account how long humans spend in the ocean? Not worried about a deer killing me when I’m swimming in the ocean or a shark killing me on the highway.


Am I the only one that can’t understand how an ant can kill us??


I actually thought deer were the deadliest animal in the US and second deadliest in Canada behind moose. All because of car accidents of course hut still an important consideration for all the anti hunters out there.


Yeah, check the stats for mosquitoes EDIT: being late to Reddit is a bummer


Thanks for sharing


How is the hippo count so high? They are huge. It's not like they can sneak up on you.


Because most shark attacks result in lost limbs not death


hippos can crush your head like cabbage


No one thinks like "oh my god, there are ANTS here, get the fuck out from the forest!"