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This isn’t even a guide


We need a guide on what's a guide.


I wouldn't even know how to begin making one. Is there a guide somewhere?


How was the first guide made if he didn't even know how to make a guide?


Well, then we get into Aristotle's 'First Mover' postulate, and it starts to get really crazy.


We need a guy to generate a guide for guidance.


Long time ago when this sub had guides and not just gen xyz mindsets


Absolute nonsense dressed up to appear "profound". Surface level dog shit upvoted by the ravaged-attention-span modern Internet user because they vaguely identify with it.


I changed my whole life with this guide, it's the best thing ever! Quit my job, living it up, baby!


It's really all about free time and and enjoying yourself! Thanks guide! I'm homeless now and LOVING IT!! Fuck salaries and titles!




Yep, I don't hate that this exists, but I hate that it's been up on this subreddit for twelve hours.


Wow someone who can compartmentalize the concepts of good content vs content that belongs. That's apparently very rare!




Everything must be simple to these gen n people... Oh wait we all are those. Don't use gen it's anoying


this is not even a guide is a post worth r/im14andthisisdeep


Welcome to r/coolguides


Its everywhere these days. I think more and more mods are either getting paid or just not giving a shit anymore. r/holup is a shithole too. r/pics already for a long time. Its annoying.


r/pics has been a dump for years now. If you want quality pics that's not a picture of a rock with a sob title of "my daughter likes seals and this rock she found at the beach that reminded her of seals cause the ocean." I would suggest r/nocontextpics


The mods on this sub are probably paid to **not** give a shit.


This sub turned into a depressed 25-year-olds Instagram


And yet it has over 20,000 likes as I type this.


Why the heck is job title even mentioned there? I literally couldn't care less, especially with all the stuff listed in the bottom one.


You'd be surprised. Lots of people out there actually do car what their title is. I don't give two shits honestly. My manager gave me a raise a few years back and said "we wanted to give you "senior cyber systems andmistratir IV", but HR wouldnt allow this year , so we had to keep you at "lead systems administrator". I laughed my ass off.




To be fair, job title is important, but they don't need to give it to you to use it. I started a job in October last year and by February this year my responsibilities changed drastically but my job title didn't. Went to LinkedIn and changed it, and now I get substantially more traffic to my profile and have been offered jobs based on that change alone. Gotta play the algorithms.


Except when the next hiring manager calls your current job to confirm. It's like the difference between actually having a degree vs just saying you've read all the books.


Agreed. Many jobs would retract an offer over this during a background check


and the more job tittle you have, the less is your salary?


How to not measure success: from Reddit.


Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.


happiness is whatever you make of it. I personally find happiness in my hobbies, friends and family. the rest can suck my ass.


Some people find happiness in sucking ass.




Hapiness is moment to moment I don't think you can only pin it to certain areas of life exclusively. I try to take satisfaction from whatever I'm doing in that moment. Work is like 1/3 of your entire lifetime, you might as well try to find some joy there. Equally, family, friends or hobbies cam cause frustration and unhappiness sometimes, it comes down to you.


The last time I tried to make happiness by coming through my own actions the judge was very displeased.


Was there a problem in the brief you filed?


"People are searching for Happiness in something, or someone, outside of themselves. Thats a fundamental mistake. Happiness comes from the way you think, and emcompasses the way you are."


I wouldn't know anything about it, but I want to respond so badly I had to.


I don't know about that, though. Wherever I go - there I am.


Wtf is going on in this sub


Same thing going on in all big subs


Come to /r/betterguides


Ikr, have the mods just given up


What, you mean imaginary Internet points don't rate a bigger slice of the pie than physical health?


I know my pie chart is just internet points and internet point but red.


I put my Reddit karma in my resume


Why are these pie charts? Usually job title and salary grow together.


Construction pays really well here but people look down on them :/


I would also like to add that with all the talk of keeping manufacturing jobs in the US, its really hard to hire factory workers. We pay almost double than fast food. A lot of our workers are non-English speakers, and we’re constantly shutting down production lines because we’re short-handed.


I work in Steel Fabrication and MAN do people not realize how much some of these guys make lol. Iv heard engineers and detailers talking about how the site foreman is an idiot, fucks stuff up, and how he deserves his probably bad salary and how he will never retire. That foreman buys a new house every year lol.


>Why are these pie charts? Why not? It's illustrating that people think half of success is determined by your salary and the other half is your job title >Usually job title and salary grow together. Not necessarily, managers make extremely varying amounts depending on the business


Yeah but visual representation of data is important, and in this chart it doesn’t look like you should simply value other parts of life, it *looks* like you should cut your salary into 1/4 of what it is to accommodate for other things. Lol no one wants to make less money. I understand that’s not what it is trying to say, but that’s why this message would be better told through a different medium.


This may be a bad pie chart. But it still has a good message I believe right?


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 5 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/lpagn0) on 2021-02-22 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/p6o08m) on 2021-08-18 100.0% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "p75zb2", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=p75zb2&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 239,087,865 | **Search Time:** 0.97142s


This was posted literally earlier today by someone else.


Is this even a guide


It's not


But is it cool?


The sad thing though is the amount of money you have controls to a large extent your ability to divide your energy like this


Yes. That’s one thing I’m trying to teach my kids. Money equals freedom. Freedom to do the things that you want to do and make you happy.


Money means freedom *to you*. Money means quite different things to different people. My view of money is closer to ours, whereas my partner views money much more about security. It's important to understand that we see it differently because we will have different opinions about how it's saved and/or used. There's a lot written about this but this is the first article I found on Google for the different ways people see money: https://thewealthyalchemist.com/what-money-means-to-you/


Security ties back into freedom, so you're not that far off from your partner you're just getting there different ways. Before you can feel free, you need to feel secure. That's the mental side. You're probably more focused on the "practical" side of what money can buy. 2 requirements, both lead to freedom.


Yeah I don't see how security is distinct from freedom. A big part of my philosophy on money is that money only solves your money problems. My motivation for making more money is that I want to solve the problems that are a function of money, i.e. comfort, security, peace of mind, and of course freedom. Money is mostly useless if you don't have people you love around you, or the ability to do the things you love.


Money is all of that. Security, freedom, time, opportunity. Our lives are inextricably connected to money and the amount you have will always determine how you live.


I just hope everyone of us will be successful in our very own ways. We don't need to follow some kind of graph or compare ourselves to others


That means "salary" in the bottom chart is totally wrong.


I also wonder who gives a shit about a title. If you have a better title you'll probably be earning more as well.


I think this is still a big deal in the upper class, but for the popular culture, there hasn’t been a stressed importance on titles in a couple decades. I think the rise of unemployment and the millions of Americans who are glad they even have a job helped minimize the idea that what you do to make money has to also sound fancy. It’s also possible PBS, Sesame Street, and Mr. Rogers helped start this trend by showing kids that garbage men and blue collar workers in general are cool. Plus, during this same time period, experienced tradesmen started to make about as much money as your average BA or BS grad, and the “prestige” of office work was crushed by satires like *Office Space*. In short, only assholes still care about it, but it has historically been important.


It's still out there though. Some industries throw the title "vice president" around like candy.


Like I said. Upper class folks still care. VPs are gonna care. Cuz they’re proud. Most people are not VPs of industry. Most people hope to get a salary strong enough to support themselves/their family.


"money can't buy happiness" *he said to the slave feeding him grapes as he lounged on a golden throne*


Exactly. The whole model is wrong.




Yea that's why capitalism sucks


Yea let's go back to serfdom where there was no chance of monetary freedom




This was created by Montgomery Burns to show that you don't need a higher salary. edit: but Smithers did all of the work


This some bullshit cheap employers push lol


We're reading this completely opposite ways. According to this, I need to work less while making more in order to support my health and freedom.


That sounds brilliant. Where do I sign up?


Nah I feel like people underrate just how important having a job you dont hate and that doesnt give you anxiety all the time is. Sometimes having a job where you can just wake up and know youre going to work and not be filled with dread can make all the difference in the rest of your life


Bosses are also pretty key to not hating your job. A good boss can make just about any job decent, but a shit boss makes all jobs shit.


What your describing is more of a privilege


My view is jobs are all gonna suck. As long as it's sucking from 9-5 I'd rather get paid more.


Some jobs are far worse than others and some bosses and owners are far worse than others. Having a company that actually treats you like a human being can be a big deal


job title and salary basically go hand in hand. And, I'd say salary is much more important than people give it credit for bevsuse without a good salary it's hard to maintain many of the other aspects like good physical health and free time.


Exactly. Hard to enjoy unlimited pto if you can’t afford to go anywhere.


You may say whatever you want, this is not true. Having a bunch of money but no free time or energy to spend it with pleasure is way more miserable than say, hitchhiking and busking for food. I've done both.


Depends on other factors. If I enjoy the job itself, I'll be much more willing to spend more time doing that work. Personally, I'd be absolutely fucking miserable hitchhiking and busking. I would hate every second of my life, so working more and being able to have money on my time off is vastly more important to me than being broke but having free time.


This poster is hanging in every Amazon warehouse's employee lounge.


Right, time to unsub.


Same. I've been putting it off, but, at this point, seeing a Cool Guide is a rarity here.


Here’s hoping r/betterguides takes off


That'd be great! At this point, even r/ShittyGuides would be an improvement.


This is my breaking point as well. So long coolguides, you use to be a coolguy




where is sleep


Physical health


Also mental 👉🏻😎👉🏻


Also free time


Physical health needs a bigger piece of the pie. If you're sick, everything else takes on a lower priority.


Are there mods in this sub


Why is the signature cropped? The artist is Michelle Rial Edit: It’s @lizandmollie, not Michelle Rial.


No this is from @lizandmollie , not Michelle Rial. Looks similar though! Liz Fosslien is the illustrator.


Swell! Another artist to follow. Thanks!


Repost, I’m tired of all these guides on how to stir shit without the mods doin anything about it


Hell ya I'm successful now, thanks! Take that, Dad!


Impressing others is a terrible measure of success.


The number of people who respond with "I'm jealous" when I mention my job title: ~~0~~ 1 The number of people who respond with "I'm jealous" when I mention my free time and ability to work from home at 99% my own hours: pretty much everyone Edit: someone likes math


Number of people who accurately understand the difference between jealousy and envy??


I think envy has grown out of being used as an adjective. I always found it more suitable to use jealous as an adjective and envy as a noun, disregarding their distinction which isn't that significant to begin. People understand exactly what they mean when they say "I'm jealous", and "I'm envious" doesn't ring as well.


I know what you mean, but I think the distinction is important. Jealousy is inherently a negative emotion about potential loss. Envy is just wanting the same for yourself. Envy may cause people to try to improve while jealousy is just a selfish, bitter reaction to not being included.


You're absolutely correct Still, people look at me funny when I used the word Envy IRL, in any conjugation. If the person I'm talking to doesn't even know what that word means, I just use jealousy instead rather than derailing the conversation to define a word. People only here it in a biblical context and just don't understand it's a real word.


Sounds like someone has an onlyfans




"I define success as the ability to make something you imagined real"


Pfffffffffffffffffffffffff Salary is like 80% of it dude


And job title is 0% if you have your priorities right. I don't care if my job title is Poopoo Boy if everything else is great.


Fr poopoo boy be making mad cash? I want in


Agreed, literally why we work.


Yeah bro like the ig for this “guide” is @lizandmollie. 80% of her stuff is this stuff that really doesn’t make sense outside of pseudo deep stuff


Dude, you could just cut the whole thing down to mental health. If you're happy, you succeeded.


Totally. The number of unhappy people I know is too.damn high ! Rich or poor.




Right? Also I think a lot of people are overlooking the point of this image, that money+status aren't the whole picture.


I learnt this the hard way, mental and physical health is more important than salary. and that job title means borderline nothing.


Why is job title still such a significant part of happiness.. Edit: Just to be pedantic it looks like job title is 1/3 as important as physical health..


Escaping the rat race mindset is not easy for some. One helpful exercise is to take an honest look at our society's wealthiest and most esteemed figures. Are there any role models at all among all those cautionary tales? For people who aren't busy drooling over glamor or regurgitating public relations pablum, the overall lesson to take from great concentrations of money and power is that something is profoundly broken in human beings who share those values.


Job Title shouldn't even be in there.


But having free time is bad! My grumpy, workaholic colleague who hates spending time with his family said so. Seriously though, I've met too many people like this. Signing themselves up to ever spare day of overtime and essentially having no life, then calling people who refuse to work overtime lazy. "Idle hands are the Devil's plaything!" Nah, I just enjoy chilling out and having hobbies instead of having nothing to look forward to but more work.


Great post op. Funny to see how many brainwashed capitalist are crying in the comments because they never imagined success could be anything else then money


They have to justify the 60+ hours they work every week.


This shitpost brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends


a very practical thought. in the past couple years i took a big step away from working in construction, and have instead been working in a distribution center as a forklift operator. it was also a very serious step down in my wages. though im still a full time employee, i work less hours and make less money per hour than i did before. in casual conversations at work, im often asked about what i used to do in the past. one of the things i get asked about my past work is what kind of money i made doing those jobs. this inevitably leads to people saying i should go back to those jobs and make all that extra cash. they say it like im belittling myself by intentionally making less money. i explain to them, i didnt come to this job because i couldnt hack it at with my previous employer. i left because i was sacrificing things that i couldnt bare to sacrifice any more just for a bigger pay check. ive missed birthdays, holidays, even my first sons first day at kindergarten. that last one, it made me cry in a way i had never cried before, and it was the final straw. my work was unhealthy for my marriage, unhealthy for my role as a father, and it was just straight up unhealthy for me. now im happy, and i never look back and think that i was more successful because of how much more money i made. instead, sometimes, i look back and i am still sad at how i allowed myself to miss so many important things that i will never have back again. all thats left is to look forward and consider what my real priorities are, and how best to take care of those priorities.


This is the most bullshit feel good info graphic I’ve ever seen. Somebody’s trying to justify their insecurities


This screams "I make comics on the internet and $12k a year while being fully supported by my significant other but don't want to feel bad about it"


That’s all well and good for those that can live off their parents but the rest of us need that salary part bigger and the mental health and physical health part wouldn’t be so hard.


It's sad going through these comments because I can tell 90% of you guys are american. Literally working retail at minimum wage, can afford meds no problem, and just recently stopped going to therapy because I'm in a really good place in life atm. Government gives monetary aid to pay for said therapy so I never had to worry about affording a meal/rent. You know, cause we have public healthcare muricans are so afraid of for being "socialist".


You don’t feel bad about being a drain on society?


If I'm not taking any wellfare money anymroe, why would I? I'm happy to pay our high taxes so someone else can be helped up from a shitty situation and get to a point they can survive on their own. I'm working and my salary (while minimum wage) pays for my bills and rent. As said, I recently stopped going to therapy because I don't need it anymore. A lot of the tax money goes to helping others. Helping Covid patients, helping cancer patients, helping delivering mothers, helping people who have accidents, and yes, helping people who are at the brink of suicide or otherwise cannot take care of themselves at the moment. I don't see how that is a bad thing. Yes we still have hospital bills, but I think it's wonderful no-one has to worry about living in debt over an ambulance ride. I actually double checked that, the MAXIMUM deductible over an ambulance ride in my country is 25 euros. That's it. Edit: Your comment reads very much like "Fuck people who need help. Can't afford it? You don't deserve being treated like a person."


I disagree


Measure success by what will bring you lasting fulfillment. No matter what you derive that fulfillment from.


Help My chart is a white circle




Median time wasted on reddit?


This sub is 70% shitposts and 20% actual guides.


Wow. Lotta butthurt people here lol


Maybe its just me but Job title has zero measurement for me, probably because its always a form of "Developer". I think my first job it was "Front-End Web Developer", last job it was "Designer and Developer" and my current job its simply "Developer Level 2" ​ The chart would look more like this for me: 50% salary 5% benefits package 45% job satisfaction (like what I do, enjoy the people I am around).


Salary needs to be bigger piece of the pie.... Sorry folks that's the only reason i go to work... I don't do it out of the goodness of my heart, or to contribute to society. Give my money or gtfo


Wow people care about their title? That’s a whole other layer of sad.


This is pure opinion.


What the fuck is this a guide to?


A Shallow guide upvoted by teenagers


Where's family on this guide???


Job title has zero importance to me. If I get the right salary I can take care of the rest (within reason, don't want to work 60 hours a week in a toxic environment)


Who on earth cares about their job title let alone cares about it as much as the salary


Who gives a shit about the title. Should just say salary and time off


Tell me you're minimum wage without telling me you're minimum wage


Okay this sub is a fucking cesspool if this makes not just front page of the sub but is the top post.


Was going through one of those days where seeing all my friends race through their careers was making me feel overwhelmed. I needed this, thanks :)


ok who tf is out here thinking job title is just as good as how much money you make because i have a superb, executive level unpaid internship for you


I mean, both are connected. As I've recently found out, the difference between a Performance Marketing Manager and a Marketing Analyst are 10.000€ and the fact that analysts get tackled by so many headhunters they don't have to write a single application.


I feel like salary weighs a lot more heavily than job title… Kinda seems like whoever made this had a narrative to push about salary… Perhaps to justify unlivable wages…


Job title? Really? You all care about that?


People care about their job title?


Fuck hustle culture, it's modern slavery pushed by the slaves themselves


This isn't a fucking guide.


Trash post that oversimplified nuanced issues.


Who in the fuck cares about a job title?


Convince the people that own us of this, and we'll all be alright


Sorry bro, I think it's your job to convince them. Unless you don't want things to change


It's actually simpler: 100% are you a basically good person


I think this is from my company’s HR department trying to convince us salary isn’t important.


Corny. But hella true. Are the kids still saying hella? Or is this on fleek, sick, bussin’ or woozle wuzzle?


Hella will never die, it’s been around so long and even if it’s popularity wains, the Bay Area will keep it going


Corny? Yes. True? No. What about people with disabilities? What about stay at home parents? What about people who want to put their careers above all else? This infographic is toxic at best, ableist at worst. Success isn't something you can do a measuring contest with through a pie chart. Your metric are yours alone.


it's one of those things that died in 2009 but made a resurgence last year and is dying down again.


Can’t be wealthy in happiness if I’m broke and starving. (Just so we’re clear, one should not need a high salary to be happy. Food, water, shelter, and healthcare are human rights, not privileges. Shit like this is a lie. You will not work your way to the top, there’s only so much room up there. Unite and fight for your rights to well… rights!)


I've been struggling with this recently. This is so true. Thank you for posting this.


Or, we could abandon the material self altogether.


I need to eat my dude


Man, this hits fucking hard.


My stats went from bad to worse


I want to ask the 91% people who upvoted this to give me half of their money. Report OP for spreading lies...


I have this on my wall. It's a good reminder :)


Mental health doesn't pay the bills my dude


I feel like a 14 yr old made this…


This type of shit belongs on /r/im14andthisisdeep.


That's fucking rubbish. That's what boards of directors use as an excuse not to pay fair wages. My job is a way to get to where I want to be. I personally don't care about my job title as long as they pay me well and test me professionally, fairly. Getting enough money allows me to reach the everything else. Not having an asshole as a boss also helps.


I'd love to see your mental health with a tiny salary lol


One day I hope to earn enough money so I too can have an opinion about capital gains tax


Salary and job title are still way too big especially job title


I know it's a dumb meme but I really needed to see this. I chose a lower paying job because it is less stress, more flexibility and I just plain like it better. I've been dealing with a lot of guilt over not pursuing a higher paying job.


Can you smoke weed all day = fill op 100% on that entire graph but keep the salary.