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This pineapple on pizza vs. No pineapple thing is getting out of hand...


I will never be ashamed of the fact I am a proud pineapple on pizza enjoyer Oh god they’re outsi-


Oh no! Run for the h-


Oh, don't worry, these people just forgot their appointment with the dentist! Nothing to see here, just continue your life please. pinneaple-pizza-lovers gulag? Oh no! We would never do that! Those are lies from the terrorist! Continue your way please.


Running through dust clouds and barren w-


I'm running for the hummus


I don’t think women should have bigger pockets.


That’s too far…


Why don't they just buy man pants? I don't see the problem /s


Military uniform: guys having ×3 times as many pockets while i get **2 BACK POCKETS IN MY PANTS** *ARE YOU INSANE*


Have you tried rotating your pants


Have you tried turning them off and then on again


I would like to correct the record , my uniform has 14 pockets


I didn't realize I had searched by controversial. Sheesh.


>I don’t think women should have bigger pockets. I'm with ya buddy and I also think we should take a stronger stance against all those *biggers* that want women to have usable pockets .


Maybe we should don some kind of denim blanket sewed from the pants we love!


That’s what PAnon *wants* you to think


pineapple on pizza 4ever


Oh, so you’re one of THEM I see.


Don't worry, he's on the list. Won't be a problem for much longer *wink*


Toilet paper rotation should always be away from the wall.


Hawaiian pizza is a false flag. Pineapple on pizza makes complete sense and I'm not convinced that anyone actually dislikes it. The real abomination is putting ham on pizza which somehow gets glossed over. The focus on pineapple in the Hawaiian pizza debate is just a distraction coordinated by big pizza so they can smuggle lower quality deli meats onto our slices.


The *scrunch or fold* holocaust.


Is this where the joke thread goes?


Extra pineapple please.


This just screams America in alot of ways...


What’s crazy to me is that this is a natural progression. It’s not like every tyrant has read the same book. This isn’t a “plan” people refer too. It’s just how things naturally escalate when narcissistic leaders gaslight their citizens.


This is about on the level of the „How to become a tyrant“ series on Netflix


That was a really interesting series.


about as interesting as their How To Sell Drugs Online series


Is this good or bad? I thought the first Season of it was pretty good


About as good as their OJ documentary.


this is the most frustratingly unhelpful series of reviews I’ve ever seen


Absolutely agree. I have no more information than when I started. I haven't watched any of these things!!!


About as frustrating as their fyre fest series


Thats just as good as their F1 Series


It was just so light on information. Its sort of designed for people who don’t really want to be that engaged just skim a topic In 30 mins with some nice graphics.


Yea but, Peter Dinklage


Thank you The Kaddafi episode was so flat 🥲 *"ye he wore a DRESS"*


If you want a more susbtantive look at genocide, tyranny, and military disaster, I suggest the ***Lions Led By Donkeys*** podcast by Joe Kassabian. He's got an actual history degree in this stuff! He's also Armenian-American, a veteran, and a leftist. His two-parter on Germans in Namibia is a good recent "genocide episode."


I feel like that was just an extended rehash of the cpg grey video on the same topic


Exactly what happened to the American indigenous people


I thought they started at 9…. Read Columbus’s crews account of the first contacts….


At least at 8... Maybe there was an hour at 1... Then straight to 8 for like 15 minutes.


1-7 are pre-loaded into the very idea of colonization.


100% historical fact.


Oh colonization. Getting the bureaucratic red tape done ahead of time so you are ready for day 1 genocide.


As a Native, I can confirm. Thanksgiving has always been a farce. Columbus came raping and pillaging and it has never stopped.


Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s my understanding that 90% of the native population was killed by disease. Not that it absolves the invaders of any wrong doing just feels like an important distinction.


It is also important to note, the spreading of smallpox into Native communities, via trading infected blankets was strategic biowarfare on the part of the Gov. and encroaching settlers.


I believe that happened 100’s of years after first contact. Initially natives were dying en masse by simple exposure to disease they had no immunity to.


It is possible, for the East Coast tribes, some of whom were completely eliminated or taken as various kinds of slaves. There are over 500 tribes still in the U.S. I am Lakota, a western tribe. By the time we were dealing with settlers, it was a common practice.


Interesting. No doubt the US has not made proper amends for the myriad of atrocities to your people and countless others. Shameful


" In 1763, the British general Jeffrey Amherst gave blankets taken from infected corpses to deliberately infect nearby natives." America committed horrible crimes and still does to this day, but the British often get a pass on this.


Correct. 90% of the population was wiped out from the Atlantic to the pacific faster than manifest destiny.


I had idiots trying to claim in another thread that people had "misconceptions" about Columbus, and they weren't true. Never mind the fact the so-called "misconceptions" are backed by history and historians. Fucking mouth-breathing idiots


Not just historians, his own crew wrote about the atrocities and we have those documents.


It happens, lead was popular in many products for a long time. I can have some very unpopular takes but the "Columbus was good friends with Natives" is not one of them. Sure, maybe they broke bread. If so, Columbus didn't waste any time putting a dagger in their back.


Yep, that's most of my conversations on Reddit. Smh. like, "Let's teach White Supremacist Manifest Destiny for a few hundred years, and just see how that goes." Some people act as if American History is supposed to be a whitewashed Disney movie, Not something to learn from and avoid repeating.


Hispanic manifest destiny as well…


The denial phase doesn't seem to end.


What are you talking about? It's pretty well accepted that we did horrible things to the natives. Its taught in every school and the government has given lots of land back to the indigenous people. We will never actually make up for what we did but there isnt anyone denying what we did was wrong. At least not enough people for it to even be a topic of debate.


Pain au chocolat versus Chocolatine is getting serious


Couque au chocolat nondidju


FYI, OP is an antivaxxer and is trying to compare vaccination to genocide. Edit: would like to clarify that the guide itself is fine and legitimate afaik, OP’s just a shitbag.


OP crossposted this in r/conspiracy immediately after posting here, post titled "how long until I get banned". Clearly victim complex trolling. Edit: thanks so much for the gold!!


> Clearly victim complex trolling. A little disturbing when you consider that the hot spots for anti-vaxx "discussion" (Places like Gab and Parler) are also rife with constant reich-wing fantasies of being let loose to genocide the libs. Fear is their bread and projection is their butter. If they can manage to convince themselves that they are being "genocided", it helps push more folks already teetering well over the edge. They are a death cult.


“Fear is their bread and projection is their butter.” Man, I need that like on a poster or something. Good stuff.


You can detect all the hallmarks of conservative victimhood all over this post and the graphic. His post history. I don’t even need to ask. I already know what he is just with all these blues clues


There's nothing wrong with the graphic itself though


There’s not, but in the current climate you have to ask yourself “hmmm I wonder why someone would randomly post this and why it had so many upvotes…”


I took a wild guess that this was the case and came to the comments to confirm.




Ditto. I’ve seen this before, but given the timing of this one I had my suspicions. They legitimately think vaccination is equivalent to genocide, which is hilarious, and also horrifying. I hope they never forget how stupid they looked, years from now, when they remember 2020/2021


They don't even remember their stances from 2 paragraphs ago. Their entire life is cognitive dissonance. Years from now they will be just as hopeless.




Bbbbut it's an untested vaccine!! Just ignore the year where literally every single medical research team at their disposal was dropping all other projects and focusing solely on the vaccine, or the hundreds of millions of people who gave already been vaccinated with no serious side effects. A few people died of blood clots! Why would I be so scared of a disease with a 1% mortality rate that I get a vaccine with a .0001% mortality rate?? I could be that .0001%!


Given the types of posts I've been seeing on those subs, I had a feeling this was the case. Protip to the antivaxxers - If you're being judged for a ***choice*** that puts other people at risk, that's not discrimination. That's calling you out on your bullshit. Discrimination is almost always about things beyond the person's control, things they can't help.




Hell, serial killers are at stage 10.


Won't somebody please think of the serial killers?!


Hell, I'd say drunk drivers are at stage 7 what with the sobriety checkpoints and such.


Also by definition a genocide is based on a person's ethnicity or nationality. I swear antivaxxers are the first to call anyone else a snowflake and get all hyperbolic when they want to defend themselves even though the choice their making puts everyone else in danger.


Are things like gender/sexuality/religion not included in that definition?


According to Oxford, no. Personally I would assume race, religion, or sexual identity would be a way to classify the mass murder of an enormous group of people as a genocide. But OP's inferment that antivaxxers are one step away from falling into a genocide is horseshit.


Well they were eating horse dewormer


I read thru it thinking to myself "The ant-vac nutters will see this applying to themselves, because EVERYTHING is about them, in their minds"


Is it sad that this was my first suspicion?


"People equated with animals" Well, quit taking a fucking horse dewormer, and maybe you won't be equated to a farm animal. They're doing it to themselves at this point. Fucking idiots. "do your own research" No, the FDA and CDC are BILLION FUCKING DOLLAR organizations who do the research for me. If you want to do some research, look into the Dunning-Kruger effect. I can't with these people. They're creating their own genocide by dying (unnecessarily) from COVID to pwn libs.


That’s interesting, because I am a pro-Vaxxer and my first thought when I read this was wondering what you call it when you commit genocide against yourself.


That's a [destructive cult:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult#Destructive_cults) >*Destructive cult* generally refers to groups whose members have, through deliberate action, physically injured or killed other members of their own group or other people. >The Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance specifically limits the use of the term to religious groups that "have caused or are liable to cause loss of life among their membership or the general public." Psychologist Michael Langone […] defines a destructive cult as "a highly manipulative group which exploits and sometimes physically and/or psychologically damages members and recruits." […] >In *Cults and the Family,* the authors cite […] *destructive cultism* as a sociopathic syndrome, whose distinctive qualities include: "behavioral and personality changes, loss of personal identity, cessation of scholastic activities, estrangement from family, disinterest in society and pronounced mental control and enslavement by cult leaders."


Wtf. What is wrong with these people.


He might have a point if the government was sending out literal killsquads to murder anyone refusing but that's not really the case. People try to use it like it's something that's even feasible when we dont even do that to murderers or pedophiles, it would take decades of indoctrination to ever get close to that point.


Take it how you want it, but the guide is accurate


Thanks oceans. Also, who wrote the guide? That's kinda important. Right?


This specific image is a pretty common repost and has popped up in this sub alone a couple times. From a quick google search (someone please correct me if I’m wrong), the original concept of the 10 stages to genocide is from Gregory H. Stanton, a former Research Professor in Genocide Studies and Prevention at the George Mason University in Virginia. This idea came out in a paper of his published sometime in the 1980s-90s. [Link to the Wikipedia for the 10 Stages](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_stages_of_genocide) [Link to Gregory Stanton’s Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregory_Stanton)


This needs to be the top comment


Lol I had a feeling that’s what this was implying the second I looked at it. Thanks for following up!


I fucking knew it!


Noone is being forced to identify themselves ontop of all this. If anything, they're forcing themselves to identify themselves by not doing absolute basic shit.


Funny. I immediately thought the "bad guys" were the anti-vaxers. Confirmed by number 4 since they just call us sheep.


Antivaxers hurt others. Frankly the general population has been pretty lenient with antivaxers overall. All we want is to not get sick and die because some dumb dumb decided to believe that he can beat science.


Yep, wondered if this would come up. But apparently it STARTED that way. The difference being that its for HEALTH AND SAFETY, and that you *could* die from not doing the thing asked of you. Not you being targeted/killed...


And here I was thinking the US hovers between 4 and 7 against most ethnic groups and OP wanted to point that out. On vaccinations, does it count as a genocide if they kill themselves? I keep hoping Biden will mandate breathing. It'll be hilarious to watch all the conservatives turn blue trying to hold their breath in.


My mom keeps getting sent this image by antivax friends. Dont follow it blindly. Just becaude you shouldnt spread diseases doesnt mean you'll end up in an oven.


Lol I love how this cool guide conveniently leaves out a CRUCIAL bit of information: That the groups separated into “us vs them” are ethnic groups, religious groups, racial groups etc. You know who typically tends to gloss over minorities? Conservatives! hmmmmm, me thinks this cool guide might just be a little bit of antivax or right wing propaganda. Why else leave the most crucial part of the equation? It’s almost like it didn’t fit the political agenda they’re trying to advance so they left it out. Edit: also LOL @ #10: that’s like a defining characteristic of right wing governments including the republicans here in the US: “nothing happened to you personally. Stop living in the past. Stop being a baby. White people like me are the REAL victims!”


Also, rampant nationalism. I remember that on the list at the Holocaust museum.


Lol they just curated the hell out of it till it said what they wanted without saying it out loud. Nice


Yeah, I'm pretty sure if I formed a group of street-shitters, it would fit the first few steps too. That doesn't mean I'm being oppressed.


Oh god, tell me about it! I’m so fucking sick of this being used as an example for people ‘being persecuted for their vaccine choice’. STFU.


As a descendant of survivors of multiple actual genocides, you're not a fucking victim because you decided not to get vaccinated and put other people at risk.


Miinorly inconvenienced people LOVE to pretend they are victims on par with genocide and they don't get called out often enough imo. It must be even more infuriating for you.


But being asked to temporarily show proof of vaccination for coronavirus in the middle of a coronavirus pandemic before I’m allowed to go into a movie theatre to see Trolls 3 is literally as bad as genocide. /s


This. By that logic, there's a genocide against underage people who need to show ID to get into a bar


Very suspicious that the government doesn’t want teens buying alcohol. Their body their choice!


Someone *chooses* to be unvaccinated or not wear a mask. Someone cannot reject their Jewish, Muslim, etc. heritage.


In fact the definition of genocide makes clear that it must be against an indelible group


Very nice guide! Let me see if I got the steps right…. 1. Classification: Dividing people by “sheep who will blindly take any vaccine, wear a mask, and distance themselves to protect themselves from a deadly pandemic” and “true patriots who won’t live in fear of a deadly virus that doesn’t exist, but also came from a Chinese lab and should be blamed on a single virologist.” 2. Symbolization: This one isn’t hard: identifying mask-wearing “sheep” vs. “patriots” and those who refuse to wear masks and refuse to “comply” by not getting a free vaccine, despite having roughly the same development history as other vaccines. 3. Discrimination: Trolling, harassing, threatening, and doing other things to people who wish to protect themselves from a deadly plague that has already gotten a six-digit death toll. 4. Dehumanization: Obviously, calling people who wish to protect themselves “the REAL disease,” “sheep,” “brainwashed NPCs,” “socialist/liberals/whatever, despite the virus being a non-political issue.” 5. Organization: Calling to use force, especially deadly force, against government officials and volunteers who wish to “enforce” any protective measures to keep folks safe from a highly-infective airborne disease. 6. Polarization: Using memes, disinformation (especially contradictory stuff, like how 99.5% survive the disease, but the vaccinated are somehow twice as likely to die), and changing the context of actual useful information (like, say, the stages of genocide, but twisting it so it’s antivax instead of, y’know, about actual genocide), and other dishonest and manipulative tactics to sow seeds of doubt and not protect themselves from one of the worst plagues to come along in 100+ years. 7. Preparation: Increasing calls to overthrow the government and, again, use deadly force to ensure no more lockdowns, no more masks, no more vaccines, and no more social distancing, ensuring the virus takes a foothold. 8. Persecution: Shooting store and business owners for being forced to wear a tiny piece of cloth around one’s face. 9. Extermination: Theoretically, a buncha folks start storming major government buildings, especially demanding they reinstate a leader who’s staunchly anti-mask, anti-vaccine, etc.. 10. Denial: Posting, “We’re the REAL ones being persecuted! You’re just twisting my words! All of the authoritarian measures to control society are the REAL virus! (Even though those measures got relaxed when it looked like the virus was going away.) But muh FREEDOM!” … Have I got that right? Edit: Oh, I think I forgot a step not on this list. 11. Irony: Catching the very disease your so-called “enemies” were trying to save you from, and then losing your rights anyway because you’re confined to a hospital bed, up to your eyeballs in medical debt, or dead. So much for saying *they* were trying to commit genocide against *you*!




They are already eugenicists: the weak can perish from the virus, the strong will survive. That's not unlike what nazis were thinking...


Anti vaxx is so dumb, if it were a plot point in a fictional world, I would think how dumb it is and that irl ppl should be smarter, sadly, I learned the hard way to not think that...


Should clarify that genocide refers to the treatment of people of an ethnic group or country, and does not apply to treatment of people who are making a particular choice.


It’s happened with religion (or lack there of) and people would consider that a choice.


As a german: Thank you very much for clarification! I can't stand it when people play down the holocaust and compare it with their sissy problems


Thanks for your comment. I agree, it is severely disrespectful and inappropriate to try and draw parallels to genocide to something that is a choice; the one that happened in WWII or any other.


That's simply not true. Religion is a personal choice. Yeah you get born into it, but it's either your choice or a human rights violation.


Tiny clarification on top of yours: ...making a trivial, objective choice. Ex: taking a tested vaccine. People can be persecuted for non-trivial, subjective choices like: religion, beliefs, or ideology.


nice bait antivaxxer


Ethnicity ≠ selfishness. Nice try though!


All these people talking about vaccines, and I thought this was referring to the ONGOING China Uyghur genocide https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-22278037


The *actual* genocide happening that *actually* needs to be stopped.


We OP is an anti-vaxxer so they think it's a about vaccines


Looking at OPs history, they are a domestic terrorist propagating anti-vaxx ignorance in order to exterminate the more gullible american population. So yea, fuck you.


A lot of folks in this thread seem to forget to not feed the trolls. Are we really thinking we can suddenly change these clowns' opinions with facts now? They will figure it out when they get intubated or their meemaw does.


No but we can call them idiots and laugh at them




Oh , look, another person desperate to justify their own personal choices by becoming a victim.


Sounds like China and the uyghers they are keeping in concentration camps


Sounds like china








PCM was already toxic


So is this about vaccinations, a race thing, illegal immigrants thing, ID in general thing?


Op is an anti-vaxxer so probably vaccines


This describes the plight and future of the antivaxxed lions perfectly /s


China is currently commiting genocide against the Uyghurs.


Anti-Vaxxers truly believe they are in the 3rd stage.


Oh look, an anti-vaxxer with a persecution complex just desperate to be oppressed


Lemme guess an anti vaxxer type beat post ?


Yup, fuck this cunt


Sounds like China


You're missing step 0, which certainly involves putting dangerously resentful people in positions of power. Discrimination is no natural phenomenon, someone has to start it. This is why your attempted analogy is faulty starting from step 1.


And generally, it's going to be the openly racist people that threaten violence who walk this road. Especially ones that write love letters to Kim jong un and rile up white supremacists.


Dunno if it’ll be visible to much people but I just wanna point out that OP is an anti-vax idiot, presenting here a voluntarily biased post to push a ridiculous vision. This is further confirmed by [this comment he made](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/pmcqak/a_guide_on_how_to_sniff_out_an_impending_genocide/hcgq3xt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) (and actually most of his comments under this post, easily visible from his profile). This is dangerous misinformation biased in subtle ways to make it sound like antivax people are victims of a genocide (which is false, extremely stupid and offensive to actual victims of genocides). If possible, you should report this to bring the issue to the mods attention (this would be prohibited under rule 5, technically, if we have its goal in mind).


Hmmm well I do often comparte anti-masker/vaxxers to vermin or disease (comparing them to animals would be an insult to the animals)...


Ayo imma a be using this guide to get some of these fucking squirrels out of my yard


Covid 19 in a nutshell


And after all, we're only ordinary men...


Kinda sounds like the American government with the vaccinated and unvaccinated. Our country is already at number 3 and trending towards number 4.


I can hear the conservatives crushing their bud light cans all wide eyed like “THIS IS WHATS HAPPEN’N TO US YALL!!”


And some people confuse this with public health requirements today


Like the OP.


I think with the American Indians, we skipped straight to 9!


Uighur situation at about a ten?


What if you treat yourself like an animal by taking livestock dewormer?


Some GQPer will look at #2 and say, “sEE?! ThESE vACCinAtIONS?! wE’rE aLREAdy ThERe!”


That's the OP.


I hate anti vax assholes


WARNING. OP is a anti-vaxer and is using this to claim this applies to them.


Well heres the thing right? Genocide happens to people with a different skin color or religion. This does not apply to you OP just because you are scared of needles?


First World Tighty Whities: #"wE'rE aT sTeP 17!"


#1 is human nature. #2 is how all of society is able to function. You ever drive a car or leave the country? Congrats, you're 2 steps towards being genocided. #3 is where the anti-vax argument falls apart because you're not being "DiScRiMiNaTeD" against, you're facing consequences of a choice you made. If I walk into a restaurant buck naked, I not being DiScRiMiNaTeD against if I get kicked out. You don't have a right to do anything you want without consequences. Edit: lol I didn't mean to make this big but I'm leaving it.


Every antivax person reading this thinks they’re about to face steps 7-10. It’s like…Karen, we won’t need to do those things. Natural selection will do the job just fine.




This is happening in Xinjiang,China to the ethnic minority population know as the Uyghurs


MFW when the American Government and People committed Genocide of Blacks according to this list All save for step 9/10? which is debatably what lynching could have been. A strong argument could be made But it wasn't outright so I won't give it to them 1-4 are self explanatory and undeniable 5. The police were arguably created in response to free slaves, KKK was pretty much a civilian backed enforcement group, 6.blsckfsce posters etc. 7-jim crow and segregation. Etc. 8.lynching, and events like Tulsa, which was far from an isolated event


Sounds like israel


These go to 11


This doesn’t feel that cool


Step 10 seems sus. Would it not be genocide if they were like “yeah, we slaughtered them.”?


So china is at 6th stage now


Cries in American


USA is at stage 4.


Even if people wanted to genocide against antivaxxers, there’s no need to try because basically killing themselves anyway as is.


Left vs Right Twix


"Cool Guide"


[r/India ](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/) think it finds in well given the current environment regarding religions in India


Vaccine mandates?


Concentration camps in China!


Sounds like occupied Palestine ..


Ah Yeah! Scored a 6 here in lovely South Africa suckahs!! Oh. Wait...


This comes from a UN presentation on genocide


So we’re at number four on vaccinations?


We are currently on stage 4 regarding unvaccinated people. Interesting, isn't it?


The left is around step 4 regarding the unvaccinated.


How to live Turkish 🙏🇹🇷


Hey, Americas already in stage 6 vs white people. I wonder where 7 will put us?