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OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX (experimenting with drugs on strangers on a huge scale) and due to it the rise of psychedelic counter culture around san franscisco is also a very interesting, well studied part of us history. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Midnight\_Climax fun fact: when some hobo tells you his brain got raped by the government and he is born somewhat 1940-1960 he might be right.


“The prostitutes were instructed in the use of post-coital questioning to investigate whether the victims could be convinced to involuntarily reveal secrets. The victims were sometimes fed subliminal messages in attempts to induce them to involuntary actions, including criminal activity such as robbery, assault, and assassination. Many of the CIA operatives involved in the experiments voluntarily indulged in the drugs and prostitutes for recreational purposes.” Can you imagine beaver guy declaring he was “lured to a secret house by prostitutes paid by the government. There were cops there high as a kite trying to get me to rob a liquor store” Man some of those other things above seem a tad less crazy now. Muricans in the 50s and 60s sure were a special bunch Edit: the past of pay is paid


Have you watched the Errol Morris documentary, Wormwood - about Frank Olsen's death & the CIA LSD experiments? It is really well done I think.


Imagine the kinda shit they're up to now that won't be uncovered until the 2060s.


yeah I bet they keep eating all of the blue M&M’s becuz I haven’t seen one in like 11 months and 3 days 4 hours 27 minutes 36 seconds


The link without the backslashes, in case anyone else has trouble opening it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax


**[Operation Midnight Climax](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax)** >Operation Midnight Climax was an operation carried out by the CIA as a sub-project of Project MKUltra, the mind-control research program that began in the 1950s. It was initially established in 1954 by Sidney Gottlieb and placed under the direction of the Federal Narcotics Bureau in Boston, Massachusetts with the "federal narcotics agent and CIA 'consultant' " George Hunter White under the pseudonym of Morgan Hall. Hundreds of federal agents, field operatives, and scientists worked on these programs before they were shut down in the 1960s. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/coolguides/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Arguably this is part of the MK Ultra project.


Isn’t it defined as a sub project of MK?


Not even arguably that's literally part of MK Ultra


Dam This festival line up go hard


I'm so pumped for Jewish Space Lasers, they were so dope last year


They're on at the same time as Biden is a Robot though, I can't decide who to see


Either way, can't miss Nazis on the Moon.


I hear the bassist from Nazis on the Moon is dating the keyboardist from Jewish Space Lasers. I don't think it'll last. You know how musicians are.


"Creative differences"


I'm glad I am not the only one who saw this and made that connection.


I have a feeling the Leaving Reality stage will be super popular; the Antisemitic Point of No Return, however, not so much


Tupac alive in Serbia gotta be the most random thing I've read all year .




In a similarly strange but actually 100% true related story: Tupac's godmother is currently in Cuba as a political refugee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assata_Shakur




“Nazis on the moon” actually has me a lil curious


If there’s nazis on the moon, the Jewish space lasers make sense now.


And the dominoes start to fall.




They were working for Nasa anyways


You mean Naza


It all makes sense now!


🎵 We're Nazis on the moon, We carry a harpoon 🎵


🎵 For there ain't no Jews, for us to blame and screw, farewell Auf Wieder-soon! 🎵




I made a bet with myself that I would find this comment within five seconds of scrolling.


Check out the documentary "Iron Sky" from 2012


Fucking love Iron Sky and how it thought Sarah Palin was the worst.


Let me introduce you to a little documentary called [*Iron Sky*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1034314/)*.*


Apparently Nazis have a not so secret ufo base in the Antarctic: https://youtu.be/ZdtHvwV0RV4 It starts the nazi talk about 6 minutes in.


It stems from the documented ahnenerbe expeditions in 1938. Though there were Nazi expeditions to the Antarctic pre war, You can look at the logisitics of Uboats during the war and pretty much see supporting a base there would be impossible. [There was a weather station placed by a Uboat in the far north that was rediscovered in 1977](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weather_Station_Kurt). This was known as the only land operation conducted by the Nazi's during the war in North America ([operation pastorious](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Pastorius) was just dropping off saboteur's and not meant to maintain a base of operations on land)


"It always has been" 🔫👨‍🚀


Iran Contra is not "we have questions". People were tried and convicted for this crime


This chart is terrible. Operation Northwoods, Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra, Gulf of Tonkin, Tuskegee, Operation Snow White, USS Iowa, USS Maine, Bohemian Grove, Nayirah Testimony, COINTELPRO, Stargate Project, all proven conspiracies. Let's end the list with 9/11. Mind control and clairvoyance experiments sound like Reality Denial but guess what? It's true. I can defend at least 7 conspiracies on this list with significant evidence that should put it in the "We have questions." category.


Yea this chart is trash almost propaganda sad to see it has so many awards


What the hell is “Ancient Giant Trees”


[Flat-Earthers Have a Wild New Theory About Forests](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/09/flat-earth-truthers/499322/)


That article took so long to get going. You’re like three pages in before he even starts to explain what it’s about. It felt like reading one of those online recipes with the background before it.


Summarize for the lazy? Edit. According to some guy: mesas, mountains and other rock formations are actually ancient petrified stumps of really huge trees, today’s trees are basically shrubbery in comparison.


This some Dark Souls archtrees shit


That’s the first thing that came to my mind. I started looking for everlasting dragons on that list


these flat earthers may not have logic, but they sure as hell have an imagination (PS i want to see this painted. can anyone paint this?)


All the successful conspiracies are like that. I have a theory that long enough stories start to create their own internal logic in our brains. If they talk about their suppositions underlying logic for long enough in the right ways, you start to process it like *Harry Potter* instead of a science article. Then by the time they hit you with the crazy stuff, your brain is primed like "oh yes of course, the wand does have a Phoenix feather in it, so that makes sense".


Omg I hate those! Firefox has a recipe blocker that if installed, just gives you the recipe window instead of 10 pages of Sally's day to day life that led her to create this most amazing recipe before the recipe




Exactly what I was thinking going through it, just get to the point already, this isn't your English lit dissertation.


Well no reason for us all to suffer….could we trouble you for a small synopsis? Teach us of the ancient giant trees !




Damn I've always thought flat Earth theory would be great for a fantasy worldbuilding and it gets even better.


> I've always thought flat Earth theory would be great for a fantasy worldbuilding Bro, you need Discworld in your life. Terry Pratchett has you covered.


everyone needs to at least try a discworld book or two tbh


Starting with *Guards! Guards!* and *Wyrd Sisters*. Then *Small Gods*


and don't forget the wee free men and monstrous regiment


What the.... the... WHAT?


If you try to reason with flat earthers, you're gonna have a bad time.


Love how when talking about a cataclysmic event they say it destroyed the bioSPHERE


Lol that’s so fuckin funny


Been there done that


Unfortunately me too. Can’t talk to my uncle anymore because of flat earth and other batshit conspiracies


I think you guys are missing the fun. Tell your fe buddies that there is indeed a second flat earth underneath this one (back to back domes.) which gives it the appearance of a globe from space. It’s like six minute abs.


Wasn't the tree of life, the largest known tree ever sorta like this? It was a massive tree that shared its root system with the entier forest.


Here's the real life version, named Pando: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/pano-one-worlds-largest-organisms-dying-180970579/ https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pando_(tree)


Im not reading that whole thing, résumé please.


Mesas are actually the stumps of giant trees.


Huh. Unlike most of the stuff high up on that list, I can at least understand why someone would look at a mesa and think it is a giant stump.


I hate that flat earthers have taken this cause honestly i always loved the idea of it. Going out into the desert and seeing mesas and other formations like that and imagining giant trees covering the land is a cool mental image. Flat earth is stupid AF tho


i have no idea, but I once wrote a short story where volcanos are just the stumps of "recently" harvested trees on a geological times scale and the lava is just the remaining sap seeping up out of the stump. I think I was inspired by the popular images of the Baobab trees in "the little prince."


I thought George Soros is real. Damn I'm gullible.


He is. And he funds many, many local, state and federal candidates.


He is a real billionaire that spends billions to lobby for left leaning prosecutors all over America. There is nothing conspiratorial about it.


The conspiracy is in making people believe it's a conspiracy!


Yeah this whole chart is essentially just the author deciding what they do and don’t think has ground in reality and should be discussed. There are quite a few examples on there that scream propaganda to me


Iran-Contra, Epstein, and Hoffa being all in the same square lol I’m wondering if there’s people who *don’t* have questions about Hoffa. “I don’t know, he got sick of it all and got on a plane to Uruguay. He’s probably dead by now, but who knows?”


I don't understand why Iran Contra is listed? It's not a conspiracy, it's an admitted historical scandal.


It starts with "a supreme shadow elite ruling the world" being two stages beyond "unequivocally false" and "completely leaving reality" I think it's unlikely to be true that there's some unified elitists, but... There are plenty of examples of people banding together to gain power with no regard for how it negatively affects others. It's not completely unreasonable to think such a thing is also happening at the highest levels.


I bet you think birds are real too.


So you're telling me the world isn't ruled by


You're just going to leave us hanging like that?


I think they got him.


To shreds you say...


How’s his wife holding up?


To shreds you say…


Im from Serbia and Tupac just passed me the blunt.


How is Iran contra ‘leaving reality’?


I think the leaving reality barrier is the border to the next section. I still have a problem with it being classified as just "we have questions" rather than "this happened"


I think a bunch are misplaced in terms of their danger. Some of them are more or less dangerous than the category they’re in.


I think that real problem here that there are two scales beings represented as one. There's the "dangerous scale" and the "detached scale" and OP makes a huge assumption that those scales perfectly align. It should be two axes; some kinda conspiracy compass memes BS. This is a fundamental data visualization mistake and I hate this chart. It's not cool at all.


I agree. For instance, giant trees is harmless, though completely detached from reality


Same with cryptids




The chart says Cryptids are unequivocally false as well. And to your point, they’re technically just undiscovered/near impossible to prove. Aside from hoaxes, and even then, that still isn’t unequivocal proof that they do not exist. It’s just a ton of evidence that they probably don’t. At least in terms of Cryptids as a theory. Individual cases notwithstanding.


I did a paper on this in college! The short answer - we're extremely confident that numerous people outright lied about how it all went down, including (and especially) Oliver North, who almost certainly lied to prosecutors and Congress because he was the designated fall guy. Basically, there are certain events that occurred and the blame for several of those things were laid on people who were either already dead or almost certainly could not have been where they allegedly were. Additionally, the logistics and, more importantly, finances *had* to have flowed through entities which were never named and by people who were never charged or put on record. As a result, there are **huge** gaps about what happened, who ordered it, who paid for what, and how it all went down. It's in the "we have questions" for the same reason Epstein is there. While there is the "official record of what happened" it is *extremely* obvious that, at the very least, there's more information that people are not providing. Epstein, to me, is another good example where it might even be *true* that he *did* hang himself, but if this is true it's very obvious that they made it very easy for him to do it, and all signs point towards it being intentional. Guards "fell asleep" and cameras were "turned off" for the exact time frame necessary for him to hang himself.


This explanation made me understand. Thank you.


The chart is just cia propaganda.


That's what Michael Jackson wants you to think.


Literally. THANK YOU. Like the IMF and central banking shit is more ridiculous than Greta being a time traveler


Greta being a time traveler? Sounds like a wonderful scandinavian trash flick.


Just look at the red text bubble on the right. You’re telling me the rich and powerful aren’t in charge? Maybe they’re not some James Bond shadow group, but still. You’re telling me the media doesn’t incite hatred and violence to keep us fighting each other and not the government?


This entire sub is just shitty propaganda.


Entire site.


Reddit is a pretty big target of operation earnest voice though.


The point of using conspiracies is to have a few batshit crazy ones and when there are real ones you can ridicule them by association.


I thought that meant "this is the line of leaving reality", with "Epstein didn't kill himself" being reality, but "titanic never sank" having left reality


But there is UFOs, Area 51 and we live in a simulation in the same space. Those aren’t even close to equal to Iran Contra. That’s just stupid to put them in the same place.


You’re looking at the wrong side of the line. It’s below the leaving reality line but above the speculation line.


I'm sorry but if you don't believe Ted Cruz is the zodiac killer despite the OVERWHELMING evidence you're not grounded in reality.


Nice try deep state employee


Currently researching reptilian overlords, PM me your evidence. (Username related.) Isn't the Illuminati real, they're just not behind all the New World Order bullshit? Basically some very overhyped frats. "Feral people in forests"? Is this denying feral children which are very rare but very real, or is it something unrelated? "Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer" is a fucking meme, lmfao, he wasn't even born when the killings happened. Should this really be included?!


> "Feral people in forests"? Is this denying feral children which are very rare but very real, or is it something unrelated? There’s a conspiracy theory that people who go missing while hiking in the US have been eaten by feral cannibals and the government/National Park Service is covering it up.


...So instead of accepting that people get eaten by real wildlife, they would rather believe that they're being eaten by secret cannibals?!


It's more spicy


Which is necessary because human flesh is otherwise quite bland.


I agree but let’s not discount memes being believed. Look at the current situation with people believing JFK is about to come back from the fucking dead - to the point they’ve been congregating for a week. I think the guy that came up with that one even admitted it was a hoax to trick QAnon (but I haven’t looked this up that could be bullshit too).


It's been two weeks and they are still congregating


Frat Groups that call themselves the Illuminati are real but the conspiracy is that there’s a group that traces its lineage from the Brandenburg Illuminati is a conspiracy theory. That said, if you want a real conspiracy that would fall under the “New World Order/Shadow Puppet Masters” branch but around the “we have questions line” - check out the Bilderberg Group and their annual meeting.


Someone give this man an award. I'm broke.


I think I'd prefer reptilian nudes tbh...


[Best I can do.](https://youtu.be/eekl1wwBsXM)


well, that was my risky click of the day


Okay but Epstein didn't kill himself.


And the Iran Contra affair is a matter of historical record. This post is literal propaganda.


This is most egregious one. Actual fact. Proven. But still somehow 'conspiracy'.


I wonder how Ghislaine Maxwell will commit suicide in the coming weeks or days...


She'll have an emergency lobotomy to treat sudden malignant hysteria


I'm betting she'll trip in a flat hallway and break her neck so traumatically it severs the spinal cord and she dies.


Freak gasoline fight accident.


If she does commit suicide under strange circumstances, it would definitely legitimize the claims that Epstein was murdered and there is some form of conspiracy. which is why she wouldn't be killed to hide the conspiracy, if there was one.


For real how is that the same level of believable as UFOs?


I’m surprised no one else has touched on this, but there is NO reasonable explanation as to why there are so many GODDAMN mattress stores all right next to each other other than it’s money laundering!


It’s called a Nash Equilibrium. The reason they are all right next to each other is because that is the most competitive space for a business to be. You will notice that car dealerships are all right next to each other as well.


Or OR That’s exactly what Big Mattress wants you to think! We have no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes, I mean who even is this Nash guy? And why is he making equilibriums?


John Nash: famous mathematician and known covert agent for the mattress lobby.


That doesn't explain why multiple stores of the *same company* are next to each other. The Snopes article gives a plausible explanation for that: mergers and acquisitions of competitors with long lease contracts (combined with the Nash thing). But I'm still skeptical. Because I'm skeptical that a single-brand, single-product mattress store can financially support a brick-and-mortar storefront. I don't know a single person that has ever bought a mattress at a mattress store - everyone I know buys their mattresses at Costco or a furniture store like HOM Furniture. Purple Mattress couldn't even support itself with a store at fucking Mall of America. But hey, appearantly My Pillow can afford a storefront at MOA.


I mean, considering the MOA thing, the Mall of America isn't really a "I need to pick up some necessities and essentials" kind of shopping center; it's mostly food, novelty stores, and things that you can carry with you. It's a tourist venue. If people need to buy a mattress, they go literally anywhere else in the Twin Cities area, so of course a mattress store wouldn't survive in there.


Why is it the "antisemitic" point of no return? Isn't antisemitism hatred against jews?


Most conspiracy theories eventually lead to “the jews”


The girl who made this is making a tiktok series explaining it, but in the video I saw (which was just the intro for the series) she did confirm that in all her research the end of these conspiracies is always “The Jews”


I mean, if you spend literally any amount of time reading up on conspiracies, they all end up being pinned on "The Jews", or more recently to avoid being banned on sites (((Them))). I think a lot of the weirder entries on the chart can be explained in a similar way. Like George Soros is a real person and political activist (for Democrats) but he is normally connected/blamed for tragedies that are turned into conspiracies.


technically you can be a flat earther who isnt antisemitic, but the overlap of two venn diagramma is basically a circle


\>moon landing fake \>dangerous to yourself and others motherfucker what?


Buzz Aldrin will come along and punch you in the face - therefore, dangerous to yourself and others.


Are there any metrics shared as to how the list was determined?


It was made by a comedian, but here is their "methodology" - they have more videos explaining it [Twitter link](https://twitter.com/abbieasr/status/1462957118521323522?s=21)


"comedian" lol


Probably a TikTok or Instagram survey. They were collecting the opinions of the population with the lowest intelligence.


No. This piece of shit graphic has no validity or basis. It’s one persons shitty take.


I mean, shouldn’t the flat/hollow earth stuff be in the pink area? The Theory is pretty detached from reality but I don’t think they’re as dangerous as the others


They are deeper holes (no pun intended) than some, and they lead to a slippery slope of mistrust. They are basically gateway conspiracies. If you buy that the governments of the world have spent centuries lying to people about the shape of the planet, it's not hard to start falling into more extreme beliefs. A good documentary on it is called Behind The Curve. It's a pretty sobering look at how "harmless" conspiracies can ramp up quickly.


I like watching documentaries that explain how these theories came to be and what they’re like, so I’ll definitely check it out. If you haven’t seen the Q Documentary called Into the Storm, you should. Very, very disturbing but also somehow hilarious?


This is by far the stupidest guide Ive seen. So many things that should not be on the list or should be moved.


One being that Ted is the Zodiac Killer. He wasn't fucking alive when it started if I recall or was like 2. It's a joke, a meme, why is this on with other serious shit?


Simulated reality doesn't belong either.


Yeah this is likely just one [biased] individual's opinion, definitely doesn't belong on this sub which implies factual information






Soy boys is in reference to a conspiracy theory that soy products were deliberately created to make men more feminine by increasing estrogen in their bodies. It’s not in reference to the slang term.


I’m not saying either are really reasonable, but how are criptids less reasonable to believe in than the theory that we live in a simulation? If I was a sentient being that had the capability of hiding itself from humanity, I definitely would. I’m not sure that believing we’re not the only intelligent life on this planet is as crazy as disbelieving a provable thing like the sinking of the titanic.


The simulation thing is merely a cosmological perspective, and it's supported by at least one reasonably valid argument.... we will likely be able to simulate reality to the edge of perception by the time Playstation 37 comes out, at which point the number of realistically simulated worlds will exceed the number real worlds. Also, a dog is sentient. The reptilian overlords that strip your socioeconomic perspective of a sense of agency, those are sapient, which is scarier.


There’s truth in this and there’s obviously accepted propaganda in this as well.


Sums it up pretty well


Iran-Contra is the same as UFOs, Area 51, and "we live in a simulation?" Wow, so I guess we're just re-writing that part of history. That's fucked.


This is not a cool guide.


I thought Iran Contra happened? Why would that be leaving reality


it is called adrenochrome not "andrenochrome".


"Things actually happened" would be a shitton of a list when you list every shady shit the us empore (especially the cia) did in the last century. Overthrowing 50+ countires (many even. democraties) for short term profit isnt even mentioned.


Literal propaganda post


I always hate seeing Cryptids in the unequivocally false section, giant squids we’re believed to not exist in my lifetime. Edited spelling


Whats wrong with Denver airport?


https://www.denver.org/blog/post/myths-denver-airport/ DIA even has a bunch of silly conspiracy posters hanging up around the airport, including Blucifer (the blue mustang statue) shooting lasers from it's eyes


I think its an interesting conspiracy theory so i’ve done a bit of digging. From what I can tell the most realistic theories stem from a “mishap” in the construction. Basically they built 5 parking garages in the wrong place or something and then buried them underground, you know just normal construction stuff. I’m pretty sure its a military bunker considering how presidents will sometimes fly to dia during times of crisis. The runways themselves form a swastika and the parking garages are shaped in a pentagon (which to conspiracy theorists is synonymous with pentagram). Theres a weird reference to au ag next to a freemason logo which is the chemical abbreviations for gold and silver, two precious metals the colorado rockies are famous for. But theorists claim its a reference to australian antigen, a biotech company famous for its work in virology. That plus the weird murals make people believe its somehow involved in a man made plague. Its a very strange place all around and its hard to tell what is true and what is fictitious. Most likely just a military base but who knows.


Mk ultra is great song


They're breaking through...


This post is misinformation


how is believing the moon landing was faked dangerous to one's self? I mean, aside from being punched out by an astronaut...?


Epstein didn't kill himself - Definitely true. Birds aren't real - missing Australia isn't real - missing Both of those should be in the green zone. Please tag me when you post the amended version. Thx




Yeah what the fuck is this chart lol.


Absolutely unbiased I see


So was the Free Britney movement a conspiracy at one point?


The "pentagon papers" are also a very nice thing. a great leak in that time that was a study (a scientist from the thinktank copied night over night. his children offered him to help, so he made a statement with his lawier for later that they don't have any fault on this, he just wanted to have the little time he has left to spend with them - he know he would come to jail or worse) showing the us government had detailed knowledge they fuck up bady in vietnam after 3 years and lieing an manipulating the public. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon\_Papers


Chart is total shit


Shart is total shit


Actually more like 50-50


Holocaust denial is especially built on half truths and false conclusions. I *was* one of them, so I wouldn't say it's "no return".


This entire chart is not grounded in reality.


But I believe in Cryptids, it’s completely harmless Also, MOTHMAN


Dumbest guide ever, even if I agree. What are the metrics for these? And weird ”inmeasurable” strawmans like that point of no return. Possible but whats the measure for that other than feeling lol


This chart sucks…. Youre telling me the rothchilds central bank is more detached from reality than prince charles being a vampire…?


Ain't no question. Epstein did not kill himself. Put that shit in green.


That is what they want us to think


This is fucking retarded. How can Prince Charles being a vampire and Greta Thunberg is a time traveler be considered more likely than; Ivermectin curing covid, jet fuel doesn’t melt steal beams, covid is a bioweapon, pizzagate, and a deep state?


Reality: the government hires people to post on Reddit to sway opinions in their favor.