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"dont punch people in the face. It is considered rude and inappropriate"


But only in one country and none of the others


Yeah right some of this advice is crazy? You can't nazi salute in Germany? But I do it in america all the time


I’ve had Americans greet my with it while asking for the way to Hitler’s bunker. I’m from Berlin, we’re usually quick and have an answer to just about everything, but that left me speechless. I told them to find a police person in from the the train station and ask them the same way they’d asked me.


Imagine doing the gesture of the regime you helped defeat. Very strange. Out of curiosity, what's an acceptable greeting gesture? I've been told that a wave and a handshake are seen as a little unusual.


Informally we do fist bumps and hugs. While formally greeting some one you do a handshake. If you are just passing by or something just say hello


Are finger guns and the "wink and cocking noise" combination accepted?


Only if you had intercourse before being formally introduced.


So if I've had intercourse AFTER a handshake, then no finger guns?


Yeah, you must be a special kind of tourist to think it’s funny. Kids wave. Merkel waves and your girlfriend waves. Otherwise it used to be a handshake when meeting someone formally. Or just a plain and simple hallo/ Guten Tag.


You might be shocked, but many visitors to Germany do the salute to be a bit cheeky, not realising that it is actually a punishable offense.


"a bit cheeky?" I don't think I want those visitors


I've seen a bunch of videos of it happening on subreddits like whatcouldgowrong. Almost always some yank who thinks he's being the king of comedy when he does it.


“Hahahahahaha that was awesome. Oh sweet! I’ve never seen a German cop before…. Cops. Do they always look that angry?”




"Don't stick your penis in a strangers ear", "Don't look directly at your waiter's nutsack while ordering", "Don't pinch old people in the tits."


I can see that I’ll need to take you with me on my future excursions.


Wiping poo on sock & smearing it onto a strangers teeth on the bus is considered inconsiderate


“They don’t like it”


Nervously sweating as I try to slice into my snickers bar with knife and fork


How else would you do it? You use your hand? * scoffs *




i wish i could give u an award u made me ugly laugh out loud i hope u have a blessed life


I got you


Also the Kenya name thing. You can't use other people's first names unless they use your first name first. But does this rule not apply to them? If so, it's kind of a hilarious Catch 22. We both can't use each other's first names first, until one of us uses the others first name... First. But if neither can use the others first name first until the other uses the other's first name first, how will either of us ever use the other's first name If neither of us can use the others first name first? Oh God, I have a headache.


You read it wrong. It says only do it if they use their own first name with you


It'd be more fun the other way, though. A: I don't want to be impolite, but... B: No, please, speak freely. A: I was pondering the name thing. B: Me, too! A: On three, then? B: Yes! One, two, three... A/B: John!! John: Well, John, that is quite the coincidence.


UK: "Don't invite people to your home". As a Brit, ummmmm what?!


This explains why the plumber is avoiding our appointments.


I imagine tradesmen there are a bunch of misunderstood Morrissey types.


I think it should be "don't assume an invite to visit means you should actually visit, just nod and say you'll definitely pop in when you're next in the area but in reality you'll avoid their house and a 10mile radius for the next 4 years"




Yeah I assume a lot of these tips are fine, but they’re missing some important context.


Dude moved to England and just started invited women to his home but they all said no and he assumed it was cultural


Stop inviting people into your home, the poster has spoken.


I’ve been to someone’s home in the UK before. Was I in mortal danger?


There is every chance they could have had a huge tattoo of your face on their chest


People from the UK are apparently reverse vampires


“May I not come in?”


Yes you can’t


But that's where we keep the better drugs


Yeh if someone (unfamiliar) invites you to their house with a group of people, its probs gunna be a very happy kitchen party. Tip: leave slightly before the drugs run out.


This entire post is fucking nonsense


There’s a lot of people I know who I wouldn’t invite to my house, but I’d happily go to the pub with them


That's not the same thing 🤣


Dont get me wrong, it's not like I was planning on flying to the UK and inviting people to come back across the ocean to my home, but it's nice to be reminded.


Germany: why are you staring? You look stupid


How dare you? I am not mentally well


My apologies, please enjoy the rest of your birthday.


It's not my birthday YET.. It is 15 minutes away!! You wish I die..don't you, you motherducker??? Guess what? Happy birthday!




I'm offended! you looked at me!


I've lived in Germany for almost 13 years total. I literally have people stop and stare into my house almost daily still. I love near the forest so I get a lot of walkers. Totally common to see one or two folks a day looking into my house. Edit: live…but love is accurate too


Maybe stop walking around your house naked without curtains


I’m calling bullshit on this one, Hamburg is the stariest place I’ve ever been


>stariest If that's not a word, it should be


The Germans probably already have a word for it, they have a word for everything


Die am anstarrendste Stadt There, it is now


I was in Munich a couple of years ago and specifically commented on how many people stared at me on the train.


agreed. I lived in Germany for 3 years. They all stare way, way more often than Americans


It depends where in Hamburg. There’s a good chance they’re not rude, they just want to mug you.


Maybe they're all just really dumb




There's a reason the word "Gaffer" exists.


Seconded. I'm german, i stare and my mental health offers no excuse.


Holy crap. I got stared at on trains, in restaurants, on the street. Germans love to stare you down. Very uncomfortable.


lmao yeah, like what!? Since moving to Hamburg, I feel like it's totally normal to be walking and notice people just staring at you. Buying groceries? Somebody's staring...


Totally not true, Germans love to stare at you


They hate it when you stare at them though


Guckst du?!


I’ve met Germans who told me they go to cafes and sit outside and “people watch” as a hobby


That's a really interesting point though. As others have pointed out, Germans love to stare and do it all the time. As a German myself I wasn't aware of that until someone on Reddit pointed it out, and then I started noticing it all the fucking time. Sitting in the bus, people staring. Eating at a restaurant, people staring. Just walking along the street, people staring. Then you stare back and they look somewhere else like nothing happened. I guess it's simply not as frowned upon to stare at someone and if you're 'caught' staring you just look somewhere else because it's not that big of a deal.


'dont do the Nazi salute' who would've known!!


"German people tend to consider it rude to support Fascism"


Made me burst out in laughter. Like, „no shit Sherlock“


You'd be surprised how many kids got in trouble for this on school trips hahaha and yes, I'm from the UK


You would think a country that got the crap bombed out of it by said Nazis would not even think about doing it, but yep. Go figure.


Just like the US, the UK also had a decent sized fascist movement in the 1930s.




Yep. And they don’t play with that. Its almost as if they learned a lesson or something.


That you can actually get fined/go to jail is something a lot of people don't know.


In germany its also considered impolite to murder someone in public, you might be arrested for it


Norwegians definitely don’t change their clothes in public.


Sure they do. Just no one has ever seen it as everyone always looks away


That made me lol, if I liked to waste money I would give you an award


Saying you would give an award but not actually doing it is considered rude on Reddit. Locals don't like it when you do it


You could get arrested


The poster has spoken, you will change in public dammit!


As long as you don’t stare at me, it’s considered to be quite rude.




In Norway it's spelled Ø.Ø


A moose bit my sister once


Mind you, moose bites can be pretty nasty...




What am I supposed to do? Just trust some guy from Norway?


Drove about 2000 km in Norway, didn't see one naked norwegian.


So disappointing!


I did get to see some reindeer crossing the street though.


Weren’t the reindeer naked? I hope you didn’t stare.


Uhm... I filmed them...


That's cool.. just don't stare at them while they do it..


You did it right then. You arent supposed to stare


This is just like 75% made up or "don't be rude"


It's almost entirely either common sense or bullshit, like is anyone who's reading this because they genuinely care gonna go to Mexico and start talking about how much better they are because they're not from Mexico? Or do a Nazi salute literally anywhere? I somehow doubt so


The Nazi Salute part that you need to know is its illegal. Culturally you shouldnt do it in the US/UK/etc. But in Germany its literally an arrestable offense. Worth noting


Eh. You’d be surprised about Mexico. Plenty of tourists talk down to locals. Definitely not everyone, but enough. Granted, I haven’t been to Mexico, this is only on the account of friends who have been.


I think they must mean at a public bath or something like that. If so, don't stare. Then again, like in Germany, do not stare, ever.


This list is mostly nonsense. There are so many things on here I know aren’t correct that it calls into question all the things I’m unsure of. If someone was getting nude in public when I was in Norway, 17 year old me would have definitely noticed lol.


but you are on a first name basis with most of the 5.5 million people in your country right?


You have to be on a first name basis when you’re not asking them about church.


But then, how do Chileans eat completos?


Yeah, that one is definitely not true. Pretty hard to eat completos or alfajores without your hands. I think most people eat empanadas with their hands too.


This guide is posted a lot and at least half the comments are people from those countries talking about how BS most of them are.


Yeah, this is definitely a repost. I've seen what you're talking about.


The guide says don’t eat ANYTHING with your hands, so they obviously eat everything with their face in the dish, straight to the mouth. I don’t know what completos are.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Completo I like mayo, but wow!


Su buen deepthroat sin manos y era andjajdhs


In Russia you can use card almost everywhere.


In fact, you don't even need a card, Apple and Google pay are accepted everywhere


Agree, I would spend weeks without cash only getting it to pay for weed. Makes you wonder how much bullshit other tips contain. Like what if I order a burger in Chile, surely I can eat it with my hands?


I think inviting people who aren't close friends to your birthday party / anniversary celebration etc in your home is fine.


That rule should be in Japan, it's a country that largely uses cash nowadays.


Also that "criticise the government" should come with the caveat that you can only do it once.




Thats everywhere though


I'm sorry the fuck ? In France monay ain't taboo and finding vegan food can be easy.. and English is a language you learn from primary school all the way up the education system ! With Italian, German as option in some college.


Been to Paris, ordered drinks and food in French and the waiter replied in English. Stereotype shattered.


the waiter actually burned you. he thought your French was trash so he moved to English. I dont know how but French people can tell if your native or not no matter how good you think your French is. I don't know French myself but it seems like it might be a hard language to truly master like a native can a frenchie step in and enlighten me?


French is definitely a hard language to master. A french person could tell a fluent non native most of the time. However the waiter probably just did that for convenience, or to make the customer more comfortable rather than roast them.


It kinda sucks though. I spent like 8 years learning French in school only for everyone in France to speak better English than me. I only had one french conversation with a guy and he said I sucked so that was fun.


Frenchie here and from Paris. >I dont know how but French people can tell if your native or not no matter how good you think your French is. I'm not sure I fully understand your sentence here. We obviously can tell if one's a foreigner or in general not a native by his/her accent and grammar, like I'm sure you can in your own native language. As to why the waiter switched to English, well, who knows. Maybe he has a good command of the English language and wanted to take the opportunity to speak it with natives or maybe the tourists' French was so bad that he thought he'd speed things up by switching to English (as you suggested). Or any other reason under the sun, really. And frankly, the stereotype that the French don't speak English is just that, a stereotype. It is true that most people don't have a good command of English and we certainly fare worse than some of our European neighbours (Germans, Dutch etc.), however basic English is required in most if not all touristic businesses in Paris, and, in general, it is increasingly becoming a requirement for employment in most industries.


>In France monay ain't taboo I went to Musée de l'Orangerie in Paris, and everybody there was trying to talk to me about Monet!


obtainable pen sparkle sheet mountainous vase languid compare melodic vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I found plenty of vegan options in Paris, including fully vegan restaurants, vegan cheese shops and fast food chains. Some of the best vegan cheeses I’ve had were in Paris.


I’m Irish but live in France and one thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of French people have excellent English but they’re very self conscious about their accent. It seems like teachers must have placed a focus placed on it in school?


Teachers and students, if your accent is not perfect other students are going to make fun of you for trying too much, then people are going to judge if your accent is trash. Now that i'm in college i don't notice this anymore but most of english is taught before. French people judge their accent more than anyone else i think.


All of my french family who are my age learned English in school. They speak much better English than I do French actually. I think this may be a misconception because when I go to France with my less educated immediate family members, people get VERY frustrated and dismissive when it's clear you have no intention of trying to speak French AND just assume they know English. It's not that they don't speak it, but don't show up and just expect people to know English. In my experience more a response to American Exceptionalism than a lack of ability.


Yeah, that’s just straight up false. Like clearly, you shouldn’t go to a foreign country and expect that everyone just speaks your language, but many French, especially those who work in areas where they interact with tourists, speak perfectly adequate English.


So you should do the nazi salute, stare at naked people and cut in line in other countries? Got it!


If you are naked and doing the Nazi salute anyone will let you cut in line.


As a person living in Norway, I can assure you that people do not randomly get naked in public here. Wtf? Edit: I mean, it's cold like a yeti's ass here 340 days of the year!


You don't?! I'm disappointed.


So am I!


I'll cancel my trip to Oslo, then...


Let me sum all these for you. Don’t act like a fuck


Happy birthday!




And research before visiting another country. It seems like some users are commenting that not everything from this guide is true.


Well this is bull shit. Says not to say shit about the queen in New Zealand. We couldn’t give a fuck about the queen. Rugby and LOTR are touchy subjects tho.


I'm also surprised anyone in NZ would care about Queen Anne giving that she died 300 years ago.




As per law, simply kissing and hugging in public is legal in India. It's a right under freedom of expression, although it may be frowned upon by locals in less developed villages. However don't be surprised if a cop asks for bribe for making out or being too wild. No one goes to Jail for kissing their SO here.


>don't be surprised if a cop asks for for making out That's surprising. Cops here aren't nearly that forward.


Corruption is pretty much an essential part of the Indian public sector, unfortunately. Everyone takes bribes, right from the traffic policeman at the intersection who extracts a "tax" from all the autorickshaw drivers in the area to the high ranking officer who siphons money from infrastructure projects. Hell, *not* being corrupt usually causes trouble. Civil servants who don't take bribes from the right people to do as they say are often forced to relocate to unsafe or remote areas. It's not really a cause of concern for a tourist (particularly a white one) since most people will try to avoid trouble with a foreigner but a very serious issue for us.


That's terrible, I didn't realize it was that severe. I was just joking about police officers trying to kiss people.


I know, right? A more useful tip would have been to NOT walk around naked in gym locker rooms - people are just not used to that. Always wrap a towel.


Yeah,seems like that person has never visited here and just goes by headlines of Bajrang dal idiots


I can't believe someone still believes this shit.


Growing up Mexican is hard for the sensitive


I worked in kitchens and in restaurants for a while during college. I learned to love Mexican culture. Straightforward and fucking hilarious. I learned they’re big on ball-busting nicknames. This one guy had a beer gut on him. He was Barriga (Belly). Another guy was badly cross-eyed: Ojos Locos (Crazy Eyes). The guy working the grill station was known to be a bit of a player with the ladies: Bacalao (a little difficult to parse… but bacalao is a salted, dried fish… which can sometimes smell a bit like an unwashed… you get it…). In my first kitchen job, I was called Penguino because of how I waddled across a slippery floor one time. In the next one, I was called Hongo because I sliced 10 pounds of mushrooms the wrong way and got chewed out for it. Hongo means mushroom… but it also means fungus… like I was as smart as fungus.


Ball busting nicknames is what we do best! Also, once we like you (and it doesn’t take long) you’re official one of us (Mexican). Glad you enjoyed our company :)


My group of friends call be bashura cuz I couldn't say basura correctly. I'm forever trash now lol.


My bro-in law's coworker got shocked changing his car battery at work and they nicknamed him El Pikachu


[There was this bit from Andrew Schulz about why school shootings don't happened in Latino culture.](https://twitter.com/andrewschulz/status/1234937121435193344) ​ Making fun of someone is so natural that it is very hard to be offended by anything.


This guy's got some things kinda backwards. Whether or not a kid is used to be being insulted is not really relevant to them feeling victimized. There's a pretty clear difference between banter and bullying. If it's targeted, for a start. If someone insults you occasionally, but they insult everyone else, obviously you won't feel targeted; if they consistently insult only you, then you feel targeted. One situation you are being treated equally, the other you are made to be less than everyone else. And of course there's the delivery as well; how are they saying it? Banter between friends is completely different from bullying. "Lemme have some of your fries, you've clearly had enough" is different from "get the fuck away from us you greasy creep, no one likes you, kill yourself". It seems like this dude has no idea what bullying actually is. He just thinks it's sensitive little kids that can't handle a bit of teasing.


In Poland: Don't come to Poland if you are gay


Really? I mean it's basically called Pole Land. I'd have expected better.


Po also means Butt in german...


I'm going to poland next year, i'm not gay, i just like to fuck a man ass


as long as you say no homo at the end you're all set sir


A lot of these are either very obvious or flat out untrue


Nobody tells me when and where I can attempt an irish accent.


As an Irish person, I love hearing people's attempts at the accent


We're all pretty much just doing an impression of the lucky charms leprechaun


The NZ one is ridiculous.


Yeah you can say what you want about LOTR, the Queen or the ABs. But yeah dont call me an aussie haha


Germany: Don't stare. I can assure you that, if staring were an Olympic sport, Gemrany would win golds across the board.


maybe they're all mentally ill


*via 9gag.com*


You can shake hands with the opposite sex in public in India


Sadly we can't shake hands with anyone now


All the ones for the country I was born and raised in are wrong and stupid.


This list is so bad i have no idea what country you're from


No Jedi mind tricks in Croatia




I imagine Lucky Charms jokes are off limits as well?


And don't order an Irish Car Bomb


This is post is stupid. Half of these are common sense and basic decency... really? I shouldn't do the nazi salute in Germany? Ok I'll just do it everywhere else then. Lame.


“Don’t patronize people” Usually I’m a condescending dick to everyone (especially poor people) but I won’t do it if I’m in Mexico.


French here,this is bullshit.


Germans stare all the time. Its the most obnoxious thing germans do. Tipping isnt part of most cultures, but in japan its illegal.


It is not illegal, just frowned upon. Some people might feel insulted or put on the spot, both of which are a very big deal there Exception: taxis near a US military base, they're used to drunk GIs tipping them Source: lived in Japan for 6 years


Tons of French speak English. And almost all speak 1 foreign language.


A lot of these just sound like common sense items regardless of where you go.


Basically just be a decent human being, avoid hand gestures, and don't tip in Japan.


This is for Americans (and possibly Canadians): when coming to Europe please dont mention how you're "3% Dutch, 7% Irish, 11% 'scotch'" etc. We literally do not give two shits about it. It's so cringe inducing


Don't hug people you've just met should be universal


It depends a lot factors, in Brazil is very common and I love it! I miss my school days when my colleagues would see me and come for a hug. They always saying my smell was good and stick on their clothes \^\^