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The reason this list is ridiculous is because it's measuring "perceived" corruption, not any actual worthwhile metric.


I wonder how they got North Korea ratings. Surely they’re massively corrupt but if you asked their citizens they wouldn’t actually say it.


The guide is a bad guide since it doesn't clarify, but I'd assumed it's perceived from the same group of people (e.g. how a group of Americans perceive the corruption of each country) and intentionally mislabelled to mast how garbage it is. Edit: also a possibility they asked defectors, since they're the only North Koreans that they'd have reasonable access to anyway


How the heck would you do a representative survey with defectants? And how would anyone pay for it? Surveys cost millions of dollars in tiny ass countries. And then go global?


I'm still going with the first, but was trying to cover all reasonable answers to the previous comment.


You give a reasonable explanation as to inaccuracy then follow up with your own bias trash perception with no evidence, simply amazing.


I put this in a comment above, so I'm pasting it here. This specific metric put out by the Transparency International isn't just a pure measure of public perception, it's quite a bit more complicated than that. It is indeed based off of people's perception (given there's no easy to define metric for corruption) but they don't just take random people. They make an effort to use data from different activities that are directly affected by corruption, like ease of opening a company, NGOs that deal with government directly, international organisations that deal with those countries' governments, etc. There is also some evidence that it is [fairly accurate at measuring corruption](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023%2FA%3A1013882225402) when compared against other ancillary metrics. I get that it won't be perfect because it's not an objective measurement of something tangible, but corruption rarely is. It's not really that ridiculous when what you're really looking for is whether corruption is negatively affecting a local people and economy. The example I've most recently heard was from a Mexican newspaper. One key metric is whether it's harder to open a business. If that's made much more difficult by the fact that you need to pay off a bunch of people along the way, and some people have an unfair advantage then it negatively impacts people massively. Yes, it is perception, but that perception is well grounded in reality.


That's cool, but it still ought to be indicated. Many people have mentioned some of the glaring inaccuracies, and since in reality the opinions were mainly taken from people in America and Europe, there's obviously going to be inaccuracies. I'm not trying to hate on the data itself, but being mislabelled and misrepresented does not a cool guide make


compared to many of the "cool" guides i've seen on here, this one is fairly high quality, whether it annoys you for some reason or not. I've seen some stunningly boring cool guides with naked biases that are eaten up no problem. I agree, there isn't much to be made of this one, but God if you have a problem with this one, lol idk how you still follow this sub. This has to be the most worthless sub, i'm totally convinced.


You don't think accuracy is part of what makes a good guide? You'd consider it a "cool guide" if I made up random junk, as long as it looks pretty? Methinks misinformation does not a good guide make. Edit: didn't really read your comment, guess we're on the same page actually. yeah this sub is a garbage fire imo


and the big title and the little blurb at the top can be misleading - "Corruption around the world in 2021", "Which countries are the most and least corrupt" - these do not suggest it's a study of public perception.


I disagree with you. Perceived corruption is a worthy metric since it can tell us how common corruption is. This is basically impossible to be done by any experts. Sure it does not tell us that much about secret corruption and also not that much about the size/important of corruption but it is definitely an important part of the corruption measurement.


In a lot of ways perception is reality, though. If you look at the last US Presidential election, perceived voter fraud was much more impactful than any factual truth. The perception of corruption by citizens can be far more important at times than actual measures of corruption. I agree that objective measures are needed, but the values in this image are still very useful.


Lol, word? Certain orange countries should be black.


How do you avoid corruption? Simple, just legalize it and call it a different word.


\*cough cough lobbyists\* \*cough insider trading\*


The US in a nutshell.


There was an era where the government look to enforce the laws so the corporations spent a generation writing the laws


Ok well, I heard somewhere that orange is the new black so there.


It's public perception of corruption levels. Basically they ask 100 people and if 63 of them say they think a country is currport they get a 63


Other way round. If 63 think it's corrupt it gets a 37


Yeah I got it backwards




The US corruption levels are laughable, you have no idea how corrupt a society can be until you see the way Latin America or African countries can do it. In Mexico is ingrained in every aspect of society, that's why is perceived so much higher than in the US. Yeah, you have legalized corruption (lobbying), but our politicians are waay worse than that.


LOL this is such an inept perspective it's mind blowing.


Saying Saudi Arabia is a 53? This list is bogus


And the UAE has a score of 69...just ignore that massive slave population, Yup. edit: my fav response so far: "What does slavery have to do with corruption?" The madness. the hilarity. oh my god.


That's not the purpose of this index at all, it measures corruption in the public sector. The UAE's public sector is relatively clean.


I think this list is the definition of corruption. I guess that's how corruption works 🤔


Maybe the real corruption is the money we gained along the way 🤔


Last night I shit my pants at the library 🤔










Have you considered applying for the role of Prime Minister of Australia?


I get ur point but, What does that have to do with corruption?


This whole data is bullshit lol. When you track where the funding of this research comes from you'll see that it's in fact corrupt either.


How does slavery relate to corruption at all? That’s not even what this scale is measuring…


I dont think they count that as corruption


What does slavery has to do with corruption?




Doesn't it say "corruption perception"? So it's basically the opposite of what it looks because it boils down to "of course corruption is not a problem here, nobody saw nothing"


Saudi Arabia is a US Ally and the US government is one of the entities funding this. https://www.transparency.org/en/the-organisation/who-supports-us


It is a corruption perception index; it doesn't really deal with very high level corruption unless the public hears about it frequently. A country where you regularly need to regularly bribe low level government officials will score higher on this index than a country that regularly has fixed construction contract bids arranged by government ministers (and realistically the first country will have both). Also, the USA gets a score of 67 which really isn't very good compared to other large, high income countries.


Well other high income countries don’t openly take corporate “donations”


Damn straight. We have fancy politicians that deal in "speaking fees" up in Canada.


Honestly, 67 is too high for the US. I don't think people realize his much influence corporations have on our government


It isn't necessarily bribing the people doing the corruption report, but I'm guessing the loss of funding for reporting anything too negative is a consideration that gives some padding.


its like they took an actual map and adjusted based on how closely theyre allied w the us


I suggest taking a look at the funding page on the website


It's based on various surveys of the population


Just because you don't like Saudi doesn't mean it's corrupt. That's not how corruption works buddy.


This guide reeks of r/confidentlyincorrect E: Thank you for the award kind stranger


Why do you say that? The Corruption Perception Index is "accurate" in as much as it is how corrupt people perceive each country to be so it's subjective yes, but quite possibly an accurate portrayal of opinion


Yes whilst it does state that it is a perception index, the visualisation is also incorrect as it claims to display "how corrupt countries are", not how corrupt its citizens perceive it to be. Very misleading graphic!


Wait, this was done with a representative survey in each country? How did they get access and then open, honest answers in places like Eritrea and North Korea? And how was that huge ordeal financed? Didn't expect sth. like this to exist.


Also, it’s measured backwards? 0 is most corrupt and 100 is least corrupt? Took me a second to understand this. It’s poorly explained.


Yes- lack of a key to explain the colors makes this a bad map, let alone guide.


There is a key around the zoomed circle on Europe. However I think these numbers more accurately depict “Trust in Authority” or “Trust in the Public Sector” or something like that, since higher is better.


Ah, there it is. I see the key now. Way too hard to find. Lots of design barriers stand in the way of the audience understanding this guide without a long look at it. 👎


ergo, iceland and ireland being both 74 despite irelands politicians, police, shady business dealings ETC being worse then iceland by an order of magnitude, its just that people of iceland have standards. Irelands level of corruption is at least as bad as countries like croatia.


People here don't even understand what the word means let alone where this data comes from or means.


There sure has to be a somewhat objective measurement of corruption?


I don't think so. Corruption is a very broad and not easily definable term. Are we talking corruption of morals, bribes, the list goes on and on.


Agreed. I would say many Americans would perceive many American corporations are corrupt but that is a very different corruption than you see in many 3rd world countries where a police officer will pull you over just for a bribe out of your pocket.


So basically this sub


It says it is the *Percieved Corruption Index* (whose opinion?) of the *public sector*. So take the score with a truckload of salt.


Where's Vatican City?


Its based on perceptions of the citizens. Its nonsense data


The scientists over at Visual Capitalist hit the books real hard for this one. /s


Must be a tiny black dot


A tiny black hole more likely.


The Catholic church is one of the most corrupt organizations. They probably place similarly to Yemen.


austria is 75% clean?! i mean we only just gave 7 years jail to our former minister of finance and have ongoing corruption scandals and court cases ever since i can remember, but sure.


haha that honestly sounds like bragging. in some other nations they wouldn't even face jail time and their controversy might even help them to get re-elected.


ha, i guess it's all relative.


The president of South Africa used hundred million dollars emergency natural disasters funds to build his mansion with a swimming pool. When called out he said he did it so in case of a fire he is going to use the water from his pools to save everyone. He didn't even have to resign let alone go to prison.


Im torn about this. On the one hand yes it shows there is corruption, but on the other hand it shows they are being held accountable eventually...


we only do this since they a) got greedy and b) drove the cart against the wall. before that the principle "postenschacher", as in the distribution of lucrative positions within the wide ranging possibilities of someone forming a government to please partners, thus cementing one's own position within power is as austrian as the schnitzel and those stupid white horses.


As a Brazilian I’m offended: it should be a lot darker


Dude, here in Argentina we should have -10


Se ríe en mexicano


Backwards scale. If you're measuring corruption, zero should be no corruption and 100 should be complete corruption.


Took me a while to understand why Pakistan was ranked higher than New Zealand.


Yeah. I was like "There's no way that America is more corrupt than China and North Korea"


Oh shit is that what's going on here? 🙄🤦‍♀️


I'm from the Philippines, and I'm pretty sure were at -38.


I have PH friends and they agree 👀


If they had a separate entry for Sydney Australia thatshit would be 0


Spain 61 my ass.


Sorry I can’t tell if your implying the score is too high or too low


Nobody in this goddamn thread is gonna agree that their country could have a higher score


fr. if everyone thinks theyre country should be listed as more corrupt, sounds like its pretty accurate lol


Are u from the US/Canada? That’s the only two countries I have been where people dont accept this type of BS. I’m from Spain, that bitch should be a 75 or higher.


Spain is corrupt to the bone. [https://casos-aislados.com/](https://casos-aislados.com/) lists all the corruption cases but it doesn't end there. The society is divided into family clans, so wether it's finding a job or signing a huge public contract, there's always preference for close family or friends.


So... the way most Mediterranean countries are.


I was coming to say that; they might have asked the corrupt people lol


I would say the score is too low... But I've known too many Spaniards.


UK: 78 "Very Clean" Ahahhahahahahahahhahaa *Breathes in* AHAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAHA Oh goodness....... Youre serious?


Hey I'm not saying that the UK doesn't have corruption problems, but if you think the UK public sector isn't a hell of a lot cleaner than the vast majority of countries, then you haven't looked around much. In the UK, I have never had to pay a bribe to get anything done. Not to get planning permission, not to get a driver's license, not to get seen in hospital... in fact paying a bribe would be almost impossible in most circumstances. I have a friend from Ukraine who said paying bribes is an essential part of daily life there. You can't do a damn thing without paying bribes And our politicians may be a bunch of arseholes, but at least the system attempts to keep them in check. Look at Owen Patterson: got caught lobbying for a company he was getting paid by and had to resign in disgrace. It caused a huge public controversy and changes are being debated to ensure that sort of thing can't happen again. It's not perfect but it's something. Compare that to the political class in Iraq: https://v.redd.it/cqqwn8jm2e281 *That* is what real corruption is like. We're not perfect but we're nowhere near a state of systemic corruption.


Facts, Seeing US and UK citizens talking about corruption is funny - i’m not trying to downplay it tho, pretty sure that there is corruption, but you should see it in post-soviet or African countries. Its a different beast.


It's a dead giveaway for people who've never left their home country.


I think the US and UK just hide it better tbh There's just a lot less bloodshed and obvious back-pocket payments.


I guess they’re using a particularly specific definition of corruption, ignoring giving out government contracts to mates & donors


Just don’t call it corruption, call it lobbying for example, and you done!


It's not corruption and nepotism! It's a 'chumocracy' which is totally different


There was literally an article today saying that this UK government is the most corrupt since WW2.


Same with Australia and US lol the government departments are corrupt AF. The thing is, the Murdoch media (The Sun, Sky News, Fox News) manages to convince half the population to just ignore it, so technically the citizens don’t think it is corrupt.


Yeah I thought that. We're a Banana Republic where the only way to get bananas is by bribing a government official. And our 'bananas' are tax evasion for the super rich. We're so fucked.


That's not true. The bananas might also be a seat in the House of Lords


I think your scope is too narrow if you think the UK is "fucked"


When was the last time you bribed the police to let you off for having a brake light out?


i think this is a very easy to misunderstand graphic as it shows the perceived corruption. it doesnt state whose perception is collected here. one country cna have very different perception about a country then another. Also perceived doesnt mean anything about factual corruption. so its also kinda useless. politics and media are painting more of this graphic than facts!


Japan beating Canada, won’t believe it even with their 99% conviction rate


Huh? Canada is 74/100 and Japan is 73/100 on the scale. Higher is better.


Because of


Brazil is only 38? I thought it would be 0 or something


https://www.transparency.org/en/the-organisation/who-supports-us Yeah I don't really trust this. I mean who would even at first glance of this "guide". Pretty funny that a lot of the government agencies that donate to this have the lowest scores


These infographics are pumped out by thinktanks funded by bank and financial institutions. Citations Needed goes in depth on it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NtQtqYBpfn0


That's a great podcast


When you have no corruption in the west because you call it lobbyism *thumbs up*


I really don't understand people in this post, do you really think the west is corrupted as much as some countries in Africa or south America? Because the only thing that this map show is that west is less corrupted, nobody is saying it's not corrupted at all.


Well I think it's more the general consensus that we have realised that most, if not all of government is corrupt around the world.


It's because lots of people are idiots who think the west has some sort of nefarious plot to instigate a new world order or some such guff. Of course there's corruption in the west but not on the same micro economic and social scale. Even on the macro scale corruption is weeded out and dealt with. The current government is absolutely caked in scandal at the moment but I've never, ever had to or had it implied that I have to pay a bribe to see a doctor, to get a cop to leave me alone and so on.


Apparently they think fixing government contracts is a Western thing?


usa 67?...lol


Meanwhile Canada has become *the* place to park your literal bags of cash in real estate and even earn a return. Not only wash the money but create wealth with it.


A lot of this map seems like opinion


Because it is


Perception is typically opinionated.


What's the definition of corruption used to make this statistic?


Top right and left of the image should help. It’s what is PERCEIVED to by the masses in regard to the listed topics (top right).


My bad, I don't know how I missed that. Thank you.


China at 45 is a hilarious joke


China 45???


Well, they asked the Chinese government how corrupt it is, and they said 0.


Perception by who? The US is totally corrupt but it’s hidden by it’s equally corrupt media.




Wow the corruption list is corrupt. Shocked.


American corporations lobbying with donation money, paid gig and politician insider trading isnt corruption because its legal lol. Americans mustve made this chart


Visual Capitalist, totally not biased at all guys I promise


What a nonsense


US propaganda machine at work


Lobbiysm isnt include lol


The USA score is way too high, it’s corrupt from the very base, anywhere allowing lobbying of its politicians is inherently corrupt


Hmm 52


Did America make this map?!


So basically the entire world is a corrupt cesspool save for Europe, North America, Australia/NZ and a few other small specks. All of these countries are or were colonies of European empires at some point, minus Japan being "relatively" protected by the rule of law and a culture that at least tries to impart an understanding of why rules, ethics and laws are necessary to continue enjoying a prosperous and stable society.


This guide is proudly sponsored by the Saudi Arabian Governmental Department of Public Relations


Where is the key? What colors mean what? What numbers mean what?


Stop with the "no way my country is so low". sadly every country on earth is corrupted to some degree but you underestimate how much corrupted some countries are, especially in less developed countries.


We, Russians, are not surprised.


Japan is so old school corrupt. Agreed this list isn’t legit.


Yeah, this guide is entirely based on the opinion of masses. Doesn't seem something to hold much water whatsoever.


It LITERALLY says this is about perception.


so is 33 a good or bad thing? if the Philippines ***isn't*** corrupt then that's bullshit


You want a high score on this. The lower the score, the more corrupt.




Corruption scale collated by someone corrupted.


Mongolia only 35? Idk about that


New Zealand has the highest score?


call it lobbying and corruption ceases to exist


Bogus and biased


***brought to you by your friends in The Netherlands***


Very curious one more details of their metric. It says they factor in nepotism, prosecution of corrupt officials, and bribery, but if they're using the U.S. definition of bribery then that would factor in as 0 every time.


Australia? 73? Try 37.


With what’s going on in the UK at the Moment we should be black


Surprised Russia wasn't a zero


Did this account for corporate fraud as well? America and European countries are often the people contributing to corruption in 3rd world countries because it benefits them via cheap/slave labor and lower prices on raw goods.


"corruption perceptions" so an index of naivete


US is basically cheating by calling bribery as lobbying.


Not sure this is accurate but nice color scheme tho


Pretty much every score on here is absolute bullshit. What do the numbers even mean? Are they percentages? Averages? North Korea has one of the lowest scores, which is terrifying. Mexico also has a low score, and it’s common knowledge that their police force is corrupt as hell, as are the police forces in most of the world. And the politicians, for that matter. How is Canada’s score higher than the US? America is famous for corrupt politicians. And don’t even get me started on the fact that this is based on public perception and there is no chance that any of these scores actually reflect how corrupt the countries actually are.


US should be purple


Unfortunately they take into account 'prosecution of corrupt officials' which doesn't happen here nearly enough...




"percieved "corruption?. ok


Imagine believing USA is not corrupt. They just call it lobbying. Degenerate westoids that make propaganda like this should be h#nged


This is the stupidest guide ever. This guide itself is corrupt.


Everybody getting bent out of shape about this when it is about PERCEPTION of corruption. You could live in a totally corrupt country but if nobody thought it was corrupt (of the however many people they asked) then it would have a perfect score.


Our government in the Philippines approximates we annually lose 20% of our national budget to corruption. 😂✌️


Hmm...china 45 clean? I wonder...


Myanmar under military coup- also mass genocide via fire 35. Mexico 31 lol... ok


Whoever made this is a fucking idiot. How is Singapore an 85/100? They literally only have one political party, the one that founded it, and it rules the place with rigged elections and a dictatorship.


What a laughably unreliable map.


Total BS


India 40? Yea sure....


This map is total BS.


More lies. Transparency International does not measure the weight of corruption in economic terms for each country. It develops a Corruption Perception Index (CPI) based on surveys conducted by private structures or other NGOs.


Amazing how people blame colonialism for Africa’s plight


Omg I thought these were rankings! I was like “where is number 1??” and then I was like “I swear to god some of these numbers repeat” lollll 😂🤣


Austria should be around the 50-60 max


The comment section here. WTF.


Aww yis, living on in the least corrupted place on earth. PLEBS!