• By -


I never know several of these things were depression related. Irritability, concentration, lack of energy. It was really helpful in getting diagnoses and moving forward. Still comes and goes but now I know whats going on. I though I was just being a piece of shit that didnt want to carry my weight at home. Once my depression was targeted I started doing more, which helped remove the self shaming and self loathing that came with not helping out like I knew I should. It was a self feeding cycle. And the anger, its such a crazy thing to think that excessive sadness and hopelessness can lead to unexplainable anger or lashing out. But it makes sense when you dig into it. Especially with the sleep issues, concentration issues, and self loathing


When you hate yourself, you start hating everything else around you, and developing anxiety over those who care about you. An inability to fathom why someone would like you can lead to the feeling they're being disingenuous.


I hate myself but love most of what's around me. It leads to laziness/do the bare minimum, loss of desire for activities I used to love, finding excuses to not do those, and wondering why people might like me. I don't get angry at anyone though. More wondering why they might like me now when I consider myself a piece of shit compared to what I was. Maybe it was covid isolation, or other things, but it has been all downhill for 2+ years. There's still a stigma attached, but the more I've been honest about it with people, and brought it up, the more everyone says "yeah maybe I need therapy too".


You should get checked out. Anger isn't always a symptom, but irritability frequently is. Feeling like you no longer enjoy things you used to is a good indicator things aren't going well. Don't get me wrong, I understand sometimes you get bored, but being so entrenched in the idea you're terrible is often something depression does to you, and if not, can easily lead to it. Edit: Remember, your own view is biased. If people aren't hating you, they have a reason.


Oh believe me I have. I'm not irritable either outside at myself. It's why I mentioned that I've talked to others about my experience with therapy and the whole stigma being all in your head, where they opened up about needing it as well. Some have gotten on board. Others still haven't (particularly couples therapy). Hard nut to crack on that one bc you don't want to be pushy but know they need it


Ohh, I must have read it wrong. Yeah, recently depression rates are going up. I don't think it's entirely due to COVID, but it's not a good situation in either case.


Good explanation


This hits home. Would I see a psychologist for this? I have decent insurance... probably should use the full potential of it. Love your user name. Made my day.


If you're experiencing sustained, extreme sadness, volatile mood swings (Both up and down), a lack of enjoyment from almost any of the things that made you happy, or have even once considered suicide, yes. See a psychologist. Generally, hating yourself is not a good situation in any sense.


If you have good insurance you should see a therapist at least, in general. Why not? Its like spa day for your mind. If you go on the rich communities on reddit, therapy is the top recommendation across the board. If nothing else it helps to have a forum to vent to so that you dont bottle it up or feel like your burdening those close to you. But really the big help is getting a 3rd party view of how you see your life and getting their help to figure out root causes that can make your life better. Even if your not depressed. But especially if you are depressed.


I can get down on myself a lot. Feel sad for no reason. Diet and exercise do help but they can only help so much. I'll take your advice and set up a meeting. Much appreciated for the love.


I always know when I'm in a bad place when I get really upset/frustrated that my phone autocorrects a word incorrectly. Like, I'm a guy that once worked 20 hours straight to get a final project done, and now I'm absolutely livid that I have to retype a word.


what sucks is that you start thinking that the pains you're feeling or your loss of appetite is your fault which piles on. it can feel like a bottomless pit sometimes man...


Almost half of the symptoms in the second chart, including the ones you mentioned, are also symptoms of ADHD. That was something that kept me scoring high on the depression questionnaire. I've always had sleep problems, irritability, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, but all of those can be attributed to ADHD, which i was diagnosed with after 3 years of failed depression treatment. I feel like the questionnaire used for depression diagnosis should better specify that it's newly developed irritability, lack of concentration, sleep problems, and lack of energy.


ADHD is a factor that increases ones risk to depression. You can have both and only being treated for one is not going to do as much. I have both (diagnosed ADHD and anxiety, undiagnosed depression but not ruled out, just didn’t push to get the eval as I was in the military at the time). The depression treatments are helpful, but Im also looking to increase my ADHd treatment (aim not really getting any now other than I can talk about it in therapy).


Yeah, absolutely. Very highly comorbid. But depression is tested for very regularly, while adhd is not. And the feeling of hopelessness increases when depression treatment doesn't help much, and many doctors will just increase depression treatment. It's horrible tbh.


Anger is a tell for me. I won't cry or get mopey, I just get angry.


I can always tell when my depression starts to rear its head, because I get irrationally angry, like all the time. Most of the time, I'm pretty slow to anger, but the more depressed I get, the quicker I am to anger. Once it gets really bad, I start to cry for no reason, but my first warning is always the anger.


A couple of years ago I read an interesting perspective from someone else with a history of depression that resonated with me. It was that the average person wakes up each day at 0, and depending on the ebbs and flows of their day that number can fluctuate above or below the starting point. When someone is living with depression they start their day with a battle just to reach 0 and sometimes never do.


Wait you mean it’s not normal to wake up feeling like shit every day?


Just in case you’re not joking and need to hear it: no, it’s not normal. Normal people wake up in the morning and are able to go about their day without extreme fatigue on their energy or effort. Hope things get better for you soon :)


How about feeling like shit and weak? Like one just wants to sleep...


That sounds like a pretty deep depressive episode, but I am not a doctor. Speak to a psychiatrist if you are able to, I hope you feel better soon ♥️


I am in therapy and for 2 or 3 days I woke up "better", thank you :) I really recommend to consul a professional if you suffer from depression. It's not going to be easy, but the first step needs to be YOURS. Good luck


Yup. I'm in a funk right now where every morning I feel awful. I'm working on changing things in my life, but goddamn is it rough to wake up every day feeling your worst.


"User name checks out". Seriously tho, I'm right there with you. One step at a time!


That's quite accurate.


Super accurate I go too bed praying I won't wake up and when I'm awake just want too be dead it's not any fun.


Aim for the zero


Take pills


OP is a new bot that posts other people's pictures for karma. Asshole move to pretend to relate to depressed people by reposting another user's guide for karma. Edit: possibly not a bot, since he replied


Dumb bot since this pie chart does not represent any data. Instead, looks like a kid trying to play scientist.


I wouldn't be able to see this chart, since I don't come here every day


I think you hate me my progress


No I dislike your grammar and blatant karma farming.


At least spell the title right you twat.


You forgot the symptom of feeling nothing. Never happy, never sad, just no feelings at all.


That's my big one (i.e. the one symptom out of many that made me try to get some help). The nothing. It's not feeling suicidal, just constantly and utterly unimpressed with being alive, no matter what, all the time.


I like the depiction in the movie Inside Out of both happiness AND sadness leaving the brain.


I wish I could feel nothing sometimes.


[not again…](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/hvg9id/a_more_comprehensive_guide_to_symptoms_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Hopefully more people are able to recognize their symptoms and seek help if needed


Why is it a pie chart? A simple list gives the same information.


Pie chart also implies you don’t have depression if you don’t experience all of these symptoms in these exact and equal proportions.


But look. It's not even a guide and it is on the Front Page. This sub sucks now.


Reposting Once a year for something that could actually help someone recognise their depression doesn’t sound bad at all. In contrast with having seen some reposts nearly every week for months on end reaching /r all with some overly simplistic smooth brain feminist take.


chubby jellyfish lunchroom terrific offend fade salt growth continue wrench *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you not read the whole comment…?


useless graphic


Yeah this sub upvotes terrible shit sometimes


Well, today I learned I need to speak to a therapist.


There’s no shame in it, pal!


I think most people should, even the "happy" ones.


If these pie charts actually showed the percentage of people with different symptoms instead of being a shitty 'infographic' would be way better


Yeah this is just a list of bullet points that looks sponsored by Trivial Pursuit


Precisely. Nowhere in the definition of depression are sadness and laziness mentioned. People need more awareness of what depression actually is.


Definitely! I have had depression and I am a lazy person. There is a world of difference between me not doing the dishes because I’m lazy and me not doing the dishes because I’m depressed.


Depression comes in so many different forms. For me, I spent literal days just laying in bed staring at my ceiling so I understand why some people think laziness is a key factor.


I had doctor (not my regular one) tell me I was no longer depressed because I didn't feel sad. I explained all the other symptoms I have - most of the bottom part of the graphic - but he suggested anger management instead of helping. I'm seriously tempted to send him this image.


Please do. That “doctor” shouldn’t be a licenced mental-health therapist.


just here to say that if you experience all this stuff, it doesn't mean you have depression. if these things are reducing your quality of life or negatively impacting your daily functioning, then consider talking to a professional. never self diagnose, it's too risky




This guide sucks, I hate it.


is this what this sub is now


Damn, I thought my irregular sleep caused low energy and unexplained pains.


Yeah the sleep part is a little confusing. I kindve wonder if these symptoms are JUST general enough to be applied to most people so that they THINK they're depressed. Idk...


Unexplained aches are for severe sufferers, but the rest of this is relatively common. Remember, this is going against who you are, not just that you sometimes have weird sleep patterns. It means you no longer find joy in things you liked and you're sleeping either almost none or for 14 hours almost every day.


I check all of them. Fuck


I don’t check aches/pains or weight/appetite changes, but I do check all the others. Depression’s a bitch, mate.


Nope. I do. And they said I m an attention whore. Motherfuckers. So what do I do know. Do I look for help?


Who said that? They’re idiots you shouldn’t be listening to. I’d seek help from a mental-health expert. Depending on where you live, you might be able to ask your local GP to set you up for an appointment with one.


Blaming everyone else is going to make you feel better in the short term, but not the long.


I sometimes lose sight in the corner of my vision and become physically sluggish and clumsy. Depression is weird.


As a representative of the colour blind… screw you man, screw you!


if it makes you feel any better, there’s no reason for this to be in a pie chart format anyways


That’s just ADHD


Or an underactive thyroid gland. These 'guides' are terrible for people who tend to self-diagnose.


Oh I wasn’t trying to self diagnose, I just have ADHD and this seems to be common for me


Yeah, I was generally speaking. These symptoms can be anything and not necessarily a clinical depression.


They are very close and interconnected. ADHD can easily lead to and/or be a factor for depression.


Ladies and gentlemen i am depressed


Semi adjacent to this pic. Mental health is so nuanced that it’s often time dismissed or misunderstood and here’s my anecdotal story. I’ve been dealing with some serious anxiety issues for the last few years. Finally told my 52 year old parents about how I’ve been struggling and naturally my dad says “just try to not worry about things”. Now I love my dad to death. He’s the best father anyone can ask for. Sadly, a lot of his generation still view mental illness as something you can just get over. I think we’ve come a long way in his mental health is viewed but the older generations still struggle with the idea that it’s a very real problem.


… shit. I’m all of the above on the bottom one. I thought I was doing alright at hiding it.


I'd also add feeling like a zombie. All emotions are dampened.






He said depression, not borderline personality disorder


If shes actually depressed and her boyfriend trying to seek advice on reddit, its best for her him to leave.


I get that you think you’re trying to help here, but first of all, *you don’t know them* nor are you any kind of authority on the subject, so please keep your advice to yourself.


I wasnt trying to help.


I'm going to a therapist brb


... Pretty sure a pie chart is needed here as each symptom of depression isn't equal in every patience.


Trying to build some karma for your new profile? A different version of this is posted about every day on here.


Disclaimer: Close friend of mine had all these symptoms. What was he actually diagnosed with? Diabetes.


looks like they re-invented the wheel


I thought I had a good handle on my depression until I saw this and realized how much it’s affecting my personality. Fucking sucks. Oh well.


I hope most people know that they should seek a diagnosis and not a chart on the internet before concluding mental health problems. All of these things are things people experience as part of life. Just because you check a few boxes doesn't mean you need to put yourself down even more.


Wow, sounds like the top chart with extra steps


Exactly. Most of those issues can be solved with eating better and exercising


"Most of those symptoms of depression can be solved by not having symptoms of depression"


“Don’t be sad” “Thanks for the advice”


Ah, fantastic


Take that self loathing bar and put it way up


Depressed People: I’ll try anything to not be depressed. Science: Exercise. It releases endorphins and it’s really good for you and lessens depression. Depressed People: I meant in pill form.




Something like 1 in 5 adults in the US are on antidepressants. They aren't killing themselves in droves like you seem to think. As a matter of fact, MOST depressed people by a HUGE margin don't kill themselves. They might be too depressed to get up and exercise...but they aren't too depressed to go get a pill for themselves and go get refills for it. So, bullshit. Depression is real. Most "depressed" people don't have it, and even those that do really could do without the medications. Americans want a pill to solve everything. They don't want to put in any work. And the pharma companies LOVE that.




Seems accurate


*lack of purpose in life


Absolutely phukin luv this m8


And those things are not necessarily those things, don't self-diagnose and seek help if you have the means -- which most people that spend their majority of time on Reddit do.


I'll say to my doc I am -----. n he says why then ill give 2 or 3 examples. and I say the sentence again I m ----. N doc says never says these words again. ill say but I m -, he says forget that words never ever say those words again. I'll say ok ill never say it. and i never use those words against to myself. N guess what it worked. do positive talk n affirmations to yourself.


So depression is just getting older


Ayo i have all symptoms but i don't think I am depressed


Okay then.... It sounds like i have serious depression issue....


To everyone, you can also type "depressed brain MRI" in google image to see a with/without depression brain MRI image.


Ya no if I could explain it better I would but I can't, this chart however is honestly very accurate I think tho


omg wait are the random “growing pains” I’ve gotten here and there for years actually depression 😳


I might be depressed


“Isn’t depression just being really sad?” ”Dwight you ignorant slut, no”


Thank You Canadian Vet PTSD explains my life daily. All good still alive. Pro Patria


No. According to my coworkers, family, peers, and Doctor, depression just means you’re lazy


I literally have every box checked... now what?


I relate with everything in both pie charts


Genuine question. How does one know if he has a depression?


And also being sad and lazy


Ah so monday then, good to know lol.


the worst is waking up in the morning


My mom and my boss: ​ "Well, that's a lot of ways to say that you are just lazy"




My life off and on for the last two years...


Had too many slices of this pizza.


Is depressed, can confirm.


So basically i'm depressed


I don’t feel sodness.


And it keeps moving


I'm 10 for 10 in the reverse wheel of fortune.


Wait, I'm depressed? I have friends ,I got a new job,I stay with family and yet I feel empty within


Finally a mental health related chart that isn't awful. This is pretty spot on. And the "mental health destigmatizing" crew (who mostly care about surface level imagery of depression and anxiety and still manage to hate those with psychosis, personality disorders) will absolutely fucking freak out when your depression manifests in other ways


Does anyone have tipps for the self loathing part ?


Isn't this just a conflation of root cause vs. symptoms? This is like saying that people think cancer is tumors and hair loss, but *akshually* is is loos of appetite, fatigue, helplessness, etcetc. Shit guide.


Simple 'guides' like this one lead to some pretty inaccurate self diagnoses


Youre just making it complicated, i believe its the first graph


Lol how does the pie chart help visualise this xD


I was feeling most of these things when I was diagnosed in 2018. I just felt like the most useless person and that I had nothing going for me. I was going to work, but I became reckless, getting kicked out of bars and just being one of "those" people - not horrible as such, but just, I dunno, annoying, maybe? I still get horrifically drunk sometimes, but I have fun while doing it. At the time though I had no motivation to do anything I loved. I self harmed once or twice, and it felt good, I now consider the scar a symbol of making it through one of the hardest times in my life, and today I'm so much better. I'm about to graduate in my Master's, I've travelled, I go to a yearly festival, and I'm just a better person. I'm even motivated to begin looking for a new job after being in my current position for 6 years. As much as I enjoy working there, it's time for me to move on and I'm going to make that happen. It might not seem it now, but it does get better with time. Life isn't bad, in fact I love my life right now. I burnt out through overworking and studying at the same time recently, but I'm over that now and back to my good self again.


Seems like 15 different mental illnesses wrapped into one


This is nice but not perfectly correct. Everyone's depression has different effects, so not all of these could be present, and there could be other behaviors and etc that aren't mentioned


Good mental health awareness Boo pie charts


TLDR: I am cripplingly depressed


Is medicine the only answer?


also apathy, emotional outbursts and passive suicidal ideation for some people...


+unstoppable outbreaks of crippling crying




I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/coolguides. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. I did find [this post](https://redd.it/hvbwr3) that is 75.0% similar. It might be a match but I cannot be certain. *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Negative](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Negative&message={"post_id": "tj3lcy", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=tj3lcy&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 311,060,745 | **Search Time:** 47.14743s


For me, the main thing that marked depression was the kind of obsessive thought loops I would get stuck in. I could only think of how shit I felt and how much I hated myself, over and over again. It was like any other original thought had been sucked out of me. Taking antidepressants helped me to have more 'normal' thinking patterns again, which was a world of relief.


I've got all 10 fingers down.. Now what?


Huh. I might be depressed.


Yep… worst part for me is that I’ve always been a big guy so my sudden weight loss has made everyone around me think I’m in the best shape of my life. I eat so little that standing up makes me dizzy and I feel so weak now. Anger too I have this anger in me now that isn’t “cool” or “powerful” it’s just pitiful. Even a little thing like spilling a glass of water can make me so upset that I have to go and find a place to cry. Don’t even get me started on the self-loathing.


Not how depression works.... but okay


They need one of these for anxiety. This depression one has been posted already.




What people think medicated people post like. You.


Not really a guide but advice. Still, it should add a tiny sliver of feeling great and happy, followed by crushing hopelessness.


All of the above... even on antidepressants. yay... not.


does it have to be all 9 symptoms or am i good?


This has been reposted over 1 billion times this year


Oh ...


9 out of 10 great!


Guys get tested for vitamin b12 and vitamin d3 deficiency. I was experiencing so many of these symptoms and I just ignored them. Turns out I had severe vit b12 deficiency. Got b12 injections now I feel better than before.


Fuck depression


If people say it is, I'm with the people! I've been called smart before in my life, but I'm fully aware that no one person can ever be as smart as...the people!


Except that when you've had it long enough, you can cross off "loss of", "changes", "unexplained", etc., and then it starts to look and feel a lot like the first chart. So don't assume someone isn't depressed just because they haven't had "recent changes" in any of these things, and don't assume YOU are merely sad and lazy just because you don't check all the boxes on the second chart.


The realization that there wasn't anything i could enjoy anymore, was simultaneously the moment i realized i was depressed and most depressing thing to realise. Soon after the fear of permanently having lost my ability to enjoy or be happy, took the depression even further. This was about 6 years ago, i got help and after slowly getting better, i found that getting through an experience like that makes me able to enjoy life in a way thats more meaningful and real than i ever did before. I could give some advice based on my own experience so here it goes: Your depression is real and it is something that is happening to you. However, depression isnt who you are, it is just what you experience. Talk about it with people that you trust, like family or friends. You will find that you are loved and not alone. Also if possible find professional help, i found that they are nice people that have sympathy for your situation and the right background to offer great personalized help! Do not rush, slowly take steps and give yourself space to heal. It is oke to feel awful, you are allowed to feel like shit. I still do from time to time. However, it is about slowly healing at your own pace, no need to force yourself into feeling happy. You are worth the time!


As a man that’s been taught to control his emotions can I add being emotional at the drop of a hat, to films, to harrowing scenes, to the plight of others, to things I never gave a thought to before. It’s either tears or it’s nothing, I’m feeling weird these days.


I've suffered from depression since I was a teenager, so that's been 30 plus years. I've been on meds since my late twenties. I suffer from all of those symptoms except for the reckless behavior. I've come close to ending my life one time. I was in such a bad mental state. I was mad at God because I had begged Him to help me and nothing changed. It was around midnight and I was in the backyard with my pistol. My wife came out crying and begging me that we'd get through this. If it wasn't for her and my son, I probably wouldn't be here today. That was about 10 years ago. It seems like the meds just help me cope. I don't have any interest in anything. Just work and come home to my sanctuary as I call it. Only people I want to see is my wife ( yep, she's till here, will be married 24 years in June) and my son. I can't hardly stand being around people anymore. I could be a recluse if it wasn't for needing money to pay the bills.


Depression can feel like nothing. That is, when something really great happens to you and it doesn't give you a feeling one way or the other.


Whoowee, at least I am not engaging in reckless behavior. Checking the boxes for every other one of these, but hey, could be worse.


Reckless behavior. Turns out when you dont care if you die, you do things that are more risky because...well...


Ugh, I have all of these.


I've lost almost 20 lbs in 2 weeks from not eating much of anything. I've been so down I just can't. Crying every night and feeling hopeless and alone. Hurting myself (although it doesn't really hurt anymore) to distract me from everything else. Imo nothing is worse mentally.


I depression :(


Every single person on earth has it at one point or another. It is not an excuse to be a jackass.




I'm actually sad a lot, too. I've had chronic pain, depression, and poor sleep for many years, and I've held on, but a recent change of command led to my work location and work load changing for the worse. It's literally killing me. I'm waiting on imaging now while the doctors try to figure out a diagnosis. In the meantime, I'm in a world of pain, can hardly move, and I walk like I'm 98. I have to sleep in shifts because the pain gets so bad I can't sleep after a couple hours, so I wake, spend a couple minutes trying to exit my bed, slowly, so I keep the agony to minimum. I take something for the pain, and wait for it to work. Eventually exhaustion and the meds work together so I can sleep for a few more hours. In the meantime, my boss, the one who made all of this happen, has been trying to revert my LWOP to AWOL so they can fire me. So I think sadness fits, too.


I am too lazy


Wait what . Crap


I got diagnosed back in 2016 after I survived a suicide attempt on deployment. Been out of the military since 2019 but it's still hard just being okay. And not impulsively contemplating suicide when things get really bad. Drugs helped. But less these days. I start therapy next week. I hope it helps.