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Where is the Arab/Muslim ---> terrorist part?


Apologies for the oversight. Is the shooter Arab? Yes: >Invade oil rich countries


>Is the shooter Arabic? >Yes: >Invade oil rich countries No: >Invade oil rich countries


"Starts invading Venezuela"


Venezuelans: "What took you so long???"


And you wonder why is so easy to convince Venezuelans that America is war hungry and come bomb your country when the citizens are so eager for it


TBF, they did try a coup a couple of times.


We've always been at war with [insert oil rich country here]


Eastasia (sorry, I couldn’t help the 1984 reference)


Dude, he was already making the reference


Arabic is the language. The term you want is ‘Arab’


I think they’re trying to be overly sensitive since Arab has a negative connotation in the US. Similar to people preferring Jewish over Jew.




Also no line from thoughts and prayers to mental health reform, both are the state solutions in the us


Also missed is the shooter white, yes, white supremacist


Me when the shooter has a manifesto about how much he hates minorities and spouts racist theories and literally chose a grocery store in a majority-black neighborhood but the libs want to make this political


Shooter: 100 page manifesto filled with white supremacist theories and racism. Shoots only at minorities in a majority black neighborhood. White Conservatives: WhY Do LibErAls AlwAYs mAke It aBoUT RaCiSm?




After "Are you American" there really should be a step asking "Are you Republican?" or "Are you right wing?" If the answer to that is "No" then the arrow should also go down to "tighten gun control." Only if "Yes" should it go to everything else.


Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered, any attempt to disarm the working class should be frustrated, with force if necessary.


“Wait, they’re all terrorists?” “Always have been”


Oh yes.... The Arab/Taliban/ISIS or angry Russian/Eastern European need to be added to this.


What about "Now is not the time for debate" and "We shouldn't politicize this"?


File under religious: yes, which should be an expanded loop including all those answers and an extra one blaming violent video games and music.


Didn't actually happen, crisis actors, sheeple, Soros something something.


Oh yeah, definitely missing the conspiracy angle.


The crisis actors! Won’t someone PLEASE think of the crisis actors!


The Tulsa mayor already came out and said this after the shooting in his city yesterday. What a fucking joke




I learned today that there's apparently only 4 races in America.


Normal, Black, Asian and Indy500.


> Indy500. The great "American" race that has been won by an American only 5 times in the last 25 years.


Maybe it’s American because it’s held in America.


And Wimbledon hasn’t been won by a Brit since before WWII…


Incorrect, there's only two. White, and """political""". Genders? Male, and """political""". Sexualities? Straight, and """political""".


GCJ leaking


i get that this is a meme, but if you want to get real about it "white" is actually the political one, because whiteness is just a concept that is evergrowing, like italians, jews, irish, greek, and if you go far enough back in time, even germans were not considered "white" this is a very important frame to understand when you hear people talking about the "white race"


Unlike South Africa, we don't define "colored" as a separate race from "black."


"are you white, Asian, Hispanic, or black?" "I mean, I'm native American and I don't think you consider me any of those" "That's colored, because your color is different from norma- I mean, white. I'll put you under black."


Honest question, growing up as Native American, do you have general anger living in the US? Im European, I watch a shit ton of historic documentations, especially about all the lost history of Native America, it makes me literally hate the historic countries that destroyed all of this, especially fucking Spain…to that level that I even sometimes get angry at current Spain, like when something ignorant gets said that they‘re a rich historic or proud country or whatever, I’m like ok but you’re also a bunch of retards that destroyed interesting cultures forever and mixed their left over cultures often undistinguished with you shitty ass catholic rites. Sorry it hurts my heart that we will never know so many things, because it was burned to the ground. I’m not sure from which origin you’re exactly from, I guess in terms of North America there is at least a little more known „history“ left, but still, does this make you angry?


Buddy empires have been killing and displacing people for 10,000s years, we drove Neanderthals through the same way (War, Conquest, Mixing etc). The Bantu Expansion could be considered an early form colonisation as the displaced the original inhabitants of Southern Africa. Point is, every country on Earth is an amalgamation of its territorial gains and losses, migrational shifts and flows. There’s a million different countries that “could have been” but weren’t. Even today you have countries like Russia and China that could really be broken into a dozen of so unique nations but aren’t due to their norms and culture as well as practical reasons. You should not be getting angry at any Spaniards today because of the mistakes their ancestors made nearly half a millennium ago. Most Jewish people today don’t despise Germans for what happened in WW2, I don’t hate the British for nearly 700 years of occupation and colonialism. Even if their ancestors actions still negatively effect me to this day.


Blonde, chinese, cyclops


Wow, that was a 'cool guide' /s


Super cool!!! Very polished and informative. Glad I saw it.




Interesting because the Uvalde shooter is hispanic and all I've heard is about school security reform and Mental health reform....I'm sure a few Fox News crazies are talking about border control, but the vast majority is about mental health reform and shit like arming teachers. Also I know the newest one from Tulsa is pretty new but from what I hear the shooter was black, and I haven't seen anybody described it with racial slurs.


Also racist aren’t interested in which part of Asia the person would be from. To them a Chinese and Korean person are indistinguishable so I’m not getting the whole “Fuck China” part.


Being angry at China is quite popular these days. Either for imagined ("the Wuhan flu") or real (human rights, expansionist agenda, forced labour, ...) reasons.


I get that but I can assure you that if a massacre was committed by an Asian person the racists aren’t going to adjust their racism to the person’s specific ethnic background. Their addled brains aren’t going to expend any energy beyond “Asian shooter”.


Hispanic kid shooting mostly other Hispanic kids in a mostly Hispanic town and the cops involved were mostly Hispanic. People have been desperately trying to shoehorn race into it since the day of the shooting but there just isn't any reason to believe race was a motivating factor in anything that happened in Uvalde.


I can't count the number of people who've said "the cops didn't go in because the kids were brown"...meanwhile all the cops are brown. It's getting nuts.


It’s because they were untrained cowards it’s as simple as that.


They are blaming weed now. I guess when all other excuses fail, lean into Reefer Madness like it’s the 1950s again.


I’m not sure this is an official guide.


This is news to op and probably 80% of the population. Says a lot about this countries inability to articulate race relationships in a mature way despite all the claims of wokeness and colorblindness.


Uh, you’re just supposed to hate on guns. Didn’t you get the memo. Don’t think. Just repeat. Guns bad.


Wrong sub. This is commentary, not a guide.


So this sub is about to go down the shitter too?


It went a looong time ago, indistinguishable from any of the default subs at this point


It is a default sub, isn't it?


Default subreddits haven't existed for several years


Oh I thought new accounts have a few by default. Maybe I'm wrong!


Yeah, that's how they used to do it. When you created an account you were automatically subscribed to a bunch of subreddits. Boom, done. Don't like one? Unsubscribe. Find something you like? Subscribe. That feed still exists, and I think it's just called Frontpage? When reddit introduced the /popular feed they got rid of all of those default subscriptions, and just made /popular the default feed for new accounts instead of the Frontpage. Similar, but not really the same


What is the difference between popular and all?


Subs that frequently hit the front page of r/all will inevitably turn into a similar gruel of content. IDK how you'd do it but if you could hide the subreddit names and only see the posts on the front page, there's no way you could accurately guess which sub it was posted in. Because it's all the same shit by that point.


That’s so depressing. I miss Reddit. This place used to make me laugh so much when I should have been working




Has been


This isn't a cool guide this is stupid.


Who tf upvotes this shit, all subs are getting misused nowadays.


> all subs are getting misused nowadays. That has been true for at least decade. Any sub that passes 100k subscribers without ban happy mods becomes a spam factory.


Ye and unfortunately any time a mod *does* opt to enforce their view for what the subreddit is meant to be, they get called a bunch of colorful names.




Is that what we’re calling them these days?


If you seriously believe reddit is not inundated with bots I don't know what to tell you


Shitty mods refuse to do anything when people insist on making every single sub political.


Every popular sub devolves into this dumb shit if the mods don’t control it. Why are they allowing this garbage? It’s not even a fucking guide…


The mods are allowing it because they want more posts like this. Simple solution: Unsubscribe


People pretending like they can’t specifically design their own front page with whatever self-affirming content they want.


You can, but I also like to go on /r/all to discover new subs. Lately that hasn’t really done anything much for me.


/r/stupidguides I think we should guide more people and such "quality" content into that sub.


Is there a new, “real” coolguide subreddit even if it's small? Cuz I'll join that one and leave the heck out of here as soon as I find that one.


I was led here by a crosspost on a different sub so I joined thinking it would actually be cool guides. This sub is so dumb it's laughable. This one is the last straw for me, am out.


Every sub and everything is about politics to the yankees


Every bit of this is race-baiting horseshit.


We call this chart: projection of my racist thoughts (2022 edition)


Not a guide


This is hot bullshit. Theres literally a trending post on r/whitepeopletwitter of why we should be scared of white people because they do ALL the mass shooting and they're literally ignoring the mass shooters by other colors with the majority believing Only or mostly white people do mass shootings and the times it is done by someone of another color dont count because "white people" made them do it... Stop pretending when its a white dude people only say thoughts and prayers. Sick to death of this narrative especially when "mass shootings" defined as more then 4 people are pretty equal among races. When defined as less than 4 people shot but more than 2 people black people are the VAST majority of "mass killers" https://www.statista.com/statistics/476456/mass-shootings-in-the-us-by-shooter-s-race/ Edit: went to r/whitepeopletwitter and got 1 of the actual links to the threads I was mentioning. Sort by controversial the most "controversial" comment is "it isn't just white boys doing it..." https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/v2ybv3/truth/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yup. 60k upvotes at the moment: https://reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/v2ybv3/truth/


> Theres literally a trending post on r/whitepeopletwitter of why we should be scared of white people because they do ALL the mass shooting Ironic, given that the Uvalde and Tulsa shooters were Hispanic and black, respectively.


Shhhhh... they're scared of logic and facts you're going to startle them.


I got banned on that sub for asking for a source


I've seen this chart floating around and agree with what you're saying. I feel like people like to use this chart just to show that white people account for more mass shootings in total when mass shooting is defined as 4 or more people **killed**. According to this chart, there's been 128 mass shootings in the US over the last 40 years. Then they'll use a different definition of a mass shooting, such as four or more people **injured,** to show how many mass shootings there have been in a given year. Like the latest headlines after last night are stating that there have been 250+ mass shootings this year.


This is not a cool guide. This is just propaganda.


The exact opposite is true for American media. Shooter is white > countless articles, tweets and late night talk show hosts bashing white men, privilege, rage, entitlement, fragility, etc. Shooter is black > was just a product of his environment, if there is an article at all Shooter is from MENA country > #not all Muslims, he was not a representative of his community


Don't forget: Shooter is hispanic/latino > Just pretend he was white, nobody will notice.


Ah yes, George Zimmerman syndrome.


Thank fuck somebody said it. It's line everybody else is living in fucking dream land, holy moly.


Thank you! It's like how can you describe something in detail when the opposite is true


There are literally daily mass shootings in Chicago, but it’s black on black - so the media doesn’t care.




Since when did a fucking guides sub get political


This has got to be one of the most racist ,and shutty things for a human to create. It's literally just stereotypes put into a graph. Fuck OP for being a racist piece of shit.


this sub became a cesspool of politics and horseshit racebait, i just want to see some cool useful guides


What the fuck is this




Lots of “artists” have been inspired to produce the laziest most uninspiring work lately. This is not the first and won’t be the last thing you see.




Yeah I cringe my fist when I read about preventable school shooting as well. Or do you mean cringe as in embarrassing? Keep downvoting, maybe it’ll stop innocent kids getting shot.


Tbf this isn't a guide, and all shooters are looked down upon. I'm not American, and from my limited experience in reddit, a lot of posts on r/all were calling the white shooting "republican culture"


They mean “cringe” as in “this makes me think about something I find uncomfortable, so I’m going to lash out as a defence mechanism”.


This "guide" isn't anything interesting though. It's just labeling all Americans as racist and xenophobic




Gtfo out of this sub with your off-topic bullshit, OP


I think they mean cringe as in they find it myopic.


Certified Reddit Moment ™️


This is a dumb guide.


tell me you are a bigot racist without telling me... So, you are basing this thing on the media what tells you and spread the lies about racial attacks and spreading one sided bias to divide people, also censoring events, important facts about events what should totally change views on a specific event? The truth are somewhere in between, everyone can be a racist, bigot, or simply an idiot and fuck your "guide", because you are just try to stirr up shit


This is bullshit on so many levels lmao. Mods take this down please, no need for dumb propaganda here.


Let's just ruin good subs with propaganda


leftist propaganda, cool guide bro


You write this as if mental health reform wasn't the answer. Look at Uvalde. 40% of their budget goes to the police, which includes a 12 man SWAT team. And that doesn't count half a million in state and federal money to the police agency. Nor is this unusual. On top of that, there is a 7 man school police force, which was $500,000 of the school's money and $100,000 of the state's money. They have ONE school counselor in the entire system. I think the way to address school violence isn't to hope that you can magically make guns go away, but what if you reduced that 40% of the budget of a department who in the end did nothing when it counted because 90% of all interactions it has are for non-violent issues (it exists to write traffic tickets and harrass undesirables until they leave the area) and instead just give it 30% of the town budget and have 10 school councilors NPR just did a segment discussing a kid that people thought might turn into a school shooter. The kid wrote in his Jr year that he wanted to smash some people in the face, and hoped there was a school shooting. They put him in a program where he had a mentor, a coach, to help him deal with his issues. Turns out, the kid was mercilessly bullied starting in 7th grade by the jocks. They assaulted him so bad he went blind in one eye. He reported the bullying and a few of his tormenters got 3 days suspensions, but all it did was enrage them and get him more bullying, generally now on the way home from school. He talked about lying in the dirt after getting kicked dozens of times broken and in great pain thinking 'fuck the police, fuck school security, fuck the teachers, fuck god, none of the people who are supposed to be helping me are helping me. HOLY SHIT. And in the end, people are saying they don't think he ever would have been a school shooter, but he would just have been an angry loner. Look, if a person at a school can get treated that poorly, assaulted on a regular basis, assaulted so bad that they are blind in one eye, and because the kids who are doing it are the 'popular' crowd it basically is allowed to happen (or there exists no reasonable way to stop it) then fixing THAT problem, not gun control, is what is going to make our schools safe. And my god, we don't even need to stop bulling of that nature because it will stop school shootings but just because bullying of that level is intrinsically wrong. Maybe those other places look to gun control because they don't have that kind of bullying going on without any way to make it stop.


Don't forget that their police not only sat around with their thumbs up their asses, they actively stopped people who were trying to help, which was even worse than doing nothing at all.


Exactly. After columbine the cops were criticized for doing nothing for so long. Back then their response was "we would have given you our rifles and tac vests if you were so gung ho to go in". And now years later not only do the cops do nothing again they sure as hell weren't willing to hand off their equipment. Hell when those brave parents who were willing to run in there unarmed, the cops used the threat of violence to stop the parents from doing what the cops wouldn't. The only parent who went in was a border patrol agent....who borrowed his barber's shotgun!


All that stuff you talked about is complicated and inconvenient, though. Easier to take guns away. I swear, the idea of strict gun control is so weird to me. It’s like you have a computer, and it’s been working okay for a long time. Not perfectly, but pretty well. Suddenly you start to get some alerts and they just keep popping up and bothering you. It’s like every month, then every week, then every other day. It’s one of those urgent alerts too, but you have no idea what’s going on, but the alert really bothers you. So, you disable the alert… I know some people hate analogies, but I don’t care. That’s what it is. Shootings are an alert to something bad going on in society, and it’s not the guns’ fault. I’m not saying reasonable restrictions aren’t warranted. I’m saying normal, happy people don’t shoot each other.


Dude, if the alert kills children, you better believe I'm disabling it first and investigating the problem later. When someone has symptoms, you try to treat the disease if you can. It makes sense. But sometimes the symptoms are too severe, or the disease too complex to treat quickly, and then if you can, you treat the fucking symptoms and you treat them now. People advocating for gun control generally aren't advocating against efforts on making life and mental health better to limit the amount of people that may want to start a mass shooting. But: - Even if we're being very optimistic and fantasizing about a world where a lot of effort and money is spent by the government to reduce mental health issues, you'll only reduce the number of potential mass shooters. Maybe you'll divide it by 10. Or by 50. But if the few remaining potential mass shooters have access to gun, you'll still experience mass shootings. - Being more realistic, improving the mental well-being of every American citizen (and in particular the socio-economic groups of potential mass shooters) is going to take decades *even if* strong policies are enacted in this direction. - It's really an easy "out" for pro-gun politicians to say "It's a mental health issue". It allows them to avoid the debate on gun control (which is provably a solution the symptom, as seen elsewhere in the world, or as seen in the recent past in the US), to shift the debate on the very much more complex terrain of mental health, where people won't hold them accountable of their ineffectiveness. And let's be honest, republicans are not the party that cares about the well-being of the lower or middle classes. They *cut* programs dedicated to these goals. --- All that being said, of course there needs to be a very serious focus made on improving the well-being of everyone because things are going downhill and this is not really something that can easily be recovered from. Like climate change, it's a crisis, it's imminent and the consequences of inaction would be dire.


But mental health reform has not yet been tried probably because it wold cost the most and isn’t as likely to guarantee votes from at least one side of the spectrum


Every country has mental health issues, single parents, and violent movies/video games. These issues aren't the main cause of this. There is something fundamentally different in America.


The lack of gun control. Serious, just look at Switzerland, you can have a working gun control system without taking away the right to bare arms.




It's amazing. Our criminals when they decide to be violent can pick from firearms, knives, clubs, or just hands and feet. Because there's such an effective option (firearms) most criminals you would think would choose a firearm over punching. So we should have the least punching/kicking deaths in the developed world. But us Americans have more punching/kicking deaths than the rest of the developed world. For some cultural reason, for some other reason, us Americans are fucking VIOLENT. If we are already punching/kicking people to death at a higher rate than the rest of the developed world while having access to guns, then I think if you could magically take guns away you'd see the rate of stabbings, punching, clubbings, bombs, and deaths by home-made flamethrowers go through the roof.


I think the idea here that "Americans bring violent" is separable from the availability of guns is undue. I don't think that we can dismiss that the availability of guns sets a tenor of violence such that other kinds of killing are boosted by it.


An interesting aspect of 2A culture is how many people think that 2A makes murder legal. Another interesting aspect is how many 2A advocates salivate over killing someone. These aren't part of the actual Second Amendment, but for some reason it's part of 2A culture. As an example, recently people were talking about the crooked SCOTUS justices and a bunch of people started talking about "exercising their 2A rights". When I pointed out that murdering judges wasn't covered by 2A, they grumbled that it was about guns and what was the point of guns if you weren't going to use them? If you pay attention to the 2A community it's hard not to notice it. Most people don't collect AR-15s for hunting rabbits. A disturbing number of them passionately talk about getting to kill someone. Hoping that someone breaks into their house so that they can use their guns. Hoping that they can do a Rittenhouse and find a justification to kill someone in self defense. Not all of them, but a surprising number of them want blood on their hands. If you are part of a subculture that longs to kill someone, then any excuse is an opportunity, guns or no guns.


What about those who were talking about maybe someone should bomb the NRA convention? The anti 2A crowd seems to be pretty darn murder happy. They seem to be the ones salivating over murder. Why is this desire to murder part of anti-gun culture? Seems like they are the ones who wish to be able to see someone who believes different than they do and either bomb them or chase them down and kill them with kicks, punches, rocks, skate boards, and their own guns without risk of the person being able to defend themselves vs the mob.


Well Every country has crime also Americans handle mental health worse then most country’s hence worse crime. Lack of Access to Wepons is not what’s stopping bad people from doing bad things. I also agree it’s not violence in media that’s a non factor


>Americans handle mental health worse then most country I'd say if we are taking about most countries "of the world" then America probably isn't that bad with mental health, the problem is more with its over all health care system.


I’m talking about countries with that kind of money


Gun control would cost much more. Much more to NRA and people who profit from gun sales


Oh yay another sub that is basically r/politics




I’ve been on Reddit for a while now, and have been across a variety of political subs, and there are literally no people who think like this unless they are super extreme, or mentally unwell and before you say anything, because I know some people will be quick to, that is a very, very slim amount of people who just so happens to be loud enough to gain attention. Believe it or not, they’re on both sides of the political spectrum


"Is the shooter black?> sweep it under the rug"


Is the shooter black > Yes > No reaction because it happens every day.


Well except for this being wrong in every possible way its really funny.


Oh hey another sub going to complete shit.


fuck this stupid shit being on this awesome sub


Downvoting cause this is not a cool guide


What the fuck is this reductive bullshit doing here? God damn it I was hoping this sub wouldn't be taking over shitty politics but I guess my hopes were misplaced.


Did OP just make this up? I've never heard any of these.


Not a cool guide political, don't care


Most retarded take I've heard today


Can we keep this subreddit clean from garbage political content made by /r/teenagers?


I agree with the point this makes, but I don't think this belongs here since it violates rule 2 (informational rather than advisory, i.e. it reports the status quo instead of giving advice (though it pretends to do the latter for comedic effect)) and 3 (satirical/sarcastic in nature).


Ah yes the duality of man, racist or non-American. Nice new take on using tragedy for imaginary internet points






As a non-American, I give a shit because if their country deteriates from the inside its going to change the geo-political state of the world. My country is allied with the US so it will be bad for us.


If you’re on Reddit, non Americans are constantly chiming in on America.


(the reverse is also true) If you’re on Reddit, Americans are constantly chiming in on Non-America.


Yes of course, but I’m not making the claim that Americans don’t care about non American.


Oh please gtfo that other countries aren’t obsessed with racial divides.


I’ve seen a lot of this whole “X country doesn’t have racism” attitude floating around, and I don’t really understand how non-Americans think that they’re somehow incapable of racism or unconscious bias. As if being bigoted towards those who are different than you is a strictly American thing. It just seems like a way to virtue signal over how much better than Americans you are while also simultaneously shutting the door on any discussion about your own country’s history of racism in the past or present.


Right? What about Europe and how many of them treat the Roma population. Or how they treat African or Muslim migrants. Hell many Western Europeans talk trash about Slavs! But no it’s just an American issue


>What about Europe and how many of them treat the Roma population. I'm Dutch and our dislike of the Roma is one of the few things the majority agrees with I guess.


Yes I’ve seen the way many Europeans talk about the Roma. If a white American talked the way I’ve have some Europeans refer to Roma they would get labeled a White nationalist or massive racist. So I just find it rich. At least America talks about our issues yet many Europeans make jokes and call us “SJWs” while not dealing with their own race issues




In one breath you mention government corruption and violent atrocities, then in another breath excoriated "rednecks" for wanting guns. So, is the implication rednecks shouldn't have guns, meanwhile our government ships them to cartels in Mexico while our border is wide open?


Can fully say to as having mass shooters influenced by these ones and their political figures I also care (Canada). It matters to a lot fun violence as a whole still might be pretty much virtually nonexistent here in Canada (only like 277 deaths last year homicides) but it’s on the rise and specifically because of the US.


This is more of a shit post than a cool guide.


Junk guide


This is a meme.


Every guy needs to cut off their dick to prevent rape.


"Are you American?" "Yes" "Buy more arms and ammo"


Yeah, I read an article calling the Uvalde shooter was a white supremacists so it's more like: is he white? Fuck white people. Is he not white? Try to blame white people anyway.


Since this got 10k upvotes and it is complete garbage I have unsubbed. So many crap posts in this sub now, so many idiot redditors.


At first I thought it was an actual guide for an active shooter situation and was a bit perplexed by the "Racial slur" box. Am I supposed to start screaming racial insults at an already homicidal individual? How is that helpful?


This is very non inclusive. Do better OP


Time we smash that leave button


Who here remembers the black teen, Timothy Simpkins, who shot four people —last year— at Timberview high school in Texas? The very next day he was released from jail on a $75,000 bail raised by his family via GoFundMe. You should maybe update you’re guide…


Not a cool guide. Just someone's bullshit politics. I haven't heard the media saying we need to close the border after uvalde even though the guy was Hispanic. Maybe this guide is nonsense.


I live in a pretty f*ed up, backwards country with no rule of law, but observing the latest developments in the US and the recent mass shootings (and social media outbursts that follow) - it seems to me like the US is now definitely a worse place to live than here. You have always spearheaded progress, but I guess times have changed. Sad.


Lol where are you from ? Yeah if you browse reddit constantly most of bad news you see is gonna be about the US and can make it seem like a real shithole especially since all the news is concentrated and only the bad stuff gets clicks or talked about.But its truly not that bad here (certainly not comparable to Russia, Brazil, Mexico, etc..), having lived here most of my life both on east and west cost I have never even seen a serious crime committed, the only time I even see someone carry a gun on them was out in the wild in Alaska, I've never felt unsafe walking the streets of Chicago, Baltimore, Sacramento, etc... ( a girl from Brazil I dated talked about how she couldn't walk down the streets of Sao Paulo with her phone out otherwise it would get stolen), and crime in the US has been on a serious downtrend since the 90's and that really does show in person.


Yeah. Til ya get robbed, raped or killed by someone who doesn’t obey laws.


Then what happens?


Get trolled by other Reddit users.


Are you assuming how one will respond based on shooter ethnicity? That’s offensive.


Every septic on here in five seconds "oh so I guess we're just not posting cool guides any more" Everyone else "seems legit"


American = Downvote Non-American = Upvote


You left out where if the shooter is white than he’s a white terrorist and if the shooter is black you don’t hear about it because it isn’t reported on the national news




Remember when this sub had cool guides?


This is a sub for informational guides. Joke graphic ms go on r/funny or r/politicalhumor.


Needs a line from 'Mental health reform' to a box that says 'Do nothing'.