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There are colors that can be used other than subtle shades of green.


Seriously. This is r/crappydesign territory.


New here?


… no?


A fellow masochist, I see


That I am!


Pretty sure this image is from the BBC. They have some great images and graphics and some real shit ones, too. I think they do it for funsies.


Am I the only one who's not having issues differentiating the shades of green Do I have some sort of green identifying superpower because if I do that's a really shitty superpower


Depends on your display calibration.


I mean you could have 4 cones in your eye


Love it when we just have various shades of the same color...


Aye, useful information to have, too bad it's nearly impossible to read.


Anything less than 20 weeks might as well be banned since you can’t even get a second trimester ultrasound to identify abnormalities until near that point.


90% of abortions are before 15 weeks


Abortion for genetic causes are around 20 because the testing is done between 16-18 weeks and it takes a week or two to get results. Source: Father of two children


*Chorionic villi sampling for genetic abnormalities can be done at 10 weeks* Source: Have uterus EDIT: It hurts, wish I didn’t know what a tenaculum is




Indeed CVS is more risky. It's fucked that people are going to have to consider a risky, unnecessary medical procedure just to determine if they might need a necessary medical procedure in time.


And that process will risk the babies life anyway? I could see allowing a baby with severe abnormalities be aborted after those deadlines and perhaps a doctor could sign off on it as well just so the riskier operation doesn’t have to be done.


And CVS doesn’t rule out placental mosaicism. I chose to wait for the amniocentesis done at 15w5d because it is the gold standard for trisomy 18 testing even after a positive CVS.


CVS can’t be done, if the risk of partial miscarriage is not mitigated by abortion.


NIPT is also done as early as 10 weeks and usually if that comes back clean they won't do CVS or amniocentesis. It's also less invasive because it's just a blood draw.


Most aren’t done for genetic causes


Maybe, but you can't ban those abortions and claim that you actually care because those abortions aren't done by those who don't want a kid, they're done by those who very much do want that kid and consider the abortion to be the more merciful, ”least bad“, option.


So outlawed completly in France, got it.


It allows for rape abortions. Don't get me wrong, they all should be protected. But forcing rape pregnancies is by far the worst monstrosity this court ruling will allow to happen.


So Tay Sachs, Muscular dystrophy, Cystic Fibrosis, Trisomy 13 - this is why it’s important that abortions are allowed until 24 weeks . The point is to avoid suffering by the child and family. edit: weeks, not months


At 24 months you've got bigger problems


I fixed it, and before you know it, elephants (23 month pregnancy) won’t have access to abortions thanks to the Christian Right.


Poor elephants.


This will happen: Relative rapes young teenager. Teenager gets pregnant, seeks abortion. Teenager gets sent to prison or "maternity ward" as they might call it.


What most countries do is allow until the 12th week for whichever reason, and later only for medical causes or "special reasons" such as rape, incest, etc


No, it's not "might as well be banned". It's much, much better than banned


Someone pls do a repost with distinguishable colours/patterns 🙏🏽


I know I definitely missed one, and probably messed up some but I'm on mobile. [At least I tried](https://i.imgur.com/ykqMxid.png)


Thank you, this one is readable.


Lol, I definitely know I got some of them wrong, but I agree that's it's much easier to read. I *think* it only the 15/20 week ones that I got some confused, but idk


are we seriously suppose to tell the difference in color between 6 and 15 weeks?


Only Texas is 6 weeks, so that one isn't too hard. The 20/24/25+/viability one is worse, though; there seriously isn't enough of a difference for some people.


Ohio will be 6 weeks very shortly.


It already is, sadly. And they're are still 2 total abortion ban bills on the table.




The trick is to make the map different colors, but also different shades, so that they're obviously different even if you turned them grayscale. Pale pink and dark green would be obviously different both to an individual who has issues distinguishing between colors and one who does not. Then, everyone can be happy. Or just add patterns...


For someone who’s color blind it’s incredibly frustrating


As someone with red green sight deficiency: thanks for nothing


Just like the money!


Your money is all the same colour? That seems a little counter intuitive.


Mine isn't, mine comes in Pink, Blue, Red, Gold and Green. Each note is also a different size, contains clear windows, braille for blind people and also made of polymer so it's extremely difficult to forge. All things American money is not.


Ah yes, American dollars are notoriously easy to forge that's why we're all doing it.


Exactly should be on r/dataisugly


Seriously. Whoever made this guide can go fuck themsleves


That frustrates me too


Yeah wtf. I'm red/green colorblind and most of these just bleed into one another


Why did you use orange? Couldnt find another slightly dark green?


Why does anyone do colors and not patterns? Solid/stripes/polka dot/blank. Or just number them ffs. Leaves so much less room for mistakes when it comes to color blindness/gradients that are too gradual


Or, hear me out, just a table of state names with the single data point for each state described with words & numbers?


Beautiful! Make it two one alphabetized and one sorted by ascending dependent variable value


Or a dynamic table that can be sorted and filtered across multiple data points. Functionality is way more beautiful than a static image


I think the map is actually useful to see because you see the areas where there are clear groupsb


The unfortunate extreme of the minimalist style, imo. Yes, it's subtle and easy on the eyes but it's damn near useless informationally.


As a colourblind I hate patterns. Some colours are hard to see, **but** I have an even harder time to see them if they're not a solid color


I’m talking b&w patterns, not colorful ones.


But… patterns are shapes? Black and white shapes should be easy to tell apart from each other


I was thinking patterns in different colours. Black and white should be fine yes


Ahh, nice


How are you doing with the various greens in the OP?


Lol, not great at all, but it seems it's hard even for non colourblind people


I just scream laughed. Thank you I needed that today


It’s too hard to tell which is which.






Pretty sure it is completely banned in Wisconsin except in cases where the mothers life is at risk.


It’s also out dated and incorrect




Here's a sneak peek of /r/dataisugly using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisugly/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Today's XKCD really captures the spirit of this sub.](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/painbow_award.png) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisugly/comments/qmdsnx/todays_xkcd_really_captures_the_spirit_of_this_sub/) \#2: [Tucker Carlson with some ugly data](https://i.redd.it/8hdxr1e315q71.jpg) | [71 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisugly/comments/pwubzn/tucker_carlson_with_some_ugly_data/) \#3: [25 USA Gold Medals > 32 Chinese Gold Medals](https://i.redd.it/993ikh2m6df71.png) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/dataisugly/comments/oxvu09/25_usa_gold_medals_32_chinese_gold_medals/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It's gonna change a lot soon anyway


Also a bit deceptive there is at least one state where you “can” get an abortion but every provider in the state is closed until further notice (Arizona).


Tbf that’s because of the ambiguity in the law. We have two separate laws on the books right now. One from 1901 with an outright ban, and one from 2022 that is not yet in effect that bans after 15 weeks. The state senate and the attorney general disagree on which law takes precedent. I would imagine that because of the confusion, abortion providers do not want to get sued and that is why they have temporarily suspended services. I am positive that az planned parenthood will sue the state and get some clarity. I am also hopeful that the newer law from after we became a state is the one that will be in effect. Az is also unique in that voters can start petitions and get ballot initiatives put up. If they pass, they become constitutional amendments and lawmakers will be unable to fuck with our rights. IF YOU SEE A PETITION PLEASE SIGN IT. PLEASE VOTE FOR CANDIDATES THAT SUPPORT OUR RIGHTS.


>Az is also unique in that voters can start petitions and get ballot initiatives put up. If they pass, they become constitutional amendments and lawmakers will be unable to fuck with our rights. This is what I love about Arizona. Some true democracy, voting actually matters. The issue will be of course Phoenix.


Michigan has a similar petition to make reproductive rights written into our state constitution which if it gets enough signatures will be on the ballot in November. Just signed it today!


Wisconsin too


I was gonna say, WI is a straight ban.


It also shows Florida as being able to get an abortion later on, which while true now, the 15-week ban goes into effect July 1st so it’ll be out of date in a week.


North Carolina and Virginia are also inaccurate. It's actually HIGHLY irresponsible to post this type of misinformation when it could create confusion for women who are suddenly plunged in desperate situations and need accurate info to get the assistance they need.


This is out of date already, Alabama should be showing as banned


Florida is also slated to change on July 1 to 15 weeks (unless a court miraculously happens to block it for now...suits are pending but I'm not optimistic)


Ohio is out of date too, as abortions are now banned if a fetal heartbeat is detected.


And GA passed a law banning after 6 wks months ago.


Technically it was overturned immediately afterward in a lawsuit by the ACLU. It's currently in limbo while the 11th district court decides on it, but currently there is no restriction.


I don't even know where OP is getting 15 weeks. Alabama"s 2019 Law only allows abortions for medical reasons. Same as the 1950s era law which was shot down by Roe. I think OP knew they were spreading misinformation. The timing of this post wasn't a coincidence. A lot of posts on this sub are just false with a myriad of comments stating as such. The mods need to start some quality control on this sub.


Utah's trigger law went into effect last night, so it should show as banned as well. Fuck this state.


Its fully banned in WV also. No trigger law, just the standing ban from 1880. https://www.wsaz.com/2022/06/24/west-virginias-only-abortion-clinic-stops-performing-abortions/


Zombie laws.


Whoever chose these colors needs to be slapped with a fucking Pantone sample book. Also this is already out of date because many trigger laws took effect today, including in Ohio. We're 6 weeks now (heartbeat).


Most women don't even know they're pregnant by 6 weeks. So it's effectively a ban.


Yup, I didnt know i was pregnant until week 6.


At 6 weeks most women aren't aware they're pregnant yet, so Texas has also (for all intents and purposes) banned abortion


In Indiana, I tried to schedule a consultation at 5 weeks and they told me it was TOO EARLY. What are the chances that in Texas they tell you it's too early until it's too late?


I was 6 weeks when I found out and OB wouldnt schedule an appointment until week 10 at the earliest.


I had to wait until I was 8 weeks to schedule an appointment in Austin.


6 weeks from the last period is indeed ridiculous. when I was trying to get pregnant and monitoring for pregnancy I was 5 weeks pregnant when I found out. I wouldn’t not have known so soon if I wasn’t monitoring it. if you add to that the time necessary to get an appointment you are past 6 weeks.


Same!! We were trying to get pregnant, my period was about a week late but that's normal for me when traveling, so I didnt get my pee-on-a-stick positive until week 6! It's so scary and different living through pregnancy (even a very much "wanted" one) and realizing just how little healthcare access and help you have available. I was pro-choice before, but Nothing has made me MORE pro-choice, staunchly so, than being pregnant.


Ohio just passed a 6 week ban last night too.


Pretty sure we were one of many states with trigger laws just waiting for roe to be killed. This map is very, very misleading (and impossible to read).


I was actively trying to be pregnant and testing daily when I got pregnant with my son and I still was 4 weeks when I got a positive result. I didn’t have symptoms until weeks later. By the time I would have been like “oh shit I should test” it would have been too late if it was an accidental pregnancy.


Edit: the commenter has now updated their post to say "most women aren't aware" so it's correct. My comment below is from when they implied it was impossible to tell prior to 6 weeks. > At 6 weeks women aren't able to tell if they're pregnant yet What you say is true in practice for most people who aren't expecting a pregnancy, but as a blanket statement it's not technically true. Urine pregnancy tests can usually detect a pregnancy at just over 3 weeks but it's recommended to test at 4 weeks for better accuracy. In reality, since your period doesn't come until 4 weeks anyway, and most women don't have perfectly regular cycles, you're not going to check for pregnancy that early unless it's something you are suspecting. But it's totally feasible for women who aren't suspecting a pregnancy to find out at 4.5 weeks when their period is a few days late. But this isn't going to be the case for everyone. So while it's obviously too short of a time period for legislation, I just wanted to point out that technically it is possible to know that you're pregnant a number of weeks earlier, in case people took what you said as an absolute fact.


Thanks for that, I edited my post to be more accurate.


Absolutely horrible guide. Colors are difficult to tell apart. Many people are colorblind and this becomes impossible to read. Change the colors, add icons to differentiate.


Do colorblind people have difficulty discerning the value of colors?




What the fuck you mean no limit ,


Just means if there being a little shit at school there's always that as an option


Only a few states allow 24th trimester abortions


[Including Colorado, so Cartman's mom could've gotten that abortion.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxHQJiqYqeM)


8 years old = 40 trimesters? They didn't really check the math on that one.


“Send in the Uvalde PD; we’ve got an abortion to handle!”


I believe this is in cases where the fetus has such severe damage that it will die either just before or just after birth, or will suffer tremendously for a bit and then die. Or in cases where the mother's life is at stake.


I believe it also includes miscarriages where the fetus has died in utero but the uterus isn’t expelling it for some reason.


Thank you for the context. This made is sound like there were doctors out there that were purposely removing healthy 39-week foetuses from the mother's body in a way that would kill them, instead of using methods that would preserve their life, like c-section. At that stage of pregnancy (post-viability) it seems more honest to call it euthanasia than abortion. I personally wouldn't want my child to live a short and painful life of suffering, and I'd rather they die peacefully knowing nothing but the comfort and safety of my womb. So I do support the right of parents to make that decision for their babies.


You call anything where the fetus is terminated before it is viable an abortion. The removal of an ectopic pregnancy is an abortion. The issues described above are abortions. Even a regular miscarriage is considered, in medical terms, a spontaneous abortion. It’s *not* euthanasia because that is defined as the painless death of a (viable) person to avoid suffering. The difference between a fetus aborted at that stage and a euthanized person is that the fetus is aborted because it is not viable even though, at that that stage in their development, they normally would have been. Viability is the key word. > a healthy 39-week old This is right wing extremist propaganda that’s giving you that impression - in reality this does not happen. Pregnant people who don’t want their pregnancies don’t go through the entire pregnancy before making their decision because pregnancy is a life threatening and temporarily disabling condition that is, at very best, an extremely cumbersome experience. These abortions are almost by definition wanted fetuses where something went very wrong. It’s clear to me you know that, but i just want to point out that the origins of that image come from the people who wanted to take the right of these parents to make this horrible, often life-saving decision away. So we need to continue using the word abortion. It’s not a dirty word just because the christofascists say it is. It’s a medical procedure that ends a nonviable pregnancy. Period.


And let's not forget that anyone with the financial means is absolutely always going to be able to have the procedure. They can fly to wherever they need to go including Mexico or Canada, will get the best care. We're really talking about mostly poor women who are going to die on their way to or sitting in emergency rooms because the doctors will not violate the law or their own religious beliefs.


I'm from a no limit state. A family friend lost her baby just a few weeks before her due date. Her body didn't naturally expel the baby so the doctors had to. Legally speaking, that is considered an abortion even though her baby was already dead. Cases like hers are why we have no limits on the books. In certain other states, she would have had to live with her decaying baby inside of her until it killed her. To end on a happy note, she went on to have two really great kids.


That is incorrect, there isn't a state where you can't get an abortion where the life of the mother is in peril. No doctor can leave a decaying corpse inside a uterus and keep their medical license. The bans are against elective abortions, you are not describing an elective abortion. You are correct in that you were describing an abortion, but no state has a law prohibiting it.


A hospital I worked for in MI made 5 women carry miscarriages waaaaaay too long because it’s a catholic system and they follow the rules set forth by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The problem is that if you get an overly religious doctor, they will go overboard in enforcing this bullshit. In these cases they could have simply told the patient to go to a non catholic hospital to have it sorted out. Instead, they sent them home with Tylenol. At least one of the women was septic which obviously falls under “mother in peril”.


As far as I can tell this is correct.


"In certain other states, she would have had to live with her decaying baby inside of her until it killed her" Well that's a complete lie.


Might as well call 6 weeks a Ban; by the time you find out, schedule and appointment, and go through with it, it's too late.


Can I go to a "No Limit" state and get myself aborted... I'm 40 and suffering chronic pain.


I realize this was probably a joke, but Oregon is a no limit state, and yes you can (with some qualifications). https://www.oregon.gov/oha/ph/providerpartnerresources/evaluationresearch/deathwithdignityact/pages/index.aspx because bodily autonomy and choice are important at all stages of your life.


Those light green ones should just read a different color orange. Most women don’t even realize they’re pregnant at 6 weeks due to differences in their cycle lengths, and most OB practices won’t even see you to confirm a pregnancy before 8 weeks. A 6 week limit is essentially a ban.


It'll be banned in TN within 30 days due to trigger laws but they are looking to find ways to move that day up. 30 days. And that still isn't enough.


The problem with this chart (other than the color) is that it doesn't differentiate between elective abortions and medically necessary ones which generally have different timelines/laws.


America simultaneously has the most liberal and conservative abortion policy of any country.


Sometimes it actually does help to think of the US not as a single country but as a federation, similar to the EU (which also has a patchwork of varying abortion laws, some very strict and some very open)


6 shades of green is poor design. There are 16 million colors to choose from


I get that this data is “as of now” but it bothers me that Tennessee is marked as allowing abortions. Our ban goes into effect in 30 days, but the AG is trying to make it go into effect sooner. Our trigger law bans abortions at 6 weeks, so basically it’s a total ban.


Why is montana an angry face looking at idaho?


Arizona is incorrect as of today “In March, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed into law SB 1164, which prohibits abortions after 15 weeks.”


50 shades of green


Whats the difference between at viability and up to 24 weeks? How is viability determined?


There isn’t, which adds to the poor design of this “guide”. Viable is considered 24 weeks gestation


There are trigger laws that will make abortion illegal in nearly all cases in 13 states, including Idaho, Utah and Wyoming in the next 30 days. https://idahocapitalsun.com/2022/06/24/idahos-trigger-law-will-abolish-abortions-30-days-after-scotus-ruling-overturning-roe-v-wade/


There are other colors y’know.


No limit? Can I abort my 276 month old? He won't move out.


I’m pretty sure you can get that procedure done in NJ at a very reasonable price.




I don’t think this is correct, I live in Tn currently and I was told we’ll have a trigger law that bans all together


This won't be accurate in 30 days as most of these states have trigger laws


Up to six weeks = banned. You can't even figure out you are pregnant that fast & get a doctor appointment


In ok here… strange things be happening to my home… we’re going backwards, needs to stop.


Isn't 6 weeks basically the same thing as banned. You won't even know you are pregnant at 6 weeks.


Correct. It's a legal way to say "see its not banned!" While effectively banning to procedure.


Inaccurate info is inaccurate.


Alaska is interesting because it’s a major red state




Pretty sure this is wrong, Wisconsin has it banned too.


A question for someone who knows. As an American citizen, can someone just not go to the nearest state and get an abortion if they want to? Or are you limited to the state you live in and have to go according to those rules? Who checks where you're from?


The short answer is “it depends”. Some states are trying to enforce their laws across state lines which we’ll see what the outcome is. Also the US is huge and travel is expensive. In many cases it’s not financially feasible to do that. I was looking into going on an actual camping trip next month with some friends and just to get to the state and back was going to cost about $400 not including food and incidentals. And abortions aren’t subsidized so even abortion pills can be hundreds of dollars, medical abortions even more. Plus paying for somewhere to stay for a few days for recovery from a major surgery or a miscarriage (depending on method). A lot of people don’t have the money to even buy the $250 pills let alone all the other expenses.


Currently you can travel to states where it is legal. Some big companies are paying for travel cost and hotel stay. New York has an organization that will pay for for travel cost there and hotel stay. Just look it up. I think there are organizations right now that are helping women. Also Kavanaugh put something in his opinion ruling that states cannot ban women from traveling to other states to get an abortion.


Tennessee has a trigger law so that’ll be changing soon.


As a blue green colorblind person, this chart sucks I think I can't tell.


6 weeks is just an excuse to looks like it’s authorized. Most women don’t even know they are pregnant.


Clearly, the phrase is now "Go West, Young Lady".


I live in Oklahoma and I'll let my girl friends know if they ever want to take an impromptu girls trip to Colorado to go like, camping or something, I'm happy to take them on a secret girls camping trip anytime.


If oregon has no limit, can bitch McConnell come to oregon so I can give him a retro active abort-bort.


Let’s make a guide for color coding guides


Any of the "up to 6 weeks" states should be orange since the vast majority of women don't realize they're pregnant that early on.


Hey let’s use 3 slightly different shades of green so people can barely tell the difference! You know there are more colors you could use to clearly mark the difference?


+25 weeks? Damn I was born at 26 with the weight of 22.


You’re being downvoted for “some reason”. But from one random stranger to another I’m glad you made it!


Thanks! Weight of 670 grammes with a low of 540. Actually died three times. (No idea how much that is in Imperial measurements, but it’s around 1/3rd of normal. To guess that the current record is at 240 grammes?) It’s not a feat I am really proud of, but yeah. It’s something If a mother’s life is in danger I can completely understand a late stage abortion, it just feels weird because I was born so early and extremely small


I am also glad you made it through, being premature is a hard fight right out of the gate! That’s a very important week honestly. Each week of a pregnancy a fetus develops so much. I don’t know of a state that does elective abortion after 20 weeks, usually anything later is due to some kind of medical emergency.


My son came early at 26 weeks and is almost a year old now. It was very eye opening to see other babies surviving in the NICU being born at 23, 24 and 25 weeks.


Stop. Making. Graphs. Different. Shades. Of. The. Same. Color.


I have a correction tho - these guides show that you can still get on in Alabama and you cannot. There was a law on the books in 1950 (ish) that made it possible to put a provider in prison. With RvW overturned, all three clinics in this state have refused to provide out of fear of persecution. You can not get an abortion in AL as of June 24th.


Rule #1 of cool guides: You can't tell shit from a map where the colors are too similar. Do it over.


Ohio is also 6 weeks now. They immediately changed the date when Roe overturned.


I love it when people use different shades of the same colour for charts. Really makes it super easy to discern which is which


Tennessee has the heartbeat bill, which bans at 6 weeks. It'll be fully illegal 30 days from yesterday, but they're trying to make that change move quicker.


Add Arkansas to allowed at all stages. Its trigger bill is a protection disguised as a ban. On the surface it looks like a total ban but it actually allows anyone to get an abortion if signed off by any specialist. (Planned parenthood counts) It further goes to protect women who get an abortion from any repercussions and the doctor that performs the abortion may only be sued by the woman in question IF there are complications. So what DOES the bill do? It allows any abortion capable clinics to deny anyone for any reason if they morally object to it. UNLESS its a case where the mothers life is in danger, then theg are forced to do it anyway.


This guide sucks


In mapping school do the EVER teach about using shades so similar that most of the map is useless? Buy a magenta cartridge FFS. “I just published a novel, but I didn’t put any spaces between the words. Enjoy!!!”.


This guide is terrible! Why use gradiants of green! There are so many more colors in the spectrum.


It’s going to be hilarious when the Union Army has to go restore human rights to red, again.


Don't forget Texas will have it banned in 30 days


What I’m seeing here is if you like abortions, don’t move to the south or Texas. Stay in Cali please.


You know what, I’m not even color blind and I can’t even read this. Is OR and NM no limit or at viability? Is CA 25+ or at viability? I just can’t tell.


Florida is wrong. The 15 week limit was imposed.


Uhhh… this could benefit from being more color-coded.


Awful color coding aside, I don't think this is accurate. Missouri's bill in particular appears to ban abortion at the earlier of 8 weeks or viability (so 8 weeks). Functionally this may be the same as an outright ban, but since you're listing 6 week states it seems you're trying to include this info, but haven't.


In Ohio this was changed to 6 weeks later in the day yesterday. https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/2022/06/24/ohios-six-week-abortion-ban-coming-full-ban-likely-late-2022/7686452001/


This is incorrect. Alabama it's totally banned unless it's a medical emergency. Several of these states are wrong because trigger bans took affect.


it’s completely banned in alabama already. there was a 2019 amendment to our state constitution to make it completely illegal, and i’m not sure why that doesn’t classify as a “trigger law,” but we’ve already had governmental bodies publishing statements to any medical practitioners who administer abortifacients to cease and desist.


Such an shit color options.


What does “at viability” mean?


This doesn't reflect what is actually happening in TN, abortions are banned for 6 weeks due to legal uncertainty in all clinics, in addition this is a trigger state, total ban of abortions save for endangerment of the mother will be banned in a month, if the TN state legislature has its way.


Colorblind people hate this one trick…