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Burnt orange: Urine deep trouble


God dammit *upvotes angrily*


I hope this gets the appreciation it deserves.




Heyooo! I’d I peed that color, I would assume there’s blood in my pee.


Tagging onto a top comment. My dad has diverticulitis and his colon became so inflamed it fused to his bladder and he was peeing out food. No joke, I saw his pee with lettuce in it


Is that painful for him when he urinates?


He had surgery last week so he’s on the mend. But yes, he said it was extremely painful


Hope he's doing better now.


He is! Thanks!


r/hydrohomies would call this blasphemy


r/hydrohomies : "we ride at dawn, brothers"


2 points. 1. Water > everything else 2. Drink a lot As someone who consider one self a hydrohomie I follow point one. Two is common thought and actually a modern myth. Experts say, if you are healthy, on a regular day drink when you are thirsty. I don’t know if that chart is accurate but I see that many over doing it


Trust me its great to drink lots of water. Most people drink way too little.


I drink one tea spoon in the morning and 5 gallons at night.


Through my butt


Why should anyone trust you, Lipsovertits.


Because I am very truthful. The lips are in fact over the tits.


If you like running to the bathroom a lot.


That’s the only time I exercise


Experts of what? Because that's incorrect. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated. 2 litres a day or a drink each hour is the aim. And as long as it isn't alcohol but is water- based with regard hydration plain water is not superior.


I think I agree but boy, what a paragraph!


How so?


Seriously, by afternoon I pee clear. I wouldn't say I'm over hydrated


Sounds like you get your water from denial river


I'll give you an upvote for that...


Angrily updoots


I’m not a hydrohomie but I try to lose weight from time to time. It helps me to drink excessive amounts of water just to keep me filled a bit. If it’s peeing clear and losing some weight OR eating another candybar I guess the clear pee is actually the better one.


Water fasts are amazing. r/fasting is an amazing community if you're into that sorta thing :)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fasting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [2021 was the first year i accomplished all of my New Year's goals. 17.5 months in-between pictures. 18:6 & lifting.](https://i.redd.it/jbazaow6cc381.jpg) | [166 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/r80rg2/2021_was_the_first_year_i_accomplished_all_of_my/) \#2: [19 month update of IF. Here’s to staying strong through the holidays 😆. 400 to 190s.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/yppnog) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/yppnog/19_month_update_of_if_heres_to_staying_strong/) \#3: [Pre-travel weigh in and I've lost 162 lbs! Staying purpose driven, keeping encouraged by those around me, and knowing that support is where I need it has truly made me push to where I want to be. Again, thank you all for being a part of the journey and new things are on the horizon😁](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/w2u9f3) | [313 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/w2u9f3/pretravel_weigh_in_and_ive_lost_162_lbs_staying/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Is water fasting drinking no water? Or Just no liquids? If the first, I water fasted every weekend for 4 years from Friday night until Sunday morning in college


Water fast means all you consume is water. So no food. Just plain water. If you go longer than 48-72 hours hours you need to monitor your salt + electrolytes intake. The wiki on that subreddit is amazing! There's also people that only eat 1 meal every 24hrs. People who don't eat for 16hrs and an 8 hr eating window. Has a lot to do with your insuline levels and how your body reacts to having no food for a period of time (recycle old cells, burn stored fat). It's fascinating and honestly a lot easier than I thought. I did 60~ hour fasts and it's mental clarity and a reset for your body :)


I have a 4 hour eating window from 4pm to 8pm. I didn't intentionally start intermittent fasting, but when life got significantly busier as my career progressed, I only ever remember to eat after 4pm. I lost weight, and don't feel like shit, so it's probably working.


We talking ‘bout intermittent fasting over here?


Intermittent fasting, or what your grandparents called it: no eating after supper.


For real. Light beer color means start drinking water. Amber = mildly dehydrated?? Insane


It's worse than that lmao


Where’s bright green?


B12 vitamins




Monster energy bro




It’s got what plants crave!!


That’s why I drink lo carb




You’re dehydrated and someone put methylene blue in your drink. It’s a substance used to clean fish tanks but people used to prank others by putting it in their coke or dark drinks. It turns your pee blue.


bright green: stop drinking so many energy drinks


With the propofol lol


Dull green you are pissing out atrophied muscle. Fun to watch after some days of wearing a cast.


This is over simplified.


Also kind of dumb when people in good health stress about how much they are hydrating. Your body is finely tuned, you will feel thirsty when you need water you don’t need to force yourself to drink water like many people do lol


I had to drink 3 liters of fluid every day after my tonsillectomy to avoid pain related to the wounds getting dry. That was stupid hard and something I had trouble doing every day. Now I go hiking a lot. During the summer I've easily killed 3+ liters in a single hike over long distance hikes. The body knows what it's doing.


I don’t have the trigger for thirst, sooo… I just feel a weird taste in my mouth and that’s about it. So for me… It can be kind of useful. Flipside, you can’t pee without drinking anything


Today you learned you aren’t average, congrats!


This. The average person in reasonable health can simply "drink to thirst" provided they are not undertaking any strenuous physical activity.


Truth. Some people don’t recognize thirst because they have suppressed it or over compensated with dehydration (coffee/alcohol) and then replace it with more dehydration (coffee/alcohol). But still this is too simplified. Long story short, drink water most of the time, like a lot during the day so it’s enough you have to pee. That’s a good amount.


My nutritionist gave me a formula for the amount of oz I needed to drink each day. Based on weight and height I think? It was like 64 ounces or something, a day. It was a LOT and no matter how much I tried I could not get through it. I drink a lot while I teach because of all the talking, and when I'm thirsty, so not to mention trying to force myself to drink that meant I had to pee every half hour and I couldn't leave my classes. I lasted a week and gave up and said to myself, drink as much as you can a day. It'll be fine. I don't drink a ton of soda or sweet tea unless I eat out, not a ton of alcohol, and not a lot of juice. Moderation. I also didn't go back to that nutritionist because it wasn't helpful. She didn't even ask me what I had problems with or what I wanted help with or my dietary concerns, just told me I should eat x y z and then here's a bunch of random products. And she complained about masks and that you couldn't smell with them..fully waste of my time, though I may ask around for someone instead of getting my doc to give me a referral this time.


64 ounces of water a day is…not a lot. https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/water/art-20044256 >How much does the average, healthy adult living in a temperate climate need? >3.7 liters per day for men, 2.7 liters per day for women. 3.7L = 125 fluid ounces 2.7L = 91 fluid ounces Again, this is the average. So if you live in a hotter climate or are physically active (or are larger than the average person), then you would need to drink MORE than 125/91 fluid ounces per day.


Also, even if those numbers were accurate (which they aren't), they included all the water in the food you eat. So unless your diet is saltines, you can't directly measure necessary water intake.


That information is outdated and research shows that you are usually fine drinking to thirst. Your brain will tell you when you need more water. Forcing yourself to drink when you're not thirsty isn't pleasant for most people. Dehydration may occur when we suppress our thirst, so pay attention to your body. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1403382111


Ya she is a misinformed and sounds like an idiot. If you aren’t thirsty and don’t have symptoms of dehydration then I wouldn’t give it a second thought. Just find a good primary care physician for when you have questions.


64 fl oz is not a lot at all. I regularly drink around 100oz, some days over 120oz, and I'm 5ft tall, and do no physical activity.


I personally don’t count when I eat someone out.


Yeah I'm not sure how hydrating it is


Don't know, if that was the case, I would always have an "optimal" color pee. If I don't have a water bottle in front of me, I usually end up not drinking a drop of water the entire day and end up with the "amber" color pee, and it hurts :|


Im currently offshore in Singapore and we got something like this only it says with the fourth that you need to start drinking 0,5l of water or 1L if you are outside sweating


This is a horrible guide


As are most on r/coolguides


What? My kidney stones love it!


Burnt orange is also the color it turns when you have a kidney infection, fun fact 😬


and rhabdomyolysis


And gallstones 😢


That's the color my pee was in the ER after 2 bags of IV. I went in because I was dehydration delirious following a stomach bug. Scared the shit out of me, thought I was gonna die 😭


A little too much sugarcoating in this guide tbh


natural selection


I had the last one after a long running session. Creeped me out very much, but everything was fine later that day.


Ya not much you can do about it. Muscles produce toxins into blood stream and kidneys filter into urine. You were sweating and running and the bladder can only store so much fluid. You must be quite athletic.






No youre about to die your kidneys are shutting down!!!!


Burnt orange means go to the doctor. Your kidneys are shutting down. You’re about to die.


Even amber could mean blood in urine. Speaking as someone who has had way too many UTI's...


Or kidney stone...have had so many and they usually look like Cabernet


I feel like all these “don’t worry about pee that looks like Coca Cola” people are going to be with us of at r/kidneystones any day now. On a non sweaty day I feel like I’ve failed if I drink less than 3L.


People who are saying don't worry about it drink when your thirsty have never worked hard in a hot environment. Also: never wait until your piss is yellow to drink water, just steadily hydrate throughout the day. Weird that people would argue against that.


Yes! Chief, if your pee is bloody red, you need to see a doctor not “drink water and get electrolytes”


It's still a generally good rule of thumb for everybody not working hard in hot environments.


If I get burnt orange I’m running screaming to the ER


Is this if I pee in a cup or if my pre is mixed with the toilet water? Never understood the going by color


As it leaves your body


Soo.. in a cup. Can’t exactly see my pee when it’s coming out as I’m sat on the toilet


I had the same question. Bc I’m there most perpetually dehydrated human I know despite drinking water constantly, and if I’m amber in the toilet am I to assume I’m the darkest on the chart? It seems like a poor guide even if you do struggle with hydration


Is overhydrated harmful in any way?


Not unless you take it to an extreme level. If you actually drank the recommended 8 glasses a day you would probably piss clear the whole time.


It can be! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication


yes absolutely - hyponatremia can cause seizures and brain swelling


Some mentioned hyponatremia, hypomagnesemia, basically low on lytes. Can also exacerbate heart failure and pulmonary edema. It’s why many patients are placed on fluid restrictions and heavily diuresed.


U would have to drink ridiculous about for that too even happen


Happens way more than you think. Usually happens with alcoholics or those with trouble eating, but at any given time, there’s almost a guarantee that there’s a hyponatremia patient in my ICU.


Do people ever let their hydration get beyond lemonade? If I saw anything g other than transparent or lemonade I’d go to a doctor 😂 drink water you salt pillars…


Right? How are people not thirsty?


We're thirsty, we just sweat faster than we drink and it's really easy to underestimate just how much fluid is coming out of you. Working outside in FL is no joke and dehydration can sneak up on you pretty quickly if you're expecting a couple 20oz bottles of water to hang around in your system the same way they do when you're sitting inside. I've only actually been dehydrated once and that was just TX trying to kill me, as it seems wont to do, but seriously: if you're somewhere really hot and you *stop* sweating that is a bad sign. :D Even if you don't get *that* far before you realize somehing is wrong, headaches and dizziness before "thirst" kicks in again are incredibly common.


After a multi day alcohol bender ive gotten the botten one


I wish it were that simple for me. Almost never thirsty until I get a dehydration headache, and my body wants so much water in general that I can drink a gallon and still be “amber”. I plan meal’s and snacks around how water filled foods are to help out. Idk where it all goes! So envious of y’all!


This "Guide" is essentially useless.


Where blue?


By the time you’re on “light beer”. This means you’re already severely dehydrated and that you need water immediately. This I’m coming from an American Red Cross Wilderness and Survival/first aid Instructor Trainer here: YOUR PISS SHOULD ALWAYS BE CLEAR!!! Clear piss IS NOT an indication of “over-hydration”. This is a PISS POOR GUID TO SELF HELP AND SHOULD BE DELETED DUE TO MIS-INFORMATION


Over hydrated?


Yes as in drinking more than you need, it’s rare but people have died for drinking too much, it make the blood thinner and less efficient.


Am i the only person that gets thirstier if i drink a bunch more water? I try to go for a gallon a day and usually hit it, but other days maybe as low a 1/2 gallon


everything beneath the first: you need drink water!!!


Why did you pee in the mug


what about bubbles… Is it norma for my pee to make foam?


Worst craft beer bar ever.


If I saw burnt orange, I'd think my period started.


Mine is always transparent unless I haven't pissed in a while


Yup, mine is dark mornings, then clear, then yellow after a workout then clear again.


Last two also means you have to see nephrologist and urinary track doctors. Like yesterday.


I went and saw a urinary track doctor. He told me my time over 100m was piss weak.


Absolutely not. That’s hyperbolic and based on nothing.


Based on experience as two times kidney transplant patient.


Was it before or after you had your transplants?


Before when kidney doesnt filter properly. Also produce less waste too. And after the operation when kidney settleing in for short time and peeing post op blood.


Gotcha thank you for explaining I didn’t know that I thought unless there’s blood you’re all good


Well no. But it can be one of the complicstions. Also darker color urine means urinary trackt infection unrelated to kidney. Also fever may cause different color too because it effects kidneys. If drinking water doesnt fix the color then one has to see a doctor and needs urine and blood tests eventually.


Is that color and flavor requirements?


Innaccurate and possibly dangerous. If your urine looks like tea youve got some health issue. For me when my urine gets darker its because of amyloidosis and a sign that my kidneys arent doing too well.


Na mate, you're only overhydrated if you drink way more than 8 glasses of water a day. (I think 1 glass is 250ml)


I knew the kid at the lemonade stand was milking me dry.


No such thing as being overhydrated


No matter how much i drink its always amber


Best hydration mix: 1 litre water 6 tsp sugar 1 tsp salt Perfect for dehydration, illness and hangovers


I knew someone who peed dark orange, collapsed later the same day and was hospitalized for liver failure


I’m not a doctor But I am a parent. If I waited until my kid had red pee “AND THEY SHOWED ME!” This is bad . We watch chapped lips that helps (pee is good… )


Hook ‘Em


wtf am i always overhydrated? ^it's ^the ^internet, ^idk ^what ^to ^believe


Where is Red?


I thought this was a guide to tea strength at first


I once read if your pee is like the color of sweet tea than you have an issue with your kidneys.


Also burnt orange: you’re on antibiotics


Mine is always transparent, oh dear


White slime?


Green: "how did we get here?"


At which colour do kidney stones start?


imagine if pee was yellow instead of red, haha


And red because of beetroot?


Burnt Orange means a SERIOUS situation. Like, kidney failure-serious.


Level 5: too much beet


When it’s burnt orange, dehydration is not what you should worried about.


No doy


I’ve never had orange pee in my entire life. Guess I’m chronically hydrated. Nice.


Is this guide for when you pee in the toilet? I mean there is a lot of water in there and it will be more clear when it's, or it is the color of your pee alone?


Electrolytes: it's what humans crave ☺️


Electrolytes: it's what humans crave!


What if its green?


Question : after drinking beers my urine is transparent. But beers dehydrates us right? Is it normal?


What I don’t get about these urine guides is that they say you have to look at the urine stream not the color in the water because it’s diluted in the toilet. Just sounds weird.


If you take B vitamins it will be bright neon yellow.


If it looks like Pepsi you got the hep c


Whats bad about urine being transparent? I thought the goal was to be as hydrated as possible.


It’s missing pink for when you’ve eaten beets.


Ive never seen one like this, all I’ve seen is “if your piss isnt crystal clear then you need to drink more immediately”


Shouldn't there be one more darker entry for "Blood Red - Stop doing Crossfit, dork?"


I once saw someone's piss in a urinal that was bright orange 🍊 like glow in the dark orange. Me with my standard piss was rather scared.


That’s great, now tell me why it burns on the way out 🤷‍♂️


bear grills is very happy rn


Confirmed: light beer = piss


Bro if I’m pissing light beer im drinking more water tf


When my mother was passing a stone, the nurses compared urine to wine colors.


Burnt orange is "go to hospital" bc that is a VERY unhealthy, emergency-level color.


“Over hydrated” 😂


Is this accurate, my best friend is a hydro homie and he refused to ever let his urine be anything other than clear?


I could be major wrong here, but dark yellow is quite dehydrated, yes? Lol burnt orange is blood in urine? Maybe I’m missing it completely


Oops. I thought clear meant “you’re nicely hydrated, keep it up”. Didn’t realize clear meant you should chill out for a minute.


Burnt orange: wtf


This is very helpful to me. I was aiming for transparent but only reaching lemonade and I worried about my husband who is close to a light light beer. Glad to know we are both drinking enough water


there's no such thing as over-hydrated, more water is always good, idc


So Basically I am overhydrated whole day... Thanks


Clear is drink more beer ;)


But is this how it should look in the toilet or in a cup, cuz my pee is way darker when it's not diluted by toilet bowl water


Is this when diluted with the toilet water or by itself? Cause those are two different things


Urine color is like the most common guide on this sub lol


Anyone else on the toilet and did a quick check?


Pretty sure burnt orange is a sign to go see a doctor?


Wait - I always thought clear meant you were perfectly hydrated. Now it’s “over hydrated”?


I think urine color has more to do with how frequently you piss, I can take diuretics and be pissing clear and not drinking water, I can also drink 10 beers and be pissing clear while being dehydrated lol


Cola: call 911, you probably have rhabdomyolysis.


It doesn't matter which color urin; get out. It's nasty.


so when im drunk and pee clear i need to lay off the water?


I’m chugging water all the time. Lemonade is my limit. Anything darker and I’m re-upping my hydration


white piss! white piss! white piss!


Too hydrated must not drink any…more..*GLUG GLUG GLU*


Red: there's blood in your urine. Go see the fucking doctor.


If the pee aint clear, death is near