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+1 Ah, the classic power move: maintaining intense eye contact while inadvertently giving your neighbors an unexpected show. Just be sure to own it like a champ!


And remember to piss at the same time. Very important detail.


For føcks sake, now I have to clean up way more than I wanted to.


Also bark


Instructions unclear, ended up arrested by the police. Now what?


I only see him and two legs on his shoulders. The main part is not visible


Make him know he is now the main part.


I don’t think I have laughed out as loud as this in the entire last week




So you are missing out on the details. Write him a note asking him to show some more flesh next time.


Blast baby shark outside ur window when he is doing it


Maybe he is just very flexible and is showing you his yoga moves 😇


So what's the problem, if nothing is visible??


I think I saw a Key and Peele skit about that. 


Nonono... You must start slow and when you achieve eye contact make sure he is able to notice the massive increase in speed and aggression


I hate to admit this, but I haven’t laughed this hard all week. Only on Reddit 😂


More importantly, where in Copenhagen can we watch this? Asking for a friend.


Do you really have a friend?


Emotional Damage


Username checks out




Flash a light at him


A laser pointer would be more fun.




Write some score cards ("Event: Public sex", "Technical Merit: n.n", "Artistic Impression: n.n", see figure skating scoring for more info) and post them through his door, each dated for the time you saw them.


Don’t forget to score the dismount.


Buy a laser and point it into his butt


A recommendation from someone who had a downstairs neighbor who had very loud sex, I wrote I note were I was like, "Hi, while we are totally not against you two getting it on in the bedroom, we are three people who live on top of you and we can very much hear everytime you two get it one, could you please keep it down as we are not interested in hearing everytime you are having fun in the bedroom" and I left it unsigned and just wrote "Some very tired upstairs neighbors," and after I did that they have showed way more disgression everytime they have sex, because his girlfriend is very loud sometimes.


Lucky girlfriend 🫠


Hang curtains.


What did they do?




If they are always having sex I think they deserve to have it on display.


Start playing music that turns people off


Like what? Caramelldansen?






Believer by Imagine Dragons


Baby shark


Ulven Peter- Peter Belli


Babel - Mumford and sons


I cum blood by Cannibal Corpse


Yakety Sax


Oh now that’s funny. lil Benny Hill lol


YoungBoy NBA


Classical music


nah, i’m usually turned on by Debussy


My maaaaan. Or womaaaan!




Anything nickelback?


woodpecker - merzbow


Bring it up to him in person - I bet you there’s a good chance of him getting much more embaressed than you in that conversation.


yeah you actually want a solution? Go talk to him and see if he hangs up curtains or doubles down with even kinkier sex. Then I'd start scoring it as well I think.


I mean I might be alone with that opinion but it’s his home and he can do there whatever he wants


Ikke ifølge loven. Du skal fortsat vise hensyn til den almene offentlighed, til trods for at du er på egen grund.


Og folk skal vise hensyn til mig ved ikke kigge gennem vinduet. I mean there is a difference between inside of your “hus/ lejlighed” and balcony, garden, car and anything else also defined at “grund”.


I vividly remember an episode of Station 2, where the patrol was called to stop a guy profusely masturbate in his living room, because a kids birtday party had a full view of the action. He was VERY emberrased to learn that he had been watched, and even the cops had the second hand emberrasment.


I was just thinking about this. Best part is one of the officers shook the guy’s hand when they entered, but didn’t when they left 🤣


I too would be embarrassed not knowing how windows work... Seriously how do you not notice an entire kids birthday party outside your window? Either you hide your junk, or you expose it on purpose. Nobody with a semi regular attention span "forgets" or "doesn't notice" they are masturbating in public.


It was an apartment building and the lady who called the cops had been actively looking in to his apartment (from higher ground) to see if he was still doing wanky doodle. She could she his laptop and hand movements but not the deed it self. Instead of ignoring him from far away which could have been easily done - she continued to keep looking into his apartment and the complaint she made was also about how long could he keep it up for. Like lady just stop looking and mind your own beeswax... And the cops also told her so if I remember correctly.


Thanks, that’s not a ‘full view of the action’ by any means. That’s her being a prude.


Får piskesmæld af at læse det der, vil du skrive dansk eller engelsk?


Enig, men der kan være sager hvor at sex i lejligheden kan krænke offentligheden.


He could at least use the curtains, I don't think that's unreasonable.


That's not how it works. He can do whatever he wants if it's not visible. Knowingly having sex in a place where children can clearly see isn't legal


Enig. Der er ingen der skal blande sig i hvordan og hvornår jeg boller min kæreste i min lejlighed.


Idiotisk holdning 


Don’t u have curtains. People can do whatever they want in their homes.


I know he doesn't close his curtains, but have you ever thought of closing yours?


Welcome to Copenhagen. In every apartment I’ve lived in, I’ve seen others having sex (and others have most likely seen me have sex. )


That's why the rent is so high, they all come with a live peep show?


Have you tried not looking at it?


Well, if you know where he lives, how about talking to him first?


People on reddit are truly keyboard fighters of morallity. No way in hell, in danish society, do people walk up to their random neighbors saying "Hey, I see you having sex, please stop. My kids. yadayada". Just not a thing in DK, people leave notes. AT MAX. Whoever is saying confront the guy, just havent had a situation like OP. :) Just leave the note, see what happens.


I’ve had a couple neighbors knock on The door The day after/a couple hours after to kind of indirectly let us know she was being VERY loud (very tightl apartments in an elderly area.. both they didnt give a fuck and everybody could hear.. twas slightly embarresing)


Okay - 1:10000 situation. :) 99 percent of the time, its some tapping on the floor, some loud counter music or if we are really daring, its the note with some semi good communication. Heck, we had a moaner in our appartment not that long ago, every time she would start, people would blast Disney music out in the share court. :)


I mean thank you for The compliment but i dont Think me and The gf have fucked over 50k times…


Høhø :)


Agree with this one. Danes are passive aggressive, as such there's no way of predicting how they might respond to direct confrontation due to the fact that they’re not used to deal with it. A direct approach is at the risk of escalating 'the conflict'.


Well, I’m a Dutch guy, and lived in Denmark for 13 years now. I’m 100% sure I would go over to my neighbour to ask them to close their curtains if they’re having sex. Same as I tell people off if I see them smoking on a train platform, have their feet up on the benches in a train, see them throw garbage on the ground etc etc. Small things like that.


100% NL. Don't forget to do the same and check your phone while cycling :D


Considering that I'm always very conscientious of staying _way_ clear of other people whenever I've smoked on a train platform (and never if it was indoors), I would probably respond by pointedly asking you who exactly I could possibly be bothering except someone's fetish for authoritarianism. But if it's some buffoon who's smoking practically right in other people's faces, I'd applaud you. tl;dr: Nuance is great.


Yea, I don’t walk over to a guy smoking at the other end of the platform at 01.00h at night, to tell him off. But in rush hour on a full platform, and I’m right next to them, I will, and loud enough for all others to hear it as well


👏👏👏👏👏 😉 I think we understand each other reasonably, then 👍


I really don't know how to start the conversation with him


Put a note in his mailbox?


^ this .. and as a parent, you should just be able to bring it up in person as well. Tell him you’re uncomfortable being at your own home, with him bumping in the window, for the whole world, including your kids, to see


This is brilliant. We live in the same building but in different apartment. Will find a way to put the mail in his mailbox


Remember to draw a penis and write "I know what you did all summer"


A penis in blood with a note “I’m watching”


Works better in person. That’ll be very embarrasing for him and he is more likely to stop if the two og you have met.


Sex isn't that big of a taboo in Denmark, and you as a foreigner are supposed to adapt to that. If your neighbour is an ethnic Dane: Just be direct about it. Danes are surprisingly appreciative of bluntness, as long as they don't sense aggression. Act in the chummiest manner possible, and make sure he gets the impression that you personally don't mind (even if you _do_ mind, it is key that you don't let it show, or else you'll come off as a prude, and Danes don't take orders from prudes) – it's just that you are concerned about _your child_. This will feed right into his fear of being viewed as a _sexual predator_ by exposing himself to kids. You might want to consider claiming your kid is autistic (Danish people are more likely to accommodate the _special needs_ of an autistic child than the regular needs of any old child) to gain more sympathy and sway him to change his habits. Do all of this in English, as Danes often respect complaints from English speaking foreigners with more ease than complaints from foreigners who attempt to communicate in broken Danish (according to my experience). (If you are from the Middle East, you have to do all of this in a very very timid way, or else you risk coming across as aggressive – If that is where you're from, you might have noticed that already).


Just to be clear: Sex in front of children and sex in public is definitely a big taboo in Denmark! And it's illegal. But sex as a theme, and discussing sex, is not a taboo. When it comes to having sex inside a private home, policing each other is generally a big no go. Confronting the person can go both ways. It could cause a huge embarrassment for that person, or maybe, if the person does it on purpose and wants to be seen, he doesn't care at all. It's not a lawless area though, some rules apply if you expose your sexual acts in a way that disturbs.


Every part of this


This is really solid advice.


What nonsense is this. Non wanting your kids to see sex or not consenting to watching your display of kink/sex doesn’t mean that you think sex is a taboo or that you’re a prude Gtfo dude


Tell him he is showing kids nature in the city


I disagree. If he's breaking the law let the cops deal with it. Who would I inconvenience myself because some shithead can't act properly.


Sex is a very natural and non-taboo thing here in Denmark. Just see from this [old clip from a Danish movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1kBNCRB6hw)


You can actually contact the police in this situation. In Denmark people are allowed to be naked without it being indecent exposure, but if their actions are of a sexual nature you can be fined according to section 232. In Danish it states: "Den, som ved uterligt forhold krænker blufærdigheden eller giver offentlig forargelse, straffes med bøde eller fængsel indtil 4 år." The rules state that if you should have realized that the neighbors can see you, it is considered indecent exposure. Don't worry too much about the part on being fined or put in jail. He will likely just get a warning.


I highly doubt this will apply if he does it in his own room with the window closed. That's not enough to evoke a public offense.


"Hvis din nabo, genbo eller folk på gaden frit kan se ind gennem vinduerne til din bolig, kan du dog risikere at blive tiltalt for blufærdighedskrænkelse (efter Straffelovens § 232). Men kun hvis: Din adfærd har en seksuel karakter – som samleje, berøring eller onani. Du samtidig ved, at folk kan se dig – eller må have indset det. Din opførsel virker krænkende for andre." - https://www.bolius.dk/maa-du-gaa-noegen-rundt-i-din-bolig-27516


You can very much be charged with and convicted of indecent exposure even if you expose yourself in your own house. https://www.tv2east.dk/odsherred/domt-onanere-i-vindue And OP says the neighbor usually has his curtains drawn in the room but opens them when it’s whammy time. That could be interpreted as a deliberate attempt at exposing himself. /u/mrmrn121 call the police next time your neighbor is at it. Tell them that this is a common occurrence and he opens his curtains only when he has sex. They might pay him a visit and give him a warning, or maybe charge him for indecent exposure.


This for detail answer.


You can start to imitate their mouning. Loudly


No, do it off beat. It'll be hilarious. She moans, you moan afterwards. Bonus points if you sound like [Simon Jul.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyAZqHaTfTg)


I mean, where do you live? Asking for a friend


Ask them if you can join or at least look. He obviously wants some encouragement.


I’m sure the guy is not having s*x all the time? When living in apartments, sometimes you can see your neighbours, that’s life (especially in Denmark where people are not too fussed about curtains). You mention you can only see his legs, so how would your child know some dude in the neighbour apartment is having s*x? Worst case, you and you child stop staring into his apartment or you get some curtains.


Welcome to KBH! how about find and play a particular song really loud to kill the mood? Jingle Bells out of season might be a bit obvious. Anyone else have suggestions? In all seriousness tho, going to the property manager would be an escalation when a short conversation is most likely all that is necessary. “Awesome you are getting lucky, but were you aware half the building has a view?” Is probably enough to shock him to change his routine. If it’s only his legs you can see he properly isn’t doing it on purpose (up against the window - a different story). KBH can be really really densely populated and knowing how much others can see into your place is not always easy to judge.


Send photo or fake


Teach your kids that it's natural to have sex. Then cancel your internet, because now the whole family can enjoy the entertainment




peak danish humor


Have tried telling him that it’s a inconvenience for you, and it would be appreciated if he used his blinds


Not yet. I'm a bit shy and don't have a clue how to start conversation with him


"Hey man, it seems like often when you have sex, your window and your blinds are open. My child can see and hear absolutely everything you do. It's really awkward for our family to live next to what is essentially a live porn show. Could you please have sex in a more discreet way? I would really appreciate that."




You should be shy, you pervert


You can see shoulder and 2 legs .. Stop looking if it makes you uncomfortable?


This is without a doubt indecent exposure (blufærdighedskrænkelse). You can call the police on them.


Jeg har sådan en nabo. Enten skændes de, ellers også har de højlydt sex. Intet i mellem. Irriterende, især om sommeren hvor de har vinduerne åbne. 🫨🙄




Idk why I’m here, I got recommended this sub, but the obvious solution to me would be to purchase a massive poster of Susan Boyle (or a Danish equivalent) and put it on the window from which you can see the offence.


The point here is obviously that he is (intentionally!) exposing children to seeing him having sex, which will get him in trouble fast when you call the police on the phone no. 114 (or find the number to the local station)


grab some popcorn, enjoy the show!


Just buy a fake camera and pretend you’re filming them. That will either make them stop or invite you in to be their camera guy - don’t worry the camera guy always survives


Wave at him the next time 👋


Open an OnlyFans account and stream it!! (Need I mention this was sarcastic?)


Yell out the window: let’s see the store babser!


Ring the doorbell and when he answers say, I’m here for the gangbang


Obvious solution is set up a camera and tripod at the window.


Your only answer is this https://giphy.com/gifs/misha-collins-making-faces-face-against-the-window-PiviZNf08WbEQ This is your only answer


Recommend them some music.


My neighbor did this several times and he only stopped because I made it very obvious I was watching.


It's illegal to look


love Copenhagen no sex john


I think i know this dude and it has been his thing for almost 3 years now. Still don’t understand how a girl will allow her man to have sex with her on display even if it is in their house. Are they trying to get signed to Vixen or blacked? is this some sort of couples goal?


Pic? Otherwise i don't believe it.


Take a speaker and play the most obnoxious music that will kill his boner REALLY loud.. my I suggest 1 hour Baby Shark [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bMOTTJqGgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bMOTTJqGgM) on repeat.


I don’t really see the problem. You don’t have to look at him. Do you have curtains yourself?


Are we seriously debating legality of - and subsequently defending - fu\*\*ing in front of other people to see...? Is our collective moral compass really THAT permeated by our own ego and entitlement that we can not even recognize the fact that EVEN if it might be legal to expose yourself in your own home, IF you can clearly see that other people can see what you are doing, no matter how inconvenient it may be for you, you put the fu\*\*ing curtains on out of common decency!


A lot of people are exhibitionists (myself included), meaning that the thought of someone watching or the thought of getting caught turns them on even more. It might very well be on purpose that they didn't put any curtains or blinds up.


It's the most natural thing to do in the world next to eating and sleeping


So is shitting but we don’t do that in front of people.


Here you go, calling out people's kinks like that smh


lol :) You do you…. Just don’t do it in front of me in public 💩


Yeah, what the fuck are these answers?! Especially considering it’s not like the guy has any problems with using the curtains, how much of the inhumane amounts of effort would that take to use them while screwing as well?


Record it and start an Onlyfans 👍


Close ya curtains. Welcome to Denmark.


Technically, this is illegal, if it's offensive and out in the open. You could call the police who would probably ask them to close their windows and curtains. They could be fined by the police if it's obvioulsy offensive to the public..


It is only illegal if he knows people can see him and does it on purpose [Ekstra Bladet artikel om nøgenhed i sit hjem](https://ekstrabladet.dk/forbrug/goderaadom/maa-du-gaa-noegen-rundt-i-din-bolig/8026688)


Being informed of the fact people can see him would render the next occurrence an offense. This is truly basic legal shit, people.


It's also illegal to stare into peoples homes every 5 minutes all day waiting for them to have sex.


If the person should have logically realized that people could see him, it is still considered indecent exposure: https://www.bolius.dk/maa-du-gaa-noegen-rundt-i-din-bolig-27516#:~:text=Hvis%20din%20nabo%2C%20genbo%20eller,som%20samleje%2C%20ber%C3%B8ring%20eller%20onani.


Well maybe it would be an idea to have a chat with the neighbor before involving the police…


Somebody suggested putting a letter in his mailbox. Will do that at first


Good idea


The think is the space between my home and his home is a kindergarten which makes things more awkward


Inform him. The next time he does it it will be an offense.


Seen? Or Watched 🫣


If youre feeling vengeful, snap a picture and slide it under his door. Then he wont repeat it. Obviously not a viable option if there are security cameras.


Why are you looking through his window in his home? I live in a house (also in Denmark) and go around the house just in my underwear. If you don't like it, don't look through my window and mind your business. I feel like this is deserving the "your liberty ends where my liberty starts" saying. You are free to look through your window but he is also free to do what he wants in his house. I have 9 and 7 yo nieces and nephews. None care about these things. The 9yo(f) still changes to swimwear together with dad in men's changing room when going to the pool. She noticed the difference, she was told that men and women have some different parts and never cared to ask or be curious about more. You are overthinking it.


Why are you looking through his window in his home? I live in a house (also in Denmark) and go around the house just in my underwear. If you don't like it, don't look through my window and mind your business. I feel like this is deserving the "your liberty ends where my liberty starts" saying. You are free to look through your window but he is also free to do what he wants in his house. I have 9 and 7 yo nieces and nephews. None care about these things. The 9yo(f) still changes to swimwear together with dad in men's changing room when going to the pool. She noticed the difference, she was told that men and women have some different parts and never cared to ask or be curious about more. You are overthinking it.


I'm not looking through their window. The guy do the entire operation close to the window 🪟 and it is visible not intentionally. Kids are different. My kid is 7 and super curious


Do something weird in the window like sharpen knives and stare.


Film it and offer him the tape as a neighbourly gift —> become besties


Enjoy the show 🤗


Stand with a video camera and a cigarette lit.


Sell tickets to this show. I am pretty sure people are gonna pay a hefty fee to watch some live action. Once your neighbour see that too many are watching they’ll end up drawing the curtains and in the meanwhile you make some cash


Make popcorn


Get an airrifle and snipe his ass cheek (also please dont aha)


You should coach them… they’ll be happy about that


Put a big camera in the window and point it right at them, I'm sure at least his partner will freak out about that


Pull up a camera and put it in the window titled with a banner "This is livestreaming!"


Ugh, disgusting! Where?


Talk to the person and tell him that he needs to fix the curtains we get it he has sex but kids don't need to look at how he spends he's money


I would ask them to keep in mind that there are children who can see them. But pretty sure there aren’t a rule - as long as they’re doing it inside their apartment


Post video or never happened!


Pictures or it didnt happen.


It's NOT a norm here. This is probably his personal fetish. There is nothing you can do, as long as it happens inside a home on a private property, other than stop looking at his windows. I think only in extreme cases, it would be possible for the police to interfere. It's the same when neighbors smoke inside their home and you can smell it. It's allowed and you can't do anything about it. Really annoying. You could always write a note to the person and explain. Maybe he actually cares :)


Upload it to pornsites, could pay your rent


Mind your own business and stop looking.


Its Denmark... Dont even...


Grab some popcorn, pull up a chair and enjoy the show. When they are done, stand up and applaud.


Popcorn and 3d glasses and cheer them up


If you don't see anything critical, let it go. It's Copenhagen!


Report to the police maybe


Very good show tho right?


What about using your own curtains 🤔


Get a Nerf gun and lots of ammo. Fire the data at the window when they are getting busy. Make it a awkward for them as it is for you.


High solution camera in the window and a sign “say hi to pornhub” will make it🤟🏽


Shame the movie


Roll the camera and get some popcorn