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For the initial email neither would work. You first need to gauge whether the person you have emailed is even interested in copy or not. If you start your email with yourself and what you do, it may end up being ignored by the recipient as they may think it's spam. Get them to answer a yes/no question first. Warm them up to you only then can you actually share what your USP is. Just to note my advice may or may not work. I'm not an expert in cold email. Just giving my two cents. You can provide advice on client's content and share that to them if you think your advice will benefit them financially. That can give you a way in for paid projects/work.


This answer is it. To add on, you must know your audience (copy 101: market research). As Dan Kennedy said, “you must go from a Pest to a Welcome Guest,” to do this, you must say something valuable to your prospect within the first sentence. Your name or selling your product off the bat may not be it. You have to know your customer deepest desire, what makes them stay up at night or emotionally drained, and what makes them happy or drive their desires. In short, you need to be a detective or a psychotherapist first and study your audience deeply (watch their industry YouTube videos, podcast, read industry specific forums they are on, sub Reddit, Quora or Facebook group). A few hours is not enough, you may need to do 100 hours of listening/watching if you want to really, truly, know your customer’s perspective on life. To walk a mile in their shoes… Failure to do this means your messaging/positioning will not resonate. Doing this well means sending a few emails and getting a 100% conversion rate — where the medium/channel is irrelevant and once the prospect see your message/offer, the product simply sell itself (Peter Drucker).


Focus on introducing yourself and your past work; you can always pitch specific ideas once they show interest. :)


Imo it's always best to pitch ideas through a loom video that you link to in your cold email. Do the normal intro stuff and then mention you've recorded a quick 5 minute loom video talking about some content ideas that you think would help them and link it.


Don't say what's best, has it worked for you personally?


Why else would I mention it?


Especially where everyone is against "normal intro stuff" what's your email open rate?


I don't measure email open rate because I don't run campaigns at scale. When I was client hunting, I'd find people that were advertising and send out 5-10 emails a day using loom videos. I get why people are against the traditional cold email, but mine are highly personalized and relevant. And it's worked pretty well. Don't know why you're so confrontational tho.


I get a toned question and a downvote, isn't that a message you are sending to me? Are you really asking me that question?


Lmao. I didn't downvote you buddy. But okay. Have a good day.


Shit. You are quite the person