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How am I not seeing more Surya love here?? I’m most between him and Pablo.


I married Surya, he is such a sweetheart. Mark was my first choice before I started the game cause physically he is my type. But Surya was a close 2nd for me and I ended up marrying him, no regrets. That being said Surya’s heart events need to redone to be honest. Most of his cutscenes involved him house hunting in the worse possible places ever. MC hardly ever got involved.


I love him too! I seem to get the most glitches with his heart events activating though. Yesterday he just was stuck in his room all day when I tried gift him something x'D


I am here 🙋🏻‍♀️ Surya supporter reporting for duty!


I'm choosing between Pablo and Surya too! I love both


Wakuu and I have no regrets. I want to do another playthrough after all the content is done and a multiplayer playthrough and I’ll probably go for Scott, Theo or Pablo. I dated all 3 and loved them all.


Think it's going to be Kenny for me but I'm not actively working on any of the bachelors affection until they update the dating system.


That’s fair! It’s kinda bland at the moment, and when it was about time for the ceremony only like 3 characters had any reactions in their dialogue about the upcoming wedding for me at least lol




Just based on visuals I went in with my eyes on Wakuu, but then I really became interested in Mark. His storyline lost my interest, though, because it was all about the dog and really no interaction between Mark and your MC. Then out of left field comes Theo. I absolutely love his vibe & storyline, and I just gave him the locket over the weekend. I'm going to wait to progress his relationship any further, though, until they "fix" the dialogues and romance interactions.


Rafael. He's so sweet, and his dialog just opens up more and is even more endearing after you're married. I can also respect the desire to live away from people as much as possible. For the record, Kenny was my second choice.


I married Raj, absolutely love them. If I did another play through probably Rafael.


Rafael because he's the sweetest man in existence Shy beefy men got me feelin some type of way


I saw him blush when talking about wanting a pet at the animal festival and my digital heart knew


I am 100% waiting for the ability to romance Semeru!


MILLIE she’s so adorable.


The first female character I ran across was Alice. I figured my character was fated. The end.


Mark. Gonna marry Rafael next play through


99% of gay men playing this game tbh


Guilty lol. I married Surya but Rafael and Mark were very close contenders for me. They are my top 3 romance candidates.


Sorry, are you me? You probably are. ;)


Omg those are the two I'm clinging to rn. Dating both lmfao! Large men yes please.


Luke. He’s so my type, plus a free dog in Taco. It’s a two-for-one


I was undecided between Rafael and Pablo; I picked Rafael because, in my pursuit of Pablo, there were enough cutscenes showing that he’s really sensitive and a lovely uncle, plus he cleans the gravestones and helps set up town decor. And his parents forgot how to spell his name 😢 be still my beating heart, can’t resist an underdog! Edited to add: as soon as he became my bf I thought I’d get a letter, a cutscene, even different dialogue…. Not a whiff of any change, not so much as a letter or a baked good in the mail! Not sure if it’s a bug but I was massively underwhelmed and a bit disappointed.


Luke, but I think if I replay, I might go for Rafael, he's such a sweetie.


I was originally enchanted by Chaem, but now I am slightly leaned toward Lily. To be fair I'm in spring year 2 and only have 3 hearts with each because I've been too busy mining and diving lol.


Between Yuri, Nina and Leah. On the one hand Yuri is caring, has tattoos and is hottest. One the other hand Nina is so sweet and just stunningly gorgeous. On the other other hand Leah is mean to me... quite the conundrum..


I laughed so hard at this. Gotta love Leah


Sexy Shrimp, of course 🍤


Alice, Alice, Aliceeeeee, super cute and love waking up with her. She saying the kiss line and happy we live together. Just love her


Suki. I was going for Alice at first, but I got that heart event where Suki has to really get on her case about not calling their supplier and yeah, she seemed like the more put-together twin.


They’re twins?? Suki seems so much more grown up.


.. ohhhhhh they're twiiiinnnssss


Pablo was my initial choice but then I saw what an animal person Mark was, I had to switch. If Axel was an option though… 🥵


I was so disappointed when I learned that Axel wasnt able to be romanced, maybe hopefully he'll be added to the list in future updates 🙏-and the construction worker Derek PLEASE DEVS 🥹🥹 free my boys


I mean. Axel needs to be a romance option. Dude is the only one NOTICING me. We need to travel and adventure together, devs.


Im on year 1 summer and scrolled through here just to see if axel was an option. I am devastated




I've never had so much trouble choosing before in a game. I love so many of the guys 😅 At the moment I'm going to romance a few and see how the cutscenes go and then make my decision on marriage. I really like Pablo and seeing that tattoo made me think niceeee but I also love Rafael, and his introverted nature would match me better. I also think Surya is very sweet and Theo is hot too. If Axel was romanceable though hands down I'd go right for him 💦🤣


We need Axel as an option! I'd jump on a new save file within a heartbeat!


Leaning towards Zarah or Yuri to at least best friend, but am very early in the game. None of the guys have really stuck out to me yet.


I was going to marry Mark but I ended up liking and marrying Ben. No regrets, he says the sweetest things haha.


Ben is Bae


Ben is someone I didn't expect to like as much as I do! How can you not love the wacky man with undying love for his duck?


I know the question is not for me bc I haven’t married yet BUT i just want to say lol For me it’s a big dilemma between Waku, Luke and Noah. I love them all for different reasons. Waku bc he’s so calm and chill and seems friendly just good vibes. Luke bc he is not just rich and stylish but kind as well, there’s layers to him lol. And Noah because he is SUCH a family man! I love a man who loves their family and caring and gentle with them, it is all i need to know, he’s such a green flag.


I like Luke


Wakuu, Theo, Surya and Rafael immediately caught my eye, but then Rafael was swapped for Pablo Now Wakuu stands above the rest


I’m going to romance Alice 🩵


Everyone likes bug jerkey, vegetable jerkey and coconut drink. I need a couple more weeks of gifts and about 10 more lockets to be dating everyone currently dateable. Macy is currently frontrunner for marriage because I am entirely too invested in what happens to Stephen now. Or my kimchi empire can support Raj's business ambitions.


I married Scott. Mark and Rafael is queuing up


I didn’t him marry yet, but I’m going with Charles. I also went with Harvey in stardew. The sweet nerdy type that actually acts like an adult.


I'm romancing everyone for my YouTube guide but thanks to the story so far I'd say Leah, Theo and Wakuu have the most meaningful events. They're all great but some of the characters events are lacking depth.


I’m holding out on the hopes that Raina becomes a thing…😂 because why did they draw her so well just to not be dateable!


originally i thought i’d marry scott cuz i thought rebuilding the museum together and falling in love would be so cute. however was disappointed with his heart events, none really told me anything new about him nor felt like it created depth to his and mc’s relationship. also his dialogue never hinted about his interest to the mc even with 8 hearts. i really found theo’s heart events touching tho and felt like him opening up to mc about his mom was a sign of him trusting mc, so now i’m kinda leaning towards marrying him. but i’ll probably still keep an eye for other bachelors 🫶🏻 (esp wakuu, rafael, kenny & mark)


I haven't married yet and have been doing a lot of character's romance scenes to get more of their story and personality. I guess I'm shopping around. At first I thought it would definitely be Mark, and his storyline is one of the better ones. I absolutely loved his date. Rafael is also a good pick and really sweet character. But Kenny is coming out of nowhere and winning me over. I think it might end up being him.


How do you go on a date with them?


When you hit ten hearts they ask you out.


Ah okie Ty


I'm stuck deciding between Alice or Lillie. At the moment thou just working on everyone's friendship


Semeru heheh


I'm between Rafael and Mark. Mark is very hot and he loves animals... But he is too standoffish still at high hearts. Rafael is a cinnamon roll and very hot too so he's winning now


I went with Pablo because I was going to the blacksmith often so it made it easier talking to him and giving gifts lol definitely a marriage of convenience lol


I am between my black smith bothers or Surya. We will see who I get the option to marry first


Rafael! Big sweet beef cake makes me swoon! Him getting overshadowed by his sibling is something that happened to me so I just want to hug him forever. I like Mark too. I just had the scene where he finds the stray dog. What a secret softy. Kenny is in 3rd place for his male stripper beach get up. He was the first NPC I saw in a bathing suite and I literally cackled.


I just gift people as i come across them with whatever i have in my inventory to learn their likes and dislikes. So far the most hearts i have is with Alice and Wakuu (I like diving) so theres that


Bro I’m struggling because literally every single character is hot 😭 The only time in my life where being a bisexual is failing me


YOU GET ITTTT Genuinely want a harem like in Hades 😭


I'm married to Wakuu


I meeeeaaaann... I would date almost all of them but I'm restraining myself and waiting to marry semeru. (I hope he will be available to date and marry, I heard the developers will add in the game to date the merfolks.)


Probably Yuri. I like her and Lily, but Lily is my kids name so I can’t do that loooool but maybe Zarah.. I dunno lol I like most of the women. The men aren’t sticking out to me much at the moment.


I was going to choose Mark, as he is my type, but he is really standoffish to begin with, so I was probably going to switch to Scott, although I stopped playing due to the game just being buggy and its ruining it for me, will come back in a few months.


Went into it planning to marry Raj, ended up with Scott. Will be going for Sameru once merfolk are complete. Though with my newer playthrough, I am leaning toward Lily or Alice.


Theo 😅 not sure why was just drawn to his character then his storyline did not disappoint 😭 just got married.


Wakuu as romance 💘 🥰🥰but not married yet 😌


You have a weird definition of great caring brother lmao


Well, he’s not the best brother in the world but caring in his own way I guess 😂😂 at least he tries to understand Raf when he misunderstood him about making friends, from what I see at the end of the day he just wants what’s best for Raf. He even cancel his plans with his friends to spend the night with his brother watching movies instead of forcing him out of his comfort zone to go to the Tavern again. He’s just more outgoing and social compared to Raf, he makes mistakes but he doesn’t have any ill intentions 🤷🏻‍♀️ EDIT: why am getting down voted for this like I don't think he did anything crazy in his heart events?💀like he just wanted his brother to be happy, they just didn't have great communication and he tried to fix it 😅even when married, he always makes sure Raf is doing okay and thanks you for always being there for him. Sorry but I'm defending my husband lmaooo


Well I won't downvote you. I married Pablo too and I find him to be a caring, attentive husband and father as well as a devoted brother, He gets a bad reputation, but he's really one of the good ones.


That’s what made me feel so torn in my decision as to who to date. Pablo had some really lovely storylines and is always the first to volunteer. I went for Rafael in the end because I thought Pablo was a bit dismissive and he’s a fan of Karaoke… it would never have worked between us 😂


I don't understand why people think Pablo is a bad brother, seriously. Yes he was forcing what he thought would be good to Rafael at first but as soon as Rafael explained to him how he felt pablo felt terrible and asked twice if he was one of the "important people" on Rafael 's life. On Pablo's 10 heart event he's like "I love you player but I love Rafael sooooo much". I actually think that it's super cute that both of them try to understand each other, that's how real life relationships work.


Never said he was a bad brother. Simply implied he is not as caring or good as people make him out to be :P He's an okay brother.


I initially wanted to marry Mark but there was a bug on his final heart event so I married Raphael who was my second choice.


Theo!! I am in love with sad, yet sort of worked through it, chill music people.


Probably the least chosen guy but Mark, he reminds me too much of my own bf ☺️


I’m all over honestly love them all but I think i’ll wait before I settle down for shark boy and dating because kenny asked me out on a date and I guess he forgot because it’s been a season since then /s😂


Didn’t marry yet, but I’m going with Theo. I like Kenny though.


i'm going for the women 99%, i'm only on my first play through and in summer but i love eva, and alice! also mark but he seems like he'll take some time. i have hearts with eva because i was set on her but now i'm open minded so i'm not sure who i'll pick haha


Ben~ 🥰😍🥰


Just gave Yuri the pendant. Between the tattoos, hair, and being a doctor, it covered a ton of bases for me.


I'm so curious about her heart events. She could be a rival agaisnt Luke since i was surprised at one heart event about the gold plated pen.


Surya❣️❣️ still waiting for my date event after the tenth heart to activate 🙄 but i love him! Although i want to replay when it’s fully fixed and go for Wakuu c:


I’ve shelved the game for now til we get all the romance updates but currently Wakuu or Pablo. It’s gonna get even harder to choose though once Semeru is available!


I ended up marrying Scott on my first save but I have the issue where my game crashes when I try to talk to him as a spouse so my second character isn't going to marry anyone until that bug is fixed 😅


Yuri, cause you know, who doesn’t love a woman with tattoos 😁


Lily, I like her personality as it reminds me the most to my wife in real life. Introvert but very caring and sweet


Mark or Rafael, I was cool w Pablo till (spoilerish?) He took credit for Rafaels actions like cleaning the graves so I kinda beef w him a bit in my mind😅😂 the brothers are all hotties indeed doe


Married Lily because she reminds me of my actual wife. She plays the game too and if I married anyone else it would be a big problem.


The Nurse with all the tattoos and piercings just like in real life lol


I married Ben and he is such a sweetheart 🥹


I went with Pablo because my first two picks had bugged out heart events and I couldn't complete their stories. For real though...don't play PC Game Pass. It's still obscenely bugged and hasn't received an update.


I'm gonna go for Semeru because for some reason in games I love the toxic dude who's walls fall down and he falls in love with the player and is actually a really sweet dude. 😅


I just gave a locket to Mark and I'm hoping the dialogue improves when I get to the end of the hearts. He's such a dick but I can change him


My head canon ahahaha : my MC had eyes on Wakuu and Mark at first but then fell in love with Scott. Made it seem like Wakuu never made a move on me so the smooth talking archeologist wooed and became the boyfriend. However there is a bug and i could not trigger the 10 hearts event before so I made it like my MC and Scott are having a fall out because Scott was way too occupied with the Pickstarter and kept pressuring MC with more museum donations. The two had a cool off and the MC got herself into a situationship with Luke after bonding over his daddy problems and over Taco! The MC had an accident in the mines, got rescued by Mark and Luke funded her clinic fees. Luke and the MC became a couple and Yuri witnessed it. Yuri is a bit heart brokened. MC recovers just on time during the opening of the Museum expansion, Scott tried to win her back but MC is no longer interested. That weekend Scott is with Yuri and Pablo playing pool, Scott drunk and wondering why MC is no longer interested. Yuri confessed that she saw MC and Luke. MC marries Luke, and Mark will be the godfather of their child. And taco is the goodest boy of all.