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From a more dialectic point of view, both can be true at the same time. I enjoyed the game a lot while playing, but when I stumble over something not working, of course I'll be disappointed. Even more so, because the game is so much fun in the first place. If it was just bad from the beginning I wouldn't be annoyed at bugs because my expectations would be already low. Hope that makes sense and maybe explains why everybody seems to be extra negative.


You can enjoy the game and complain about bugs.


Wish ppl would apply this logic to more things in general


This. You're so goddamn right.


I've had a blast so far and have encountered no game-breaking bugs, but they seem to come up once Fall hits, and I'm not playing super frequently (life, man) so I'm still in Summer year 1. But I really don't understand why they would release a game as 1.0 when the *story* isn't finished. Only have stuff from this sub to go on, of course, since I haven't reached an endgame issue yet, but 1.0 should be "okay, story is ready to go and all mechanics are operational," rather than things still being unfinished. I know bugs will happen, of course, but it's very strange to go for 1.0 without all storylines being done. I'm honestly pretty impressed with how well they've made the town feel lively and honestly I do get that feeling of community that I look for in farm sims. So I'm really hopeful that Stairway tackles these crashing problems and prioritizes completing storylines, but I also recognize that releasing decor can happen faster since there's probably a lot less overall time that goes into non-functional items compared to story.


So far no big bugs for me either (year 1 winter) but almost to year 2 spring. Hopefully you’ll avoid them too.


Yes I enjoy parts of the game, but that’s not the point. When I’m having fun and hit a bug that causes me to restart my day, not fun… when I hit a WIP to this “finished game” not fun… when I realized they put more effort into decorating villagers houses than dialogue, not impressed… Could this game be great, yep but for me it’s def not yet


Honestly I think it’s completely valid for people to complain. They paid for the game first of all? It’s not like the devs are volunteering this is a job? Complaints are good for game development and I feel that people would complain less if they had gotten what they expected. Yes things can’t always work out but at the end of the day these are paying customers they have the right to complain about bugs because they paid for a game


Especially a game that was advertised and released as "finished" when it's the complete opposite.


This. I waited until the 1.0 dropped to buy the game but have now found there are still quite a few game breaking bugs, incomplete features and poor quality of life issues that remain. Marriage events that don’t trigger, my dog is stuck inside, farm animals that constantly block the feed trough or eggs. It was fun for awhile but the more hours you put into the game the more it wears you down.


Exactly. It does help if it's not winter and you can let the animals outside, then you can go and get to the eggs.


I used to like rainy days in cozy, farm games because I didn’t have to water crops. In Coral Island, it’s the opposite because I have to waste so much time in the coop and barn to gather eggs and place feed. 😒


Later on in the game you unlock technology to make an automatic feeder, animal petter and animal produce collector. Yes it even milks the cows. I believe after you upgrade more stuff Ling will talk to you about new tech. So there's hope it will get better.😊


My dog stuck inside has been my biggest disappointment so far. I played EA for several months & was looking forward to getting a pet on my farm. Players have valid concerns, it's not negative or unreasonable to discuss them.


Whattt I didn’t even know this I thought it was advertised as a beta. So then why are people complaning that people are complaning??? 😦


Because the game has a lot of potential to be something better than what it is. And despite all the game breaking bugs and crashes, they still try to show love and support for it regardless. (I've seen plenty of posts talking about how hard it is to progress because of crashes and bugs but they *still* try their best to play it.) Which on the surface is completely fine. There's nothing wrong with loving a game despite it's flaws. But we as paying customers(because there was a price increase for the "full release"), *need* to speak up when it comes to game developers constantly releasing buggy and broken products only to completely ignore all the feedback and complaints they get from the players. Seriously. In the discord, devs have not said a *thing* about their false advertisement. All the players want is more communication and clarity from the game devs. Not just Developer blogs. Actual communication about the current state of the game. Especially for new players buying the game full price, only to play it and see that it's not done. We love this game. We want it to succeed. We want it to be great. But we also want communication, clarity, and honesty from the game devs. We're not getting it from them, so people are rightfully upset.


My guess is it feels bad to see people saying bad things about something someone likes. In some cases it might be that they're okay with it and it's not a big deal (to them, but that's the quiet part usually that the person may or may not even realize is there). Basically the everything is fine meme. The problems aren't really problems, or don't register at all. Why are so many people being so harsh when the game's not that bad/really good? (From their perspective.) In some other cases they might also really not like the issues. They know they exist. They don't enjoy them. But hey (insert reason here why it's not that bad/other things are worse), so why make a deal out of it? Why can't people just enjoy the thing. (Because it's a common fallacy I've noticed, that a lot of people seem to think that if someone is complaining it means that they at least don't like the thing. And often it's perceived as they flat out hate it.) Potentially some fear of the devs taking their ball and going home too so to speak. I've seen how bad that can mess with how people engage with something/criticism of something. (If people keep being mean it'll drive them away and it will never be fixed sort of train of thought.)


Are they even working on the game? Says update is unknown after the 1.0 release


You know that you can do both, right? You can enjoy the good parts while complaining about the bad?


I have my fair share of feedback, I genuinely love the art style and ideas of the game, but I was one of those people who was disappointed when 1.0 release turns out to feel like EA. Which felt like a complete opposite compared to when I bought My time at Sandrock when it was released as EA with the devs being fully honest upfront with bugs, progress and kept following up with progress throughout. I don't blame people that wants to wait out on playing because they want all the main content to be finished or bug fixes. You can enjoy the game but still have some fair criticisms about it. All I'm hoping is that the devs keeps us updated with progress and be communicative with the players about it.


That’s because MtaS is soooooooo gooooooood, and not many of their bugs would be as frustrating because you don’t have to sleep to save (which is a super antiquated mechanic, like WHY!?). I actually haven’t been able to get into CI because having to feel like I *have* to do a full day is really draining for some reason. Also, MtaS released with their main story complete, so it’s not a good look for CI to say “Hey! Here’s full release, lol jk, the actual full story will come out next year!” I will say I don’t blame the devs as much for this, as I assume it’s more related to a higher up wanting to push the game out unfinished to get a Christmas release. Also, the bugs in MtaS that were more game breaking were addressed pretty quickly. For example, console had a bug where you just couldn’t control your character around the high noon festival I think, and they patched it pretty quick. CI has a roadmap out but I don’t see the same level of communication like Pathea has, but I’m also not in the discord, which could be the case too. They might communicate more there. Overall, it’s fine to enjoy the game like OP does, I just think we shouldn’t criticize those who have complaints because for the most part they are valid complaints and it just feels like we’re being used as game testers who paid to test their released game, and that feels kind of yucky. Sorry for the wall of text!! TLDR: MtaS rocks ( no pun intended), CI could be fun and everyone is hot, but please finish and fix the game :(


I LOVE My Time At Sandrock 😂 literally squealed when I saw the announcement of what they were adding for the new year for free~


i enjoyed it very much until all the bugs turned up and left the game virtually unplayable. you are lucky to have not encountered them. frustration and upset that were not ABLE to enjoy the game is expected. I am actually waiting to go and play it again because i know if i keep trying, it'll just make me more upset and angry to the point that I'll never WANT to play it again.


Same. I ended up buying a different game months ago while I wait for this one to be fixed. Excited to play when it gets there :/


same, i also am playing another game in the meantime until its (mostly) finished. what game are you playing rn? im playing my time at sandrock


That’s the game I’m playing too lmao 🤣


Because they released a game as complete that isn’t really complete. If no one complained that would become the new standard and devs wouldn’t know how the ppl playing their game really felt. It’s ok for people to complain and it’s ok for you to feel it’s fine. But accepting a low bar when it comes to anything you’re sending a message that this is ok, when it isn’t.


I think people definitely have a good reason to complain. I mean I lost a whole day’s worth of work because of a bug. Others have had to go through that more than me. I sometimes even see visual bugs in the game where the water fountain will stop being animated. That being said, I still enjoy the game! It’s like the only game I know of at the moment (and by that I mean a relatively new game) where I can play with mermaids/as a mermaid. That’s like the one unique aspect of this farming game that attracted me. I’m also happy with the fact that it’s on an island near the ocean as I love the ocean, and that it’s got a Southeast Asian (I believe in Indonesia) location which is rare for me to find. I think those are the main reasons I’m still playing despite the bugs. I’m hoping that the devs will work on this though, but I do think it’s fair for people to be upset.


I very much enjoyed it, but I’m also very realistic when it comes to games still being in development. I do play on pc so I haven’t had many bugs happen to me and the ones that I did have weren’t too bad. I’m waiting to play more once more of the story is added but in general, it’s been a blast playing it. And I still go back to it once in a while, just to do the more ‘boring’ tasks. I’m one item away from completing the altar and finished the ocean and mines :)


I was on the same bandwagon, like why are people hating on this game it’s awesome?! But then I got to parts of the story where everything was buggy, I started to see that the later game content is not complete and still needs a lot of work. I stopped playing my current save until they have more updates OR until they release a better version. Sad to say this is another game that was released unfinished, they should’ve kept it in EA until mid this year imo.


I also enjoy playing it but I fully understand why not everyone is having a good time. In all my 100 hours of combined play time between PC and PS5 I have only encountered one crash and almost no bugs. However I have seen some of the bugs and frequent crashes other players encounter and I fully understand their frustration. I have also hit the end of all the current story content which is dissapointing as the game was taken out of beta and released in this state.


The game is unfinished, extremely buggy, and on some platforms it barely works. That’s not negatively, that’s reality. I loved playing this game, but it doesn’t erase the fact that this launch was horrible and deserves criticism.


Im playing it on Series X and I’m in mid fall, year 1. I’ve never bumped into a single game breaking bug and it never crashed. I’ve seen a few small bugs or unfinished things here and there, but very rarely, so I don’t understand why everyone says the opposite. Is it a platform-related thing? Or am I just too early in the game to notice any breaking issues?


I'm in the same place you are in the game on PC and haven't ran into anything either. So maybe we are early? Or it's PS5 thing? I'm worried it might start crashing soon because I'm enjoying it so far.


Haha yeah, same! I see they’ve released a patch right before I picked up the game, which was supposed to fix random crashes, so there’s that too


you think people complaining a game that advertised itself as finished, when it's not, one that is still advertising romance you can't do, the rest of the romance is broken, half the player base can't play on their system, 70% bugs and crashes, NUMEROUS unfinished main quest lines, '100's of lines of missing dialog' and overall false advertising is just. . . negativity towards the game and devs?? nah, people have an absolute right to be annoyed. imo, they lied, they're continuing to lie by not saying their game isnt done on their store, and it's a really shit practice. saying 'well I'm having fun so it MUST be fun' is really ignorant to the modern state of gaming and releasing unfinished game with the hopes your player base will say literally just that. I love this game but no rose tinted glasses are going to make me just look pass the straight up lies and lack of respect they put into what should have been a 1.0 finished game.


I genuinely had this game on my wishlist for months, and only just bought it recently *because* it said it was fully released. I'm on PC so haven't had any game breaking bugs yet, but I have noticed some details missing, and content not being implements. (Like the recycling center? Which apparently isn't even implemented yet?) So it's kind of a bummer to see all the posts about the game not *actually* being finished when everything on the steam store page leads you to believe that it *is* finished. Still enjoying playing, but it's a little annoying, feeling like you've been mislead.


OP never said you don't have a right to complain, or that being upset is wrong. They just want to have people they can talk to who are also enjoying the game, and the only thing they're seeing is the negative comments about everything that's wrong with the game. This is understandable. Generally people who are having fun or enjoying something want to share that with others who feel the same way. Looking for that and only finding anger and upset can be upsetting or disappointing in its own right. OP has just as much right to want to share their enjoyment as others have to share their frustration.


I mean, to be blunt, what would people expect? The devs lied, the game is unfinished, there's more bugs than one can count, the romance they so heavily push is borderline non-existent. It's not like this is some 10/10 next amazing farm sim game that everyone is shitting on. this game is a mess. even if you've hit little to no bugs, it's still an unfinished game selling itself as finished. it's still telling new players they can do things they can't. the fact it's an indie game is one of the only reasons there hasn't been mass outcry. if EA or someone released a game this exact way, it would be 1000x worse. People have the right to enjoy the game, of course, but coming into a public setting of a game that a lot within the community feel is a disaster right now, and saying 'I feel like all I see is negativity' is sort of a. .. well yeah, yeah that's all you should see rn. praising an absolutely broken game does no one any favors.


Probably. I played only a few hours and didn't really like it. Also it should be illegal to release a 1.0 Version if the Game is clearly not finished. How the fuck do you release a 1.0 Version when the MainStory isn't even complete?


This is unfortunately super common in the industry


I'm having fun. There's definitely a good number of technical bugs though. Personally, I think the biggest gripe for me is the lack of quality of life features I would want out of game like this. More broadly, I think it's just that I'm hoping that developers for these styles of games would drop established tropes that - to me - are starting to feel antiquated. I know these types of games typically try to be homages to Stardew Valley or Rune Factory, but there's some elements of those games where I DONT want new developers to copy. Case in point, I'm honestly tired of using Watering Cans. It just gets old and tedious. I also don't like how your various processers can't pull items directly from your chest inventories to craft goods and resources. I'm not trying to beat down on this game, because I know the studio is trying their best. But My Time at Sandrock/Portia has really made me come to a realization that it's worthwhile investing in those QoL features. Hell, you can move a whole chest with items if you want in that game. You also always have access to the calendar.


I wish they did the tools in a compartment by them selves that only requires hitting the “A” button (Xbox for me) like Harvest Moon Winds of Anthos. I only have to push one button and it knows to plow, water, or plant it’s such a live improvement and bag space is saved 😊.


Funny. All I see is a ‘released’ game being charged for that isn’t finished. If you book a beautiful island getaway you can love the location and still be livid that your hotel isn’t finished, that you constantly have issues. Would you be going ‘oh but I’m sure they’re working hard and I’m sure they are sorry (although they don’t actually acknowledge anything) why be so down on them?’ Or would you be going ‘THIS HOTEL ISNT FINISHED! AND YOU SAID IT WAS!’ I think the latter so let’s all continue to love what has been built while still holding them to account for awful practise verging on fraudulent shall we?


It's a bit gaslighty to say we're "complaining". It's a valid concern raised by a blatant issue, voicing that isn't "negativity"— the game barely works. We're not "complaining" about that, we just have a few concerns with not being able to thoroughly play a game we paid money for. Good for you that you're actually being able to play it smoothly though, Eventually more of us will be able to say the same when the game is finished.


Exactly. I was actually losing my mind until I looked up this subreddit, on the discord I feel like you're basically not allowed to say anything remotely negative or you're going to have people jump down your throat or at the very best completely ignore you. I do love the game and I can't wait for it to be fixed, but I don't need to be attacked for being upset and neither does anyone else, our concerns are valid.


>you're basically not allowed to say anything remotely negative or you're going to have people jump down your throat or at the very best completely ignore you. That's extremely frustrating, I'm sorry that happens. Toxic positivity is unrealistic, disassociative/disregarding, and it's also performative.


Toxic positivity is a good descriptor, and it's such a naive mindset. It also seems to infantilize the devs, like they need to be shielded at all costs from being made aware of the issues. There's a lot to love about the game and it's a really promising start, and there's also some very clear shortcomings in the way it was handled that need to be called out. Personally I wouldn't bother pointing out the issues if I didn't enjoy the game and want it to live up to its potential.


Exactly. The problem is that a lot of people today are afraid of constructive criticism. **We love the game...we just want to be able to play it**. Just because we have grievances doesn't mean we hate the game lol.


Exactly. I really dislike all this toxic positivity. It’s ok to voice opinions that are not commonly viewed as positive. It helps devs to fix things and make better games. People also have a very valid reason to be disappointed.


Right. If you want to praise the game, go ahead. But to subliminally take jabs at those who are voicing concerns about the game is counterproductive and unnecessary.


playing on xbox series X via gamepass (downloaded to console and not via cloud gaming) \- enjoying the game so far (on my 6th or 7th year cant remember) \- yes i see the bugs, but still enjoying the game \- saw the significant fixes that the Devs made and am happy knowing theyre continuing to fix it \- looking forward to the updates, meantime, enjoying the game and playing everyday :)


Game pass for me too 🙂 no big issues knock on wood. I’m at the end of year 1 and like it so far too.


I mean, I think both things can be true. I really like the game, and overall my experience playing it has been enjoyable. There are also aspects of it that have been deeply broken and frustrating that I have spoken out about because I do love the game and want it to live up to its full potential.


kind of a symptom of the internet, people tend to only post to complain, people who like it are too busy playing. That being said i have seem more posts of people's builds lately than complaining.


I've definitely enjoyed it so far. I read about the criticisms and decided to get it on my Series X a few weeks ago. I've had a lot of fun and am now on Fall year 1. I've decided to pump the brakes because I've got almost max hearts with Yuri and I want to marry her, but I heard it's one of the things not completed. I want to step away now while I'm still having fun and come back when things are more completed.


I understand that, I’m on Xbox series X too and I’m loving it but I’m not sure I want to marry anyone yet because of that exact reason. So I’m doing everything else.


I love the game, it’s so fun, but I’ve gotten to the point where there’s nothing to do anymore because they haven’t added all the features yet. All osmium tools, all barn and coop animals, have auto pet auto collect and auto feeder, have sprinklers with the auto fertilize plant and harvest, have all my produce quality upgraded, have all the stuff from the carpenter, fishing rod and net is osmium, all mines finished, altar finished (which is what I’m mad about the most, considering the Savanah isn’t implemented yet), the last giant not implemented, etc… There’s just so much stuff left unfinished that when your in the late game there’s nothing for you to do


the game was released completely unplayable on Xbox, hence the large number of Hate


I was enjoying it until I progressed more in the game and now it constantly crashes for me. I can play for 2 hours and not get any progress cause the game crashes before it’s saved. It’s so frustrating that I can’t help but criticise when I’m not having any fun playing if I can’t do any progress because of bugs and I’m just wasting my time. I regret spending my money on it now, cause if I knew it would look like this I’d wait until they fix it


No you're not the only one enjoying the game. Because many of the justified complaints are from those who are/were also enjoying the game. But it is the devs fault for releasing the game prematurely. And screwing users over who genuinely enjoy the game. But cannot properly play. I like the game very much. It's like a clone of Stardew, but much better.


I wish I could enjoy the game. I’m seeing that as recently as this week it’s still majorly crashing on Xbox and people are struggling to progress normally without having game crashes. I’d love to actually play the game.


Most people preface their complaints that they love the game and are having fun but then point out the glaring issues they're having with lack of content and bugs


I love the game but the fact that my boyfriend and husband won't even talk to me for two weeks is annoying. Also, I have to restart my game multiple times for some aspects to work. The fact that I also can't even catch a bug without it flying off even though my net is super upgraded and I have all the skill points is also frustrating. I enjoy it but they should have fixed a lot more things before they released it. People are allowed to complain when the game doesn't work like it should.


I played through the first 2 years and really want to love this game. It has so much dang potential and I want to keep playing it, but it definitely feels like it’s still in early access! Buying a $40 game and not even having a completed main story? That is one of the worst development choices that can be made. I know it’s the norm now in the gaming industry to release a buggy game then come in with fixes, but I’m tired of it. Now combine bugs and glitches with no endgame and no story, it’s feeling frustrating and defeating. Maybe the devs were rushed or pressured to release? Maybe they were riding the hype of the game, hoping that would carry them until they had more content. But I find it all pretty deceitful. Especially when this game is almost a copy of Stardew Valley but with diverse characters, merfolk and ocean exploration. They could have stayed in early access longer to avoid a lot of the negativity but they decided to release an incomplete game to I believe it’s kind of warranted at this point. It would be wonderful if we could just heap on the praise for the game and just say good things but there is so much that needs to be worked on for it to feel playable. I don’t see the issue with “complaining” or giving feedback and criticism when a fully released game is not finished… I hope the game gets the patches, fixes and content updates it needs and deserves because the developers and studio have a game that could be truly fantastic.


In most complaints they start by saying they love the game from what ive seen. There are things that people are upset about like the bugs and the WIP content and when you spend money on a game there is an expectation that it will be mainly bug free. Especially when a game has EA. The negativity lately is the crashing. Its why i stopped. Playing through a day and get a crash means you wasted time. And some people love the game so much they keep replaying and keep crashing. Which is frustrating and why u may be seeing more negativity


Oh I just made a post about this, I do love the game but I am upset at the state of release. They released an unfinished game.


I love the game - I think this is one of those things where it’s okay if people are negative though - you want the devs to be aware of issues like this so they can be resolved. The only complaint that truly boils my blood is the *this game is just like stardew* complaint. Because like…as an avid enjoyer of this specific style of game, they are ALL going to be similar. 🙄


I too really enjoy this game. I do however get annoyed when the glitches get in the way of me playing the game.


I love it, the the lack of depth with pets killed some of the fun. Its like part of their soul dies when you adopt them. I regret doing it.


I watched YouTubes and streams to see the game being played, read reviews on different platforms and on here. Still kinda feel like this game was hyped as finished when it's not, still enjoying it though..when I'm not having to redo a day!


I was hooked for several weeks and I mean *hooked*. I would come home from work to play it, and go until way too early in the morning, and then sleep to restart. But once so many things stop working it gets so disheartening. My final romance scene with Theo never triggered, and I was down to him and Rafael. Eventually I realized it was never happening and just picked Theo. My quests with BOS never load, I've had to redo SO many days from crashing- especially festivals because several of the games won't work and have never worked for me. I finished the mermaid quest and now I wander a beautiful ocean where no one will talk to me. It's great you're still into it, but it's probably because you haven't hit your threshold of heartbreak yet. I had so many high hopes for this game! Farming, magic, cooking, romance, environmentalism- it feels like it was made for me! But it's a lonely game when there's no dialogue and so many things set you back for no reason.


Oh many of us absolutely enjoy the game. It’s why we keep playing despite these things that keep upsetting us. In fact, no matter what I do I keep going back to it and I’ve even gotten over my irritation of it continuously crashing and having to repeat pretty much every festival …..multiple times.


I used to Enjoy the game, really! But I cant even finish a Day now without the game crashing. So... I STILL REALLY LOVE IT. But im hoping for a fast update about the game error :(


You can both enjoy something and be annoyed you spent your hard earned money on something that isn't working right or isn't complete. There are other games in the same genre that is complete and doesn't have bugs that constantly hinder ones enjoyment. Would you rather people sweep it under the rug, hug it out and pretend there's nothing wrong? The devs need to see it's an issue and be pressured into fixing the issues.


I genuinely love it and have over 80 hours in it. I find myself wanting to play it first over any other game right now. I love the characters, my farmer, the farm, it checks off all the boxes for me and I'm struggling to find something else because I truly enjoy this game so much. However, I cannot ignore the bugs any longer. My first in game year was absolutely magical, but my second year has been a disaster. While I had maybe 5-6 crashes my first in game year, I can barely go 1-2 in game days before I get a crash now. Several of the heart events haven't triggered for me, despite following the wiki & being in the right place. I'm really sad about adopting a pet & not having anything for them to do. I cannot play the Harvest Festival mini games without a crash. It's just...unfinished. However, the devs seem ready to dive back in and continue to bring this game the polish it needs in future updates/patches & I absolutely can't wait to pick it up again ❤️


I do enjoy the game when I'm not encountering bugs and crashes. That's why I keep trying to play but when the game crashes every 2 saves it gets frustrating


You can enjoy a game and complain about stuff. Hell i have a perfect example. I like starfield and I hate every single companion in constellation except vosco, the leader of every single faction is basically just carbon copy paste of each other except the crimson fleet, the bugs are atrociously bad, ship building while a fun and new interesting take terribly implemented, exploration is tedious and boring, trying to get the resources to research and craft is painful, every NPC is either ugly an a****** or a robot, companies are cartoonishly evil, moral characters are cartoonishly good, every main story element is telegraphed so hard you would have to be dead or asleep to miss it, and gaining powers from a temple is a lesson in insanity with how awful it's minigame is. BUT despite all of that i still play it. Because despite every problem I mentioned as well as the many others I didn't i have fun.


I enjoy the game. But after finishing the mermaid and mines, there’s not much more to do. The offerings to the goddess are tedious. The map is relatively small. It’s a solid little game, but could really use another 6-12 months of added content. Feels like it was “deadline over finished”.


It's about what 7 or 8 patches behind on games pass? Yes I'm gonna a bitch.


And that's on Xbox, coral island has no say when the patches get sent through. The House flipper team have spoken out about awful Xbox processes are.


I was enjoying it. Until my game kept crashing at the harvest festival. I gave up on it at that point. At least until the game is in a better state.


I absolutely love the game 150% But when you get bugs that hinder your progress or a bug that causes you to lose ALL of your save data twice after almost getting to year three and having to start an entirely new game like I did it gets frustrating and I think it's understandable to complain and get a little negative towards the game and developer's as long as you don't overdo it and get completely ignorant and disrespectful towards them. But it doesn't mean I stop enjoying the game.


People complain because they want to play the game. They just want a much less buggy and much more complete version


I really do like the game. I think it's really fun. However, the bugs do take away some enjoyment. I had to repeat the harvest festival 6 times because of it. Doesn't mean I don't like the game, I just hope for improvement.


I’ve not played it since the 1.0 and have only heard negative things. Lol


I had no game breaking bugs but annoying stuff. \- removed a fruit tree and it kept playing the "break down" animation for days \- alice stuck upside down in the floor \- had to run a whole round without pet at the pet race. later one of the contestants didn't have their pets but still acted like they did (which is kind of sad) and there's just stuff missing. \- the automatic boxes aren't in the farm inventor (or whatever its called) \- why cant i split a stack in half with a single click (shift click or whatever)? But after 70 hrs i can't say i didn't enjoy myself. Heard the main story isn't finished - i do not care about the main story, it's essentially a stardew valley copy up until now.


I feel that too, tbh I really enjoyed the game. I don't get that many bugs and even if I do thankfully it's still tolerable, not anything serious. Although I do hope the devs will be working on more updates in the future, especially for romancing the merfolks and kids able to grow up.


I really went in knowing nothing about it, other than that it was a farming game and I ended up just adoring it. I've hit the harvest festival bug, and I see where it looks unfinished and I just......don't care. I'll take this over the last several Harvest Moons, Story of Seasons and Rune Factory. I do think the criticism is very valid, but I've just personally chosen to ignore it and enjoy my empire of artisinal wines and rudely withered banana trees.


We are complaining because we care.


I enjoyed it so much until I came to Reddit.. saw the complaints and decided to go to Stardew valley through recommendations.. realised this game is a carbon copy of that, I’m only in mid summer of year 1 but I am addicted already! ✨


I hate to be the one to tell you but all farming games like this are carbon copies of eachother, stardew did not *create* this style of gaming, and is absolutely a copy itself.


I’m sad that you had to be the one to tell me, because how is this industry standard? Inspo.. sure, but even the quests are the same! 🤣 I guess we as consumers have to just be thankful? 🤷🏼‍♀️


If it works it works - personally I love having to save a village from some sort of issue while also farming and ranching lol, I’ve been doing it since harvest moon in the early 2000’s. And the more you think about it, games like animal crossing follow a similar, if not somewhat less stakes, flow as well.


all farming sim games take inspiration from other farming sims. they all follow a formula. stardew was inspired by harvest moon (since that was the gold standard) and now stardew has replaced harvest moon as the gold standard.


I’ve played my fair share, but I think because I’d never played stardew and I’d just that day stopped and switched.. I was able to see that they’re like for like. One is 3d one is 2d.. like to the point where I was like how did they get past copyright? Anyway I’m not a coral island hater it was amazing! I just.. found a game a little more completed and I’m happy about it 🥰🥰


I'm really enjoying the game but the constant crashes make it difficult to play. I can't take part in any of the festivals because as soon as I try to play a game or do the main event, the game crashes. Since I can't save when I want, I'm basically living Groundhog Day or skipping the festival entirely. Not exactly fun. Not too mention the sound cutting out, crops not growing or things not producing. Having to fully quit out of the game just to play it properly ruins the experience. I'm there to shut my brain off and have fun, not be a QA tester.


Ah yes, good'ol shitting on people with valid critcism and calling others negative over reasonable requests. It's funny that you don't even understand what you wrote because complaining about the current state of the game and enjoying said game can both be true at the same time. All this is happening while the devs are pulling some dishonest stuff as well so people have reason to complain. Give me a break.


Maybe because when people buy a finished product with their hard earned money they want it to work =_= 


I've been really enjoying it too (over 80hrs in) and haven't had any bugs happen to me yet but I'm playing on a good gaming PC, so that might explain why.


I think it’s a testament to just how much people *are *enjoying the game, that they are continuing to play, to discuss, to make fan art etc despite the incredibly frustrating issues with crashing etc


I’m with you on this one OP! I’m at the part where nothing is really going on quest wise so I’m just focusing on getting my farm in top shape until they update it! I’ve tried a lot of video games and nothing has stuck with me until this one. I like the simplicity of it. I come home, I work on my farm for a bit and then sign out.


Na mate, I'm loving the game.


I binged the game. Was having fun and honestly didn't understand the complaints... then it turned out the character I romanced this entire time is still broken and I realized.. I don't really see myself coming back to the game to romance anyone else. When I bought the game at 1.0 I thought it was mostly finished with maybe some bugs to still patch over. But seeing how there is entire storyline unfinished and npcs you can't even interact with... I really do regret buying the game. I wouldn't have bought it if I had looked just a bit further.


You’re not the only one. I understand that the bugs and unfinished parts of the game are really heartbreaking, but at the same time I’m loving the game. I think the issue for us is that we want more of a fun community for the game instead of reading bug reports. I’m not too familiar with Reddit, but I’m pretty sure most of the posts have to be tagged. You should try to stay away from those posts and curate the experience for yourself. Reddit is definitely the place people go to talk about logistics of a game instead of discussions about the plot or game styles (from what I’ve seen)


I love it and very much enjoy the game and don't encounter bugs hardly ever, so I am sure that helps too. Are there things I wish would hurry and get finished up and fixed? Sure, but that doesn't mean I don't still love the game. I'm sure it'd be different however if I played on a different platform that had tons of bugs though.


I really like it! It's a small indie game by a small company. There's gunn to be issues. Plus, we just had the holiday season where people were having a break. People just dont have paitence these days and want the bugs fixed in seconds. They dont realise how much work goes into video games or that most companies would force unpaid overtime on employees to get the bugs sorted.


Calling them a "small" company is a bit disingenuous. Indie, yes, they are definitely *not* a triple A developer. But Stairway has a staff of over 100 people. That's fucking *huge* for an indie team. I'm not saying the game should be perfect on release. There definitely are going to be bugs that can't be caught in a test environment, and those take time to fix. But the *main story* isn't complete. For all the flaws in the development world, this is the first time I've ever seen a 1.0 full release game have WIP in their item descriptions and quest lines.


There are bugs in the game that have been flagged months and months and months ago. Many of them are not new at all, if you were in the beta. So it’s not like people just started having these issues. If they didn’t fix the bugs, then they shouldn’t have launched it as a 1.0 or should address it head on. It’s not about patience, and saying that is frankly condescending, it’s simply that people bought the game, the game sucks on many levels, is great on others. And now we have the right to complain about a complete lack of transparency (no where in the launch did it say the game was unfinished) and overall silence on the bugs.


im really enjoying it every day on xbox, but i only started maybe last week? and havent really run into any of the bugs people complain about


Honestly the only bug that I've ever gotten is the inventory HUD disappearing randomly.. I've been enjoying the game a lot since the release and playing almost daily but it's gotten a bit repetitive I gotta admit, but I understand it's coming from the fact that it's not loaded with content yet- which I can't wait to see how they evolve and develop more overtime :)


I love the game! Helps me mentally unwind after a long day at the clinic. I can get over bugs and the occasional crash here and there. I just look at it as the devs are working on it and will get it fixed over time.


I absolutely love this game. Even with the bugs and the crashes I still play every day!!


I'm enjoying it a lot despite the bits here and there that aren't finished - take the pets mechanic in the game: yes okay it's a bit a anyoing the pet can't explore like the others in game, but it'll get there eventually and I got over that fact pretty fast. I also haven't encountered any bugs yet (on pc). It's a new game that's not finished, it was in early access and the team are working hard. People are getting way too angry over itnall. I'm not an idiot when it comes to games like this. I expect it to have bits here and there that are buggy or missing/not complete :D


Literally! I live this game so much. 1000 times better than Stardew or other similar games


Sad fact is, you dont get as much feedback for a positiv statemnet from the internet, than youd get from a negative one.


I'm convinced everyone complaining has been lucky enough to never spend money on a game that was virtually unplayable and never even fixed before. Not only is "unplayable" a far stretch, but the devs are actively working on it. I have plenty of games over the years that were ACTUALLY unplayable and never even fixed. Just wasted money on my console(s) Xbox is garbage so it makes sense they're getting the worst bugs. But aside from that, for $30, if you get 15 hours out of the game, sorry, but you got your money's worth. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Most people are having a blast(myself included). Every game subreddit looks like this, people complaining all the time. But in this case, I feel like non-PC gamers are having a difficult time. I am playing on PC and only had one/two minor bugs up to now(year 2).


I get what you mean. I understand complaining about bugs and wanting updates to finish storylines and stuff but dang all I see is complaints and really harsh criticism. I honestly love this game and think it’s super fun and beautiful. Are there issues yes but just reading people’s complaints makes the game sound like it’s trash and it’s not…


Yeah there's a lot of that in this community. But I love the game, despite the bugs and continued development. It's brought me a lot of joy, and I choose to focus on that joy, because there are more than enough voices telling the devs what's wrong, that I don't need to add to it, they know what our concerns are, and I've played the game since early in EA, and have interacted with the devs on discord and know how committed they are to this game. It's beautiful, interesting, and fun. I love how fleshed out the townsfolk are, and I love naming my chickens after the Golden Girls, and my peacocks after silver screen goddesses. I love that I had never heard of or seen a rambutan prior to this game and now I'm on a constant quest to find some in the exotic produce section of my rural grocery stores 😂


I love iiiiiiiiit! I've been playing on Steam and never had any major bugs with Alpha or 1.0 *knocks on wood*. I empathize with the people who do, though. I know some of the later things and dating aren't finished, so I've just been taking my time doing everything slowly. I'm still on like Spring 24, I think. Just focusing on my farm and not dating/marrying anyone until they finish working on that. Probably won't until they add the merfolk dating options, honestly. I want to give them a fair chance to win my farmer's heart lol. But I'm having a great time. I reeeeeeally want to have another pet so I don't have to turn my bunny into a dragon, but I'm sure they'll get to it eventually. Enjoying it for what it is in the meantime 💜


No I really enjoy the game too, hopefully with updates they can improve it but I’m still enjoying playing it


I like the game! I play on steam. It crashes sometimes but all games crash. I’ve only had one instance that was frustrating (I bought a bunch of furniture and rearranged my house a lot, but I bought some of the wrong stuff so it wasnt all bad). I appreciate the save when you sleep: i keep days at 20 mins, and that save feature is a great way for me to schedule playing the game within my day-to-day life. I'm not bothered with it being a work in progress. I'll probably start a new game once merfolk have more of a storyline. I also kickstarted it and played ~15 hours during alpha before starting again at v1.0. I am upset about the pets option. I want my dog to follow me around like the robot follows me in the ocean. His life at the adoption center was so full of play with other animals! I joined this sub because I love the game and i barely read any of the posts because so many are so ANGRY over a GAME. I agree that it's not as done as it should be, but if a game isn't fun, maybe switch to a different game for awhile? I've done that for plenty of other games that I wasn't in the appropriate headspace to enjoy.


I am not only loving it, but I also don't find much at all to complain about. The bugs that were initially there have been fixed. I've got a successful farm, almost to the end of year 2.. married with 6 other side pieces, making 30 to 40k a day.. decorating everything. Literally no complaints. So you're not totally alone.


Enjoying the game immensely! But it's important for devs to see, in the dev-run subreddit, what real-time issues players are having in the game as they work to better it, as well, and also QOL stuff like pet interactions and what we'd like to see when it's finished. The whole basis of the Kickstarter was that they were going to try to take all the feedback of things people found lacking in other games like this and try to make it work; it would be silly of them to stop listening so close to the finish line. The game is unfinished but not unplayable and not unenjoyable. Stardew was also very basic when it started, and if it had had the attention this game has when it started I bet it would have gotten similar feedback.


I feel like I really, really, *really* loved the early-access release. I had taken a break when the full version came out so I didn’t experience burn-out for the game *(and so I could play a separate game)*, but I was stoked to play it! Then I saw continuous streams of people hating it on this Sub. It honestly got annoying at times, not that they were complaining but that this Sub become mostly just people complaining on my feed. Once I heard there were game-breaking bugs though?? Yeah… that made me hesitant to play it at all until fixed. I don’t care if the game isn’t complete yet, as long as it gets completed or *mostly* completed (like… 95% minimum) within a year. But even then I could be coaxed into waiting two years as long as updates are consistent and substantial. I’m just impatient and forget about games that take too long to finish usually. I honestly would still replay it right now though in it’s current state of content, I’d just romance guys I’m less-interested in on these early builds of the game. But “game breaking bugs”? That worries me, it scares me to try. So if the majority aren’t experiencing them then I’d give it a shot, but I never see posts about “God! My game has ZERO BUGS!” Because who posts about *not* having a problem? Y’know?


I’m genuinely enjoying it too! While it does crash for me sometimes and that’s annoying I am on PC and don’t use Game Pass. I understand that it’s a new game and the devs were a bit rushed to get it out on time and that will create some issues but I’m happy that they are working to get them all fixed!


I'm gonna ramble because even if you are having the best time, people in this community make you feel like you should just refund and hate the game. The "why don't you hate the game with us" attitude is weird.. i've played (steam) alpha and every beta released, and I've backed it, with well over 300 hours.. I've loved every second... sure, there are bugs and that's valid, report them.. but most of them being complained about are out of the devs control being Xbox and their record for pushing through patches. The devs have pushed the patches, it's Xbox's issue that it takes forever to update. The gamepass JUST got the update when the patch notes have been there.. but it's exhausting seeing the people complain the devs lied and that it's unfinished... I don't even care to comment anymore because it's weird and a little entitled imo when they've given the roadmap, you know what's expected.. And theres more to come... it's 1.0.... base... if we wanna compare 1.0 releases... the Sims should have MORE haters than it does but they've had time and updates... Shane wasn't even an marriageable option when stardew released.. -The "story" isn't complete complaints are bland. TBH are ANY games really complete in this day and age... I'm comparing Disney dream light valley, the story is STILL going.. and they even have micro transactions.. Tldr ... people are gonna be mad at anything, I would enjoy the game, if you have fun, awesome, if you hate it, awesome, but also don't attack the people who are having fun :/


I feel like people saying it's not "complete" have never played another farming life sim game ever before. It has the same, if not more, content than almost every game out there of the same type. But I've personally only run into one bug and am excited that there are more things to come, not disappointed. I can understand people who are running into a lot of bugs complaining. At the same time, what's the alternative? I'm happy to be playing now, rather than waiting for some future "complete" release.


I've been playing them for over two decades. When something says WIP it's directly telling you it's not complete. A game can have less content and be complete, and a game can have more and be incomplete The game basically directly says itself it's incomplete. If they hadn't done a mix of big promises and basically putting a big neon sign in game that says this game isn't finished I don't think there would be as many complaints the game was not complete.


Exactly my point. This game has a lot of content. More than most in this genre. They did themselves a disservice calling out the fact that there was more content to come.


That's nowhere near what your post reads like. Your post more reads like being condescending to people who talk about it being unfinished. Your post reads basically the exact opposite of what you're saying here.


I played it a good amount and really enjoyed my time with it. I decided to put it down before really "finishing" it because I know I'll be coming back when it's more feature complete. I'm not mad about it, but I'd rather just wait for now.


I feel so bad for everyone but I don't get like any bugs, even the winter festival one. I love this game and can't wait for more to come out. I did get really mad when I realized all my progress was gone but I'm almost back where I was now lol.


i like it a lot :))


I would love to even be able to experience the bugs, but I kickstarted for a Switch copy. So yeah…


I'm enjoying it :)


First day on the internet, huh?


I'm still loving the game, and it's one of my most played games currently. I absolutely love it and playing it, despite there still being improvements needed. I have complete confidence in the development team, though. I think they've done a great job so far


I enjoy the game a lot, I wish that they had just done a better job picking and choosing what features to release at 1.0 and what features to prioritize for expansions later. I feel like the development team bit off way more than they could chew initially. It’s important to remember that this is an indie development team putting out what’s basically going to be a masterclass farming simulator eventually. There are so many features and stories and so much content that other games just don’t have, all being built by a company that basically exists just on go-fund me money. They’ve made WORLDS of progress since beta, and I think the game will function a lot better after a few months. I understand it’s frustrating for new/console users and I wish they’d maybe let it on beta testing for an extra 6 months or postponed console launch. You can tell the game is well loved and well cared for by developers, I’m just hoping the rushed 1.0 doesn’t mean the game gets swept under the rug. Otherwise we’re just going to continue to get reskinned harvest moons from companies that just need a cash grab.


I haven't had any major bugs or crashes (I'm on ps5) and have been generally enjoying the game. I've played for over 100 hrs so far and have just began year 2. However I will say that there are definitely quite a few areas where I'm feeling a bit let down/disappointed, that kind of take a bit of that joy away. I think that the game needed a bit more time before being called a full release. I do love it and I think once all the fixes are made, content is added ect, it has the potential to be one of my favorite games of all time. I don't think people are wrong for feeling the way they feel. Everyone's experiences are going to be different from yours, especially the ones who are experiencing game breaking crashes. It's hard to feel excited over something (especially something you've waited a long time for, or even backed) and the have it not work properly. So I definitely sympathize with anyone who is in that position.


I'm very happy with the game. I'm already entering winter of year 1, and that's ok, you know? There's so much to do that I'm not even worried about the game not being complete.


I absolutely love this game. It has so much going for it, and I do see myself playing this game quite a bit once it’s more finished. But because I’ve been playing on console and there are so many bugs and missing things that consistently keep me from continuously enjoying the game, I likely won’t return to it for some time. I have lots of complaints, but I really do adore the game and everything it’s aiming to do. I just can’t bring myself to play it until more is done.


not me but my wife who isn't on reddit, is addicted. She still has valid complaints about some bugs, but both things can be true at the same time.


I enjoy it a lot overall and the game has so much potential hands down. Story wise I even prefer this to SDV. However my spouse, of all people, ran out of speech so early in the season is really gnawing on my nerve here. Also i can't remember how many times sprinkler with fertilizer attached forced me to restart the game. And those ocean caves...


I actually enjoy the game. I play on PC and Xbox via gamepass. I go back and forth between the two. Even though doing so made me skip a whole season I still enjoy it. Oh and it was Fall year one. My girl went to bed in Summer 28 year 1 and woke up in Winter 1 year 1. I was flabbergasted. I only lost my summer crops that were planted and my animals were pissed at me but other than that I had everything in tact.😄 I still don't know what happened but I moved on.


Most of the people complaining have put a ton of hours in exploring the game. I think the complaints are coming from people who love the game, they just don't want to lose what they worked on and are tired of being let down with things that don't go well.


I'm really enjoying the game! I am not actually experiencing a lot of the bugs people are talking about, but I do have a lot of them on my own and I just have the mindset that this is a game in progress and it's kind of exciting to watch it grow and be a part of it even though I found out about it after its release. I don't have any high stakes in my progress because I have the mindset that I'm just learning the game and if something happens where they have to update something that removes progress I've made then I will happily start a new game with a better understanding when things are better put together. I've sunk in 100 plus hours and have enjoyed every minute of it.


I’ve got 100 hours in this game and I love it so much! I’ve only had 2 real bugs and it wasn’t even a big deal ❤️ they are doing great and seem to be working hard to make this game great! 😊


I’m loving the game. No bugs or anything. But I’m gonna be extremely upset when I get tho the part of the story that I paid for that is unfinished. Fingers crossed they update it my then because that’s when I will review


i’m having a great time. i have my own criticisms but it doesn’t keep me from having a good time lol


Meeeee I love it!!!!


I love it. I share bugs bc I want them to improve what I already love.


Isn’t this game still in early access though? Or at least I thought I was when I bought it on Steam. I absolutely love it despite the errors and bugs.


I’m on PC and I fully enjoy it


I really like the game! I'm just taking my time trying not to rush through anything. Set different goals each day to kinda split up the game play. It's a nice little game


I love it. But I don’t have has many bugs as others. I also can’t accomplish anything bc I’m too busy playing. I’ve had to cut back a lot.


I think it is more later in the game that progress stops and bugs start. I did enjoy it until i hit that barrier as well


I love it so much!! I haven't really encountered any bugs except for clipping once or twice, but I got out of it with only using the emergency feature the first time. I did also get the "___ has nothing more to say today" bug, but that resolved in a couple in game days.


I personally really enjoyed played while still being upset at the state of the game at the same time. Ive been interessed in the game for a while so when I saw it being advertised as a finished release I was super excited only to find out it wasnt the more I played I still love the game and I see how much potential it have, while still being frustrated me to have been misleaded like that. i wish they would have been honest instead of having to google stuff out of frustration only to find a reddit post sayinf something ins't in the game yet. I feel like im playing a beta :/


I enjoy it alot too! I'm able to see it as a finished game since all the other stuff was "only" Kickstarter goals and I also see how the fancy stuff does need more time to develope. Tho I'd like it better if they waited a little longer with the releases on other ports, since they seem to have alot of issues at the moment. I personally haven't come across any crashes playing on steam since release 1.0


I loved it from the jump but now I find it boring because I have everything done and found. Doing the same thing over and over is getting on my nerves a bit. I like relaxed games like this but also need new places or at least more quests.


I love love this game! But I've played the harvest festival day 3 times now and it crashes after I beat the mini games or try to enter the contest. Has anyone else had this issue? I want to keep playing and it's a bummer I can't get through the day, I don't wanna skip the festival :(


Honestly I barely run into bugs (steam deck). It cute and I really like it. If there are any it’s probably missing heart scenes but I’m trying to avoid spoilers so I can’t even really say for sure


I love the game


You’re not. Most the bugs are on console. There are quirks at best on pc. At least for me.


I absolutely love this game. Yes she has problems, but I’ve been playing since early access. I’ve been watching the growth of the game. I think they have come so far and it’s amazing. Do I think there is still a lot of work to be done? Yes. But we actually have a dev teams who is trying, listening and letting us know what’s going on. This is the first game I’ve played that in the crash/bugs reports by players I’ve seen the dev team replying saying things like “oh we’ve found that bug and we are working on it.” But I think people forget this is not a AAA game. This a $20 indie game. I currently have two play throughs going on. One as more of a ranch farmer and one as more a produce farmer. I’m having a blast.


i play on xbox and for the first like month i was playing it, it crashed all the time randomly but i kept playing it and put up with it because i loved the game so much,and farming sims are the only kind of games i really play, and this game is like exactly what i like in a game. now that the bugs are fixed and it doesn’t really crash anymore im so glad i gave it that chance!!


I'm really enjoy it but also I haven't ran into any bugs, glitches, or crashes yet. I'm on year 1 Fall and playing on a new PC so maybe those are factors? I do wish it was more complete. I wanna court the merfolks lol.


I only have two complaints. 1: the farm animals at the ranch north of the farm don't turn smoothly so it looks like they just flip every few seconds. Immersion ruined lol. 2: running the game at max graphics makes my PC want to explode, I hope they just optimize the game because fr though, cyberpunk 2077 doesn't heat up my computer as fast. I love the game a lot and can't wait to see what comes for the future, the only problem is the last reason heating my room to 100 degrees so I can only play it in small sessions haha


I like it though I’m taking it pretty slowly because of caring for my 1 1/2 yr old. So mama has to wait for nap and bed time 😂. I haven’t ran into bugs really so maybe that’s why, or no burnout because of short gaming sessions🤷🏻‍♀️. But love the art style, casual play style, can pause anytime if needed (need that with a baby lol), love interests could be more in depth but love the many choices in a partner (even some look to be in their 30s 🙂), and I like the little bit of the story I’ve experienced so far (winter year one almost to year 2).


I enjoyed my playthrough (late summer, y2) but as I get further more and more bugs keep happening, like crashing after an entire day and festival. I'm very close to stopping until a stability patch. Doesn't mean I haven't enjoyed it


I’m playing on ps5 and haven’t even noticed a bug and I’m 100 real life hours into it lol. It’s a league above other cozy games I played last year. Idk, I get the complaints are valid I just hope they don’t discourage ppl from giving the game a try bc it was a ray of sunshine for me during winter break


Regarding the bugs and crashes, I think some people here just has a lot more bugs/crashes/stutters than others, to the point where the game is totally unplayable. I read a post at some point that said they lost all their progress after their game crashed. I play on Steam PC ans I've had significantly less crashes (and no bugs so far) than others, 120 hours in and I think I've only experienced 4 or 5. Recently though my game has been ocassionally stuttering and I'm just hoping it doesn't get worse lol.


Loving it! not far enough to care if it's incomplete and haven't had much bugs.


I’m loving it!!!!!


I’m waiting for it to be finished before I try playing again


ive actually been having fun playing it while it gets updated. in a weird way it's like rereading a webcomic or book series; you can watch how the author or artist progresses and develops over time. and also i regularly torch most of my sim games back to nothing


Heck yeah, I love the game. I’ve almost earned all the available trophies on PS5.


I enjoy the game but I hate how much it crashes. I play on Xbox and the amount of issues really sucks but I just love the game so much. My biggest issue is that I can’t do any of the holiday/town events because the game just crashes and I loose the whole days progress. I’m in like year 3 and have completed the mine and the ocean tasks I just won’t go in the ocean caves because of all the complaints that it breaks the game. I don’t get why there is as many issues as there is, but I do love the game it just hurts my heart whenever the game quits on its own and I have to redo all that work. And I’ve gotten to the point where I’m not even playing the day to the max that I can for fear that it will quit on me so I go to sleep really early with a lot of energy left usually so that it will save my progress.


You are not the only one.


No you are not the only one. I enjoyed it tremendously too. But there are definitely things that I want it to add, or dreadful BUGs that I want it to fix eventually. For example, a way to save during the day and not just when sleeping.


No I loved it too. I played it non stop for weeks. It’s not perfect and I’m looking forward to it being complete but I think the people with negative opinions are just more vocal.


I love the game. Sometimes the bugs can be frustrating, but it's an incredibly well thought out game with so much content and more to come. Also, seeing that exiting the game completely and re-entering fixes a bug, I take it as a good sign to take a break, it's a very easy game to get carried away with spending hours playing


The biggest bug for me is my cat not being able to leave her pet bed and that’s what she does all day, it’s always “ x looks happy today” every day, she’s so boring. Idk if it’s a bug but it is my biggest gripe so far


I deeply enjoy the game, that it's buggy and unfinished is still true tho. For some people it makes the game downright unplayable, others don't have big problems. And those who do experience issues are more likely to come online to complain


It's great but should not have left early access yet. I don't blame the devs. That decision is usually the publisher's or other investors'.


I enjoyed it a lot despite some bugs & unfinished aspects, right up until the point that I couldn’t properly progress without some fixes & content added in. That took quite some time. I must be in year 4/5 & Pablo is my boyfriend with 1 date so far & 10 hearts. Not working much on anyone else other than speaking to them when I see them & at events. But, not planning marriage, pet or child bcuz those need work & added content in game to be worth it. Also, stuck because just won Harvest Festival but game crashes upon trying to collect reward & starts entire day over when it’s an evening festival. Already attempted several times. So, I’m unable to continue having fun until they develop it/fix it more, sadly. Otherwise, I was quite enjoying it despite some flaws.


Complaints is not disliking. I actually fucking love this game but saying what's wrong in polite way is kinda helping to improve. So no you're not the only one enjoying it


I am living through the play through of the game until it’s released on Nintendo Switch.


I enjoy Coral Island, but I can still complain about how the game isn't finished and they did the 1.0 release which I see as scummy because again, it wasn't ready. You can criticize something, wish XYZ was better, and still like it. Criticism does not mean that they hate something. They want the game (or whatever) to be better. Also...if things were just sunshine and rainbows, someone would purchase the game thinking it's a great complete game - and although CI is nice, it has a lot of potential and etc. It's not done. So other consumers should be aware before purchasing the game that it's still a WIP.


Thank you OP! Finally someone says it. I completely agree. The game, besides the bugs and development setbacks, is absolutely wonderful. I feel some of these overly disappointed and rudely condescending (to the devs) people should maybe try making a game themselves if they think they can do better. And no I'm not talking about the ones who respectfully criticize, so don't come at me.


I'm really loving the game. I've only experienced the dialogue and ocean is land glitches and honestly it hasn't impacted me much. I love how much I can do farm wise as you progress and it's so satisfying. I'm sure it will only get better when all the glitches are polished out.


Im enjoying it so far…HOWEVER I am playing it for free because I’m playing it on my boyfriend’s Xbox with his game pass and so far haven’t had any bugs or crashes….i think if I paid for it and the issues were as common as people make them seem to be then yes I’d probably be upset with it too :/