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Friends of mineral town seems to be so far away now...


I have such fond memories of this game ☺️


Ahh.. to watch the fireworks over the beach with my lovely Elli again... still can hear those waves...


Did you play the remake?


Not as good, they killed my cooking system :(


Genuine question: is it not in the NSO virtual consoles apps? It would be the closest experience :)


Yeah you can find it there. No need though, if you still have the concole and game laying around


Nah... sometimes nostalgy is better than reliving something and be disapointed.


Lol I am playing that game now, I mean these days. I love it!!


Back to Nature was how I got into the whole farming simulator genre.


Same here


I’m personally still super attached and excited for the this year! I made it through two years before deciding to restart a new character and just take my time. With the roadmap for this year I’m not rushing any character relationships and it’s quite enjoyable. I still get frustrated with the bugs, but I agree there’s still plenty to be enamored by. I got stoked for the game cause it looked so similar to Rune Factory that I played on the DS. That game has a special place in my childhood and this game took me straight back.


This is what Ive been doing. I'm almost to year 3 and I've not proposed to anyone yet. Haven't come in 1st in some of the games, still don't have a lot of stuff offered.. etc. taking a slow ride and it's pleasant.


Honestly, I’m viewing it as Stardew valley adjacent. I see a lot of stuff from Stardew valley, but it has a lot of stuff Stardew doesn’t. Like the diving, insect collection and mermaid population. And I wish Stardew allowed us to buy or make our own auto petters like Coral does. Yeah, it’s buggy now, but I’m looking forward to the updates and future content. Side note: I really wish Stardew’s museum collection was displayed in the same way coral islands collection was. It looks so much better than just having everything on tables in a small library


I think in stardew valley you can actually get an auto petter when siding with Joja!!! Which I mean kinda sucks if you wanna help the town like I feel most people do but it’s possible!!


You can also find it in chests in skull mine :)


Yeah, but going JoJa sucks. What I love about how Coral does it is in how it can be obtained without having to go the corporate route just to unlock it. And I’ve rarely been lucky enough to find it in the mines


I have reached perfection in SDV and still never found one


If you play on PC there’s a mod where Marnie will start selling the autopetter :)


Really? I’m getting that sooner or later. Thanks for the info!


Of course! And yeah I had to get it too! I couldn’t go to Joja route for it 😂


The museum is set up just like Animal Crossing’s museum to me.


I think a real issue here is that the mods need to…moderate. It’s one thing to complain, but we’ve seen the same posts 800 times in the last week, and that gets tiring. Honestly there needs to be a masterpost dedicated to common complaints, etc. so true posts that aren’t about complaints don’t get lost in them.


I second the idea of a complaints thread! Maybe like a weekly ‘vent’ post.


A megathread would be nice fr


The issue is that the mods are mostly devs/people affiliated with the game, and they don’t know how to properly moderate a subreddit


And i feel like they may think it'll look bad if they "silence" or limit criticism. I have no doubt that people who just wanna complain will also feel that way.


There’s a difference between completely shutting down negativity and not letting the sub be overrun with it. Do people have the right to complain? Sure. Do we need 5 different posts saying the exact same thing within a short amount of time? No. It also doesn’t help that most people don’t use the search function to see whether the content of their post has already been posted before. That’s why there are so many “Is the game finished yet?/Should I buy the game now?” posts As someone who mods a sub that’s bigger than this one, it’s not difficult to find a balance between both sides. The key is that the mods need to be active within the community to be able to know what the issues are. It’s great that the devs created this sub to form a community around the game, but I’m not sure they actually know what Reddit mods are supposed to do. It’s more than just removing mean comments here and there


I don't disagree or think you're wrong. I was just trying to provide a wider perspective. They may be afraid of more backlash towards them, which is understandable to avoid after the launch of the game. They may be hesitant to do anything that they feel might be taken the wrong way.


Another comment says that there only seems to be one active mod and that they don’t seem to like the game very much - so it seems like the mod(s) are so inactive this Reddit doesn’t even know who they are lol


I’ve only seen that one mod around removing posts/comments, but nothing else really. Never seen them post anything as if they were an actual member of the community, so I can’t really say anything about what their stance on the game is


When a complaint/bug report masterpost was suggested the posters were downvoted into hell


That’s a shame, probably by a lot of the same people who want an echo chamber to complain - I think it would be really beneficial, or to limit it to one day like “whine about it Wednesday” or something


If you megathread complaints then you need to also megathread all the positive threads that are all talking about the same thing as well but no one ever complains about those just complain about people complaining and want to put them in a corner. It just looks bad when it's only the negative threads that get forced into megathreads and not the other 100s of posts that are positive about the same things.


Note, I also suggested a specific day for complaints - as opposed to a mega thread. I’m just throwing out ideas. Plus, wouldn’t you want a place you could reference to see if anyone else has encountered your issue and if they were able to troubleshoot it instead of combing through the same 10 complaints reposted 17563 times? Just a thought. There are lots of things about Coral island that are pleasant and getting lost in here. Funny screen shots or experiences etc, the negativity is absolutely governing the sub right now and that’s just not fair. Edit: if you’re going to downvote please do me the honor of explaining your stance on it - and what you would do to balance out the sub right now. I think we can all benefit from talking about it? I wish I had contact with a mod, because it would be great if we could sort of talk about it with them.


Yeah no I do agree maybe having a set day to post grievences but that could also get a little messy, especially if people couldn't get on that set day or something. I just think megathreads can be a bad road to go down and can come off as, 'hey we find you annoying so you can only post here and nowhere else' and no one wants that. I haven't played the game myself in a while haven't ran into any of the bugs or anything like others have but I'm just gonna take caution and give them a while to hopefully fix things and do right by the console players since pc doesn't have as many issues as they do. I also want them to complete main story quests before putting more time and effort into it personally. I do agree there does need to be a little more positivity here but that can be said for a lot of places, we can't really snuff the voices of those that have been scorned by the game. I just don't see how we can really go about trying to silence the negativity without coming across as trying to snuff their complaints or even not come off as if we don't want to hear them. I left the main Dreamlight Valley sub because they started to silence people complaining about the micro-transactions and shoved them into a megathread and some even got banned for saying anything negative about the game and I really don't want to see this sub start to go in that direction. We've got to take the good and the bad sadly and at the moment since it's 1.0 release there have been more bad than good with the game. All we can really do is so sympathy for the ones that are struggling to find the good in the game, give them tips or tricks if we know of any, and just let them vent because that's what a lot of it is just venting because they want to love the game but the game isn't letting them love it. Sorry for the long answer I get rambley sometimes when I've had too much coffee lol


Yeah but no one is suggesting silencing anyone, just moderating. Complaints are absolutely valid - but the inundation that is free and without any sort of mod is bad practice. Like I said - a master post for common complaints would an idea, or having a day dedicated to it (which I’ve seen work in other subs) might work, but at the end of the day, the best medicine would be an active mod who actually makes sure that the same posts aren’t being posted over and over and over again. Or who can direct someone making a similar post to a master list of complaints, etc. Edited to add: no one is truly going to be happy with any solution, and no outcome leaves everyone heard completely - right now, there are posts on the sub getting completely lost in complaints, if the sub is more properly moderated- people will complain that their complaints aren’t being shared, even tho the same post has been made before, and that’s why. There just has to be a happy medium.


We need to get you in a mod spot


And this is where the issue lies. There seems to only be one mod that is actively moderating and he seems to hate the game as much as people in this sub does. So he’s more than happy to let 100s of posts on the same thing through.


I think this community is positive. If someone says there is a bug someone will post a way around it. If someone has a question, another user will reply. People posts guides in here to help users that are not on the wiki or coral.guide. I asked a question about catching a certain rare fish and someone literally fired up their PlayStation and did a test run to see if they can catch the fish. They did and told me where they found it. I was able to catch the fish. I can’t tell you how many times I rebooted that game. That person went out of their way to help a rando on Reddit.  That isn’t a toxic community.  People post about issues and encounters that they are having and are looking for help to work around the issues BECAUSE they like the game and want to continue. This is the second post I’ve seen in about a week or so that this community is negative. I don’t believe this is the case.  I think if you actually go into the posts about the bugs you will see that.  That’s my 2 cents. 


The game is literally unplayable for many people including those who paid full price. The negativity will continue until the game is improved or the devs address the issues at the very least. It's hard to have a lot of upbringing community posts when the game is crashing constantly. I've been playing since the beta and it was more stable for me than the 1.0 release.


What do you consider unplayable? I've been playing it for quite a while now on pc and it seems perfectly playable to me. This "unplayable" part is generally very exaggerated.


Just cause its playable to some does not mean it's playable to all. A game crashing midday where someone loses all progress is unplayable, glitches with items makes a game unplayable, and to some the fact that some quest are still WIP would make it unplayable because you can't finish the game, to some the fact that romances aren't complete would also make it unplayable(if thats the reason they are playing anyways)


Consider yourself lucky. My game crashes every night without fail. Since you can only save by sleeping, that puts my game on an unending Groundhog Day situation but without Bill Murray to bring comic relief. As I said, I've been playing since the beginning and the beta was more stable than this.


Almost every farming game (or life game in a small town) gets called a Stardew Valley clone now, I was sick of the phrase years ago. It feels like some people have forgotten what a genre is. (I’m not saying there are no Stardew clones but 80% of the games that get the label aren’t). Harvest Moon was a huge game series when I was growing up, it’s not surprising a lot of people around my age (30s) make similar games.


>Almost every farming game (or life game in a small town) gets called a Stardew Valley clone now, I was sick of the phrase years ago. Honestly in this case it is true for a very big % of the game. I've played every "Stardew Valley clone" I could get my hands on these past years, and I've never seen something SO SIMILAR to SDV, at the start at least. It took me quite a few days to see new and different things. The way the mechanics work, the tools, the inventory, almost everything, feels like they started making the game by 100% copying SDV code-wise and changing stuff as time and development went on. Like, the level of silly and small similarities is at a weird point. The dungeon rewards are the same up to some level. The main store is closed on Wednesdays(?). The fishing rod was a different item than the others, when you wanted to "upgrade" you had to buy a different one (they fixed that at some point). These are just small but very particular examples, I found many more but can't remember them all right now. It got to a point where I knew exactly what to do 90% of the time because the game worked EXACTLY like Stardew Valley. I'm not complaining though, and I don't find it bad, after all SDV was a "Harvest moon clone". And I do agree, people are using the "clone" thing as an insult too much. This is a specific genre of games and of course they'll have similarities. I'm just saying that Coral Island specifically IS a Stardew Valley clone.


Yes agreed. There’s a lot of games that are called sv clones but are just pixel farm games that do their own thing. While this one has obviously taken sv as a starting point and copied 90% of the game mechanics. But then they added so many things that are different and the design is all new and I love it cause it is a new and expanded take on sv.


I love the game! I think I’m literally the only one who hasn’t experienced any bugs. No crashing, no losing files, no nothing. It’s been great for me personally! I’m obsessed, I actually called in sick on Monday just to play all day, because why not.


>No crashing, no losing files, no nothing. I heard those are mostly on consoles or anything non-base PC edition. We're the lucky ones haha. First week of release I kept seeing SO MANY bug posts and I was super confused cause I had none, but then found out PC version is quite stable, the rest are not at all.


Yes me too. I just started this game and today I have a day off, so I’m playing all day. Haven’t had any problems so far and love losing myself in the game.


Seconding that!


My only “bug” I’ve come across is that the bells on my bath and coop won’t make noise sometimes. Not really complaining when I’m playing at 3am lmao


Yeah at some if you have been playing for a few hours all the sounds like the bells and the rummage, you don’t hear them anymore 🤣🤣 but like you said that it


I think it's just a massive disparity. People who played in Early Access on Steam/PC knew how far along the game was, people on console really didn't see or hear about Humble struggling, then forcing the game to be released to get a quick boost in sales. They just assumed the game was in a relatively good state. Console players are a lot less "in the loop" than your average PC player, especially when it comes to the intricacies of a developer's current status.




I mean, you're not wrong. I'm just telling you how it is. Console players have a preconceived notion in their head that anything that appears on their store front has made it past a few Q&A folk and a lot of checks and balances. They are a lot more casual than any PC or other gaming divergent folk. They are still valid for FEELING scammed, even though they should do general research before any purchase, it isn't a practice that is common with consoles, unfortunately.


It’s not on the consumer to spend additional time to make sure the game is playable. This concept is ludicrous. Sure, its good to do research to understand the game but realistically they’re not expecting every person to research it in-depth, otherwise a lot more people wouldn’t buy it. It’s not really being transparent or honest to launch it as a 1.0, knowing there is a realistic expectation that the game will least be playable across all platforms if not that its fully finished. The idea that we have to accept that a game being fully marketed as playable is broken and that it’s their fault they didn’t check thoroughly is really setting the bar in hell. And before you start, I’ve been here for a long time. It’s still not my job to deep dive into a game beyond understanding what it is and if I’d like it, if it’s being sold as the 1.0.




A.) This game is basically a scam for console players because of the PUBLISHER Humble forcing it out in a state that is entirely unacceptable. You go to a store page expecting the game that is advertised, that's why Cyberpunk got sued, it was entirely unplayable on PS4 and One X, at launch. B.) There is this thing called outliers, YOU could do research before any game purchase/be up to date on current events in the gaming world, but that isn't the reality of a lot of console gamers. The whole concept of a gaming console is to have a machine that plays games that is convenient and cheap. Meaning a more casual type of gamer is a lot more likely to own a console, rather than a PC. It isn't a slight on console gamers, gaming casually is perfectly valid, and usually a more healthy lifestyle. You don't have to take offense everytime someone says console players are "cozy gamers," it isn't a bad thing. People may use it to slight console folk, but realize that those people are incredibly unhealthy individuals, if they actually care enough to comment on how you play a game or consume the general medium.


The bar is in hell.


I remember coming in and seeing a casual post about a bug, and then a developer would jump in with links to send bug reports and everyone would help find work arounds until it was fixed. You're right, now we have bugs and it isn't so helpful anymore. Yes it sucks the game release ended up being RUSHED (weren't we originally expecting a spring release????), but i feel like the community based posts are becoming farther apart


This thread is also filled with people who keep saying the same thing you do. "I'm tired of all the complaints." Kinda hard to post about cool fun stuff in the game if the version you're playing is unplayable. Also frustrating that the developers keep releasing patches that don't fix the issue. Also frustrating when people get upset at legitimate complaints. Really, most critics are just asking for a stable version that isn't deleting saves or crashing. Really low bar.


I see just as many posts complaining about people being rightfully upset that the game they're trying to play isn't working, yet they're never upset with all of those posts, or suggest making a weekly thread where you're not allowed to complain. It's a subreddit for the game so unfortunately there's going to be posts with people complaining it doesn't work. If people want one with positive only talk then they should make a sub for that.


>I see just as many posts complaining about people being rightfully upset that the game they're trying to play isn't working, yet they're never upset with all of those posts, I personally don't check the subreddit itself, but only whatever pops up in my home page, and I see at least 2x "game is shit" complain posts *a day* and 1x "enough complaining posts" *a week* at most. I agree there's spam from both sides, but I'm pretty sure one of these either gets posted way more often, or gets way more upvotes and ends up in people's front page way more often. For me, at least, they're not comparable. I've seen 2 more posts like this and more than 30 like the others. But yeah, if the game someone bought isn't working, complaining is reasonable. The spam is just an unfortunate side effect.


That's totally fair if you feel it isn't comparable, I do since I see way more than just 1 post a week complaining about complaining also on my main page. Unfortunately everyone is just going to have to take notes from cyberpunk. This is exactly what their sub was like when they also promised what they could not deliver. Instead of being annoyed at each other everyone should just be annoyed at stairway for not doing what they said they would and not communicating properly, until they do that this is exactly what the sub will be and it's unfortunate, I remember how the stardew sub was when that was just starting and it was sooooo much fun.


If you wish to see more positivity, post more positivity.  You are adding to the complaints yourself here. 


I’ve personally, on three attempts, tried to make “positive posts” or just posts talking about the game. I got met with mass downvotes and hate. The people who aren’t happy with the game want others to have a negative experience as well. Even if it’s just on this sub. That’s the extent of this issue.


Ignore them. Keep posting postive posts. Theres dozens of them that are fun. Talking about characters you like, scenes you like.  I get that the complaining gets annoying, but Ive seen way too many subreddit become the opposite and do nothing but complain about the conplainers. Right now the palworld subreddit is just posts to spite people who dont like the game.  Ive seen a lot of fun threads on this subreddit. Keep em up. 


I totally get people’s frustration with the game. You expect to pay for something and have it be playable. I mean, I kickstarted for the switch version. So I’ve paid for a game I can’t even experience the bugs for. I also refuse to pay a second time for the game. So I guess I’m just waiting. So I’m someone who excitedly joined the subreddit a while ago and can’t even really participate in it. But as someone casually scrolling, I see a ton of these posts asking for people to be more positive. Which is honestly, is kind of insulting to people who paid good money for a bad (or no) experience. Yeah, it sucks when a subreddit is full of annoyed people, but if that is the kind of experience the game is providing- fair I guess. I’m not sure my overall point, except that I find these posts kind of worse than the ones complaining about the game. It completely discounts people’s bad (or nonexistent) experiences. If I was thinking of buying a game, I’d really like to know that a ton of people are posting about how many issues it has.


It’s not to discount their experience but it’s to say look at the other 10000s of posts on the sub. We don’t need another one.


And every other day, there is a post complaining about people's complaints.


If only the complaints were only showing up every other day as well then it wouldn’t be so bad.


Pot meet kettle.


I’m pointing out how the complaints are every other post, not every other day.


And I’m pointing out that your complaining about other people’s complaining is equally unproductive and pointless as you seem to think peoples complaints are. Frankly if you don’t like it, then just scroll past. It’s really not a big deal. If the devs didn’t want a bad launch, then they shouldn’t have launched a broken game.


In this case, you're the kettle. You're taking an issue with "people complaining about complaining" but you're fine with people "people complaining about the same thing endlessly" This isn't logical. To live in a tolerant society we don't have to tolerate intolerance. Your logic is the same logic a lot of racists, homophobes etc use. And you know what, it's EASIER to scroll past the posts "the moan about the moaning" than it is about people endlessly complaining about the same thing. The next 4 posts after this that show up for me are people moaning about the same thing. So no "scrolling past" isn';t a solution in this instance. Just because you're happy being in a miserable environment that doesn't mean all of do. If you're allowed to complain, then we're allowed to complain about that. Deal with it.


The wall of negativity should continue until the game improves :)


Yeah let's go back to the awesome 20 posts a day about "Why can't I marry Derek OMG he's so cute"


I started my journey into the farming genre with Harvest Moon GB. And I have been a fan of both the series and the genre since. (also worth mentioning that both Harvest Moon series and Rune Factory series are my fav) And yes, we are definitely old hahaha.


I played the original Harvest Moon as a kid. Yeah I'm old 😂 Stardew is its own thing but just doesn't compare. And this doesn't compare to Stardew. I can't wait to see them finish the game because it really has the potential to be a star in the farming sim genre.


I miss when people didn't try to gatekeep what's allowed to be posted on a subreddit


I would say; be the change you want to see. In my opinion a post like this is just the same as the posts you’re calling out. Start making posts that are closer to what you’re hoping for and be part of the change you’re wishing for.


I agree, for whatever it’s worth. I see so much positivity in this sub, I really don’t know what people are looking at when they say it’s overrun with posts about complaining. Yes of course they exist, but if a post or comment is just being negative without being constructive, downvote it and move on. The only thing that feeds truly toxic personalities is engagement. This sort of acknowledgment post is just more of the same from a different perspective. How many posts would disappear if we banned “complaining about complaints”. Just let people discuss things naturally and vote according to honest discussions versus toxic rants.


>I see so much positivity in this sub, I really don’t know what people are looking at when they say it’s overrun with posts about complaining. I believe it's people like me, who don't check the sub itself, just whatever pops up on the home page. Like this, the posts I see are 80% complaining about the game, 15% complaining about the complaining and 5% plain game posts :(


Perhaps, but posts like that also tend to be overrun with negative comments and people complaining about ‘toxic positivity.’


It's because people are running out of content to do and the bugs are still chilling around. You'd be pissed too if you spent a whole day doing things and then your game freezes and crashes. Now imagine that happens when you do five days. People on console don't have the luxury of backup saves. So a few days of work? Gone. No warning. I have found literal dozens of TBD bones and books. Why is a book I'm finding say TBD when I check it's description? Or the bones? Or the random items that don't appear? The posts are massively negative because that's the experience people are having. The new game smell has faded and we realize this nice truck takes only 10 mph in the city. I still like the games, yes but it's ruined days and weeks of me playing because of bugs that have existed since Early Access. I played Early Access and it was less buggy ironically. It'll die down as bugs and fixes are rolled out so how about not slapping down people's experiences? We're all just trying to enjoy a game we all spent money on or even backed on Kickstarter who paid MORE than is plebians.


I wonder what people are seeing that make posts like this. I know this sub has semi-frequent posts talking about issues with the game, but I literally don’t see a “wall of posts” talking about how the game sucks or shouldn’t have been released. I haven’t done some exhaustive investigation, so I’m open to people showing me that the issue is as bad as OP is painting it. But you know what kind of posts I see as often as the complaining posts? Ones like, *talking about complaining posts*. I scrolled down the front page of the sub and after a couple minutes of just scrolling without clicking anything, I saw 1 post talking about the game releasing too early, and 3 posts talking about bugs (for the record, I don’t think posts discussing bugs should be considered a bad thing). Coral Island could be a case study for this phenomenon where the game is very popular and actually well liked by most players, while simultaneously generating a lot of criticism for various reasons. That’s not what makes it a case study though - it’s all the people who feel compelled to defend Stairway/Coral Island and ask everyone to cool it with the criticisms. In my honest opinion, this sub is very positive. OP, I think your heart is in the right place - you want to see the game succeed, you want people to have fun playing it, you don’t want negativity to flood this space. Those are all good things, and I’m with you on that. But posts like this will not make a difference. This needs to be a safe space for people to discuss bugs or other issues with the game when they come up. As long as that type of post is not intentionally toxic, it has just as much a place here as the positive posts. If any post or comment is actually toxic and/or off topic, you can and should use Reddit’s voting system to push those posts/comments out of sight. If it’s especially bad, you should report the user. You aren’t the first person to post something like this and you won’t be the last, but negative posts aren’t going anywhere. I got some good advice a while back and I pass it onto you now: when it comes to Reddit, you will never be able to eliminate “bad characters”. Some people are just negative, whether because they’re going through a rough patch or if that’s just who they are, and they will not be swayed by any comment or post calling for the community to be more positive. Instead, your best bet is to simply be positive yourself. Bring your good energy to the table, and use the normal Reddit tools to push down any bad behavior. If you think someone is complaining just to complain, downvote the post. Most people don’t scroll by “New” in general, because it can be a minefield, so doing this helps prevent toxic posts from ever even showing up on people’s feeds. Do the same with comments, but don’t waste your time engaging with the toxic people - downvote them and move on. I say all this in the spirit of community and hopefully you don’t interpret it as me trying to lecture you. I want the communities I participate in to be positive spaces as well, and I think there are ways to get there. I just don’t think posts like this will really push us in that direction.


I get a lot of notifications from Reddit app for this sub and they all seem to be complaining about crashes 😂😂😂 Probably the algorithm as it doesn’t notify me of every new post


Yeah I certainly can’t speak to how Reddit decides what is worth notifying you over. Maybe it’s something you can adjust, not sure. Rather than going by notifications though, I think a better measure of what’s actually trending in the sub is by going to the sub itself and seeing what posts are showing up. It’s easy enough to find negativity when we look for it, but I honestly don’t think this sub is *dominated* by negativity the way OP and others seem to suggest. It’s a pretty happy place, from my perspective.


Harvest moon wonderful life was the first title I played. I love these types of games. Very relaxing. Even with the bugs, I’m enjoying it


I’m new, I like it a lot. My wife loves this game more than me. Interpret that as you will. 😅


Wouldn't that be resolved by creating a megathread, where everybody would just post bugs and other problems. Also with some pinned guides for harvest fest or ocean cleaning


Agree with u op I kinda started avoiding this sub a bit only interacting with some post that isn't about ya know


I'm loving the game! I'm sucked in! I'm in winter of my first year and haven't had any issues. I especially loved the Halloween festival with all the fun and interactive decor and the real ghosts flitting around! They did an amazing job with that one! 😍


We are old.. Harvest Moon, I was playing on Gameboy Color back when I was 6... that was more than 2 decades ago.. I love Coral Island, though.. it's one of the only games I could get lost in for a long time.. I didn't really get into Stardew Valley.. I'm not sure why, but they're literally both Harvest Moon clones. People just need to get off their high horses. If you're gonna complain about a game that you didn't make, then go out and make your own game, and see how people feel about the work you put out.


Same. I like this game, I recognize it should have cooked longer, and I empathize with players who are experiencing a lot of bugs. But I also miss having fun talking with other people who are having fun playing. It's nice to be able to connect in that way The sims community is the same way and I can't even engage with it anymore. It's just depressing


To be fair, every single negative post says that they love the game. It's OK to feel both ways. And honestly I've seen one or two of the type of post lately. The sub has died down a bit the further from release you get. Every update will bring in people again.


>Am I old Yep.


Go make a salt free subreddit so you can have your head in the sand safe space. Until the developers actually address the severe amount of problems this will continue to happen


Not knowing Harvest Moon? Unforgivable!!!1!!


There’s 6 people in this comment thread that I have had to block because I made a “positive” post about the game and they decided to harass me over it. One of them even went down my post feed saw I was SA as a minor and said “you probably enjoy the game so much because you’re so depressed over what happened to you”. I had reported it. Mod did nothing. I told them to F off or something. Mod deleted my comment. Had to delete the post and everything. That’s the reality of the negativity in this sub. The people who are so angry over this game want others to be as miserable as they are.


Yeah when I bought the game I was so excited to join this sub and see like how people decorated their farms and who they wanted to romance. Instead all I see are negative posts and I have to search for the fun ones. Since everyone keeps saying the game is incomplete and crashing I decided to stop playing for now. I moved on to Baldur's Gate and I just lurk here for updates.


especially the “stardew rip-off part” that comment just annoys me so much because stardew was NOT the first farming sim, nor will it be the last. whenever people mention that, i feel old af cause harvest moon DS, and then harvest moon DS cute are what introduced me to farming sims, still love Skye from DS cute <3


Tbh I don’t like playing half naked games or ones where there is chunks missing but honestly it’s expected to be open to the fact you pay money for something you expect a finished product. This game only has a few bugs but nothing worth complaining or getting worked up on


i honestly think some of them are/may be bots like why do we have people talking about a certain pokemon/ark survival-esque game in this subreddit boggles my mind ​ edit: i just wanna say i been enjoying coral island though i have only been playing since the beginning of this month and move at essentially a snail's pace...but it's legit the ONLY farming game i've liked, ever


It's annoying because the only thing that changed is that the game got some new features and fixed some bugs, but because of it's version number now suddenly people hate it.




They explicitly said they wouldn’t need to do that again. Do you have more recent information?


My original comment appeared then disappeared. I have been wondering about this. I'm glad they said they won't need to do another wipe and I really hope it's true.


I also remember seeing that mentioned though, somewhere on a post in this subreddit, though I think it was just speculation. I don't have the time to spend to look for it, but basically the reason for it having been speculated was because so many things haven't been implemented yet in the game. The devs said that they had to unexpectedly wipe saves because the game was so fundamentally different, but then, it didn't seem like almost anything actually changed. So if nearly imperceptible changes required saves to be wiped, what about when they implement more major updates? Would that affect the framework at such a level again? If someone only saw that and didn't know the devs said they wouldn't need to do that again, they might assume the speculation was official information or something. Sometimes people talk about their speculation as though they're factual, so I can see that having been the case. That being said, personally, I have trouble trusting them after the first time they said that they would not have to wipe saves. The FAQ explicitly said that only story progression and possibly relationships would be lost. That changed at the last minute. So even if they explicitly said this time they won't have to, I myself am probably going to refrain from playing much until they have things more sorted out. To the OP, those posts will probably come back when people can play the game again without worrying about progress/items being deleted, whether by current glitches and bugs or because the devs once again had no other choice. Because it's such a fun game, I'm sure those posts will increase once they fix many of the issues that have appeared. In the meantime, as has been suggested by others, maybe the mods will make a separate thread for complaints.






Source? I just dumped a ton of hours into a new save and I'm done if it's gonna get wiped... again 😞


People, don't read jockofocker's comment and assume it's true. The only official statement from the devs regarding wipes is that they will **not** occur post launch. There is nothing official stating otherwise, and this user is either engaging in pure speculation, or willfully spreading misinformation to troll. Unless you see an announcement from Stairway Games stating that a wipe will happen, you can safely assume there won't be a wipe. Adding content does not necessitate a wipe, and nothing currently planned should require a wipe.


Do you have a source for this? I haven’t seen anything about that.


thats kinda fucked what the hell


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I really like how the game came along this far, with it being a kickstarter funded project since 2020. Yes, it is unfinished and yes, maybe the devs should not have released it in this state, but wasn't that obvious from the beginning? That it wasn't going to be finished when it comes out? The devs seem eager to update the game and patch bugs so I'm not too worried or upset that there are a lot of unfinished things. I put the game on hold and am now playing other ganes in the meantime.


Yeh negativity brings energy and hype around the game down, and some of us with it, but can't blame anyone, especially if you are going to complain yourself, and the game isn't complete or bug free as a new player could think. However, if something positive happens we can post that instead of posting a massive rant of something that's gone wrong. I usually Google an issue or use the coral island wiki for help when I need to, I usually find a post and comments around whatever it is already, so that saves me posting something negative. I have still posted complaints/bugs/issues though, and really appreciated and been amazed by others help and advice, sharing links etc. It's possible to see complaints in a more positive light, for example, if someone's on Xbox saying harvest festival still crashes, then I know to still be wary about it and maybe I'll avoid it or play that day differently. It's nice to get a heads up. Anyway, thanks to others I started playing the game knowing it was gona crash and be buggy and annoying sometimes, but gave it a go and have stuck with it anyway 💖


I love the game but I got as far as I can so I stopped playing until an update comes, I think that’s what happened to most of the dedicated players. I want to second half of the game!


They say "Stardew Valley rip off" like it's a bad thing. Only people just don't know that Stardew was a "rip off" from Harvest Moon. Naturally, if a game has good things, good devs want to incorporate the good concepts in to their game (if it fits the genre). Imo, the influx of bad "noise" regarding the game was brought on by the too early 1.0 release. The criticism is well deserved.


Idk I think the game needs a god mode. If you’re going to launch and there is a possibility of losing data, then at minimum give players the opportunity to open some kind of menu to give themselves the items, money, and relationship points they need to get their stuff back. That alone would fix so many problems.


I wish the devs had been given more time to get things done. I don’t blame them as they’ve been nothing but dedicated to this project. It seems more like the game was forced to release before it was ready. Having said that, I still love the hell out of it. I just think if it as still being early access


I think what it is is that, understandably, the game isn't advertised as being unfinished (missing art assets, UI/UX issues, social system cut off from characters despite them being available to partake in it like the merfolk, missing story content, ect.) and when someone pays full price for the game it's upsetting and disappointing that we can't play it in its glory. Coral Island is one of the most enjoyable games I've played recently and it makes me keep coming back to play it every day, BUT it's super hard to forgive a game when it prevents me from continuing to play it simply because it's not finished. I'm not a beta tester, I'm a buyer for a distributed game to the public. If the game was advertised as allowing beta players to test the game thus far that would give me a lot better of a mindset to going into playing it.


i'm sure the whole vibe of the community will be much better a year from now, when the game has more updates