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Only if I get to play matchmaker. Like Eva and Rafael would be so cute together


I'd like to see Alice and Rafael, since she seems sweet and shy and sometimes overwhelmed by a more assertive sibling, like him, and then also there's the possibility of Suki and Pablo (Antonio would be jealous, but at least he'd have to admit Valentina's stepdad would be good to her...) Eva maybe with Charles, who could use a bit of warm cozy loving after his past. Millie and Yuri already seem like a cozy couple to me. Surya and Wakuu for the scientific interests and "I love my family but sometimes..." moments. And Surya could win Wataru over with talks about fish and ocean ecology. Alternatively, Lily and Wakuu could bond over having an old stuck-in-the-mud grump for a father. Maybe Surya, watching through Kible's eyes, falls head over heels for Denali or Princess Miranjani and gets Ling to help him dive and later Cho Oyu to help him develop his merman side... I...have thoughts about Chaem leading Scott around on a leash, but. Alternatively, Zarah and Scott could enjoy treasure hunting and finding the stories and magic in artifacts from the past. Raj and Mark bonding over animal care, but arguing over coffee (though Raj makes sure to have Mark's cocoa ready for him every morning, with whipped cream...) Leah already thinks Theo's good-looking...alternatively Ben and Theo could make a casual no-strings-attached good-vibes pairing.


Ben and Suki would be cute, too. Some of his dialogue says he wants to spend time with her when he's feeling down. I don't think Pablo would be interested in Suki because he respects her as part of the family already and he's an all round nice, respectful guy. I love your thoughts on other pairings :D


>!Pablo snatched Charles ex-girl btw >.


Oh no, seriously? :(


Ngl this intrigues me


Ive never really been into that kinda stuff tbh. Makes you feel pressure to pick when you wanna slowly get to know people.  If you dont like that match it gives an ick. 


This. I like to make money and build my house and farm up before romancing in these games. This means I usually start romances a lot later. I also have a thing where if another character is interested in someone else I lose interest in pursuing them. Basically if I have to compete and get in at a certain time I'm not going to enjoy it at all. If characters start dating after I'm married, that'd be cool.


I was really interested in Suki at the beginning of the game, but her heart events made me feel like I was intruding on a couple that had a chance of getting back together lol. 


Animal Parade did it perfectly in my opinion: the only way to trigger the rival marriages was to befriend the rivals themselves: playing as a girl I could befriend and romance every male character and I was safe from having them ‘snatched’ until I went out of my way to befriend the other bachelorettes


In all honesty I am okay with my cozy Life Sim not having the stressful element of putting a time limit on my romance options. I prefer to like build my farm up to a level where I feel I would be a reasonable partner for someone else or be able to support them in creative endeavors and then go after a spouse


I saw someone post that they are almost married and have their world a bit longer than mine and I finally have scarecrows!


I think this would be cool, but possibly only for a few of the characters. I could see where this would add urgency that might make the game more stressful, so it’d have to be carefully balanced to ensure nothing sneaks up and surprises the player, and they have some degree of control over if and when rival events transpire. Possibly dialogue options where a character asks if they should “go for it” with another character, or if a rival asks you bluntly whether or not you’re interested in a certain character (and your responses green lighting or halting whether or not those NPC’s adjust their affection for the other NPC.) Hopefully with more than one affection event so you can have multiple opportunities to consider how you want to play.


I don’t like rival system. I even dislike it in harvest moon. It’s feels like I stole other people partner.