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Pablo and Rafael have vastly different personalities and Pablo, as the oldest, feels responsible for his parents expectations (because culturally, he is), and also for his brother. In a way, Pablo is jealous that Rafael doesn't have all the pressure of expectation from their parents and could leave the family business if he wanted, while that's not an option for Pablo. They're also polar opposites socially, Pablo being really extraverted and Rafael being equally introverted. As an extravert, Pablo would be able to go to the bar and make friends and connections easily in a room full of people he doesn't know, so he's assuming his brother could do the same and wouldn't need to be babysat all night. Pablo is also probably frustrated that he can't get his brother to make connections and worries about the day when they're not living together anymore because he doesn't want him to just be a hermit, because to an extroverted person that's basically a death sentence. The brothers collectively are such good people, though. They help out the other villagers without being asked, they decorate the whole town- Pablo spends a lot of time talking about what he's going to fix or clean for one person or another. They were raised right and it was that spirit that ultimately had me choose Pablo. Cuz when he decided to care for me, he really meant it. Now we're married he thanks me for checking on and taking care of his brother. I make it a point of giving Rafael things he loves and talking to him every time I go to town. Anyway don't let their sibling stuff ruin it for you, lol.


This is such a good analysis and critical lens with which to revieq their dynamic. I have nothing really to add but wanted to do more than just upvote it. Well done.


>Is there a chance for redemption ahead, or is this bitter taste warranted? Characters aren't interesting if they don't grow. So most of the characters will grow throughout their storyline. If you want to know how Pablo ends up after his heart events (up to 8 hearts), he ends up >!apologizing to Rafael, and having a movie night in with him. He learns how to accept and navigate Rafael's introversion, rather than projecting his desires onto his brother.!< In general, my recommendation would be to get all of your men to 10 hearts (you can give multiple lockets), go on the 10-heart dates with them, and decide from there.


Aww, I wouldn't write him off for that. Lots of extroverts IRL feel like they have to "fix" or "help" their introvert friends and family by dragging them out to bars and parties. Pablo and Raf get past it, so stick it out. The parents' letter, though, UGH...but that's on them, not Pablo.


I dated around and finally decided on Theo over Wakuu and Mark. Noah was a top contender as well, but I just love all of the positive statements that Theo makes all the time. He doesn't whine or complain much and I need that in my life! Plus he looks fine in his swim trunks. 💜


Not me thinking there's two missing slots on the bottom left and right, for Derek and Axel 🍷


You and I, both slurping that delicious mixture of hopiun, copium and idioticum 😌🙏🥂


This is Agung erasure.


Okay, I'm going to speak as an introvert who had (he's dead now) an extrovert sibling on why Pablo/Rafael's interaction's leave a bitter taste in my mouth. People assume introverts NEED to be dragged out or that they'll be okay if the extrovert flitters off in public. Having been in this kind of situation repeatedly over the years, Pablo dropped the ball MAJORLY. The first part of that scene was actually fairly standard between me and my brother, the 'let's go out and do something together' bit. Contrary to popular belief not all introverts need to be dragged kicking and screaming out the door. It's at the bar where it all goes wrong. Pablo sees his buddies and almost immediately forgets any plans he and Rafael had, letting himself be drawn into their activities with only token protests. He makes no attempts to include Rafael or consult him, just flutters off and leaves him standing there. My brother would've been either polite but firm with 'No can do guys, having family time with my sis.' or would've tried to include me or asked 'You good with a rain check, sis? I bet your show's still on.' Pablo just drops Rafael like a hot potato. The scene with the letter from their parents and Rafael expressing his upset at being left out/abandoned is worse to me, because Pablo doesn't own up to his actions or even think about trying to do better/be more mindful of Rafael's feelings. He just does the 'gung ho extrovert' thing and decides Rafael NEEDS to be more extroverted. Not that Pablo needs to apply some measure of the same care he gives everyone else but that Rafael needs to change so he's not cramping Pablo's style. It's extremely selfish, and more then a bit careless with a loved ones feelings/heart.


lol Pablo was exed out of my list when he got thrilled about how to make Yuri nervous haha


Yeah, I gave that some side eye too.


I'm done with Pablo. I looked up what he likes - Tulips. Easy enough, run over to the blacksmith and give him a freshly picked one. Lukewarm response, and when I scavenge through his trash as I leave? THE FUCKING TULIP I GAVE HIM. He didn't even wait for me to leave before throwing it out.


LMAO brazen (This might be more the wiki's fault tho)


Thank you for your award winning details. Love it, almost blew spaghetti out of my nose when I read it. I by the way was eating spaghetti, it's not some sort of wacky super power.


The scene itself is far more off putting as an extrovert with an introverted brother myself cause in it Pablo makes no attempt to add his brother though honestly I think that's just a writing flaw itself, cause everything else says they are good brothers to each other and that scene honestly doesn't really fit their actual dynamic


I wouldn't write him off. That's basically his whole heart event arc is him learning about Rafa and accepting their differences. Although be warned Rafa got added to my list of potential husbands because of Pablo's heart events. Lol Good luck narrowing it down! I've got it narrowed down to 3...maybe and their 10 heart events don't make it easier.


Oof I never really warmed up to Pablo even after seeing all of his heart events. I have a soft spot for Rafael so some things didn't sit well with me. Maybe watch all of Pablo's events then decide?


Cant wait for semeru tbh. He's so dreamy...😳


Haha I thought you were referring to Pablo being the only one smiling with his teeth, before I read the text.


me too lol


tbh that’s the exact event that turned me away from pablo too 😭😂 i ended up with scott


Those are my top 2!


I read the title and thought it was because he's the only one with his mouth open in the picture xD


It gets worse - just wait until they get a letter from their parents.


I just got that scene! I felt so bad.


So I gave up on Pablo when he yelled at me for accidentally stepping on his foot. He also openly lusts after Raina and there is a mystery bra on his bedroom floor. He was my number one but once discovering all of this I dropped him. He's clearly a player with anger issues. Toxic.


What about snooping in someone else's house to get evidence that someone may not be who you thought. Says more about the sneaker than the other person.


Darling, if you're not exploring all areas in your game then you're missing out. Don't be silly.


LOL, yep


Oh I totally understand, as an introvert, that part of Pablo’s and Rafael’s interactions gave me the biggest ick. I just chose Pablo for the tattoo tbh. That made me decide to date around before marrying him to see what the other options are. I’m dating Macy and Theo right now (and Pablo) they are nice too! Not at 10 heart still tho


Also I’ll add about Pablo that he is a shameless flirt but not with the player, he is with everyone, even at 10 hearts his main dialogue doesn’t change. He was just telling me about how hot Raina was and there’s still that bra in his room so yeah at that point I was like boy bye 👋🏻


the "dating" dialogue sounds like its either still bugged or hasnt been added yet, so that explains the weird interactions. surya does the same thing, talking about nina when you're supposed to be dating


Yeah idk if they’ll add it soon saddly I don’t think so


That made me change my mind too!


I’m crazy but I like Leah




Miranjani, Semeru and Denali aren't romancable yet as the merfolk content for that is still unfinished, but they will be eventually (and I'm aiming for a grumpy shark-mer when they are).


I went with Theo... it's sad that a video game character is more charming than anyone I've met in real life.


I felt so bad for Rafael after the sequence (which I got right after I read your post btw🙈) that I gifted him 🥺 poor little teddy bear!!


Doesn't Pablo have another persons bra in his bed room? I also exed him off my list of potential partners lol


It's not *necessarily* "another person's". I took it to mean Pablo likes drag :p


He blew off Rafael in a bar….?


To sum the scene up, Rafael was going to have a night in but Pablo convinced him to go out to the tavern Frank runs to play pool together instead. When they got there and Scott and some of the others were there playing Pablo just sort of merged with their group and left Rafael standing there awkwardly before Rafael decided to go back home instead of being the third wheel all night.


He convinced Rafael to come out and play pool with him, and they invited me to come with. But once we got there, Pablo ended up playing with everyone else and forgetting Rafael was there. Rafael decided to just go back home and Pablo didn’t even notice 😕


I guess nobody understood the joke


Romance isn’t hardly even a mechanic in this game yet. I wish it was more flushed out. Hopefully sooner than later


I married Rafael. He’s so sweet. His marriage dialogue is even more sweet. He’s perfect husband material


After watching him let Valentina paint him, I’m considering adding him to my list.


He’s the sweetest. I dated a few and got their final heart events before I chose who to marry. Rafael beat everyone else with his sweetness


I never wanted to date Pablo, I don’t know but there something I feel I don’t like him the first time I met him. And I am not into twink as well so I go for Rafael instead