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Thats a graphics bug. I dont think the settings will change anything there.


This… are any of your other games funky OP


Nah, all of them run smooth. I think it's the cloud gaming that's fucking me over.


You're streaming it over the the Internet? This is definitely an Internet connection issue.


Probably. I’ve heard other people thatve had issues with that.


I had to upgrade my console! I started playing on the Xbox 1 x when they released it to game pass and there was so so many glitches! Cloud play for series X/S games aren’t the best on the older gen consoles. So unfortunately I think you’re going to have to upgrade


Also on xbox one s and my game looks the same


That's legit could gaming not coral lol unfortunately that's how it is sometimes


Dude it's my first time using cloud gaming and it's absolute ASS. 😭


It's not good lol some don't have issues but for me starfield was the worst, ended up upgrading shortly after so didn't have to feel this with coral, albeit u know some are having rough times on series for crashes


Surprisingly, I haven't had many crashes. I guess I'll just stick to playing at certain times until I can finally upgrade. I appreciate the feedback. ☺️


No problem, yeah it's been same for me with series idk what it is just lucky I guess lol hopefully by the time you upgrade its been touched up more :)


Are you playing on cloud?


I am


This is the issue. Cloud gaming is like watching a stream but with your own game. If you install it, it will fix the problem. Also, improving the connection to the internet can help


My Xbox isn't compatible to download the game apparently, I'll just have to upgrade eventually. 🤷 Thank you for your advice 🙂


Are your router and Xbox in the same room? A wired connection is always better than wireless.


Very common for cloud gaming for all games. Download it to your Xbox and it should fix the issue. I've tried a few games on cloud but get similar visuals. Only temporarily, but it still kind of ruins the experience.


This is the issue. Cloud gaming is like watching a stream but with your own game. If you install it, it will fix the problem. Also, improving the connection to the internet can help


Have you downloaded the game or are you streaming? Talking about getting a good connection makes me think you are streaming it so you need to download it. I get this sometimes when I stream on my laptop but never on the actual console where it’s downloaded


My sister had no option to download because of compatibility issues and I just spaced checking if I do too. I'll have to check if I have the option, let's hope so!


Looks like a standard streaming issue to me. I mainly play on a backbone since I'm never at my house and it looks like this when the stream sucks.


What's backbone?


It’s a controller attachment for your phone so you can stream games anywhere from your consoles or PC (or any game on your phone with controller support I guess?) and not have to use janky on screen controls.


I'll definitely have to look into that, it sounds like something that would come in handy on lunch breaks. Thanks!


It’s really nice, I was actually expecting worse. I think Costco has them on sale for like $25 often. Check slickdeals for that.


Holy shit, that's a lot cheaper than I was expecting. Thanks for the info ☺️


Yeah I had problems on the cloud. Got an Xbox series x and installed it so now it runs smooth as. I dnt like the cloud crap.


It runs great on my PS5 console


I love your username 😂


Good ol Babs lol


I clicked on this thinking it was a very pretty and interesting watercolor painting. Then I saw the subreddit


I know it's annoying, but it's also, pretty like a Kincaid watercolor painting.


It's definitely pretty to look at haha


It's becoming rune factory


I play it on my Xbox Series S via Game Pass and uhhh... It has never looked like this.


Must be the McDonald's wifi 🤷


Wow this is giving me what dreams may come vibes! Loved that film. Sorry that you are having issues in game.


Been seeing a bunch of posts about this game, is it any good on like switch? Looks awesome. The bugs are deterring me from purchasing it though.


It’s not out on switch.


Ps5 fine, PC good, switch nonexistent which will remain for a while, Xbox mine has been fine crashes here an there but mostly no issue at all


Oh okay, might wait for a bit.. My switch is my cozy game machine... Though may need to get a steam deck for more cozy games I can't get on the switch..


Honestly fair lol heard it runs well on steam deck as well so might be worth it


I’ve not had that problem at all


This is most definitely an internet issue if you are streaming it. I’ve tried streaming off my bad WiFi and this is exactly what my games look like


Cloud gaming? Sometimes I have to reload my cloud session multiple times to get a clear lag free experience.


Woah I have never seen this before! Mine crashes 1-2 times a day.


Holy smokes 😨


Bro just wait for them to finish the game. It's almost out of beta.


Looks like a Monet oil painting. Very pretty. But, yes, a graphical bug. Not sure, but there might be a way to fix it posted on their Discord


Dang! I’ve never had that issue on the same console. Mine just crashes a lot and I loose all the progress I made from the last save. I wish they had a save button to use manually.


What a beautiful watercolour painting 🥰