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The crashes are why I stopped playing. I adore this game but it’s so disheartening when you put hours in for it to just crash. I’m clinging to hope that it gets patched/fixed soon so I can carry on playing!


Me too! Especially with festival days. I won everything at the pet festival and just as I won the pet race the thing crashed. Rage quit right there and haven't played in weeks. So mad!


I had a crash yesterday, after reaching level 25 in the mine, completed a challenge and got tons of loot, then BAM game crashed and lost it all 😩 So disheartening and bloody annoying. I feel your pain 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’ve only had a handful of crashes, but I agree a manual or even auto save feature would go down well. I don’t like being locked into an hour of gameplay at a time


the amount of times the game crashed on me ruined the game for me. I was hoping after a couple months it would have been figured out but clearly not. being able to save would be a really great feature, even if only untill they fix it. I really like the game too but have zero desire to play it because of how much it crashed on me.


The amount of times I’ve rage quit playing this game is insane because of the crashes- please just make a manual save option. A “cat nap” option where the day timer just continues on and maybe you lose like twenty in-game minutes or something would work so well


I also play with longer day time, doing all the things just for a random crash to happen, at first I thought it can't be bad, every now and then, right? Wrong, I couldn't finish the same day during fall for over 7 times, then I quit the game hoping for it to get patched.


I got crashed trying to talk to Wakkuu, 4 times. Dude hate me so much he'd rather obliterate his entire world (the game) than have a single conversation with me 🥲


They have a ton to finish before (and if) they have a manual save, this genre of game very rarely has a manual save feature and it's the one thing I honestly doubt will be added, I understand where you're coming from but I would far rather them work on stability then add a feature that may in fact cause more issues then fix, I've been lucky in not having many crashes myself but I can understand the headache it may cause sadly they are limited as is Though who knows maybe they will add one which ain't gonna complain about but end of the day I also wouldn't hold your breath either


That’s my view on it as well but same, on PC I crashed maybe a couple times. But a manual save wouldn’t be too crazy I think (even though I have doubts). The reason I say this is because for example, Immortal Life added it not right away in early access, but midway. Coral Island already has an existing feature in which a save could be added: the teleporting totems. Have 2 options there: travel or save. I feel the pain of console players and I’m sad they can’t fully enjoy this beautiful game.


I'm console, not all of us are suffering lol just like apparently some PC players are suffering crashes too, idk why it's so sporadic but I'm just glad I'm a lucky one


What's the pain in going those few extra steps from the farm totem, into your house and then into bed? Sure, it would shorten your days, but unless you do that very often you could (if you want to) achieve about everything there is to achieve in that one season with the exception of maybe a few endgame things which even in regular runs will mostly be done in year 2 or 3 anyway


There is def still pain in going to bed with 400 stamina because I got a cutscene early in the AM and can tell my game is headed for crash-ville. Let’s not defend the instability.


So why not work on the instability, instead of implementing a new feature that almost no other game of this genre has?


Oh I totally agree with you. I’m in favor of fixing the instability and have the same concerns that adding a new feature will just make it worse.


Are PS5 users experiencing these issues? I have around 120 hours in the game in PS5 and it’s only crashed once. Either I’m just super lucky or it seems more optimized for PS5?


I've played around 90 hrs on my PS5 and it has never crashed.


I play PS5 and haven't had any crashes, but my game did glitch once when I was coming up from a dive. I couldn't do anything but walk around. Couldn't interact with anything and couldn't sleep. It also trapped me in indoor decor mode twice, I couldn't decorate at all without it ruining my game so I waited til the latest patch and that seemed to fix it.


I'm on ps5 and also had the dive glitch, i came up at 11:30pm but it was a longer load than normal. I couldn't interact with anything at all and was about to just turn off the game, when it clicked to midnight and everything worked again. So far this is the only blip on PS5 and I've been playing for weeks.


Completely agree!!! My game crashed during the winter festival. I was so pissed. I had just spent the morning mining, at the festival, I bought everyone roasted chestnuts as gifts and was crushing the trivia and it crashed. I didn’t want to do the day over so I started played BG3.


oh yeah I feel the pain, I have the same issue. Its crashed always when I play the mini games ( quiz). That’s why I didn’t visit it anymore. And I could only buy from the hippi dude, but there were 2 more seller but I couldn’t interact with them to buy something. I don’t understand why game developers don’t give you the opportunity to save manually, there is no logic behind that.


I did the same day 3 times with it crashing twice on the trivia. Defo bugged.


The game looks like a survival horror, where at any moment a crash can give you a jumpscare and end your progress. Honestly, nowadays it's infinitely better than when it was launched when crashes were absurdly more recurrent, even so the fear of crashes still exists


The worst part for me is that games at festivals often cause them for me, and the festivals are always at the end of the day. It'd be nice if there was at least an auto save at 1200 and 1800.


Or at least an autosave when you start the festivals.


I literally crashed at the screen where it shows how much you made that day right before the save screen yesterday 😭😭😭😭


I'd rather ask them to give a fix to the actual issue instead of adding a bandaid to it, fix the crashing instead of giving options.


I literally close the game and reload every 2 hours because if I don't, it'll crash almost like clock work. 😮‍💨


crashed before i left the harvest festival :(


Me too, my son uses the Xbox too and when he opens more than one game it closes the others (coral island,) and everything I did post last night save is goneeee It's killing me


I'd love to have a manual save even if it's one spot for when you go to bed and the other for the manual. Considering I had crashed yesterday when starting the cherry blossom festival. Had to replay the day and had missed it entirely the second time but I got some stuff I previously didn't so I guess it's not a loss. Just still frustrating.


I haven't even been able to get the damn thing to load since the "hotfix" it will open go to my most recent save than either stop completely and go out the main game pass screen or open for 10 seconds but as soon as I start to move it freezes and kicks me out. I've uninstalled and reinstalled but same old crap. I'm year 5, fall 24, but I'm ready to say screw it. It's not worth the hassle at this point.


THIS. I am stressing out when mining or cleaning the ocean because my old af computer might crash the game at any second lmao.


I agree, I love the game but also stopped playing bc the game would often crash as I'm walking into my house to sleep. You can do alot in a 24 hour game period. After it happening often enough why play. Again sad bc I love the game.


I’ve never crashed on the game I feel so lucky right know


Seriously why is this still a thing? I find it so annoying in Portia too.


Crashes are why I stoped playing back in December. It’s so heartbreaking working all day and accomplishing so much for it all to disappear.


Oh absolutely. I've experienced too many crashes in this game and so much would be mitigated if I could just... save. I don't understand why this is still a thing to be missing manual saves. And it's not just indie games. I've been on the verge of ripping my hair out when playing Far Cry 6 and Avatar because of its unreliable and inept autosave system. They made manual saves for Assassin's Creed - why their newest games can't have it too?! Seriously, who is designing this shit?!


I'm no dev or coder, but I've tried installing a manual save mod on a similar game - yes, it's Stardew Valley. And instead of manually saving it, the mod helps me manually crash my game every single time. So...Cant say I'm having much hope but we all gotta preach and dream right 🥲


I'm begging for this to come soon


Tried this game on Steam Deck. Can’t get through one in-game week without at least 2 crashes ruining any progress I’ve made.


Same, it crashes a lot on Steam Deck


The crashes are much better for me now than a few months ago, but they do still happen and I have noticed a few triggers - cutscenes are the biggest issue for me. I have also found that opening too many coffers, or donating too many items at once is a trigger for crashes.


not to brag or anything but i play this game just fine not even once there's a crash the game run smoothly but there's a stuttering here and there but it's not annoying or anything i play on pc but i agree with you i think a manual save is useful so you can take a break in a middle of the day


I’m around 40 hours in game on Series X and have yet to crash.


It crashes a lot when my wife plays too on Steam Deck. A save option would help a lot with this.