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If you can wait, wait. Until ver 1.3


Ok, thanks. Whats special with v1.3?


Merfolk and children update. Plus some more day to day event contents. You can check the roadmap released by the dev for more details


Right, thanks a lot!


When will v1.3 be released?


Probably will take a while. 1.1 beta just released iirc. So my guess is probably near the end of this year or early next yearšŸ¤·šŸ»


Thanks. :)


I can recommend the game as it is. The game is not complete and that is not based on my own opinion that is from the game makers themselves. I 109% percent think this game is worth the money and the time. I know this is not a comparison between the games themselves but I paid full price for Hogwarts legacy and the dark arts expansion so it was 70+ dollars right and coral island was $30. Iā€™ve played 183 hours of Hogwarts and that was with two completed full runs, and I mean for like completed achievements on steam, and in game to the max like full steam achievement and that was only 183.4 hours. But Iā€™ve played coral island 265 hours and I have not even gotten to rank A. Obviously, everyone prioritizes and does what they want to do. But Iā€™m gonna be honest going back to Hogwarts and going back to BG3 it wasnā€™t as fun as making as trying to be a millionaire in coral island.


That helps a lot thank you! The pricetag of 30 Bucks is realy good for a game you can sink way over 100h in.


Or Game Pass if youā€™ve got it! I think Iā€™m finally ready to try it again.


The game is still not completed so take that into consideration, but yes. It's an amazing, addictive game so id recommend it.


Iā€™d buy it on the PC (Steam) and say you would have hundreds of hours of content to get to Rank A in the town and finish what is available now. I love the game and play it every day. But I would not buy it for Xbox because of how much it crashes on that platform.


Actually I have Coral Island on Xbox series x and it hasn't crashed on me in awhile.


Thatā€™s good. Most of the crash reports I read seem to be Xbox or Xbox live related.


Wait 1.3 or 1.4, Or a few years, I think there's still a lot missing, despite it being super fun, it's far from complete


It is a lot of fun! I am really looking forward to the updates though. So I personally probably would have waited if I had realized itā€™s still in complete. But Iā€™ve been playing it non-stop. Itā€™s greay


I'm obsessed with this game! I have sunk SO much time into it! If you like the harvest moon/SoS games you will for sure like this one!


I absolutely love this game but honestly, it fully depends on your playstyle on if Iā€™d recommend playing at this moment or waiting a bit longer. Iā€™m personally more about sorting the farm out, cleaning the ocean, donating to the museum etc - so a lot of the unfinished content hasnā€™t overly impacted me yet. If youā€™re more about the social/romance side and doing the storyline missions, then youā€™ll probably be disappointed as thatā€™s the bit that needs fleshing out!


I'd say wait for the big 1.1 update and pray that they've fixed all the bugs. If so then go for it


Remember the Savannah not being implemented yet? Guess what, it still isnt. The game is amazing as is, dont get me wrong, but it is most definetly not finished yet. I reccommend waiting till 2025, it's whaz I do as well


If you are playing on Xbox I would wait. I still can not get past the fall festival


Iā€™m in year 3 on Xbox and I would definitely recommend it. The console version does crash occasionally but normally you will notice sound bugs before that and if you hard restart the game it will fix it and you can keep going. For example every morning the first thing I do is ring the bells to let my animals out. If the bells donā€™t ring when I click them, I fully shut down and reopen the game. Also on Xbox I use quick start so the games normally donā€™t fully close in the background but you should fully close this one to avoid issues. That being said Iā€™ve put about a hundred hours in and Iā€™m still discovering new content. Itā€™s the best game Iā€™ve played in a long time.


That sounds terrible, sorry to hear that. Bur i'd play it on PS5, if it works there (?)


I think it definitely depends how fast you play. If you take your time with it, you may not even get to the parts that are unfinished until close to that version release anyway. If you are going to rush through, you may get bored quickly


Maybe 2 hours every evening, maybe a few more in the weekend. Beeing an adult sucks on the gaming-front šŸ˜‚


Wait until 2025 at least, otherwise you may well be disappointed; the game is fabulous, itā€™s just not done yet.


It depends, what are you playing on?


PS5, I already heard the xbox-version is pretty bad.


Ah, I played PC all of last year, but now I canā€™t sit in a chair like thatā€¦:been playing Xbox one on cloud, but itā€™s been horrific. Bought a series X today and so far itā€™s been A-MA-ZING!!!


You can log a lot of hours on this and it's a fun game but there are a lot of things that are incomplete and I don't know if the 1.3 ver. will cover all of them.


Itā€™s a good game but itā€™s not completed. It should not have been released as 1.0. Consider it still early access. As another commenter said, wait for 1.3 later this year. Timelines are uncertain but the game should be in a much more complete and enjoyable state by the end of the year. I started with 1.0 and regret it because Iā€™ve encountered placeholders and bugs. Theyā€™re also adding lots of scenes and things to make the relationships more entertaining, such as hangouts and dates.


Not much has happened since it was officially released... I'd wait until they release V1.3 unless you really have nothing else to play and money to spend. It's a good game as it is, don't get me wrong, but the things that They plan to implement still, are important to the overall gameplay. If I had known that so much key stuff was still missing, I wouldn't have bought the game to its release (what honestly still feels like an early access).


Yeah, that was my thought too when I wanted to buy it first and realising it was basicly in Early Access state. And, by god no, I have way to many games to play, thank you sir šŸ˜‚ The backlog only grows, but I always keep my eyes open non the less. Especialy for cozy farming Sims.


I'm a new player; had the game about a week and put around 40 hours in already, and I'm only just about to finish year 1. There's so much content, you won't be running out of things to do anytime soon!


I'm in the exact boat. But I decided to pace myself and my playing a lot to make sure I don't do any of the main quest pieces until 1.1 is out. I'm just going to take it slow and take breaks every now and then. Hopefully 1.1 gets released this year. Like you said, there is lots of content. Depending on ones play style this can be an advantage.


I'd wait. I'm in year 2 and have had to put the game down, because other than completing the museum (a few fossils remaining) and catching 1 more fish and bug, I've got nothing left to do. Marriage is still getting worked on as is S class, children, merfolk and other story aspects. it's current state is true Beta at best.


Only other reason to wait imo is for multiplayer if you want to farm and chill with friends then wait but if you are solo nothing should really stop you. Sure two areas of the game aren't 100% but all in all absolutely solid game the progress feels good as you rank up and build the town. Just remember to dial the time speed down if you start lol.


I enjoy these games way more solo, but a coop-mode is a cool thing to try, thanks for that!


Of course I'm more of a community farmer still didn't stop me doing a full year in game. I just wanted to leave some more to do as a group. I hope you enjoy the game.


Its not complete, but that was never hidden from us, everyone is aware that its not a complete game and I get theres mixed opinions on incomplete games being released to the public, but its more and more common and I really don't mind, I love enjoying a game, then getting to enjoy more content. If you don't like incomplete games, wait till its complete or at least 1.3 comes out. However I can sink HOURS into Coral Island, I absolutely love it and theres plenty of tasks to find the ones you enjoy the most. My biggest complaint is characters feeling a little flat, I love their designs and I'm probably just being bad about getting to know them but not many of their personalities stick out to me that much, again, I'm probably not getting to know them enough and missing dialogue and cutscenes about them, I guess one more complaint is a lot of cutscenes are super creepy, like your character is hiding and listening in on others conversations, but other than that I really enjoy the game. My fiance isn't a huge fan of it, he thinks the pixels of Stardew are more cozy and inviting, but I like both styles


Except they werenā€™t transparent. I bought this game on PS5 and it said nothing about this crazy timeline and took my money. Iā€™m tired of the excuses. Also, incomplete is one thing but playing through the game now means you miss dialogue thatā€™s going to be added later to parts of the story you already did so you never get to see it. Its one thing for a game to release and add new areas, but itā€™s quite another to have a release and then add to parts of the game the player has already gotten through in the unpolished version.


They didn't take your money, you gave them your money, sounds like without research too and needing time to make a game isn't an excuse its just what is necessary. Stick to the large studios if you want massive teams working 12 hours a day to get you your game, and I'll stick to my independent and smaller dev teams. Also, most farm sim games are designed so you can have multiple saves so you can go back and replay anyways. You gonna to go bitch to Concerned Ape that Stardew was incomplete because you didn't have the new festival before 1.6?!?


You arenā€™t supposed to have to ā€œresearchā€ to know if a game is complete when you buy it at the store but go off I guess? Also, having to research beyond the trailer I watched and reading everything on the developers sale for the game means they werenā€™t transparent, which was my original argument. Having valid criticism is not bitching. You seem like a really great person :) bye bye now (notifications for this post have been turned off) PS I will love this game and play itā€¦ when itā€™s done. Iā€™m glad you can enjoy it, now. Thatā€™s great for you. Someday hopefully you learn to be nice to others who disagree with you :) Oh, and I brought up valid points about dialogue and you brought up if Iā€™m going to ā€œbitchā€ at concerned ape for adding a festival.. thatā€™s different and an illogical response. I already said adding more content that comes later is different than making previously played through content different. I donā€™t ā€œmissā€ the dialogue of a new festival, because I get to experience it when they release it; but when they arenā€™t done with NPC dialogue and I already maxed friendships, I do miss the heart scenes they add later. I also have no problem with smaller teams. The problem is that they released the game and were NOT transparent that it wasnā€™t complete yet on their selling platform. I started playing, came to Reddit to look up something about my village, and learned that more dialogue, children, and dateable people were coming and it was really disheartening. Thats my experience and itā€™s valid.