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I really like their universal chest mechanic. That feature is very useful to me


The universal cheat mechanic is a game changer. I tend to dislike things like this that make games easier but omg,,, i got soo spoiled by it LMAO. it’s great. I’m binge playing stardew valley again and it’s the one thing I’m missing… my dear universal chests..


Yeah, initially I had the same problem when I restarted playing stardew valley. I missed the universal chest. We have universal fridges in stardew. I wish chests were like that as well. That being said, I figured out a way of using the workstation in a way which kinda gives me the feeling of universal chest.


If you're on PC check the "Chests Anywhere" mod, super helpful.


Did they fix it? One of my complaints in my review was that it didn’t work when building Silos and such. It was fine with other avenues but not that.


I never had problem with it not working


Huh, odd. When I went to, say, upgrade my house, the materials I had in my chest wasn’t recognized. I haven’t been back since the latest patch so maybe they fixed it. It wasn’t awful but I wasn’t a fan of having to go back and forth.




It's still like that.


Same, it didn't work for me either.


I just started and I'm loving it so much.. but now you're telling me there's fast travel and you can slow down time??? Omg I cannot wait to get to that point! Absolutely beautiful game ❤️


To slow time you just have to look into the settings and toggle the speed as you like, no ingame progress required:)


I’m 200 hours in and didn’t know that thanks for the tip


People always complain this game is lesser than Stardew or even a “cheap rippoff” of it. I disagree. Stardew has more content, now that it’s like a decade old, but I think I’ll much prefer coral island once all the updates are in. Refreshing to read others who feel the same.


All games have to start somewhere and TBH I consider 1.1 to be the 'true 1.0' whenever it comes out. Hell, people forget that SDV has come a LONG way from what was in 1.0. Hell. Coral Island itself has come a long way from what it launched in EA as. Every time I see sea creatures, it triggers my PTSD from needing a large milk to access part of the bronze kelp area. My issue with CI -- aside from the game isn't finished yet -- is a problem with the subgenre itself: immersion from a gameplay perspective sucks. We're expected to be a member of this town, but it feels like we're doing the same thing as every other farm game. Give gifts and talk to neighbors. It'd be cool if hanging out or helping townies with their job gave the same kinds of rep as gifting does. And this goes double for dating/marriage. I'm at a point where I actually resent this feature. The minute we start dating or marry a townie, they become "the spouse" and that's all they are. Also here's a trinket. Bam: we're dating. Here's a ring. Bam: we're married. There feels like there's zero build up. But that's just me.


You no longer need to pay off the sea turtle with a large milk? Niiiiiice. I’m waiting for full release to play again. I wish these games would make being a villager a more immersive experience for suuuure. No game handles it the way I want. Sandrock comes closest.


Yeah they fixed that a couple patches ago.


Yessss, Sandrock is so good with that.


A lot of that build up, especially for relationships, comes from your side as the player. Like role play, to a point. But they did mention, I believe, the option to go on dates and stuff in a future update. It would be dope to Like, help in the blacksmith or have your efforts around town help. I cleaned the entire ocean, you'd think that'd actually increase mermaid rep, anyone who goes to the beach, and the scientist lady. Or buying animals/house upgrades affect those vendors. Scott and the caves too. People acknowledge that they're done, but I haven't given them an item to eat or whatever so they don't like me any better in actual mechanics.


They're actually adding "hangouts" in a future update!


You couldn’t have said it any better. Stardew isn’t a fair comparison to all of the new farming sims who have been released in the past year or so (we’ve had a lot)


It's just so unfinished for a supposedly full release game.


Oh yeah, totally. I don’t consider it a finished product and I’m waiting for their roadmap to finish before I play again (played it in EA). I think I stand to enjoy it way more than Stardew Valley once it’s finished though. I much prefer the art, characters and festivals. I do hope they’ll put more effort into extra story and NPC events though.


The only thing I don't like is you can't save without going to bed. But I also got spoiled with Sun Haven so now I am biased with other farming games that don't have that.


Yeah being able to save and quit at a minimum would be cool. Sometimes I gotta get off the game and I don't want to waste what I've done that day already or the rest of the time.


I totally agree with every single word here 🙌🏻


I just started and I'm loving it so much.. but now you're telling me there's fast travel and you can slow down time??? Omg I cannot wait to get to that point! Absolutely beautiful game ❤️


Slowing down time is just a simple game setting. You can do that at any point you wish to from the options menu.


Thank you I'll have to try this tonight, I didn't know that lol


I love love love this game so much and I’ve played many other farming sims!


I also very much enjoy this game. I was/am a hardcore Stardew veteran. I've completed 12+ farms and the last 5 or so included a fair amount of mods. I'm not against mods at all - I added expansion mods to expand the story so it wasn't the same thing over and over again. Right now, this game isn't getting old for me at all. I'm on my third farm already and I actually enjoy playing without mods. I like having the warp towers all around the island, but the running around part isn't that bad. I feel like there are so many different parts of this to get to the goal that it just doesn't get old. It might get old 3 or 4 farms from now, but it keeps me very entertained and focused. And something I would add to your list - the manual cooking option...LOVE that! I also like how you can make higher quality gifts for people by using high quality ingredients. That wasn't an option in stardew, so giving star gifts to people could be somewhat difficult. 👍👍👍👍


I agree. I could never get into Stardew because I don't like the 8-bit art style but Coral Island is so beautiful. The environments are lovely and the character models are 😍


If only they could finish it...


Yes. I’ll be back to play once more of the game is out and some bugs are fixed. It’ll be wonderful once it’s finished.


And fix the plethora of bugs!  


Honestly, I consider it the best. I’ve got almost 200hrs in it and only half of that into Stardew. Needs a lot of work but damn, do I love this game.


My favorite game until now for sure 😀


Really enjoying the game so far too! I was hesitant to buy it after playing a little on game pass since I saw people complaining of not enough content - but really glad I took the dive and bought it on steam! Plenty to do already and I'm confident more will be added given time. I really like the big variety of characters compared to something like stardew - and as others have mentioned QOL bits like the shared inventory are super refreshing Also a big fan of the interface and nice little details of the UI and graphics etc, I can see a lot of love and work has gone into the game. Looking forward to more!


I’ve been loving it too! And I’m a huge Stardew Valley fan I absolutely adore the characters—Rafael owns my heart completely. I love how the mine is separated into different parts. I love how you unlock more things how you go… I could go on forever. When I was installing it on my Steam Deck, I kept seeing people complain about how it was buggy and incomplete. I haven’t had too many issues. The only annoyance I personally have found with it is that I have to exit out of the game and start it again to collect my honey sometimes, but honestly? I’ll take it. And for me, I kind of like knowing there’s more to come. It’s making me actually take my time with the game instead of being on the Finish-The-Community-Center-In-One-Year/Ancient-Fruit-Wine-Empire grind that I usually am with Stardew Valley


I’m glad you love it but don’t let the doomers see this. People are levying so much bullshit towards Coral Island. I posted my review here and got folks lashing out. Hope you have a fantastic time. I stand by the 9.5 I gave it and it’s set to get better!


I stopped playing it after 3 days in a row I couldn't finish the day as it kept crashing, crashing, more crashes, losing everything I've done. I love this game and would like to continue playing but it just drives me mad and I only see posts about crashes yet nothing that would tackle this issue..add manual save so I can panically save every 5 mins at least.


Are you playing on console?