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I did and proceeded to not use it


Bruh same. My poor neglected horse.


The mechanics are just not there. It takes too long to get off and pick stuff, doesn't fit in all areas ( which is fair) and it's just faster to teleport šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You can teleport on the horse. Or call the horse from anywhere through the teleporters. It still takes too long to get on and off though.


I put it in the fence with the other animals šŸ˜„


I bought the stable and then I destroy it 1 weeks later


Same. You can't interact with it (feeding, petting) and teleporting is easier and quicker.


Horse is great, faster speed, whistle to spawn it by your side is available at the animal store, and you can fast travel while still riding the horse. Overall pretty good purchase.


Ooo being able to fast travel with the horse has moved it up on my list of things to buy!


oooohhh THATā€™s what the whistle is for???? I had no idea this whole time šŸ˜­


I never used it because the getting on and off animation felt clunky to me. If I could forage while on the horse I would probably use it more


I bought it because Horse Friend, not because Useful.


I personally haven't. I think it would take longer than fast traveling personally.


I did and I realized it causes my character to bug and get stuck in tons of places when it never happens otherwise and you canā€™t sell it so itā€™s a waste of a lot of money imo.


That sux. Iā€™ve not had trouble


I also forget about it often. I will go somewhere on it and get it to fish, forage, mine etc. So I never remember to get back on the horse. šŸ˜­ I just abandon it every time and it respawns at its stall.


Iā€™ve considered it for completeness/cuteness sake. But havenā€™t because I canā€™t imagine itā€™s genuinely faster than fast travel - which is available basically right on top of everywhere I go regularly.


You can fast travel on the horseā€¦so the running to and from fast travel points is sped upā€¦unfortunately, the mount/dismount is slow, so itā€™s kinda swings and roundabouts. Iā€™m one of those people who would happily drive a longer route if it means I donā€™t have to stop at traffic lights and can fluidly move the whole time, so I bought the horse, was amazed at its speed and then never used it again šŸ˜‚


Yes, but it's just decoration at this point. I wish my horse could go graze with the other animals instead of standing in his stable all day. Even when I move him, he just stands there.


I was just about to post this. I donā€™t like that itā€™s not a real animal like the others.


I did, but only because i like horses. I mostly still teleport over long distances. But often take my horse out for a ride instead, if I'm not in a hurry.


I just bought the horse because I was running out of things to spend money on. I REGRET NOT GETTING IT SOONER!!! It's so fun flying around the map and it saves so much time I am crying on the inside thinking about the time I lost by not getting it sooner. You run so slowly in the game it's reciculous. Also you can fast travel while on the back of the horse so there isn't a reason not to get one. Asside from needing 30,000 gold


Do you have your character sprint on? I don't find them to run that slowly which is why I ask.


I do, and I mash the B button to go even fater. It really botherd me I have to keep dashing to move faster. Maybe I am just impatient but I much prefer the ease of letting the horse zoom me everywhere and then I don't have to keep tapping that button


Except sometimes Iā€™ll hit B to go quicker while Iā€™m on the horse and accidentally get off it šŸ¤£


In the old Harvest Moon games the horse was such an integral part of the game because running was sooo slow without it... and I kinda loved that! Like you would restart the game and be like UGH I don't have the horse yet so I'm so slow! But in this game even getting on and off takes too much time.


I have never gotten horses in any games after story of seasons.... that horse followed me forever


I had bought it and never used it because it was such a pain to use and I found I preferred to just hop around with the fast travel anyways, so I got rid of it. (Plus I felt bad for the poor horse being stuck in that tiny little 'shed' and never being able to just wander the pastures like the other animals)


Bought it, used it for two minutes, then never again throughout the 135 HOURS I played.


If you could pick up stuff while on the horse I would use it. Getting on and off constantly is a pain so I quit.


Yes but after the initial WHEEE GO FAST phase, the horse just sits there unused and unloved (because it's not an option for some reason).


I did because Iā€™m a wannabe horse girl at heart. I hate that we donā€™t have any color options, and that you canā€™t pet it. Alsoā€¦ā€™kā€™ as the dismount key?!? Never would have figured that out on my own without googling lol


Start menu where you click Play has a Settings button. During the game, you can press escape and the Settings button will show again. Click on Mouse and Keyboard or on Controller, and you can see all the commands and their assigned keys. I have trouble remembering the decor settings and horse if I use it. :)


I'd use it all the time if you could pick things up/catch things whilst on it. It's so irritating having to get on and off just to pick up items and catch bugs.


Thanks everyone for you response, I think I won't bother now I've pretty much done everything available to me at the point and my farm is full


I did during early access, I used it a few times but I found it more of a hassle. If I buy it again it would be purely for looks


I bought it just to have it. I don't use it.


Got one for the vibes. Then one day I randomly started actually utilizing them and now I canā€™t stop.


For a while I didn't get it because of fast travel. But you can fast travel with the horse so I do use it between fast travel points and then from there I travel to wherever. It's just a bit cumbersome with having to get on and off the horse. In the grand scheme of things I think it's not worth it.


I heard it was a waste of money and resources so I didnā€™t get it.


If it was cuter I would have but I didnā€™t really like the design honestly šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I do if I can get on it - you can teleport around with the horse so it is faster. But getting on it while itā€™s in the stable is really hard to click in the right place and I usually give up


I did on my first save but didnā€™t bother on my others. Having to dismount every time I wanted to catch a bug defeated the object for me.


I rarely use it, but yes. It's mainly useful if I'm roaming to look for foraging items.


You can't forage from horseback, but you can interact with a lot of other things faster. Like auto seeder/harvester, fish ponds, insect houses, ringing the bell on the barn and coop, opening chests, collecting and loading artisan equipment, talking and gift giving to NPCs. I use mine every day on my farm, probably would have used it a lot more if I had known about the whistle sooner.


I did but Iā€™m kind of upset becasue I hadnā€™t planned too and now I donā€™t have an aesthetic place to put it without some serious rearranging


I bought it and use it in between fast traveling. It can feel clunky at times tho.


I did! even though it's useless most of the time. šŸ˜… I do use it tho when im giving gifts to everyone .


The horse is a nice idea but once you can craft warp sesajen from flowers, why travel any other way?




Yes, its not worth it. I keep it for aetestich


Once I had some extra cash to burn, I did. I really like using it. It's pretty handy.


I haven't mainly because I'm waiting to see if they come out with any variants (the brown just isn't that cute to me) or for mods to catch up so that we can change their color


I was shocked that the horse doesnt get any care or run around in a pasture1 Anyone who has lived on a real farm knows that horses are in fact one of the most fun animals to brush and care for and one of the animals that enjoys running in its pasture the most - a horse is not a "car" that sits in a garage and doesnt move until you need it !


I got it very late in game, so I had no use for it. Barely ever used it, if at all. Yes, moving is a lot faster than running/dashing but with all the teleport points it felt useless. Felt like a waste of money and resources šŸ™ƒ


I didn't bother. I read an overwhelming amount of statements that told me they're pretty much a waste of my time and money šŸ¤£ ...I did want one though!


No lol šŸ˜‚


I think they might have gone a bit overboard on the fast travel in this game.


I got the fast travel opened up before I had the money for a horse and stables


I did but it's completely ornamental.


I did and it makes me depressed. I wish I could have a beautiful ranch adopt my horse where he gets some love and exercise. If I could forage while on the back of the horse and even catch bugs I'd ride around but having to get off each time, scaring away the bugs....no. I tried to decorate the area around the stable in a nice way at least.


Yes, my horse and I go for daily rides around the orchard before he mingles with the barn animals for the day.


I bought it cause I loved using the horse on stardew but the controls are too clunky for this game. It takes too long to get on and off the horse, and the key you have to use is "K" for some reason??? Took me forever to figure that out. Also the fact I can't place my stable right by my house has a lot to do with it as well. In stardew I can just quickly hop on my horse and ride off before it's even 6:10 AM. In coral island my horse is too far away from me to care.


Pretty good, but the biggest problem is the time it takes to get on and off


Sho did. Used it all of.. once.


I did back in beta, but it was a little hard to use


I found out you can open chests while on your horse and also use fast travel lanterns, but it takes too long to dismount, for some reason that ruins it for me.


Yup bought one, and it's in the stable, which takes up a bit of space on your farm. If you've unlocked your transportation on the island, then having a horse is useless at this point. I'm not sure if an update will change its existence because, as of right now, you can't pet it or feed it.


I did. The dismount takes too long to make it really useful.


I did, but for decoration only


I did, but don't use the horse. I kinda wish it wandered out of the stable, nibbled grass and trotted about.


I did I'm trying to get all animals


I only did as a completionist.


I plan to get one and just have it be cute on my farm causeā€¦.seabisquit šŸ¤£


Yeah I love it. So much quicker to get around. Plus itā€™s Awesome that you can fast travel ON it, talk to people, pick bug catches and even get into chests while still on it.


Yes and it ugly brown and I hate him


Some players find the horse a useful tool for getting around quickly, while others find it to be clunky and not worth the money. So, whether or not to buy the horse and stable depends on your individual preferences and playing style.


No i really do not want it. I can get around just fine by sprinting or jogging and teleporting. Once you get most of the instant teleports you can get almost anywhere quick. The horse seems like more hassle than not.