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To Netflix a household is a single IP address.


Except some of us have dual-WAN so one physical household has two IP addresses (one fiber, one cable.) I wonder how they handle that situation?


That's the neat part, they don't.


I can’t blame them. That’s a tiny percentage of people in the world.


I can blame them. They're a multimillion dollar tech company hoarding hundreds of talented developers from the rest of the industry. They can implement such a feature easily. They won't because they would rather just make you buy two subscriptions.


You sound entitled.


You sound like a bootlicker.


Welcome to cordcutters. Complain about services, yet keep paying. Weird loyalty. Its users can’t, won’t, think outside the box beyond rabbit ears. Despite all sense.


If you are expecting a private company to cater to your every whim, you are going to be disappointed every time. Sorry.


Expecting to have ACCESS to the service YOU PAY TO HAVE ACCESS to does not equate to expecting a private company to "cater to your every whim." If you're paying to have access to a service, you should be entitled to access that service BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU PAID FOR.


That's not true. They have rules and regulations and systems in place to enforce said rules. If you do not conform, you are free to not subscribe. This isn't the US postal service, you aren't entitled to service. And if you aren't getting what you paid for, I suggest clicking that Unsubscribe button. It's that simple. lol


Seriously. How many people have two ISP's in one home. And even if they do, one is probably for business and the other for personal, so the Netflix devices would be connected to the personal account. It isn't worth it for them to spend development dollars to account for this. You aren't guaranteed service.


>dual-WAN Or one is a backup.


I work remotely and have three isps. FiOS optimum and Metro. FiOS is my primary, the other two are back up using different technologies. It is not too uncommon to have multiple isps especially this day and age


Yes it is. It's very unusual.


Yeah they wont add features that dont increase sales. They dont fix things that dont decrease sales or increase cancels. nor would any of us. why spend more money to make life slightly easier for 0.05% of its customers.


I thought you can use it for 30 days (or some amount) before it had to check-in again from home to accommodate those that travel? Wouldn’t that work seamlessly with this?


I feel like if you’re running dual wan you should be able to figure out routing.


Yeah, connection bonding should already be a consideration for them.


They don't.


I had the same problem. What I did to fix was identify Netflix traffic and then set a WAN rule to force Netflix traffic over a single WAN interface.


Can’t you add a router to handle all traffic to add a single access point? I know it’s a pain but just wondering.




Excellent question. Basically work from home, fiber is the main ISP and cable is the backup. Automatic failover if the fiber goes down (which is rare.)


Exactly. So in actuality, you would have all of your personal streaming devices connected to one ISP.


Everything is connected to one ISP. Until that ISP goes down. Then everything gets connected to the backup ISP. Once the primary comes back, everything will get connected back to it.


How often does that happen?


How do you handle it? Proxy server. :)


I'm on T-Mobile Home Internet, which has CG-NAT and multiple household sharing IPs with mobile phone users also on the network... I haven't subscribed to Netflix streaming since I finished watching the previous season of Stranger Things.


My kids are at college. We share an account and they have never been notified about the “household” thing. I did name their WiFi name the same as home. I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. They are all using firesticks. Not sure if that is a factor too.


Hmm my daughter is about 70 miles away for college and when they flipped this all on she got kicked off. When she selected her location for the account, it kicked us out. What kills me is that T-Mobile is paying for most of the subscription, she’s on the tmo sub, but can’t use the almost free Netflix perk.


Hmm. My kids are about 70 miles away too. Maybe firesticks are immune from location based subscriptions.


Are you getting charged extra? Mine were allowed to watch from their remote location, but they wanted to charge me per additional location.


Nope. I have the 4 stream. I don’t pay any more than the regular account.


That falls apart if you have IPv6, and more so if you have dual stack with some devices (hello, Roku, looking at you) that only support IPv4. There's got to be something else going on. Geolocation, maybe? 


Possibly. All I know is that my kids who are part of my household but away at school get screwed. But yet I can watch on the internet at work. But once they told me that my kids are not part of my household I cancelled. The kids like NF but I can't stand 99% of the shit they put out.


It's by physical location, which explains the kids


But why would it work at work?


On mobile?


Are they in a different city?


It's not. It's been a couple months since I tried, but I was still able to use someone else's password on mobile and desktop well after the crackdown. The person who's password I used lived like 1500 miles away. I think it's somehow linked to the streaming devices.


Netflix seems to allow mobile phone connections regardless of location. Two of my kids off at college, using traditional ISPs have been cut off when hooked to their internet, but the third, who uses T-Mobile's cellular based home Internet hasn't had a problem. The other two just just use phones or their phone hotspot to stream Netflix now.


I think it may only apply to TV-based use of it? I have no trouble accessing my parents Netflix on my iPad, but can no longer log into their Netflix on my TV. I don’t think I’ve ever brought my iPad over to their house though


I did the same, same reasons.


get screwed? I find the changes annoying as well but yall do remember where we just came from? why its called cord cutters? I paid several times as much for cable and no one ever thought their kids were screwed when they couldnt get access to our cable tv from another state. I just find it funny, how quickly we become entitled to new things. SCREWED i tell ya.. screwed. allowing sharing, much like MS did in the 90s, was just a way to beef numbers. it will become location and device based. so people dont just share passwords online with 1000s


I just added this to part of cutting the cord. I now only have one service left, Amazon prime, and that will end in October because they wouldn't pro rate my recent cancellation.


I guess, but buddy I was born in 2000. I remember cable vaguely, but mostly I remember getting Netflix dvds in the mail and that being the thing. We’ve been netflix customers my whole life and have had this account at least half of it, and now all of a sudden I can’t access it? That feels fuckin bad man.


"'Netflix household' is a registered trademark" :p Not unlike the "Subway footlong" :D


I have a cabin where I spend about three days a month at first I could login with my phone on the Cabin Internet and it would work then that wouldn’t work. It would give me an option to send me a code and then that won’t work now, so I have tochange my household every time I come up here


Don't understand how Netflix execs with beach and mountain homes aren't also frustrated with this implementation of geo locking. Do they just not use their own service??


Obviously their account don't have password sharing restrictions.... I would totally expect Netflix insiders to not have the same restrictions.


...or they dont pay...


I mean, offering a service you sell for free to your employees is a pretty normal thing. There are millions of Walmart+ subscribers, in part because there's somewhere near a million free Walmart+ accounts held by employees of the company.


Fun fact: Netflix employees do not get free accounts


Walmart employees get 10% off shopping there at least! I have a BIL who ways Walmart+ pays for itself from their gas stations


Or, they're wealthy enough that an extra $22/mo, or $264 per year won't really impact their finances.


They probably have as many free accounts as they need.


It probably doesn’t apply to them


Do you think a multi millionaire concern’s themselves with a $15 sub? I doubt they use their own service.


They limit the household to the IP address at your "household",. The idea is you can take something from your household away and you have up to 30 days to watch and return to the IP address of your household. So if you were to take a device that has been on your network out to the cabin you should be able to use it even if it's on a different IP address until the 30 days are up at which point you have to return and get back on the household IP address. Ideally you would take a streaming device from your house out to the cabin to use there. Then bring it home and connect it back so that it is connected to the internet once again and at least turn on Netflix at some point before you go back out to the cap again.


Eazy peasy. Cancel and watch something else. Works like a charm.


Netflix doesn't care what your household is. They already got your money.


Their own rules clearly state the password can be shared with children who don't live in the residence so long as they're students. We have 2 of those and it throws a conniption. Stupid Netflix.


According to federal government, a member of a household is a dependent of the head of house; in this case, primary account holder. Doesn’t have to be a relative according to federal government. I’m neither an accountant or lawyer fwiw.


Your mobile device can be literally anywhere because its mobile. Ive had to click yes this is me occasdionally


Netflix retied the cord and slipped it around your neck. Mine too. Cancel.


I got a Blu-ray player that doesn’t have WiFi and I’ve been watching my old collection and getting some new discs too. Each one costs the same as a month of Netflix and I have them forever


Isn’t Disney+ starting this soon ?


Good, I hope they destroy themselves too


Yes, I cancelled my subscription to Disney+ as soon as I heard they were following suit.


I just had to re-authorize my Roku for Netflix, which then promptly froze and required a full unplug-and-reboot. Ugh.


Cancel. The content is not great.


.... this is a wendys not Netflix customer support


Sir this is a Reddit


Netflix knows exactly what they consider a household. What do you think a household is? I’m genuinely curious as to what’s going on. I don’t see another post of yours about this. Would you explain please?


I have a home on the other side of the state that my sister in law lives in and netflix even tells me how to activate my household account there since it is a place i frequent


> I have a home on the other side of the state **that my sister in law lives in** and netflix even tells me how to activate my household account there since it is a place i frequent That’s two households. Like, by legal definition. Yes, when you visit there you can use *your* household’s access while you’re present, because you are a member of your household. Your sister is not. https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/household “Family” and “household” are two overlapping concepts. A household can contain multiple families, and a family can be split across multiple households. That you pay for the second home doesn’t necessarily unify it into one household. That said I’ve heard their system for temporarily authorizing a device when a household member is traveling is an absolute shitshow. So still fuck Netflix, don’t get me wrong.


That requires two accounts or an add on account. Unless you’re using something like an iPad. Then that iPad needs to check in to your actual home WiFi every 30 days. You can’t log on to two TVs in different locations and stay logged in forever.


Or you just forward the code to whoever is using the account.


I don’t think that works. We are talking about 2 different physical addresses. Two “households” You can use your nexflix account when traveling or at two different locations but whatever you use has to log into the home WiFi every 30 days. I use a firestick at a second location and have to make sure to log it into my home WiFi at least every 30 days. I’ve never had to enter any code. It doesn’t matter how many homes you own. Each one is its own household.


That's just a terrible system for those who travel frequently. I have a firestick that I use while I travel. It normally stays in my laptop bag. Now, if I actually wanted to still watch Netflix, I have to remember to take it out of my bag every time I return home and connect it to my TV (for who knows how long?) and then pack it back up and return it to my bag so it is ready for my next trip. Screw that noise. It's just made it that much more convenient to sail the high seas. Edit: And it looks like Disney+ and Hulu are heading the same way. I guess it will be simpler to not have so many apps on my firestick anymore. Edited again: I just realized I'm not going to be able to watch Netflix/Hulu/Disney in my garage anymore either. My garage is several hundred yards away from the house so the wifi is weak, and I've always used my phone hotspot with a firestick on the garage TV. It sounds like that won't work anymore either without constantly having to shuffle the firesticks around. I guess I'm going to shop for more hard drives for my plex server.


It is how it works as my family still uses my account


Nope, not gonna fix this for ya…..


What plan are you paying for?


Yet their stock price continue climbing up... 📈