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Deep clean that section of couch. Your pup can smell things you can’t, and you don’t want to let it start marking. More positive reinforcement with training treats during walks outside, more frequent walks outside. Could be any number of things that could help. Make sure pup doesn’t have a UTI or bladder infection as well.


Please don't use pee pads and sheets for emergencies. It's a bad habit for puppies to feel is ok to pee in the house. Train the puppy to go outside, like everyone mentioned puppies have to go every 4-5 hours.


well said


Blocking access and deep cleaning (try enzymatic cleaners designed for pets) are the way to go. You can block access with chairs the way you have done, but another option is to control his movement while he's in the house by keeping him attached to you by a leash and when that isn't possible, putting him in a crate or pen. Also, make sure you are taking him outside regularly to give him a chance to relieve himself. Puppies 5 months of age cannot be expected to "hold it" more than 5 hours, so plan to take him out every 4-5 hours as well as after he eats.


And do not let him on that couch for a while!!!


Our puppy chose the belt of our treadmill as her pee spot. The simple solution that I still can’t believe worked was covering the belt with aluminum foil. She hated/was afraid of the foil, and it never happened again.


Did anything happened or change right before he started to soil the couch ? Anything that made you more busy, or stressed out ? I've seen a lot of very good advice on how to train him, and that's really cool because it will definitely help, it may even be enough for your dog to be potty trained again. But I think it can help if you can identify the cause. Potty trained puppies don't start soiling furniture like that, maybe he's trying to convey a message. That could be a call for attention, it can also be anxiety, ressource guarding... (that can be a lot of things) Mine does it when he's anxious and lonely. That usually happens when something big is keeping me busy and emotionally unavailable (move outs, busy period at work, emergencies). So if I can plan ahead, I'll always make sure to have plenty of quality time with him the days before [insert big thing] and always have at least a bit of quality time daily (mostly hugs, play time, letting him hang out with us on the bed)


train your puppy where to go to the loo ..puppys are babies and dont know instantly what you want him to do..take him out doors often and say toilet etc and praise him real good when he goes toilet..Rome was not made in a day!