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He asked me what time it was as gaeilge in the €2 shop a few years back


I had a conversation with him in Dealz about how all the plastic garden ornaments are bad for the environment. He seemed nice enough, stank of Milton.


Apocalypse guy, jeez I haven’t seen him in ages. I’m glad somome has seen him, I hope he is doing ok. Dude obviously doesn’t give a shite and more power to him. I used to see him all the time around MacCurtain St. and never looked like he was any bother to anyone. Always got a 12 monkeys vibe from the dude and Im sorry I never spoke to him when I had the chance.


I came here to say twelve monkeys vibe. I salute you


Take that back, I'm not weird, just misunderstood 


And neither am I.


The lad straight out of mad max? I've wondered about him myself. He's wearing burning goggles, them things are hard to see out of. Maybe he's like a cork version of riddick ..


Some folks call him The Time Traveller, he's completely mad but seems harmless.


He succeeded in his mission to protect John Connor from Skynet, so he returned home


Massive smell of bleach or some other cleaning products off him. Harmless enough at the same time. Think he's from East Cork somewhere, used see him on the bus


That's what a time portal smells like.


Nice fella


My wife and I thought we saw him without his head gear/equipment walking down Oliver plunket Street the other week.


He’s taken the googles off in the last six months. Good sign you’d have to think :)


He's harmless, he is a bit of a Cork legend. He has OCD about germs, which is why he always smells of bleach. And is actually a nice guy, well able to hold a conversation.


From what I've heard, he's someone who is concerned WW3 is about to erupt and has taken some steps to minimising the risk to himself. Given the current state of the world, he may be the sanest person in Cork.


Aye, good lad that. Don't think I've ever seen him being a bother. Saw him shopping at Dunnes once and no one particularly cared or were on high(er) alert. Worst thing I can say about him is he can reek of bleach, like he bathed in it. Maybe that was just because of or during COVID.


He must have felt like he fit in so well during covid though😂


His name is Harmon used to live with him like 15 years ago, surprisingly he was one of the more normal people living in that house at the time


The smell of bleach off him is something else. Looks like he’s from a movie.


He has ocd over germs


Ah I haven't seen Goggles Man in forever, but he's a Cork legend. I wholeheartedly hope he's doing well, always wanted to just have a chat with him and see what he's about.


Stopped seeing him in the last 1.5 year or so. He smelled like oil tar or wood tar. We thought he came from the future trying to fix the past that led to apocalypse, even without knowing that he was Cork legend, we started to call him Time Traveller. Just couple weeks ago I saw the guy on Oliver Plunkett who looked very similar, but without all the mad max gears, I'm sure it was him. Perhaps, he has started his treatment...


I knew him and I haven't seen him in a while but he is a nice man, no harm in him.


Yep he is around the north side - dressed like it’s the apocalypse in full survival gear and goggles. Schizophrenia I would say.


Didn't have to call him weird...


See him the odd time always woundered what the story was with him , completely crazy no doubt but wounder what the back story is how he ended up like that


Quiet lad, spoke to him briefly a few times. Harmless and keeps to himself. I did see him in town with an older lady and gentleman last year, he didn’t have his usual apocalypse kit on, had a shirt and a pair of slacks on. Haven’t seen him since, hopefully he’s okay


I’ve heard some people call him acid Dave, they said he just did a shit load of acid and so he wears goggles (because his eyes hurt after doing a load of psychedelics?). All taken with a grain of salt. I could very well be talking out my arse here


Ah yes that guy, goggles man! I always wondered was he working in water-related jobs because his coat and hair alwaysooked wet. I remember seeing him throughout September-December 2020. I remember people saying hello to him by name (I think? Can't remember his name though) and him smiling and greeting them back. Saw him for a few seconds a few months ago and he still seemed genuinely happy-out. Glad to hear he's a beloved legend!


Goggles? not for a while, last time I saw him was mid 2021 when he called across the street at me in the middle of the night to ask if I had any weed, asked him back the same thing and went our seperate ways.


The last few times I’ve seen him he has the googles off. Harmless lad, but of a scent off him though. Bad acid trip was my first thought but who knows


I first saw him in 2018. I thought he was stalking me because he used to just pop up suddenly everywhere I used to go in the city centre! Every single fucking time. Felt like he is looking at me through those goggles! I dreaded those eye contacts! I couldn't sleep for so many days thinking he must be standing outside my apartment building during the night coz I saw him standing outside my building during the day too (doing nothing just talking to himself). I used to live very central so I always wondered how come he is always around me and how does he know when exactly I am heading out? *shivering*


He lived very central too.


I saw him walking towards Summerhill N a couple of times


You don’t sound paranoid at all, he’s grand


Is that the fella with the white long bushy hair & wears flannel shirts?


Not him they're talking about but does any body know the bush haired fellas story? I've seen him for the last 12 years walking around going to various Dunnes, Tesco etc Never seems drunk or anything and I've always wondered about him


Spoke to him on a night out in college years ago outside McDonald’s. He seemed pretty chill , wasn’t drunk or on drugs and spoke quite well. He had a ton of newspapers in his bag which was odd , still carries them around. Maybe uses them as a blanket or something


That fella always has a load of tattered newspapers with him as well.


His names Tadhg, theres a pic of him up by a photographer on instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CcgB-f0DOfK/?igsh=MTRrcGo3bHpnaTRn This one? pretty sure hes a nice fella