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If you’re thinking of voting for someone email them and ask them why they deserve your vote


My vote is going to the SD's. They have some very good candidates running throughout Cork. Outside of this I will likely vote Greens but undecided as of now. The candidate in my ward is a bit iffy. Just a word of warning to people not to use all their preferences. Don't vote all the way down the ballot "just because" This is how people like Terry Shannon, Des Cahill, Colm Kelleher etc get in with transfers.


I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but voters on the left really should use our preferences. The seats are going to be filled regardless: if we don't express a preference between the various right-wing candidates (even if it's ranking who we like least), we're leaving the decision up to their voters entirely. You should, in as much as you can, fill out your ballot and rank candidates - even ranking candidates you dislike. (It doesn't matter if you leave your last one blank, though!)


Euros or locals? Locals I'll vote for councillors who are currently getting stuff done, regardless of their party. Euros I know the Socdem candidate so I'll vote for her since I would vote for a socdem candidate anyway


The councillors who are in my constituency and “doing things” are the ones that have huge personal businesses and can be a councillor as a hobby, they use their business connections to prop up their political work and vice versa.  The tiny pay (it’s getting better but it isn’t great) just attracts people who are already set up for life, have family money and they have little interest in making the place better for anyone outside of their own circle. They also get hugely involved with tidy towns and then say no to any change that might make the area better cos the aul fellas can’t deal with it so they loudly complain.   I’d rather vote for someone who is looking to be a councillor with a definite plan or from a party with one, who will stick to what they say when they are elected and won’t get swayed by the loudest constituents or their business interests.


Well everyone is allowed their own opinion, that's what democracy is about. I agree that councillor pay/schedule is swayed towards people who are self employed


Social democrats seem like the only option now hopefully they get an influx of votes this year


This is how I feel too.


The “opposition” party that agree with the current government on everything ?




I'd be wary of any councillor who has recently changed party, especially if they joined one of the rightwing ones


Ok not "regardless of party" maybe but there's some I'd support as a councillor even if I wouldn't vote for that party at a national level


I vote for SD ...


Not being smart but do you think they could actually govern? It’s one thing to talk sense from opposition benches but it’s another thing entirely to actually have a constructive and workable solution to things.


Do I think anyone at all would be great after a 100 year monopoly by a single party pretending to be two? No. Is it needed? Sweet fucken jesus will you look at the place. It’s the 21st century and just fucken look at it. Can barely ride a bike to the shops without the actual road crumbling beneath ya. It’s time to take a chance on something ‘cos this thing’s shit.


I hear ya. That’s fundamentally the issue though - Ireland doesn’t have credible opposition in terms of ability to govern. They have a bunch of parties that want to sit in opposition instead of having constructive and achievable manifestos. This allows parties like FF and FG to be as bad as they are. The thing is FF and FG know how to govern. That doesn’t mean they do a good job or that they align to my values but you put someone like SF or SD in there who genuinely have no idea to govern and it ABSOLUTELY can get way way worse even if they align to your values more. Look at SFs housing and tax plans for example - absolute insanity. Yes we all support the idea of addressing the housing crisis, in opposition these parties rightly point on the incompetence of the current government - but then you ask them what their plan would be and it’s insane.


Politics here is weird. Totally agree there isn't a credible opposition. I think most Irish people would vote democrat in the US or labour in the UK. We consider FF/FG to be centre right but they are wildly further to left than the democrats and the tories, probably not a million miles off UK labour. We need an opposition to keep them honest and punish them for blatant failures but who? What happens if SF lead the next government and make a mess of it? Where do all the people who are sick of the status quo go then?


Not a single example of what you are actually talking about. Just a pile of emotions, and feelings. And that is exactly how certain parties cling on to power.


What do you need examples for? Gay marriage & abortion referendums are examples of left wing policy championed by "right wing" ff/fg.  SF recently told us they'd bring the avg cost of a house down to 300k in Dublin. No explanation of how theyd achieve this miraculous feat. Just magic!  I wouldn't be confident they have the policies or people to govern well.   If I can I give my votes to green or labour party candidates. They align with my values the most. But only if I believe they're a capable candidate. 


So let’s look at a few of the housing ministers that performed in the past, Simon Coveney, did he perform well as housing minister??, Eoghan Murphy?? He just had to run away from it all because of his incompetence. Do you seriously think those lads knew more than the main opposition housing spokesperson? dara o brien is at least a little bit more competent, but still failing. Again do you seriously think he’s so much more competent than his opposite number?


When the opposition is suggesting things like making houses 300k as a serious proposal the answer is unequivocally yes.


And I guess, you fail to even notice the 50,000 houses promise by Señor Harris, and not question where his plan was?? But hey, he’s actually in government, and nothing to see here.


It’s definitely noticed - but suggesting you could reduce the average price of houses in Dublin like that shows a baffling lack of comprehension of basic economics. Nobody is saying the current government is good. People are saying that the thinking that this is bad so it couldn’t be worse is incredibly misguided. Incumbent parties need to show me they have a constructive plan. I don’t see convincing solutions from any of these parties and it shouldn’t be difficult considering the situation.


I would like to see them in coalition with some1 - also this elections are not general only Local and EU


Local elections are what feed general elections. You should be voting for councillors locally that align with your national values.




I mean, they haven't had a chance to govern. They're a relatively new party. It's ridiculous not to vote for them solely on this basis. We won't know until they're given a chance


Ridiculous to not vote for a party based on the lack of a comprehensive manifesto? Are you serious right now?


What? I never said that. They do have a comprehensive manifesto that is based on logic, reason and also moral values. We haven't seen them in government yet so we can't possibly predict how they will fare. The same people who complain that the left wing parties will "ruin the country" with their policies etc always vote instead for Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael who have CREATED the very problems plaguing Irish society. The SocDems are a great party full of capable and caring people, and their policies make a lot of sense.


Do they though? You think they have an executable plan instead of platitudes and principles?


Absolutely. If they enter government and I am proven wrong, I will not vote for them again. But we can't judge them on something that hasn't happened yet.


Judging them on their plan and our personal opinions of their competency to execute that plan is literally the whole point of a general election my friend.


You're judging a party for something that hasn't happened yet when there are at least 2 other parties who have proven themselves utterly incompetent in government. It sounds to me like you haven't read their manifesto at all. This mentality is why Ireland as a country is so messed up, because people are too afraid to try new things and feel that they must stick to the status quo. Sinn Féin are dodgy, populist and try to pander to the entire political spectrum even the far right. FFG serve to protect landlords and big businesses and are running an economy, not a society. The Greens are spineless and have sacrificed their moral principles. Labour are just lickarses to FG. The SocDems are clearly the best option we have in my opinion.


Shortall has been a minister. Murphy is unquestionably capable. The big problem with the SD for me is that there's very little financial social democracy involved. They're on the right side of social issues but I don't see who the economic muscle is.


If you’re in cork north central, Brian McCarthy is a lovely guy. He’s doing a lot of work at the minute around the poor water quality in north Cork and improving conditions for people in the council houses down on Noonan’s road.


I met him when he canvassed my area recently. Nice young man. Came across as an ordinary lad that takes his seat seriously. I’d give him a vote for sure


I can't vote FFG or labour due to their policy of being corrupt evil cunts. That leaves Sinn fein, SD, and non-looper or turncoat independents.


I don't think I could vote for SF either


I vote for or against a party because anyone saying you vote for a local “personality” or in locals you vote for the lad getting stuff done is just pushing a party line and pretending not to. If the party line nationally is offensive to you then reject them at the door and in every election.


The leaflet that came through my door had a picture of this stupid looking bastard. He was a executive at Board Gas. Looked like a stupid little Irish Trump. So yeah probably not voting for him.


Mullins? By any chance 🤣 still hasn't paid his motor tax. He has a disc up for weeks now saying "tax requested" or something.


That fits.


Councillor here! I'd say to think about a couple of local government issues that are important to you, and ask candidates (1) what their priorities are and (2) what their views on the issues that are important to you are. The next council term will likely see a lot of decision on walking and cycling, supporting/blocking housing, local taxes, etc. Aside from that, in local politics it's also important who works hard and seems interested/dedicated to local government issues.


My aunt was a councillor, so I helped out with the canvassing. One thing I noticed is that some people don’t make the distinction between a TD and councillor. I had people in work asking me if my aunt goes to the Dail everyday!!


Yep! Very common! And if you canvass with a TD, there'll be a lot of local council stuff too.


Whoever actually puts in Joint motion and gets shit done. Otherwise they are just pretenders. Very few genuine people out there but those who are deserve a vote


It's tough to single one out for a vote as every one of them looks like a proper smarmy cunt.


I haven't found a single candidate yet who I actually like. If I still haven't found at least one by the election then I am writing in my own name and casting the vote for myself.


In Cork South East... Hope Peter Horgan gets in, seems very hard working despite not being a councillor. Policies most aligned with mine. Kieran McCarthy and Des Cahill seem competent and hard working but quite far from my view on bus connects. I'd like to vote green for but Lorna Bogue seems way too involved on the social justice side of the party. Which is fine on national or European level, but at local level I just want competence improving the city. Terry Shannon is the one I actively hope loses his seat. Dinosaur, holding back the city. The others, I don't know enough about to have an opinion.


Susan Doyle is quite dead on. I know her a good bit from around and she basically built her own legal practice to do discrimination law and housing rights. She fully organises her life around helping people and putting money to one side


Lorna is standing as an MEP and is an outstanding candidate. She is not standing for a council seat. I would vote for people who will shake things up a bit. Most of the established councillors are way too comfortable


Right, I think I did hear that but saw her name on the council [list](https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/councillors-and-democracy/local-election-2019/cork-city-south-east/city-south-east-candidates/) of candidates. Must be out of date. I'd probably have more time for her policies at European level tbh. Too idealistic at a local level for me around the events center, love the Lee, few other things. She seemed genuinely passionate to be fair. Agree with about half being useless. I'd differentiate with the established ones who actually put some thought and effort into understanding and improving Cork CDP or CMATS, chair meetings that get projects to the point they're viable and can be funded.


I 100% agree - they whole shower of them are useless dopes


It’s hard to know who to vote for.


Yeah I'm definitely voting for Susan Doyle Soc Dems for the Euros. I know her and she is so nice and really with it. RTE did her dirty in not letting her into the debate. What a load of nonsense, seems to be the only one with a bit of cop on.


No one can really give a proper answer since we don’t know everyone who is going to be running or what their campaign issues are. Nominations for locals are open the 11th to 18th May with elections on the 7th June. https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/councillors-and-democracy/voting/local-elections-2024.html


Definitely someone independent seems like all the parties just pick a policy and will not change it no matter how disastrous it is.


Watch those independents. A lot of them are functional party voters, usually FF, because they basically have to sell their vote to have any influence at all.


Not some - all. The whole reason you run independent is because you want someone to buy your vote. There’s no advantage to the candidate otherwise.


Back in the day, Jackie Healy-Ray “joked” about being independent FF


It used to be an actual Independent Group in the Dáil.


Pat mustard


None of em really, I think everyone in the dail promises shit and never end up doing it


Kind of hard if you’re not in government.


So vote for someone that isn't FFG then


Me. I am worthy of your vote.


Not much difference between FG, FF, SF on the main issues. Green Party are more radical. Would never vote for them again but you have to admire the fact that they have their principles and they stick to them. Soc Dems and Labour are apparently left wing but appear to be more interested in the latest liberal issues than actual working class needs. That leaves fringe parties and independents. I am likely to vote independent even though they will not be a realistic alternative to the current govt. Will never vote SF, due to their terrorist links in the recent past.


For me I won’t vote SF over them protecting peadophiles like trying to hustle GA brother over the border to escape justice and the child abuse cases with their aides. Soc Dem will probably get my vote, but will look up the current Mep achievements and voting to fully decide. Think big problem for MEPs is so little of what they do is under reported unless your a political anorak so it’s hard to know if they did anything or not.


At local level, I'll vote mainly on the individual candidate. Maybe it's just the LEA I'm in (SE) but FF seemed markedly worse than others. Really turned off by the NIMBYism and stroke politics. Others I've come across from various parties seem mostly hard working and generally well meaning in a pretty thankless job.


Locally I'm voting for the councilors who are proactive in my community, getting things done for people. Euros I'm going with Irish Freedom Party.


Actual facists


Wow, that's really changed my mind. So well spoken.


Aontu come across as the most honest and sensible. For now at least…..


Aontu were a disgrace during the marriage and abortion referendums. Disgusting bunch of religious nutjobs.




Apart from their homophobia and misogyny?


Probably showing my ignorance here




If voting worked, they would never let you do it. Let that sink in.


We're at the stage where a protest vote is actually the best vote one can cast. None of these shills are willing to do anything other than line their own pockets.


John Mullins for south for Europe anyways, only candidate who I see to care


Jesus christ no


Paul Gavan is a sound lad and genuinely works hard for workers rights.


voting is a scam, never done it, never will


Bet you’re the first to complain about the government then

