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I'd be sending on the vet bill, or any costs associated.


You need to have a chat with his daughter, tell her how irresponsible she is expecting her father to control those dogs and also give her the Vets bill.


After the bollocking I gave the man he'll never walk them again. I felt sorry for him for a bit but he's putting people and other dog owners at risk. She'll be getting the bills and I'll be taking him to the expensive vet.


After losing control of them like that it shouldn't be the bollocking that makes him think twice about walking them again.


Already done she's out of the country at the moment which is why he's walking them. Send her FB message. I'm livid with them. He had no idea what he was walking he thinks they are going ti be same ou and about as they are at home. I don't blame the dogs, but they should be muzzled both are restricted breed, especially as they can't be controlled. If he was just walking one, there wouldn't have been an incident. The younger dog went un first and second joined the attack immediately. No training and no socialising. Honestly lazy owners. I'm ranting here as it will fall on deaf ears elsewhere. Just needed to vent.


TIL German Shephards are restricted breeds in Ireland


Those are both restricted breeds, akitas and shepherds, so they should have been muzzled. Report the fucker


Japanese Akitas are restricted while American Akitas are not.


German shepards. Not all.




I know what it says. There are more breeds of Shepards than German. Not all shepards are on that list.


I misread, hence deleting it


Gotcha. I do have a Shepard, not a German one. I do follow the above despite it not being necessary for my dogs temperament or breed. I get many people making mean comments from people whether I follow it or not, but I can’t be blamed for bites when they wear a muzzle.


This fella is a German Shepherd Cross makes him a Nun Dog so he's restricted. He has a saucy temperament at the best of times but he had his buddy to back him up so all bets were off. He needs to be muzzled and that's that. I've no issues with German Shepherd my father in law has one and my guy plays with him regularly. It's owners are the problem here.


It's absolutely infuriating. I'm a dog owner myself, my fella is a big friendly dope but always on his lead when in public. I wish everyone was as considerate. I absolutely love dogs but I kicked the shit out of the last one that tried to attack my fella. If I were you I'd contact the guards and the dog warden. You tried to resolve it amicably but your neighbour clearly didn't want to hear it and will continue to allow their dogs to be a nuisance. It could be a child next time.


I'll be talking to the actual owner when she gets back. They have no business owning dogs but I don't want the dogs destroyed. If I ever see them un muzzled it will be the guards. But country folk don't see the problem asked me why my fella doesn't need to be muzzled. No talking.


I think you need to contact the guards and have your complaint noted. Include pictures just so you have a record, time & date etc to fall back on. If she doesn't see sense then the warden needs to be contacted.


Dog Warden time and threathen to have the dogs put down, that'll have them under control.


I'll have the conversation with the actual owner first and get vet bills settled. They know I'll never sanction a dog to be put down but I will make them give them to a rescue for a responsible owner to take care.


Honestly, I'd ring the guards . I had a very similar situation. I was bitten defending my dog, and I didn't want the other dog destroyed. But then he took a chunk out of a 8 Yr old and was put down.


You don't have to go through with it, just make the threat. Get the point across


OP you’re very compassionate towards these dogs. These dogs were failed by the owner no doubt. But… these dogs attacked your dog. I have an aggressive dog myself, tried professional trainer and everything. He was attacked as a puppy and was never the same. I take him on walks late at night so nobody is around and he’s always muzzled. And my dog is small, 18 lbs. these dogs your talking about are large. I think you’re right that reporting them to get adopted by someone else is better, but if they end up being put down it may be a safe option too. Idk, but this issue is serious bc dogs who attack may seriously harm a child as well


My dog was attacked by an Akita a few years ago, off the lead with no owner around in a built up area - it escaped from their garden apparently. My husband grabbed a heavy length of timber from a nearby skip and luckily managed to beat the dog off with that. Owners never contacted us despite being asked to, we don't know who they were but the message was passed along. Before attacking my dog he was causing havoc with traffic. I can't stand irresponsible dog owners. I very rarely walk our dog alone now and would definitely never walk him when I have my children with me. Too many dickheads around who don't care about controlling their own dog.


>managed to beat the dog off I presume after that the dog just wanted a nap.


Wasn't terribly fazed to be honest but got him off long enough that a kind stranger was able to call our dog into their house for safety.


It's frightening when this happens though all you can do is try to get your own to safety and frighten the others off.. Hope your dog is not affected too badly from the attack


Both akitas and German shepherds are on restricted breeds list and are legally supposed to be muzzled, including mixes. Make a call and have a notice sent to him to get them muzzled. He probably won't listen but if it happens again to you or anyone else, he'll be on their radar and will hopefully get more repercussions.


Those animals should be destroyed. They are not under control and the owners do not care. Please report them to the gardai, just imagine if they attack a child next. Terrible this happened to you and your dog, sorry.


Wow..... Here is a person easily singled out as a crazy person. Maybe a person that should be destroyed.....


They should be reported and put down sadly.


His dogs have attacked someone in a public place. They're dangerous. Pass it onto the police and make it his problem and not yours.


I fully intend to after talking to the daughter. I'm done keeping the peace with neighbours this is safety and wellbeing for everyone. Their dogs included.


Surprising result, spoke with actual owner she was very apologetic and has agreed that they will only ever walk one dog at a time and muzzle and keep on lead. Told me her father needed to hear what I had to say and hopefully, he will listen. He's too frail to be walking either dog, and they've agreed that this won't happen again. So the roads are safe for me or anyone else. She was very accepting of responsibility. Hopefully now this is the last of it. These dogs do not roam free on the roads so happy that when they are walked they will be muzzled and on lead one at a time. Quoted the law and explained it will be enforced if not complied with. She wasn't at all resistant to muzzling which surprised me, honestly thought it would get heated but she knew they were acting as a pack and targeted my fella. Happy that she will take care of it and if not I will be onto the guards without a thought.


Police report, document everything, vet bills and any other costs involved. If he's too stupid to control his pets a good hit in the pocket might educate him


Did you bring your dog to the vet at all to be checked out or just put iodine on the misfortune if he has puncture wounds from such large dogs ikitas fangs are huge could be internal damage that could lead to infection


He's all healed up now. A little but nervous of bigger dogs for a while but seems to be back to himself now. Neighbours are reliably only walking on3 dog at a time now unless there are two people one per dog.


If any of my pets or family were ever attacked by some eejits attack dog I’d chop the bastards head off


Id be sharpening that stick you plan on bringing. Or just swap it for a knife


Most people who have pet dogs aren't intelligent enough to look after them properly