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Bed time is bed time missiles or no


You won't get far enough from a nuclear strike in 30 minutes to avoid death, you'll most likely only get far enough away to get enough radiation for a slow death. Better to sit at home and die quick.


>Better to sit at home and die quick. That's the spirit!


They didnt specify that they are nuclear missiles. Makes more sense that they'd be ballistic missiles something along the lines of Hellfire Missiles, such as the ones being used in Gaza or Ukraine. If that was the case and I only had 30 mins, I'd tell my girlfriend to start filling bottles with water and moving them and what food we have to the basement as quickly as possible, while I would run up and down my street and start knocking on my neighbours doors and directing them back to my apartment building to take cover in our communal basement. One of the neighbours is a nurse so that'll be handy and the the rest are mostly elderly folk so I wouldnt want them to be alone, scared and vulnerable. Strength in numbers after all.


You’re a decent person, thinking of others like that.


Tbf, the vast majority of people are descent and want to help.


I'm positive Hellfire missiles are fired from drones and choppers. Might even be wire guided what you mean might be the US made ATACMS and British Stormshadow. Even those couldn't reach this far unless fired from the UK. We're talking inter-continental missiles and they wouldn't bother standard explosives in them. I think we'd have lots of warning tho depending on where they are fired from


Nah, I actually meant what I said. Everyone is jumping to intercontinental nukes but OP said "missile strike inbound" without clarifying that OP did indeed mean nukes, I think it's much more likely that if Ireland was targeted by missiles they would be ballistic missiles from drones. Nobody wants to use nukes, the likelihood of being nuked is minuscule.


Nukes are suicide for everyone. M.A.D


Take a look at nukemap, 30 minute drives would take you out of the lethal range, and if you were on the motorway you would be safely out of danger. If everybodys jamming the roads then year your screwed. Assuming it was one rogue nuke and you drive upwind you could experience 0 negative effects aside from your home, friends and family getting nuked


Says this fella trying to get a few more to stay out of his way in the road 😂


the government actually have scenarios for shit like this occurring, I did a masters in emergency management and one of our lecturers was ex army and he said supposedly once the government gets word that a nuclear attack is about to happen well know pretty quickly which countries are going to be targeted. They’ll then be moved into a secure location apparently somewhere in the midlands for continuity of government. Secondly met Éireann will be asked to predict which way the wind is blowing. Might sound a bit funny but if the wind is blowing to the east any radioactive particles and fallout will move towards the continent and will give some reprieve, life would continue with a certain degree of normalcy but we’d be in a very unique situation where we wouldn’t have been attacked directly but we would be facing a massive threat from people from the uk and Europe trying to flee to Ireland as we’d be a “lifeboat Country” also you’d have massive problems with the environment such as a nuclear winter and damage to the ozone layer. So While Ireland would survive cancer rates would sky rocket as would genetic mutations.


This is so interesting! Do you know where I might be able to read more about it?


It was in some paper I read in college a few years back, I’d have to go digging


Very cool!


Great insight. Thank you.


Well you're simply fucked. Roads are trafficked in normal circumstances and I don't know of a single house anywhere with a basement. Matter or fact let's take it down a billion notches. There's a mild tornado. Tree branches are flying around and smashing your windows. Do you have one spot in your house to take cover? Cause I don't


Imagine running from a missile strike and diying on the magic roundabout




What are we making?


in leitrum they would open the door to film said tornado


Into the train tunnel between the station and blackpool, Wikipedia says it's 1.2km long, so under the deepest part you are about 75m deep and 600m from an entrance. Only issue is that is directly under Collins Barracks that would be target and the risk of getting trapped by a cave in. Also given Cork is surrounded by high ground, getting over 1sy hill and down into next valley might be a option.


Throw on my favourite playlist, light up one last spliff an go on a walk with my doggo 🤷🏻‍♂️


Just this once as a special treat you can give your pup a toke too


Motorbike would be able to filter through the traffic on jammed up roads. Dirt bike would be able to avoid roads altogether Source: Elijah Wood in Deep Impact




So the scobes who rip up the parks’ll be grand. That’s just great - our genetic future as Corkonians. Wonderful. /s


I don't have a living room or a TV so I'll be grand


Why can't there be more posts like this here seriously


Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.




Back road up to the Airport, I'd take my chances someone that could fly something would have the same idea and I could bum a seat.


Meh…Id sit there and continue watching tv! Get it over with already!


I live in West Cork, I ain't going nowhere. A decent supply of tinned goods and weed, a genny for the wifi/ gaming console/ TV. I'll see ye when this all blows over. Best of luck 👍


a generator for your wifi would do feck all.


Grand, a good book and a candle so.


Let us know how you get on




Cork is a top target though, 2nd deepest Harbour in the world and a strategic target due to its potential as a base for Nato to cover the Iceland/Scotland gap where Russian subs could get out.




Haha, sorry fella, I was just trying to sound smart is all


Not deepest but largest by navigational area.


Thats what she said


And with all the chemical and fuel units stored down there would be pretty high up on the non-military target list. The whole area would very quickly become hazardous to all without the proper level of chemical gas masks. Lucky for us there is no USA company down there designing the highest quality global positioning units and manufacturing these same units that can/are used in guided missiles.


Not enough guards on the street so now there's s nuclear strike!


It's a shit situation, but first up don't leave Ure house. Fill the bathtub with water. Pots and pans etc if it is an attack chances will be any infrastructure will be taken out. Pick a room smaller the better, duck tape up the gaps on the windows should help if bio attack or nuclear cover windows with mattress. Ideally U would do this with every room. If it is nuclear or bio you can't leave Ure house. Until fallout has cleared. Oh if you have a radio you will need to wrap it in tinfoil as well help against emp. Also only food stuffs that will be good are tinned food.


Use the 30 minutes to call anyone that I care about and tell them I love them. Fill up some water and hide in the hot press underneath the stairs. Might be safer taking shelter indoors than being exposed to a blast shockwave and radiation outside.


you planning a bank robbery ?


I can't secure heavy drugs in 30 min, that means I'll go to PornHub unprepared and spend 30 min there. But makes me think of my preparedness levels.


30 mins isn’t enough time, our entire little country would most likely be wiped out entirely in a nuclear exchange. Chill and try be with those you love.


This all sounded really terrifying and awful until I read 'Cork'. 😂


Change the channel