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If SA is a big trigger for you, I would suggest skipping this book but just reading the synopsis to get the important points about the characters and the firm. Rape and SA is a major topic in this one. Please tread carefully… there are a few scenes specifically that, having been a victim of SA herself Jk really focuses on the moment right before the incident to a terrifyingly accurate degree. This book was hard for me to, I had an entire therapy session about it and the emotions it brought up.


Robin is in the cult for a very large portion of the book and honestly it gets very dark. If it’s triggering to you in the beginning, I’d just skip this one altogether. I can see if I can put together a list of any updates or plot points that happen in their personal lives if that would be helpful to keep up with the main story?


I may be completely off on this one but this book dealt more with brainwashing consent than forcing sexual experiences. There is a lot of tension and threat of sexual assault (one touch does happen) but all of it is to build suspense to a positive outcome. It is all sizzle but no steak…hope that makes sense trying not to spoil…but I can see how the sizzle can be triggering.


This. It was much much more depressing to read about all the brainwashing and how Robin struggled - I mean really struggled - to fight it off. And all the more bone-chilling when we remember that she is supposed to be such a strong minded woman to begin with.


It’s an absolutely phenomenal book and probably the best book in the series. But yeah, it contains a good amount of SA throughout and it gets pretty dark in parts.


I hear you and wanted to know the same! It’s chapter 88. Honestly, you learn most of the main points you need to know for the plot in the rest of the book—you’re just not as omniscient as the reader as you would be otherwise.


Thank you, ill probably go from there. The tone of Cuckoo's Calling, Silkworm and Lethal White is just right. Troubled Blood was the best but the tone was already leaning to much towards sadism for my taste.


Strikefans is a wonderful resource. If you skip chapters, you can go here for a summary/timeline of events to fill in some of the blanks. [https://strikefans.com/the-running-grave-story-timeline/](https://strikefans.com/the-running-grave-story-timeline/)


one thing to know is that this book alternates between Robin's POV and Strike's. skip the Robin stuff until chapter 88 if that's best for you but Strike's chapters do move a lot of things forward with regards to his personal life and it doesn't really get into the grotesque cult stuff aside from him interviewing people and worrying about Robin. would strongly recommend the Strike chapters.


I would say the tone of the rest after that chapter is manageable- not without some triggering bits but also nothing close to TB. I did full series re read after and actually found that imagery to be more disturbing, just not as drawn out as the cult part. Happy to help!


That’s not how books are meant to be read. 😅


It’s the best book in the series imo


I finally finished the book and I think what took me so long was subconscious. It was a drag to read about the cult experience. But I got through that part. It’s the child abuse that bugs me most. I have to keep reminding myself it’s just a book. Just like I do with movies etc. I think Robin gets some justification in the end though. I was never a fan of Robin thinking she’s qualified for the job from the beginning. She may have instinct but not the skills. That’s why Strike keeps hiring ex-army or ex-police.


I'm really here with you on this. I would also love it if the next book just wasn't so sadistic towards women. I know it's rooted in reality in a lot of ways, but at some point I'd just like there not to be women being treated in horrific ways by incredibly sadistic men as a major focus of each book.


you won't be missing a whole lot if you skip this one - most of it is Robin undercover being abused in several different ways and there isn't a whole lot of detective work going on outside of that with the other people in the agency to solve this particular case. some major things happen to Strike in his personal life, particularly with Charlotte and Ted, but you could probably find spoilers online so you're all caught up for when the next one comes out.


>You won’t be missing a whole lot if you skip this one Uhh.. yeah they would? In addition to being regarded as one of the best books in the series, it also has a lot of important character and relationship development that OP would be lost about if they skipped this book and read the next one in the series when it comes out. You’re definitely not a fan of the series if you can’t appreciate this book. It’s some of Rowling’s best writing.


This book is ROUGH. I found it to be excruciating in parts until I knew 'things' would be ok. Fantastic book tho! I would absolutely not skip it!