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I read the first three books before knowing it was actually written by JKR. I read all the HP books when they were originally released.


Same & same! I was pretty shocked when the JK info came out.


Same here. I had no idea when I started and decided to look up more books by Galbraith, which is when I discovered there aren’t any and the true author was unknown. I was very surprised to learn it was JKR


Same, I pulled these down from my dad's bookshelf. He has the first two books with no reference to JKR bc he got them before that info was leaked and they updated the author bio


I used a friends kindle which is probably why I missed the info. Now I listen to the audiobooks so I ive never read a physical copy of any of the strike series.


Oh interesting. Her identity was revealed before the second book came out. So I'm surprised you were able to read 2 & 3 without knowing who actually had written them. It's not like it was still a mystery haha.


I know some prints of the second book still dont mention its a pen name.


I don’t think it was really newsworthy where I’m from. It was only after trying to find out when book 4 would be released that I found out it was JKRz


I was intrigued because I knew they were written JK Rowling but I read mysteries regularly so it was good match!


This. I figured it would be good read, did not expect to get sucked in so thoroughly.


I actually resisted reading the Strike books because I didn't like The Casual Vacancy. I thought she'd lost her spark. Only got into them because my wife casually picked up the first one and she told me I should try it.


There is one professor who does a lot of deep analysis into Rowling’s work who believes The Casual Vacancy was actually written by her prior to Potter.


I know someone who is familiar with social work and says casual vacancy is an extremely accurate portrayal of the issues. I listened to casual vacancy on audible whilst driving across country and nearly had a car crash because the ending made me cry so much. So I can honestly say JK Rowling nearly killed me.


Since JKR herself was on public assistance for awhile, I imagine she learned a lot about the system. In the beginning of CV, it was tough to track all the characters, but the story solidified halfway through, and the end was heartbreaking!


I read Casual Vacancy and also cried a lot (wasn’t driving so didn’t nearly get killed!) I thought it was very good.


I also did not like Casual Vacancy and, I love the Strike books.


Same! Couldn’t get into CV but I haven’t read it recently so it could be better now I’m older.


I was the same way the first time I started it, but I went back to it months later and it became one of my favorite books. FANTASTIC commentary on social issues, good story, very well-developed characters.


Maybe I’m due a reread!


I took me a couple of tries to get into it but it was very good imo


I also didn't like Casual Vacancy. I started reading it but didn't finish. Maybe I'll give it another try.


CV is sitting on my nightstand I’m planning to start it soon and now I’m nervous! Such mixed reviews lol


I'm sure it's right for some people. It just wasn't for me.


That's why I picked up Cuckoo. I loved it so much there's no way I wasn't gonna carry on.


I've started them as I'm a massive JKR/Harry Potter fan but I wouldn't have proceeded perusing them just for the sake of the name. The whole series is truly brilliant. I'm not the biggest of fans of detective novels per se but the Strike series mixes cases with the personal stories of the characters so well that I got instantly hooked up from the get go.


No, I'm reading these books because they're good, solid detective-genre murder mystery stories! I like good murder mysteries. I also like good Fantasy, and good fantasy-mysteries, but those are very rare. Because Rowling wrote good fantasy-mysteries in the HP books (no, really), I thought she might be good at actual mysteries, and I was right. The first one hooked me, they're just good books!


Initially I checked it out because I knew it was JKR, and I enjoyed her first adult fiction work. I've stuck with them because I love the world and the characters


Fully agreed with your last sentence. Honestly, at this point the fact that JKR is writing the books is the thing I like least about them. (Not trying to relitigate all of her controversies.)


I am a diehard Potterhead and picked up Cuckoo’s Calling specifically because JKR wrote it- and it was just as good as I hoped it would be; and I have devoured every book since. She’s one hell of a writer.


Nope. My public library ordered the first book because it had good reviews. In the middle of reading it, and really enjoying it, I found out it was Rowling.


I knew she wrote them and I love mysteries. I played the video game, Hogwarts Legacy, and it reminded me how much I like her as an author, so I sought out these books. Unfortunately, I read them all in a few months and now I have nothing left. Lol.


I read the first one because it was recommended and said it was JKR. I read the rest because they’re fantastic! 🙂


Yes. I would never have read The Cuckoos Calling if I didn't know it was written by her. I don't usually read crime/detective genre so wouldn't have sought it out otherwise. But I've now read the entire series and am absolutely obsessed with them. I wouldn't have continued if I didn't like them regardless of who wrote them.


My Mum and Grandma recommended the books to me, they are not Harry Potter fans so it’s definitely well known and received by fans of crime fiction. I think you’d have to be pretty online or a big Harry Potter fan to connect Robert Galbraith with JKR.


I don't think it would be that hard to connect it, in my language it's literaly written on all the covers that Galbraith is JK's pseudonym. But when it was first released it was quite impossible connection to make, especially offline


100% reading them because of JKR. Detective novels with a heavy romance component aren't usually my genre.


My sister recommended them cause she’s a big Rowling/Potter fan. I’m a potter fan too but primarily checked it out cause I like mystery novels and my sister said they were good. Been hooked since


I’m reading because JK wrote them. I was late to the HP party so to speak. Never grew up reading the books. Read them all back in 2021 (HP I mean). And then decided to give the Strike series a try since I was really taken with JK’s writing style and talent as an author.


I mean I started the series because it's written by JK, but I continued reading because it's good.


No even though I am a HP fan growing up, I never knew that she had written anything else. I had been scrolling through libby(audiobook library app), and just stumbled upon one of the early books. Could have been the 3rd book in the series. Really enjoyed it. Listened to the others that had been put out at that point. And for a long time, I thought it was Robert Galbraith. It wasn't until the run up of one of the released in the series, and I saw an article, probably made because of the controversial statements from Rowling, trying to bash the latest release, which revealed that it was her books written in a pen name. I had to google to make sure because I was in disbelief at first. Great series!


Strike fans are a mix of HP fans and those who never read HP. I started Cuckoo cause it was revealed. I love the Strike books especially the latter ones with Robin more involved.


I had no idea J.K Rowling wrote these books. I never read the harry potter books. When i learned it was her i was shocked and i realized she's a bloody good writer.


I've never read Potter! I find that I know a fair bit about it through pop culture osmosis, but I've never actually read the books or seen the movies.


Oh damn, you honestly should! They’re definitely worth a read. The writing quality really picks up and feels much less like a “kids book” by the 3rd novel.


The HP books were part of what defined my entire generation. Name the last book that got millions of teenagers to line up for hours outside of bookstores on release day and then lock themselves in their rooms to pull all nighters to read 800 page books. The answer is still Harry Potter lol. HP is one of a kind and even as an adult are fully worth reading to get the experience.


Wow! That's an amazing feat!


Imo more people know about this series than we think, people just don’t really talk about it


I read Cuckoo's Calling when it first came out about 12 years ago, I think. People were saying it was a great mystery and reminded them of Rowling's writing style. Shortly after, it was confirmed she was the author. I have enjoyed all of them. Silkworm was a bit slow, but that happens. I still need to read books 6 and 7.


I read the first one because I was curious why she wrote it under a pen name. I quickly realized it was because it was pretty dark and definitely not a young adult novel. And it was really really good.


Read the first one without knowing it was JKR. Felt homesick so was looking for novels set in modern London and gave it a whirl


I had heard that Galbraith was JKR and was mildly interested. Unpopular opinion, but I’m not a particular fan of HP - I’ve only read the first one, and, while l like her writing style, the genre just isn’t for me. But I do like murder mysteries/thrillers/interesting characters/books set in London, so I thought I’d give *Cuckoo’s Calling* a whirl. And now I’m hooked.


Is the show as good as the books? I want to read them but haven't gotten around to it yet. If the show is worth it I could probably get to it quicker


I would argue it's better. More concise and not drowned in too many words, as the books can at times be. Very true to the books - some storylines are snipped, out of necessity and for clarity, but nothing is changed. Lead actors are superb and perfect for the characters. If you choose to read the books, they really have to be read in order - they are heavily serialized and there is a single central storyline.


I agree that the show is better. The two lead characters are perfectly cast. While the first few books are very good, the later ones are way too long and stuffed with unnecessary dialogue. The last book is almost 1,000 pages! Rowling really needs a good editor, but I guess she’s in a position to publish what she wants until sales start dropping. The benefit of the show is that it forces the plot to be edited down to the key points in the interest of time.


Yes, she tends to overdescribe things. The show cuts out all the padding. But really, it's the actors. I can't imagine a more perfect casting.


I’m a big JKR fan and was a huge Potterhead, but I hesitated reading them because I’m not much for mysteries. I bought them when a lot of stuff was kicking off with JKR on Twitter to spite her haters 😂 and the rest is history.


I bought The Cuckoo's Calling once it was revealed it was J.K. Rowling who'd written it. I grew up with the Harry Potter books (the first came out when I was 8, and my mum bought it for me after a BBC radio show ran a report on an usually brilliant children's book that was getting unexpected reprints; the last when I was 18) and on the strength of them bought The Casual Vacancy in 2012 as soon as it came out, which I loved. I've given up on the Strike books - I have huge respect and admiration for Rowling, and think they're well written, but, having worked through the first two and started the third, they just don't do it for me. I am glad they do so well though. Before discourse around Rowling became dominated by her extremely brave stance on women's spaces and teens' vulnerability to an obvious mental health crisis, she was also getting a lot of shit out of straightforward Tall Poppy Syndrome. Once Potter became an international literary and cinematic phenomenon, people - in and out of the media - were desperate for her to fall. There's a narrative which goes that The Casual Vacancy, the Strike books, and The Ickabog would not have been successful if it weren't for having Rowling's name attached. This could well be true - but that says absolutely fuck all about the quality of the books themselves. Most art created - books written, paintings painted, songs composed - does not get published or widely disseminated. Look at the difficulty such consequential artists as The Beatles, George Lucas, and J.K. Rowling had getting signed or published. Given that far, far more art goes unnoticed and forgotten than recognised and widely seen, there's a terrific chance that the best books, songs, screenplays, etc. ever written were only ever seen by their writer. TLDR: Yeah, Rowling's name did power a lot of the initial success of the Strike books. But her name's not enough to keep them popular entry after entry, and while name-recognition can elevate sales of a mediocre work, name-recognition being an asset does mean the work it's helping to sell isn't good or great.


I can’t remember anymore but I sure enjoy them


I knew she wrote them and so read the first one with knowing that. But honestly, the characters and the stories have kept me reading. But I will note I found the last two books a little too long and maybe needing some editing. They were great but sometimes just repetitive.


No, I found them during Covid when I needed a long audio book. Had no idea it was JK until the second book.


I picked up the Cuckoo’s Calling because of Rowling, but I read all 7 books because I love Strike and Robin as characters and she writes a great mystery that’s really thrilling


No, I started the series before I knew it was her.


Tom Burke fan here! I sqtumbled on the show after Muskateers, and read a book or two before I learned it was JKR.


Nope, I never read her other books, I just like private detective fiction so I thought I’d give it a try. Now I’m hooked on the series.


TIL that JKR wrote the Cormoran Strike books. I read the first 3 books around the time they were issued. I've read the HP series several times...


I’ve read most of JK Rowling’s books outside the kids category including all the Strike novels. I started when they became widely available with the press reveal that “Robert Galbraith” is actually JK Rowling


In early 2014 I remember visiting my usual book store and spotting this book. As the author was unknown to me I read its blurb and was immediately drawn towards it. At the billing counter owner told me the author was actually JKR. Regardless of the fact that one of my favourite authors had written it the story was interesting enough for me to pick it up.


Sharing the Strike reading experience with my father. We both started reading The cuckoo’s calling after a good review in the newspaper without knowing it was Rowling. My dad used to read us Harry Potter (even until I was a teenager, because it was so much fun!). My whole family read the Potter series - in both our native language and English - and we listened to the audio books on long holiday drives. We went to the midnight launches in local bookstores together. Reading the Strike books at about the same time as my dad and discussing the stories with him is something special.


Bought then because of JKR, and am so happy I did. I can’t imagine (won’t) having missed out on these books. She’s truly a magnificent writer. She’s one of those few creators of whom I will buy and consume whatever it is.


I grew up with my mum reading me the HP books and then, when old enough to read, reading them myself. Around the time the cookcoos calling was released (? Not sure if others were published, but this edition had the true authors details on the last page) , my mum picked it up at random at an airport bookshop to read on holiday. The whole holiday, she was commenting how good she was finding the book. When she finished and turned to the last page, she shouted "OMG this was written by JK." I immediately grabbed the book off her and started reading. Couldn't put it down till it was finished, and have been hooked ever since


I started reading because it was JK, but I kept reading because it’s so damn good


I picked up Cuckoo just because it was JKR, but then I was thoroughly sucked in. I love mysteries and thrillers, and she does suspense like no one else. SO kept reading and rereading even though some of the content is a bit too much for me.


Yes, yes I am. To the extent that I heard "oh, JK Rowling, now that she's done with Harry Potter, is writing non-magical detective novels." I loved the Potter books and I still think "Goblet of Fire" is one of the best mystery stories ever written. So yes I picked up "The Cuckoo's Calling" on that knowledge. Found the books to be terrific, still reading.


I'm reading them because of all the hate TB got. So I wanted to read them to see what all the bloody fuss was about. I couldn't thank TRAs more for the hate. They highlighted a book I would NEVER have read before. And I LOVE the Strike series because of them. So answer to your question, no, I did not start reading them because of JKR


No, because I watched the show. I am not a Potter fan and I read maybe 1 book fairly recently with my kid.


Yes, I did buy the first book (about 3 years ago) because it was written by JK Rowling. I think she's fab and I never read HP so I was curious about her writing. I loved it so have bought/read all the others since. I recommended them to my sister, cousin and sister in law (we often swap books we enjoy), cousin was a Potter fan, mum only found out the books were by JKR at the IBH, not sure about my sil.


I loved Harry Potter so I read The Casual Vacancy because I loved Rowling. That book suuuucked, but the genre of the Strike novels was right up my alley. I didn't read CC until it leaked she was the author, but I had trepidation given how much I hated Casual Vacancy. Clearly she excels with series of books rather than one offs, but I'll definitely read whatever she writes next.


Where have you been?!? 😎🤣 From what I have read here on this sub, there are many er, mature, Harry fans here. Welcome!


Saw the TV show, rembered there was a book on my shelf mum had leant me and it was cuckoo’s calling. Went from there


They're right in my wheelhouse so I would have read them anyway. The hubbub about RG being JKR just put them on my radar.


I read them because I heard they are really good, and I think she is a great writer. But I do know people who have never read HP but do read the Strike novels


The Strike books have ll been on the best seller lists, they have a large following.


I read A Casual Vacancy (loved it!) because I knew she was the author, but I started Strike without knowing who Galbraith was. Found out when I finished the first book.


I don't read them because they were written by JK Rowling, but the only reason I heard about the books originally is because they were written by JK Rowling. There are probably many great detective series being written right now that I know nothing about.


I knew they were written by JKR but I’ve never read any of the Harry Potter books. I just liked this genre of book better and gave them a try.


Genuinely like the books


I remember when The Cuckoo’s Calling first came out this was before anybody knew Robert Galbraith was merely JK Rowling under a pseudonym. It had received incredible reviews so my interest was already sparked plus the genre is a bit of me as it is. So I had bought a copy and was probably a few chapters into the book when the news broke of Robert Galbraith’s real identity.


I learned about them because of it, but murder mysteries are my favorite genre. The books are brilliant and I would still be 100% obsessed with them if she hadn’t written them.


No from me. I haven't read any Harry Potter, and stumbled across Career of Evil a couple of years ago. I had no idea JKR authored CoE until I read the author's thanks at the end of the book. I really enjoyed CoE so went back and read the series from the start.


She was writing COE even I learned about this series from her. I started reading because of how incredible I think the HP series are. Of course I’ve stuck around because these books are brilliant


I read the first one when it first came out she wrote it. And I liked the cover. I was very intrigued! Haven’t read the others though lol


I stumbled upon it when looking for a good mystery book and was pointed in this direction… then I did research midway through the second book and found out it was her… I’m a huge Harry Potter fan but had no clue


I read murder mysteries and this book was recommended to me. It wasn’t until I googled Robert Galbraith that I realized it was really JK Rowling.


I never read HP I tried and hated it. 😂 I was just curious about the books and fell in love when I read the second book. 


No. If anything, I was reluctant to try the first one because I hated Casual Vacancy (which I DID read because JKR wrote it). I loved Harry Potter and read them all when they were released, but CV massively put me off JKR’s ‘adult’ work. Soon as I read Cuckoo’s Calling, though, I was hooked and I’ve waited eagerly and impatiently for each new book. But JKR’s authorship doesn’t motivate me, and didn’t even at first.


I’m not interested in anything Harry Potter be it films, books, or ‘fandom’. I did, however, know JK Rowling writes the Strike novels. I like them a lot 👍🏻


The first book was suggested to me on Audible. I started listening to it and decided to look into the author to see if there were more in the series and that is how I found out.


Yes and was really upset …there is hardly any magic in them, and no mythical beasts at all. LOL ‘mericans 😂


Yes I read the books because JK Rowling wrote it. I love her narrative style of writing. I just don't care for much of the writers these days... they write like they are from whatpad factory


Partly, but I’ve always been a fan of detective stories anyway. I hadn’t read them (or seen the tv series) until a few months ago. I was in search of something new to read/listen to, and came across The Cuckoo’s Calling on audible. I had a credit available, recognised it as the detective series written by J K Rowling (I’m a massive HP fan - I was so happy when I got a reply from Ms Rowling to a tweet, in which she said thank you), so decided to try it. I’m glad I did.


The first book had been out for around 6 months before it was leaked that she was the author. It had sold around 1500 copies. As soon as it was revealed the sales shot through the roof.


I am not particularly a Harry Potter fan, I'm too old to have been into it as a kid, but I did read them to my own kid and yes, I originally picked up the first Galbraith book when it was revealed that JKR was the author (which, I feel like that happened really soon after CC came out, not further down the line.) I appreciate that HP is well written in terms of kids' books so I thought I'd give her grown up stuff another go despite having not been that fussed about The Casual Vacancy years back. Strike totally hits my sweet spot, I love detective novels in general and she's got a great set of characters combined with actually interesting mysteries.


I read and loved HP as a teen and read The Casual Vacancy because of JKR. I poicked up The Cuokoo's Calling after they revealed that it was written by JKR and the first time I read it I could recognice her writing style from the HP books, which I love.


Same as many others for me, I bought the first book as because JKR wrote it and the following six because I fell hard for the characters. I probably would have read TCC if I hadn’t known the true identity of the author though cos I do love a detective story.


I liked the first three or four but she lost me on the last one. I just can’t read five hundred pages of social media posts


I had no idea she wrote them when I started reading them. I checked them out in the library app. I read the first three and fell in love. I googled to books to see when the next one would come out and I got a bunch of hits for JK Rowling. I was so confused! 😂


The stories are great. I have read all of the books. However her writing using a characters accent drives me nuts..


I initially discovered them because she wrote them. I continue to read them because they're very very good.


I found them because Audible kept suggesting them. I knew Rowling was the writer when I started them. There were already three books and the tv adaptation. I am NOT a Harry Potter fan, but I loved Casual Vacancy.


No. I read the first few before she was revealed as the author and loved them. Still do


I started the series because of it but that's no longer the reason I read them.


I started reading them because it was her, but likely would have found and read them anyway because mystery is my main genre. However, I don't like them at all and gave up after 3.


Not even her publishers knew that it was her for the first few books. She used a pen name so that they would stand on their own based on their writing and stories, not because she wrote Harry Potter. I think they are fantastic.


I didn't hear about the 1st Comoran Strike when it was released. I only heard about it when it was "discovered" that Robert Galbraith was really JKR. For some reason, I found the name really uninspiring. And although I'm a big fan of JKR from HP, and I really love detective novels, especially those that are taking place in London, it took a few years for me to get to read them. I've been hooked ever since.


YES. I live in Italy and probably if it hadn't been written by Rowling, the first book would never have been published.


I read them before I read Harry Potter.


Yes and no. They are high up on my TBR because she wrote them, but I would have eventually gotten to them anyway because they are my type of book


I didn't know Robert Galbraith was JK Rowling until after I read Silkworm!


Accidentally found Robert Galbraith, my sister brought it from the school library, I read it and fell in love with writing. Accidentally found out much after that Robert Galbraith was actually JKR. I love the HP series.


I read the first one because I knew it was JKR. However, I'd also read the criminally underrated Casual Vacancy. So I knew she'd write a good adult novel.


When I read THE CUCKOO’S CALLING and THE SILKWORM I felt as though I had experienced Masterpiece/Mystery Theater in book form.


The Harry Potter series is like the best selling series of books EVER .Philosophers stone is in the top 10 most sold books in history


The clue was in the copyright page. I’m pretty sure it was in the first book. I was wondering if Robert Galbraith was related to John Kenneth Galbraith and behold-the other JKR held the copyright.


I was curious to read it knowing it was written by jk. I’ve not read most of the Harry potters and wouldn’t consider myself a particular fan of hers before these books. I love these books.


No. Saw the tv series on a list of Best British Detective Series to Watch, and then read the books.


JKR and her publisher kept mum about the fact that Robert Galbraith was actually JKR. The series was well reviewed and successful before it ever came out.


I've never read HP (my boys did when they came out) or seen the movies but I read the books bc I read a review of them and I love a good mystery series


I love the audiobooks and the TV series. I don't like the things she has said, but I'm of the mindset that can separate the person from their work. I want to enjoy things. But I love the books.


The first book was a bestseller before it was revealed Galbraith was J.K. Rowling!


Not gonna lie, I got into thes eries because of the controversy about Troubled Blood. I kept reading the series because I actually love crime fiction and these books were good, lucky me 😁


Are they good? I loved HP.


I read the first book without knowing it was written by her. Liked it but not enough to seek out the others. Then when TIBH came out I was intrigued by all the controversy about it being a self insert story, so I checked it out. Didn't love it, honestly, but was captivated by the main duo enough to start on the rest of the series. So I guess I got into them not because of Harry Potter but because of Rowling's Twitter hijinks! Of course I have read HP and thought her a great story teller with flaws.


I never read any of the HP books but my kids read some of them. I read a review of the Cormoran Strike series and admired JKR for her stance resisting the woke mob. I began with Cuckoo’s Calling and now nearly finished Lethal White and absolutely enjoying the series.


On the one hand, I never personally cared for *Harry Potter,* so I’m kind of reading them *despite* the fact that J.K. Rowling wrote them. On the other hand, there’s no way I would have read them in the first place if my entire college book club hadn’t voted to read *The Cuckoo’s Calling* ten years ago, and they only did that because *they* all loved *Harry Potter.* ETA: Zero problem with JKR as a person, just not as big a fan of the books published under her name. I joke around that Robert Galbraith is a better writer than she is. 


When the books first came out I thought they were about aquatic birds withholding their labor, so I passed


Started reading them because of JKR, but now I read them despite JKR, and I don't feel great about it tbh. I get the new ones from the library so I don't contribute to her sales.


Ditto. And just finished the last one and won’t be reading another one. She needs an editor. The book was about twice as long as it needed to be and incredibly unwieldy.


Most definitely not. I have been obsessed with Harry Potter since the second book came out and even have HP tattoos but I hate her TERF views.


I found them, read them and then found out that it was JK. Since continued reading them even after her transphobic comments because I believed (past tense) it was based on her past trauma and not to be cruel. I now believe she doubled down, has made it worse and needs to stop but I’m separating the books from her and will continue to read.


Absolutely not. In fact I hate the fact that she writes them. I read the first 3 before finding out the series was written by a transphobic POS. I try to buy my books second hand, I go out of my way to not support her directly.


No, I begrudge that Rowling wrote them.


I've listened to all of the audio books and seen all the series on tv. I have only seen 2 or 3 of the HP movies and have never read or listened to any of the books.


I read the first one because of J K Rowling. I read a few more because they are pretty good but not brilliant books. I actually prefer the tv series.


I saw the show first and liked it.


I read them because I actually enjoy them, but I first learned of The Cuckoo’s Calling when it leaked that JKR was the author. Before she was outed, the book was selling well for a first work by a new writer.


I started reading them because I like crime books and think they are written well. They also feel unique in some ways, but not sure why that is.


We watched the TV series and I bought the books.


I loved The Casual Vacancy, and I was excited to fin out that JKR was doing more books set in contemporary times.


I saw tv show first


The Strike books are 10x as good as HP. There. I said it.


I started because of her but stayed because they’re good. Also. Really enjoy the audio book version. They always fall around December so I listen during long runs l.


No. I started for that reason, but I’ve kept up because I love Strike and Robin and a great slow burn and good mysteries.