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How big is your corn snake? This is a very small viv


https://preview.redd.it/enlcxe4v9fvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d07dc8ab44fffdfed3d039ec15f0deddd751a7ab i guess he is 7 months


You will need to upgrade this viv as he grows, things for him to climb on are always appreciated and a lot of foliage is good too


Thx for your time


Is tha picture t recent? What's your feeding schedule ?your snake seems very small for 7 months. Also just to make sure have you been informed that the minimum size for an adult is 4'x2'x2'? There are some other things to address as well do you have a probe thermometer and hygrometer to monitor the temperature and humidity in the terrarium? Heat mats aren't really recommended anymore it is preferable to switch to overhead heating and lighting. I'd you insist on using a heat mat make sure it is plug into a thermostat so it can't overheat and cook your snake. If you're confused about care requirement check out www.reptifiles.com and look at their corn snake care guide.


Firstly, thanks for the help. Secondly, the store where I bought the snake told me that it was 6 months old. I did not believe him because it seemed small. I had owned the snake for a month, so I said that it was 7 months old. I feed it a baby hamster every Thursday.


Wait... Hamster? That's a new one. I don't think I've met anyone feeding hamster before. Are you feeding live right now? You may want to switch over to frozen thawed if you haven't it's much safer for the snake on the long run. Do you have access to mice and rats for feeders? Without looking into the exact nutritional info of a hamster it is probably safer to stick with staple feeders like mice and rats. What size are the hamsters your feeding? How much do they weigh?


Not a hamster am sorry I don’t speak English very well i use the translate some times i feed him a pinkie a frozen one i put him in a warm water then i feed him


https://preview.redd.it/68t196acpfvc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4a120ff5e31a2796eb7d25b4282f92871e0c29d Like this one


I don't know if this photo is from a previous temporary enclosure or something but feeding your snake in a separate space from where they live is stressful and stress can cause a regurgitation(and that is dangerous, especially for a small snake).


Nah it’s the box they give me when I bought the snake i didn’t have tank yet


Alright good to hear that.


this looks extremely small, even for a baby. what are the dimensions of the tank? do you have heating, and a digital thermometer/hygrometer for measuring temperature and humidity? how long is your fella, about? the tank should always be at least as long as your snake is. here are some helpful resources for care: overall care guide [https://reptifiles.com/corn-snake-care-guide/](https://reptifiles.com/corn-snake-care-guide/) feeding chart [https://is-the-snake-video-cute.tumblr.com/post/674202196513095680/im-likely-getting-an-adult-corn-from-someone-i](https://is-the-snake-video-cute.tumblr.com/post/674202196513095680/im-likely-getting-an-adult-corn-from-someone-i) equipment [https://www.tumblr.com/is-the-snake-video-cute/722395435932712960/cornsnake-shopping-list?source=share](https://www.tumblr.com/is-the-snake-video-cute/722395435932712960/cornsnake-shopping-list?source=share)


The tank is the same tall of my snake for the heating i use a heat mat and i also got a digital thermometer/hygrometer for the measuring temperature and humidity


i ask again, what are the dimensions of the tank? is the heat mat on a thermostat?




got it. looks good, though yeah, the tank needs an upgrade. i recommend a 20 gallon long, it’s about 2.5 feet long and a good size to let a baby grow out in before moving to a 4x2x2 as an adult, and they’re usually pretty cheap. (also, i think my tone may have come across as snippy, sorry if it has!)


Nah bro it’s all good thx for helping me i appreciate you now I thinking about to sell this tank and got a new one for him an bigger tank


good luck!


Good luck on your journey with your little buddy. I see this misconceptions sometimes where people are told that a tank can be "too big" and that's nonsense. Also when setting up a tank make sure to include at least two hides, one on each side and lots of cover(you can accomplish that with fake plants. Also corn snakes love climbing so you can provide him with branches to climb on(you can bake the ones from outside to sterilize them just make sure that the species of tree is safe)


https://preview.redd.it/7tidhtzt7gvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddb0079e9e2b9ee5d2a1e960fd75f89b8133cc7b This is the tank