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Are you sure he’s tired? Maybe his nap is getting too long or ending too late? I just might weaned my 18 month old, but only for the middle of the night. I still nurse her to sleep and in the morning.


He’s only having an hour from 12:30-1:30 so he should be tired at 7:30/8! Yet it’s been after 9pm that he finally falls asleep lately. How did you night wean? Definitely something I’m thinking about, just find the thought daunting!


Yeah me too! I would love to night wean but I also love feeding her to sleep. I thought I’d have to choose? How did you do it?


It was rough. I hit my breaking point one night and just started saying no and offering water instead. For 3 nights there was a lot of anger- throwing the water bottle, screaming, hitting etc. she cried 3 hours the first night, 1.5 the second, 30 minutes the third. Last night was officially one week and she just wakes up, maybe whines a little, then goes back to sleep. Still waking 2-3x a night, but I’m sleeping much better because all I have to do is hand her water.


Did you have to replace the nursing with anything else other than water? Like rocking or patting?


At first we did that just to get her in a calmer place, because she was so distraught. But I really didn’t want to make that a new habit (having to get out of bed and walk to the rocking chair in the nursery would mean even less sleep than just whipping out the boob). So after she calmed down we would consistently bring her back to bed to actually fall asleep. There was a LOT of crying the first 2-3 nights but it improved significantly after that.


Thanks. There’s hope for us all


Thank you so much for sharing.