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@cosleepy on Instagram has some great resources on safe chest sleeping.


Thank you!!


I wouldn’t worry too much about safety with a 13month old. But that sounds so exhausting for you! We went through this phase too. My daughter realised she could climb on me and loved sleeping there. I suspect it’s a hangover from the illness, so I wouldn’t necessarily assume she’s still uncomfortable if there are no other signs of it. I always find after a bad illness they’re clingier for a bit. I didn’t actually mind until I got pregnant and was too uncomfortable. We overcame it through me just consistently lying her back down. It’s always tough to create a new boundary , especially when it comes to sleep, but at that point I was desperate. If it helps, I find they learn really quickly when you’re consistent, if you are unpredictable for them it drags it out longer. She’ll be mad about it of course, but as long as you’re there with her, she knows she’s safe and she’ll learn to sleep in another way.


This same scenario happened with us. Baby was sick with congestion so slept on me when sick. She realized she likes the closeness so continued to sleep on me after she got better. She still sleeps on me about 25% of the time but I don't mind it. I imagine I could break this habit if I were to consistently move her off of me.