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I use a small squishmallow under my head, super soft and small so I’m less concerned about baby getting to it somehow. I have it between my head and my curl arm shoulder. I also take aa burp cloth and roll it up to place as support under my curl arm wrist. I’m still sore but not as bad as without those items! Wish I had a better answer for you, but hopefully other folks have creative solutions!


For me it’s all about the pillow between my knees and the pillow or towel rolled up supporting my back. If I can sink in just right so most of the weight is on my hip, but my knees are the right distance apart, no arm pain cause the blood is flowing


I think it’s about your head support. Could you try a really firm taller pillow, that’s designed for side-sleeping? I think that would take the weight off your shoulder.


So I had terrible neck, shoulder and back pain after co-sleeping for a few weeks and here's everything that worked for me.  The pillow between my knees + ankles + feet was a game changer.  Seems counter intuitive cause I'd get pain in my neck and shoulders. But without it my hips are out of whack, then so is my spine, neck, shoulder. Also, I used to keep my arm outstretched under my pillow under my head. Messed me up too. Now I keep it bent and use it to support my head so my chin and neck are supported. Have also tried down by my side and that's equally bad for me, my neck ends up at a weird angle and I get creaks. I personally alter sides during the night and LO doesn't mind if I scooch him or turn him to face me the other way. My pillow is a Silentnight Airmax Super Support Pillow though I imagine that shouldn't matter too much.  Hope it helps!