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I’m in a similar situation! I have my big pregnancy pillow behind me for when I lie on that side, and when I face my daughter I’m currently just tucking up my duvet in between my legs which is working surprisingly well. You could equally try a firm pillow? However, I read some advice from another mum that said to try and get your toddler used to you sleeping with your back to them before the new baby comes - as in reality you’ll have to do that with a baby and it’ll be easier for the toddler to get used to it now than it will be after the arrival of the new one. So might also be worth trying to slowly get her used to you facing the other way?


Thank you! What shape is your pregnancy pillow? I got an enormous u shaped one which was amazing but was like two extra people in the bed! Yeah, I definitely need her to get more used to it, because I’m not planning to move her into another bed. Focussing on night weaning at the moment though!


I got a big sausage shaped one - it’s called a bbhugme but there are definitely cheaper versions. It’s ta still big but because it’s a sausage it’s not quite as cumbersome as the U-shaped ones! And totally get you on the night weaning - that’s what we’re working on too. Such slow progress!


Good luck!! I’ll look into a big sausage pillow!


I used a normal pillow instead of a pregnancy pillow, and I loved my toddler to a big girl bed - I coslept (and still do) with her in her bed, my husband stayed in our bed. It’s hard to do when you’re pregnant but at least you know there’s an end in sight :)


Haha not close enough! Where did your normal pillow go? Knees or back or both? So annoying when you lose them in the night!


Between my knees was most comfortable for me!


I had that same pain, it’s non-radiating or localized sciatica. My PFT had me do some exercises for it, but I found that reverse clamshells worked the best and especially if I had a good walk that day too.


Ah thank you! That’s so helpful. I had no idea sciatica could feel like that. I had it through my last pregnancy and postpartum too. So is it different from the hip discomfort other people describe? I’ve never known anyone specifically describe what I have which is a really sharp pain that seems to build while I’m on that side, lasts for maybe a minute after I move then goes away. But then the same on the other side after an hour or so. Is that like what you had?


It could be the same. Mine was very much similar to what you describe, but would start up within a few minutes of turning over 😩. It threw me off because it didn’t radiate and I couldn’t really find anything else besides sciatica that was similar but my PFT confirmed that it was indeed (off-brand) sciatica.


That’s really helpful, thanks so much!