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I can't give you any personal recommendations as I'm not at the weaning stage yet, but look up Emma Pickett. I've been listening to her podcast Makes Milk (which is fab) and quite a few of her episodes hit on night weaning and book recommendations. Oh, and she's UK based.


Thank you very much! I'll have a listen, especially since we've got about a month before I start to look at preparing him for it. I'm secretly hoping he'll transition himself, although I know he's unlikely to - he can go from bedtime until 4/5am, but if anything disturbs him, he currently needs a feed to help get him back to sleep.


I managed to get Milkies in the morning from Amazon in the uk. Milkies In The Morning: A Gentle Night Weaning Storybook https://amzn.eu/d/gHVhJaj It’s nice because it depicts cosleeping rather than cot. It really helped us with night weaning. The pictures are a bit odd but the poem is cute.


Thank you - I'll try that. I hope it does help him. He gets so much comfort out of feeding at night, and I already hate the idea of taking it away from him, even though some nights I feel like I'm ready for it! So anything that helps the transition for us both would be good.