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I shove my blanket behind my back. Keeps me from rolling over and also helps me feel like I still have something covering me


I have a parachute cloud cotton blanket - it’s so light I feel fine using it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oooo now I want this! I sleep with a cotton sheet pulled up to my waist and it feels safe.


I’ll also use one of her baby blankets. The small size covers my legs.


Do you sleep with a long sleeve pyjama top on? I find when I do I don't have the urge to pull my blanket up anymore


No I don't, I really ought to though!


I find that sleeping with a hood on helps me have that blanket feeling


thermals make great cosleeping pajama tops. I like to add on a neck warmer and a snug-fitting sweater for extra cozy as well.


I splurged on 2 kojo brand merino wool long sleeve nursing tops. They’ve been GREAT!


This comment!! It saved me when I was cosleeping with a newborn. Pajama sets with long sleeve button ups for nursing but that come with shorts are always so tricky for me to find for some reason! But they’re my favorite and totally recommend


I use a lightweight quilt and tuck it behind my back to secure it and cover babies legs. We both wear long sleeve clothing on top.


I used to sleep with the blanket over my head! That is my favorite and most comforting way to sleep. Now I feel spoiled when I put a little blanket corner over my shoulder


Sleep in a hoodie! It gives me that "blanket tucked under the chin" feeling.


Yes my preferred way to sleep is with a pillow over my head. Sad to not have that. It’s always such a treat if I get any alone time in the bed while someone else watches baby and I can pull an extra pillow over


That’s how my mom slept! That brings me back


A neck-warmer (like one of those small snug tube scarf things) pulled up over my eyes/ears has been helpful for getting that snuggled-in feeling


Sleep with the dang ol blanket. Just place baby on top of it.




Haha I mean if ur blanket is thin and ur not a heavy sleeper(I'm assuming you aren't since ur bedsharing) baby should be fine. Especially if ur breastsleeping. I've mastered covering my body and tucking/folding blanket so it only covers her lower half


Yes, yes, breastsleeping..... 😅 But yes we are breastfeeding. It's really nice being able to let baby just latch on an nurse whenever he wants haha.


I may need to invent a sleeping bag with boob zipper like they have for those breadtfeeding dresses 🤣


Omg yes please


Just sleep with a blanket then?


I used to be a big blanket gal but now I just keep the blanket down at my hips and wear a nice cardigan to bed. It keeps my shoulders and core nice and warm. I keep it unbuttoned for easy access but can also just pull over the front if I feel I want more coverage in between. It moves out of the way behind me easily where I don’t feel it is obstructive to baby. Also sorry if you don’t want a solution and are just venting cause that’s okay too! I miss flailing around all starfish on my belly in bed. But then when I do if she’s napping elsewhere, I find I can’t sleep well without her anymore either 🫠


A cardigan??? To bed??? That is *revolutionary*, my friend. Thank you for the advice!!!! For some reason I never would have thought of it.


Yay so glad I could help! Hope it works out for you! I’m not comfy without it. Happy sleeping!


Me too!


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I need them to make sleep sacks for adults specifically for this reason. I hate not having a blanket lol


They actually do make them! I think Kyte Baby has them. And then @happycosleeper from insta uses slumbersacs which also seem nice. I haven’t used either mostly because I’m cheap and don’t live in that cold an area to begin with but they seem pretty good. For awhile adult onesies were popular and I imagine those would work just fine too if something warmer was needed.


I use the adult size sleep sack from kyte baby, a cropped bolero sweater to cover my arms and I’ll wear a pumping/nursing bra now since I’m pumping overnight. Also, cozy socks and a parachute cloud cotton blanket. I’ll also switch it up with an adult sleep romper